
A 63-year-old Japanese male with stomach adenocarcinoma received oral 5-fluorouracil derivative, cisplatin and trastuzumab chemotherapy. On day 8, severe diarrhea and mucositis developed; chemotherapy was stopped. On day 14, the patient developed renal dysfunction and febrile neutropenia. He also suffered from pneumonia due to Candida albicans. Systemic symptoms improved after intensive conservative treatment. Best supportive care was continued until the patient died from gastric cancer. The dihydropyrimidine dehydroge-nase protein level was low at 3.18 U/mg protein. The result of DPYD genotyping revealed three variants at posi-tions 1615 (G > A), 1627 (A > G), and 1896 (T > C) in exons 13, 13, and 14, respectively.A minimally invasive posterolateral approach designed to avoid the lateral misplacement of midcervical pedicle screws was reported, but there is no technical report that describes this technique without C-arm fluoroscopy. We report the results of a 2.5 years follow-up of a 62-year-old female patient with C4 metastatic breast cancer. The patient suffered from severe neck pain and impending quadriplegia for 2 months after radiation therapy. We performed C-arm-free minimally invasive cervical pedicle screw fixation (MICEPS). The patient was suc-cessfully treated with surgery, and her neck pain was well controlled. She had neither neurological deficits nor neck pain at the final (2.5-year) follow-up. C-arm-free MICEPS is a useful technique; in addition, the sur-geons and staff have no risk of radiation exposure, there is a reduced need for postoperative imaging, and a decreased revision rate can be expected with C-arm-free MICEPS.Polymorphisms in methotrexate transporter pathways have been associated with methotrexate toxicities and clearance. Recent genome-wide association studies have revealed that the SLCO1B1 T521C variant is associated with methotrexate elimination. We present a case of a pediatric patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who suffered from persistently high plasma methotrexate concentrations and acute kidney injuries after the admin-istration of a medium dose of methotrexate. Subsequent genetic analysis showed that he was a carrier of dys-functional genetic variants associated with methotrexate clearance. This case highlights that polymorphisms of methotrexate transporter pathways can adversely affect methotrexate elimination in a clinically significant manner.Active treatment with intramedullary screw fixation is now common for athletes with Jones fracture. Outcomes are generally good, but complications can occur. We report 4 rare complications of intramedullary screw fixa-tion. Two cases developed osteomyelitis and pseudarthrosis caused by thermal necrosis. In the other two cases, screw-related complications occurred during the insertion of the tapered headless screw. Although thermal necrosis and screw insertion failures are considered rare complications and not widely reported in the litera-ture, they do occur occasionally. Knowing the mechanisms underlying these complications could help prevent them, and knowing their course could lead caregivers to appropriate interventions when they do occur.Soft tissue myoepitheliomas are often misdiagnosed due to their rarity. Herein, we describe a case of soft tissue myoepithelioma of the shoulder. A 72-year-old woman had a suspected sarcoma on her shoulder and under-went open biopsy. She was referred to our hospital, where the tumor was widely resected and the diagnosis of myoepithelioma was histologically confirmed. No recurrence has been observed in the 3 years since the sur-gery. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/hrs-4642.html Careful and prompt planning is necessary for the effective treatment of myoepithelioma.Cardiac metastasis originating from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a rare condition with a poor prognosis. No therapeutic standards for cardiac metastasis originating from HCC have been established. At 19 months after a curative hepatectomy, a 64-year-old Japanese hepatitis B virus-positive male patient experienced solitary cardiac metastasis originating from HCC. The cardiac tumor was discovered in the right ventricle. The patient received three courses of radiotherapy and chemotherapy and survived > 3 years after the initial diagnosis of cardiac metastasis. His case demonstrates that radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy can be an effective treatment for cardiac metastasis.We report a successful dissection of metastatic posterior thoracic para-aortic lymph node (No. 112aoP) via bilateral thoracoscopic surgery. With the anesthetized patient (a 73-year-old Japanese woman) in the prone position, two working ports were inserted for the left-side approach, and artificial pneumothorax was created. Thoracoscopic examination revealed a swollen LN posterior to the descending aorta. Fat and metastatic LNs posterior to the aorta were dissected from the aortic arch level to the diaphragm while preserving intercostal arteries. For the right-side approach, two working ports were inserted and a routine thoracoscopic esophagec-tomy was performed. Gastric conduit reconstruction was achieved laparoscopically. Operation time for the left thoracic procedure 54 min; estimated blood loss almost none. No recurrence was detected 24 months post-operatively. There are several surgical options for approaching No. 112aoP, including transhiatal, left thora-cotomy, and thoracoscopy. Although a wide dissection of the posterior thoracic para-aortic area has not been reported, it may be feasible and safe if the artery of Adamkiewicz and intercostal arteries are preserved. A min-imally invasive bilateral thoracoscopic approach for a thoracoscopic esophagectomy is safe and useful for esophageal cancer patients with solitary No. 112aoP metastasis.Few studies have investigated the influence of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on emer-gency medical service (EMS) systems, especially in areas less affected or unaffected by COVID-19. In this study, we investigated changes in prehospital EMS activity and transport times during the COVID-19 pandemic. All patients transported by EMS in the city of Okayama from March-May 2019 or March-May 2020 were included. Interfacility transports were excluded. The primary outcome was the time from a patient's first emergency call until hospital arrival (total prehospital time). Secondary outcomes included three segments of total prehospital time the response time, on-scene time, and transportation time. Total prehospital time and the durations of each segment were compared between corresponding months in 2020 (COVID19-affected) and 2019 (control). The results showed that total prehospital times in April 2020 were significantly higher than those in 2019 (33.8 ± 11.6 vs. 32.2 ± 10.8 min, p less then 0.001).