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"We have the idiot Supreme Court Justices acting in 2013 to thank for this."

The Motive Exposed
By Anna Von Reitz

Here it is, again, the United States Supreme Court Case: Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, argued in 2013.

Everyone realizes that the virus invoked as the culprit for the entire shutdown and fiasco is the Common Cold Virus, right?

And we all also know that the Common Cold Virus has far too many variants and is too given to mutation to tame, right?

We also know that left to itself, the Common Cold Virus is irritating, but survivable. Our bodies have adapted over millions of years to thrive in spite of the Common Cold, which has little chance of killing anyone over the age of early infancy or past the age of 80.

We have all lived all our lives with the Common Cold at our elbows, runny nose, watery eyes, moderate fevers, headaches, sinus congestion, body aches, and all.

And so what? Why the sudden hysteria? Why the Fake Out, giving the Common Cold Virus this sudden new persona veiled by scientific and brand names?
Why shut down the world economy and vaccinate billions of people and expose them to worse threats via an experimental vaccine?

Ah, in the name of "science" --- to experiment with the human genome on a vast scale and see the results.

That's part of the motivation for men like Fauci, who are cut out of the old Nazi cloth, and have no morality at all.

Billions of dollars in profits from patents and programs and grants doesn't hurt, either.

Have you seen how many billions of doses of this purported vaccine the For-Hire Municipal Corporations based in the District of Columbia bought?

And how much money people like Anthony Fauci made off that?

Cui bono? Just ask yourselves, who benefits?

It's easy enough to see the direct beneficiaries like Fauci and Pfizer, those that filled their pockets directly from the public trough, but what about the Municipal Government corporations paying out all this money for this dubious product?

What did they get out of it?

Slaves. Millions upon millions of slaves. The most valuable commodity on Earth.

How is that possible?

By unlawfully and deceitfully using the Pathology v. Myriad Genetics case results noted above, to claim that billions of people voluntarily accepted conversion and willingly made themselves into mere Genetically Modified Organisms, owned under patent.

GMO Transhumans, that is, who are owed no Human Rights, much less any natural and unalienable rights.

Transhumans, according to the claims and theories of the monsters responsible, are slaves of their owners, literally owned by the patent holders that engineered the tiny snippets of mRNA and DNA inserted into their genome without their informed consent.

We have the idiot Supreme Court Justices acting in 2013 to thank for this.

Oh, and Bill Gates. DARPA. DOD. The Chinese Development Fund (aka, CIA Pension Fund). USA, Inc. Etc. Et Alia. Just include all those individuals and entities that hope to grossly benefit themselves and increase their coercive power by promoting the theoretical "legal" existence of a vast worldwide slave population deprived of all rights and prerogatives.

And then look at the Public Law passed by our State Assemblies holding all General Jurisdiction in this country, outlawing all of this, absolutely.

We weren't disorganized or asleep this time.

So no matter what the US Patent Office says, these entities have no claim on us, and no claim on anyone else in this country, whether or not they "accepted" the offending vaccine.

We would argue and do argue, that they have no valid claim on anyone, period, at all, because all these mechanizations have been undertaken under conditions of deliberate self-interested deceit and non-disclosure -- fraud, in other words.

This circumstance voids any and all commercial claims and patents associated with this incipient enslavement racket and the associated "domestic" bioweapons test program foisted off on the living people by the DOD, DARPA, WHO, CIA, INC. --- etc., which are all legal fictions with no natural right to exist.

We call for the immediate arrest and prosecution of all individuals and organizations complicit in this genocide and the liquidation of all corporations having their dirty paws all over this incredibly evil scheme, including the "World Economic Forum" and all its "Future Leaders" that have been insinuated into positions of power in the Territorial and Municipal Corporations headquartered in the District of Columbia and their franchises worldwide.

We also call for the arrest of all the corporation Boards of Governors and Trustees responsible for this mess, along with the remaining members of the United States Supreme Court responsible for the 2013 decision cited above, Pathology v Myriad Genetics, who subsequently financially benefited themselves from this disaster which they created.

