
From the study it is observed that population with positive hormone receptors (ER/PR +) and living in the urban areas is experiencing survival rate.
Peri-operative macroscopic margin assessment with standard intraoperative specimen radiography (IOSR) results in improved re-excision rates in excised breast tissue specimens but is limited. This study sought to improve the intraoperative margin assessment on standard IOSR techniques by utilizing noninvasive X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) imaging of breast tissue specimens to compare margins in three-dimensional with two-dimensional IOSR.

Patients with impalpable breast carcinoma, or suspected breast carcinoma, who were eligible for breast-conserving surgery were recruited. Margins were assessed within each specimen using standard IOSR, micro-CT, and histology techniques.

Six malignant and three benign lesions were included for the analysis in this study. Micro-CT identified the same positive margin as IOSR in 3 out of 6 malignancies. However, margin status identified by micro-CT was concordant with pathological assessment in only one specimen. In comparison, margin assessment by IOSR correctly correlated with pathological margin status in three malignant specimens.

The use of micro-CT imaging in this study did not improve margin assessment in impalpable breast specimens when compared to standard specimen radiography (SR) assessment. However, future improvements in sample preparation and CT image acquisition processes may enhance the potential of micro-CT as a valuable imaging tool for improving margin assessment.
The use of micro-CT imaging in this study did not improve margin assessment in impalpable breast specimens when compared to standard specimen radiography (SR) assessment. However, future improvements in sample preparation and CT image acquisition processes may enhance the potential of micro-CT as a valuable imaging tool for improving margin assessment.
Women in developing countries usually delay in presenting their symptoms as a part of the early diagnosis program. This study was conducted for analyzing the reason of patient's delay and its relation with socioeconomic and health conditions, knowledge, and women's belief about breast cancer (BC).

This study used a cross-sectional design in the early detection center in Kurdistan (North Iraq). Women were interviewed about socioeconomic and health background, knowledge, and belief about BC.

The median of patient delay in the BC symptomatic women in this study was higher (30 days) as compared with developed countries. Patient delay was longer in women who were widows, had a barely self-perceived economic status, and had chronic diseases. There was a significant relationship of patient delay with women's health motivation and perceived barrier to seeking medical care.

Health promotion program should emphasize on the women's motivation about early diagnosis and seeking to early detection.
Health promotion program should emphasize on the women's motivation about early diagnosis and seeking to early detection.
Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), a type I transmembrane protein of the epithelial tissues and known cell adhesion molecule, has been demonstrated to have critical role in carcinogenesis. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Aloxistatin.html In breast cancer, EpCAM expression has been associated with poor prognosis. The expression pattern of EpCAM across molecular subtypes of breast carcinoma has been studied in patients reporting to a South Indian multispecialty tertiary care hospital. The prognostic significance of EpCAM expression pattern and probable response to therapy has also been addressed.

EpCAM expression was assessed by immunohistochemical studies on 200 breast carcinoma tissue samples of different molecular subtypes, including luminal A, luminal B, Her2Neu, and triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). The expression was scored using the standard scoring system. A correlation was drawn with detailed clinicopathologic annotation and available outcomes data to analyze the influence of EpCAM on prognosis.

EpCAM expression varied significantly in the different intrinsic subtypes of breast carcinoma. Differential expression was also established with different grades of breast carcinoma with varying levels of differentiation. We observed strong EpCAM expression in TNBC among other subtypes.

The differential expression of EpCAM among intrinsic subtypes of breast cancer and the correlation of EpCAM expression with high-grade breast carcinoma shown in the study have important implications in understanding the role of EpCAM and might form the basis for developing targeted therapies in breast cancer in the future.
The differential expression of EpCAM among intrinsic subtypes of breast cancer and the correlation of EpCAM expression with high-grade breast carcinoma shown in the study have important implications in understanding the role of EpCAM and might form the basis for developing targeted therapies in breast cancer in the future.
Breast cancer (BC) is the most common cancer in Indian females. The irradiation of internal mammary lymph nodal area (IMLN) is recommended by latest guidelines and literature, even in patients with N1 nodal disease, but it is not routinely done in many institutes due to the risk of late lung and heart toxicities. The incidence of isolated IMLN recurrence <1%. The incidental radiation therapy (RT) dose to axillary lymph nodal area (ALN) could result in lower local recurrences according to literature. The aim of this study is to assess the incidental IMLN area RT dose in patients treated with forward planning intensity-modulated RT (FIF-IMRT).

The aim of our study is to evaluate the RT dose received by IMLN area incidentally in FIF-IMRT and is a single-institute dosimetric study. The patients planned for RT after breast conservation surgery (BCS) or modified radical mastectomy (MRM) were evaluated for IMLN incidental dose.

The mean doses to IMLN area (D
) were comparable to literature for both BCS and MRM patients. All other dose parameters (D95, D90) in our study were slightly lower but comparable to literature for the FIF-IMRT planning. Interestingly, the incidental IMLN RT doses in our study are in the same range as the incidental ALN RT doses studied in the literature (48%-68%).

The IMLN area receives a major amount of incidental radiation dose during conformal RT by FIF-IMRT and higher doses for MRM than BCS. This RT dose is not in the therapeutic range but is comparable to the incidental dose to ALN area reported in the literature.
The IMLN area receives a major amount of incidental radiation dose during conformal RT by FIF-IMRT and higher doses for MRM than BCS. This RT dose is not in the therapeutic range but is comparable to the incidental dose to ALN area reported in the literature.