
24%). However, it was approximately one order of magnitude lower than values reported for bird species in tropical regions of northern South America (1.8-2.13%). This result suggests that bird species from Chile show low levels of genetic structure and divergence. The small overlap between intra- and inter-specific distances implies that COI barcodes could be used as an effective tool to identify nearly all the Chilean bird species analyzed.Frogs of the genus Ptychadena that inhabit the Ethiopian highlands serve as a model system to understand biogeography, diversification, and adaptations to high elevations. Despite recent studies focusing on the systematics of this group, the taxonomy of the Ptychadena neumanni species complex remains only partially resolved, owing largely to the morphological resemblance of its members. Here, the taxonomy of this historically problematic group of frogs is revised by integrating morphological and molecular analyses on both century-old type specimens and more recently collected material. Based on these multiple lines of evidence, the P. neumanni species complex is shown to be more speciose than previously thought and four new species are described. With the aim of clarifying and stabilizing the taxonomy of the group, six species are also re-described and morphological and acoustic identification keys are provided. This study also establishes species distribution maps and reveals important differences in range size between the members of the P. neumanni complex, calling for adapted conservation measures across the Ethiopian highlands.Two new species of blind ground beetles are described from the southern United States. One species, Anillinus relictus sp. nov. (type locality E of Oneonta, Blount County, Alabama), based on the structure of male genitalia, is similar to Texan Anillinus, in particular to the endogean A. sinuatus Jeannel. The second species, A. felicianus sp. nov. (type locality 4 mi SW Jackson, West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana), is superficially similar to the endogean A. sinuaticollis Jeannel from Roane County, Tennessee, and represents the first record of the genus for the state of Louisiana. All species are illustrated with digital images of habitus, body parts, and male and female genitalia. Biogeographical and evolutionary implications of the new findings are discussed.As part of a study on holothurians from the southern Gulf of Mexico, some Holothuria mexicana Ludwig, 1875 were obtained for gut analysis. In two of them, a couple of eulimids were located inside the main tube of the respiratory tree. They were identified as Megadenus holothuricola Rosén, 1910, described from the Bahamas Islands, based on five specimens attached to the respiratory tree of H. mexicana. The original description was brief with few details, the type material is lost, and the species has not been found again. In this contribution, this species is confirmed for Campeche Bay, Mexico. The adult shell is globular to conical, transparent, thin, and fragile. Megadenus smithi sp. nov. https://www.selleckchem.com/ from Palmyra Atoll, Central Pacific is described based on adult specimens. It differs from its congeneric species in its more robust shell, the pseudopallium does not cover the shell, and its short and contracted proboscis forms a thick disc. Further research on these eulimid parasites is now complicated in the southern Gulf of Mexico because of the holothurian population collapse due to over-exploitation of the fishery.Living representatives of the Neotropical genus Choeradoplana Graff, 1896 (Geoplaninae, Tricladida, Platyhelminthes) are easily recognized by the typical shape of the head which is laterally expanded, rolled-up, and ventrally provided with two glandular cushions. In this study, the morphology and phylogeny (cytochrome C oxidase subunit I gene) of several species of land planarians are taxonomically investigated. Four of the six species studied are new to science, namely Ch. eudoxiae Silva & Carbayo, sp. nov., Ch. claudioi Lago-Barcia & Carbayo, sp. nov., Ch. onae Lago-Barcia & Carbayo, sp. nov., and Ch. riutortae Lago-Barcia & Carbayo, sp. nov. The species Choeradoplana albonigra and Ch. eudoxiae deviate from the usual body shape pattern in that the head does not present lateral expansions nor glandular cushions, becoming indistinguishable from its sister genus Cephaloflexa. Pseudogeoplana tristriata (Schultze & Müller, 1857) is also redescribed from a newly collected specimen and was discovered to be a member of Choeradoplana. Graff (1899) also studied another specimen that was considered to be conspecific with P. tristriata; however, in this new it is concluded that it is not conspecific but rather a new species. The name Pseudogeoplana aevipandemiae Lago-Barcia & Carbayo, sp. nov. is suggested for Graff's specimen.The American Academy of Pediatrics and until recently the Canadian Paediatric Society recommend preterm infants undergo an Infant Car Seat Challenge test prior to discharge to rule out systemic oxygen desaturation when placed at a 45-degree angle in a car seat. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) provides objective measurements of the impact of systemic oxygen (SO2) desaturation, bradycardia, or both on cerebral regional oxygen saturation (rSO2).
To characterize baseline cerebral rSO
during a car seat trial in preterm infants ready for discharge.

A prospective observational study was performed in 20 infants (32
5 weeks [mean] at a postmenstrual age 37
6 weeks [mean]). Cerebral rSO
was continuously monitored by placing a NIRS transducer on head during Infant Car Seat Challenge (ICSC). Failure of an ICSC was defined as two SO
desaturation events below 85% for more than 20 seconds or one event below 80% for 10 seconds.

The lowest SO
was 70% with a lowest NIRS recording of 68%. Three infants fail systemic oxygen desaturation or bradycardia when they are otherwise ready for discharge.
Congenital anomalies are a major public health problem which is defined as structural or functional anomalies that occur during intrauterine life which can be detected prenatally, at birth, or sometimes may only be detected later in infancy. The impact of congenital anomalies is severe in middle- and low-income countries than in other developed and developing countries.

To assess the prevalence and trends of congenital anomalies among neonates admitted at Jimma Medical Center from 2017 to 2019.

A facility-based retrospective, descriptive crossectional study was conducted among neonates admitted at Jimma Medical Center from 2017-2019. Descriptive analysis (frequency and percentage) was calculated for the variables. The result was present in the table, text, and figure.

From a total of 3346 admitted neonates, 199 (5.95%) neonates were diagnosed with congenital anomalies; of which 120 (60.3%), 146 (73.4%), 144 (72.4%) and 30 (15.1%) of neonates were males, urban dwellers, delivered with normal birth weight and had multiple congenital anomalies, respectively.