We wish for all of them to be rounded up and held to account-- that is, held one hundred percent individually, personally, and commercially liable, as officers elected and/or appointed, of municipal and international corporations and transnational global corporations, and all subject to Ecclesiastical, Admiralty and Maritime Law.

We recognize and grant no state immunity to any individuals or corporate entities involved in this plot to undermine the protections and rights and immunities of mankind.

We invoke Natural Law, Ecclesiastical Law, International Law, and our own Public Laws, treaties and contracts, to protect our persons and all similar persons from attacks from all municipal, admiralty, and maritime legal fictions and persons involved in their administration.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 4400 others on Anna's website here:


Healed of Terminal Cancer - Testimony by Rick Calhoun
In April of 2021 I was diagnosed with stage 3 adenocarcinoma pancreatic cancer. After an exhausting two-week period, the consensus was: They could not surgically remove the cancer due to how it had wrapped around the arteries. It was recommended that I have an aggressive chemotherapy regimen. I was told that it was the strongest chemo that any man could receive and that it was only being given to me to prolong my life. All three hospitals that evaluated me agreed that there were no other options that they could offer me.
Prior to diagnosis
In the years prior to my diagnosis, I became aware of Mark Virkler’s teachings on hearing God’s voice and on how God speaks to me in dreams. We even did a study group with family and friends. I believed that his teaching lined up with God’s word and by faith I started receiving words that I journaled, and revelation from my dreams.
So, let’s fast forward again to April 2021. I was living my life lukewarm at best. We were getting to know God but still did not attend church regularly. I put my work first before God, and I still had hidden sins in my life that I could not overcome.
I need to also mention that my Mother died of pancreatic cancer, three months after diagnosis, at the age of 62. The same diagnosis I now faced at the age of 57.
A week after the diagnosis, the Lord gave me 3 dreams. When I went to bed that evening, I was worried about how bad things really were because I was in so much pain even with all the pain medications. I needed to hear from God and here is the dream that He gave me. I was in a lab where they were creating nonhuman life forms. They were accusing me but the proof they had was false. I needed to get to one of the creatures so that I could get my fingerprints or my DNA back. There were other creatures in the room that were fighting and grabbing at us from everywhere. Their goal was to pull us down and stop us. I remember grabbing sharp objects off of the trays and handing them to others so they could break free. At one point I was strapped into a large machine, which had lights gauges, and monitors flashing in front of me. I didn’t know what they were doing but I understood that it was hurting me and it was hurting others also. I yelled stop, I don’t want to play anymore. I wanted out of fear and bondage. It was then that I woke up and the Lord spoke to me.
He told me the battle was over. Death no longer had a hold on me, praise God Almighty. I declared this verbally at 5:45 AM. I felt a burden lift from my chest and I felt free.
The dream revealed that Satan was holding me in bondage. That they had my fingerprints and DNA was very interesting, especially later when the doctors tested my blood confirming that I had a gene mutation that was linked to pancreatic cancer. The sharp objects that I used to cut myself free were the words of Christ. I was handing off the word to others to show them and teach them how to fight the enemy in Christ. The Lord told me that the battle was over, but at this point, I did not truly understand faith. I thought that healing was only by the miraculous anointing.
Thank goodness that God is compassionate and full of mercy, for He was teaching me step by step and leading me to trust Him.
Secret sin
In another dream, God revealed that I needed to repent. Here is that dream. I was on a business trip and got frustrated that I didn’t get anything out of the meetings. It was then that I realized that I had another day left, so I went to get ready. I wanted to take a shower but there were no bathrooms that were private. They all had another door or entry that someone could enter through. I was concerned that I would walk in on a young girl, or that a young girl would walk in on me. I finally decided to get showered quickly but the fancy shampoo I was using wouldn’t lather up.
At the time of this dream, I was physically and mentally weak. I needed fentanyl patches and oxycontin for pain that never let up, plus numerous other pills that dealt with nausea and stomach issues. In a month my weight went from 186 to 135. I could not eat, and we were praying to see if I should get a feeding tube placed in my stomach. I mostly slept and could barely get up from the couch. My wife prayed constantly over me, encouraging me to lift my arms up and praise God. When I shared this dream with her, she kept asking me questions, encouraging me to pray about it. The Lord had shown her there was more to this than what I was saying. She became so sure of this that she even left a phone message for Mark Virkler asking for help, to unravel this mystery. Later that afternoon he returned her call and spoke with us both.
