👀✨ #Righteous #Servant #Isaiahs #Prophetic Book Pt167 on Battle Lines
Righteous Servant of the #Lord shall #justifymany. The #bloodatonement on #thecross provides an #offeringforsin. He shall see #hisseed and witness the #travail of his soul. With this shall the Lord be satisfied. Herein, we finish this chapter which #Isaiah details the suffering and victory of the Righteous Servant of the Lord who shall be successful. The center of the cross, the suffering, the bearing of our sins, the #resurrection and his #appearance to those who love him. The Apostles are among many who witnessed the #resurrectedChrist. The saw his ascension to heaven and heard the words, "this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, #shallsocome in like manner as ye have seen him go into #heaven"-Acts 1:11 KJV.
|#RighteousServant #DeclaringHisGeneration, #ChristJesus, #Gospel, #sufferingservant, #greatsonofdavid, #YeshuaHaMassiach, #Hehasredeemed#, #ThyWatchmen, #Zion, #KingdomofGod
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