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12 hrs ago

Are Your Health & Vitamin Supplements Worth The Money Considering How Many Supplement Companies Have Been Taken Over By Big Pharma? (Video)

Sondra Pariser joins me in this episode as we look at how Big Pharma has taken over quite a bit of once-great supplement and vitamin companies and is putting toxic chemicals in them, as well as fillers. In the process, the customer is harmed physically and financially. We’ll also share...


Essential Supplements for Men's Health and Wellness

Beware! These Popular Supplements Are Harming Your Thyroid

Health Ranger's Nascent Iodine - Vitamin D3 + K2 60 Capsules - Organic Turmeric Root Powder - (NEW PRODUCT) Organic Date Sugar - (ON SALE NOW) Organic White Cheddar Cheese Powder - (ON SALE NOW) Organic Non-Fat Milk Powder - Support this Channel by Purchasing any Product on BrighteonStore.comCould your thyroid supplements do more harm than good?Learn the shocking truth about how popular supplements actually sabotage thyroid health.Discover which nutrients secretly trigger hypothyroidism, inflammation, and absorption issues.In this video, we will reveal the supplements to use cautiously or avoid completely.


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12 hrs ago

Are Your Health & Vitamin Supplements Worth The Money Considering How Many Supplement Companies Have Been Taken Over By Big Pharma? (Video)

Sondra Pariser joins me in this episode as we look at how Big Pharma has taken over quite a bit of once-great supplement and vitamin companies and is putting toxic chemicals in them, as well as fillers. In the process, the customer is harmed physically and financially. We’ll also share...


Essential Supplements for Men's Health and Wellness

Beware! These Popular Supplements Are Harming Your Thyroid

Health Ranger's Nascent Iodine - Vitamin D3 + K2 60 Capsules - Organic Turmeric Root Powder - (NEW PRODUCT) Organic Date Sugar - (ON SALE NOW) Organic White Cheddar Cheese Powder - (ON SALE NOW) Organic Non-Fat Milk Powder - Support this Channel by Purchasing any Product on BrighteonStore.comCould your thyroid supplements do more harm than good?Learn the shocking truth about how popular supplements actually sabotage thyroid health.Discover which nutrients secretly trigger hypothyroidism, inflammation, and absorption issues.In this video, we will reveal the supplements to use cautiously or avoid completely.

Gary Michael Null is an American talk radio host and author who advocates pseudoscientific alternative medicine and produces a line of questionable dietary supplements -


Acidophilus flourish in the small intestine where they assist in the production of enzymes and stimulate enzyme activity, thus enhancing more efficient assimilation of nutrients. Acidophilus produce acidophilin, a natural antibiotic substance; lactase, the enzyme responsible for digesting lactose (a milk sugar); certain B-complex vitamins, including B1, B2, B12 (acidophilus are the most plentiful source of B12), biotin and folic acid; and vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and for the production of osteocalcin, the primary protein component of bone.

Acidophilus inhibit the overgrowth of harmful intestinal microorganisms, such as Candida albicans and the putrifactive or coliform bacteria which cause flatulence and putrification in the colon. Acidophilus create an acidic environment which is intolerable to such “undesirables,” and outperform these microorganisms in the competition for food sources and living space in the colon. Dr. John Parks Trowbridge, author of The Yeast Syndrome, is an advocate of probiotic supplementation in the fight against Candida albicans overgrowth.

Acidophilus protect the intestinal mucosa, prevent constipation and diarrhea, enhance bowel elimination, as well as aid digestion, assist in metabolizing calcium, provide essential nutrients for building the blood, control the buildup of serum cholesterol, and stimulate the body’s immune system by assisting white blood cells in fighting disease-causing pathogens.

An article in Clinical Nutrition reports Lactobacillus acidophilus help to prevent the formation of carcinogenic growths in the intestinal tract. Further studies have confirmed the anticarcinogenic and anti-tumor activity provided by these bacteria.

Researchers have begun studying Lactobacillus acidophilus for the treatment of urinary tract infections and vaginal yeast infections. According to a study published recently in the Journal of the American Medical Association, women using vaginal suppositories containing Lactobacillus acidophilus experienced 79% fewer urinary tract infections than during the previous year.

Individuals having had antibiotic therapy, colonics, diarrhea, enemas or prolonged cleansing which can reduce healthy intestinal flora should consider probiotic supplementation. Furthermore, since acidophilus supply the greatest source of vitamin B12, those with anemia may find acidophilus supplements helpful, as sufficient levels of B12 are essential for proper utilization of iron in the body.