Here is what he recommended to us. He told me that my dream was talking about spiritual cleansing and repenting of things that needed to be repented of. He said that my heart was a little bit nervous about some of the repenting I needed to do and that this felt too public. He explained that I did not want to be exposed. He encouraged me to confess my sins as James 5:16 says. Confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. Mark said, "The Bible is really big on us confessing our sins one to another. So when cleansing, there is some vulnerability there, other people might see into your heart, see things that you aren’t really crazy about letting anyone know were actually there. Looks to me like the Lord is saying, you need to let go of that fear. He said that I needed to not worry about being exposed, because guess what, everyone has a lot of the same issues and sins. The Lord is asking you to be vulnerable as you clean up, and be open to sharing where you are at”.
After talking with Mark Virkler, my wife said that she could forgive anything. Encouraging me to get it all into the light. As hard as it was, I finally opened up about my secret sin. I confessed that I would look at pornography and masturbate. I would feel condemned and pray but I had not been able to overcome it. This cycle had been going on my entire adult life. God also opened up other repressed memories. Wow, talk about getting everything out in the open, feeling ashamed, and crying out for forgiveness. This time was different, when I confessed my sins and brought them into the light, God was able to set me free. My wife instantly forgave me, then encouraged me to remember all of my sexual sins. I began repenting, forgiving myself, and forgiving those associated with the memories. Feelings of forgiveness washed over me, I truly did feel free.
Now after this we truly did confess all of our sins to one another, repenting as God brought them to remembrance. God was freeing us both, revealing things that we would never have remembered without the help of the Holy Spirit. God also revealed a history of Mason’s in my family. I renounced that and everything the Lord brought to our hearts.
Here is what God said to me while journaling. "Sweet child of mine, spiritual perversion had a hold on you. He was trying to deceive you. It was stealing your future from you. When you turned to me your Heavenly Father and confessed your sins is when he was defeated. He no longer has any authority or power over you. You are free, for who the Lord sets free is free indeed. Keep a watchful eye and resist him, because he will try to come sneaking back in one day to get back what he lost. You must remain steadfast and keep your eyes on me."
I dodged a bullet
In the last dream that I wanted to share, God Himself told me that I dodged a bullet. In this dream, I was working at a tree farm selling Christmas trees. A person rides by on a horse and shoots at me, fortunately, they miss but I have a bullet hole in my jacket. Then I think that I see an upset customer walking nearby, but it’s the person who had tried to shoot me. Just then another employee walks up and introduces himself as Chris Pringle. The shooter pulls out her gun and shoots him, she says that she thought that I was him.
God spoke very clearly to me, not in an audible voice but coming up out of my spirit. “Sweet child, you dodged a bullet. I took away your sickness, bearing it for you. By my stripes you are healed. I bore your sickness and pain, defeating them on the cross. You do not need to carry what I have taken for you, my child. Be free, for who the son sets free is free indeed.”
God also shared this with me while journaling. "Sweet child, look around you. People all around you are dying or already dead in the spirit. You can reach out, touch them, save them. Bring them hope, peace, joy, and happiness. It is what I have called you to do, my child. Be a witness, testify of the love, mercy, forgiveness, and compassion that I have for my children."
Then and now
After my diagnosis, I became sicker, and had pain beyond what most people can realize. The pain was relentless, never-ending. I had no desire to eat and dreaded even the idea of food. And all of this was before they even started chemotherapy. After chemotherapy began I had nausea and vomiting followed by alternating periods of diarrhea and constipation. At one point I felt in my spirit that I was three days to death. The medical community gave me no hope. To fight this battle God guided, directed, and taught us about faith. Then teaching me how to receive from Him by faith. He gave us what we needed every step of the way. We were determined to be obedient and quick to say "Yes, Lord, yes." We desired to listen and do His perfect will. Learning about daily communion, and taking healing scriptures as medicine, we gave Him praise and glory, dancing before Him in thankfulness. Always journaling what He was saying to us, and going to sleep expecting instruction. The biggest lesson was learning how to walk by faith.
I am very happy to say that today; I live by faith, I walk by faith, I overcome by faith, and I give all the glory to God. Additionally, I am pain-free, on no medications, back to my normal weight, and I am physically and spiritually stronger than I was before. Just as He told me all through this journey, I am healed and restored. I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord. Since I am to declare the works of the Lord, I am available to help any other man struggling with unconfessed sin. You are welcome to contact me for prayer counsel at


Phreakazoid Pfizer executive goes BERSERK when confronted by Project Veritas over HIS OWN claims of virus mutation research and vaccine profiteering

In a truly shocking revelation from Project Veritas, a Pfizer executive brags on camera about the company’s “directed evolution” of COVID for profiting from vaccines. He says, “COVID is going to be a cash cow for us” and then brags about hiding this fact from the public while describing, “selective structured mutations to make [COVID […]


By messing with nature, Dr. Wakefield explains, we have created an imminent threat of vaccine-resistant measles strains. ‘These viruses have an extraordinary collective intelligence. They’re going to adapt and survive, they’re going to mutate.’ #CHDTV


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By messing with nature, Dr. Wakefield explains, we have created an imminent threat of vaccine-resistant measles strains. ‘These viruses have an extraordinary collective intelligence. They’re going to adapt and survive, they’re going to mutate.’ #CHDTV


Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours.

All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond:

Want to send a check to support TLAV, or just words of encouragement?
Use our new P.O. box:
Ryan Cristian
1113 Murfreesboro Rd. Ste 106-146
Franklin, Tn 37064

Get a TLAV "Question Everything" T-Shirt or Sticker at:

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"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.”



"We have the idiot Supreme Court Justices acting in 2013 to thank for this."

The Motive Exposed
By Anna Von Reitz

Here it is, again, the United States Supreme Court Case: Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, argued in 2013.

Everyone realizes that the virus invoked as the culprit for the entire shutdown and fiasco is the Common Cold Virus, right?

And we all also know that the Common Cold Virus has far too many variants and is too given to mutation to tame, right?

We also know that left to itself, the Common Cold Virus is irritating, but survivable. Our bodies have adapted over millions of years to thrive in spite of the Common Cold, which has little chance of killing anyone over the age of early infancy or past the age of 80.

We have all lived all our lives with the Common Cold at our elbows, runny nose, watery eyes, moderate fevers, headaches, sinus congestion, body aches, and all.

And so what? Why the sudden hysteria? Why the Fake Out, giving the Common Cold Virus this sudden new persona veiled by scientific and brand names?
Why shut down the world economy and vaccinate billions of people and expose them to worse threats via an experimental vaccine?

Ah, in the name of "science" --- to experiment with the human genome on a vast scale and see the results.

That's part of the motivation for men like Fauci, who are cut out of the old Nazi cloth, and have no morality at all.

Billions of dollars in profits from patents and programs and grants doesn't hurt, either.

Have you seen how many billions of doses of this purported vaccine the For-Hire Municipal Corporations based in the District of Columbia bought?

And how much money people like Anthony Fauci made off that?

Cui bono? Just ask yourselves, who benefits?

It's easy enough to see the direct beneficiaries like Fauci and Pfizer, those that filled their pockets directly from the public trough, but what about the Municipal Government corporations paying out all this money for this dubious product?

What did they get out of it?

Slaves. Millions upon millions of slaves. The most valuable commodity on Earth.

How is that possible?

By unlawfully and deceitfully using the Pathology v. Myriad Genetics case results noted above, to claim that billions of people voluntarily accepted conversion and willingly made themselves into mere Genetically Modified Organisms, owned under patent.

GMO Transhumans, that is, who are owed no Human Rights, much less any natural and unalienable rights.

Transhumans, according to the claims and theories of the monsters responsible, are slaves of their owners, literally owned by the patent holders that engineered the tiny snippets of mRNA and DNA inserted into their genome without their informed consent.

We have the idiot Supreme Court Justices acting in 2013 to thank for this.

Oh, and Bill Gates. DARPA. DOD. The Chinese Development Fund (aka, CIA Pension Fund). USA, Inc. Etc. Et Alia. Just include all those individuals and entities that hope to grossly benefit themselves and increase their coercive power by promoting the theoretical "legal" existence of a vast worldwide slave population deprived of all rights and prerogatives.

And then look at the Public Law passed by our State Assemblies holding all General Jurisdiction in this country, outlawing all of this, absolutely.

We weren't disorganized or asleep this time.

So no matter what the US Patent Office says, these entities have no claim on us, and no claim on anyone else in this country, whether or not they "accepted" the offending vaccine.

We would argue and do argue, that they have no valid claim on anyone, period, at all, because all these mechanizations have been undertaken under conditions of deliberate self-interested deceit and non-disclosure -- fraud, in other words.

This circumstance voids any and all commercial claims and patents associated with this incipient enslavement racket and the associated "domestic" bioweapons test program foisted off on the living people by the DOD, DARPA, WHO, CIA, INC. --- etc., which are all legal fictions with no natural right to exist.

We call for the immediate arrest and prosecution of all individuals and organizations complicit in this genocide and the liquidation of all corporations having their dirty paws all over this incredibly evil scheme, including the "World Economic Forum" and all its "Future Leaders" that have been insinuated into positions of power in the Territorial and Municipal Corporations headquartered in the District of Columbia and their franchises worldwide.

We also call for the arrest of all the corporation Boards of Governors and Trustees responsible for this mess, along with the remaining members of the United States Supreme Court responsible for the 2013 decision cited above, Pathology v Myriad Genetics, who subsequently financially benefited themselves from this disaster which they created.

We wish for all of them to be rounded up and held to account-- that is, held one hundred percent individually, personally, and commercially liable, as officers elected and/or appointed, of municipal and international corporations and transnational global corporations, and all subject to Ecclesiastical, Admiralty and Maritime Law.

We recognize and grant no state immunity to any individuals or corporate entities involved in this plot to undermine the protections and rights and immunities of mankind.

We invoke Natural Law, Ecclesiastical Law, International Law, and our own Public Laws, treaties and contracts, to protect our persons and all similar persons from attacks from all municipal, admiralty, and maritime legal fictions and persons involved in their administration.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 4400 others on Anna's website here:


Healed of Terminal Cancer - Testimony by Rick Calhoun
In April of 2021 I was diagnosed with stage 3 adenocarcinoma pancreatic cancer. After an exhausting two-week period, the consensus was: They could not surgically remove the cancer due to how it had wrapped around the arteries. It was recommended that I have an aggressive chemotherapy regimen. I was told that it was the strongest chemo that any man could receive and that it was only being given to me to prolong my life. All three hospitals that evaluated me agreed that there were no other options that they could offer me.
Prior to diagnosis
In the years prior to my diagnosis, I became aware of Mark Virkler’s teachings on hearing God’s voice and on how God speaks to me in dreams. We even did a study group with family and friends. I believed that his teaching lined up with God’s word and by faith I started receiving words that I journaled, and revelation from my dreams.
So, let’s fast forward again to April 2021. I was living my life lukewarm at best. We were getting to know God but still did not attend church regularly. I put my work first before God, and I still had hidden sins in my life that I could not overcome.
I need to also mention that my Mother died of pancreatic cancer, three months after diagnosis, at the age of 62. The same diagnosis I now faced at the age of 57.
A week after the diagnosis, the Lord gave me 3 dreams. When I went to bed that evening, I was worried about how bad things really were because I was in so much pain even with all the pain medications. I needed to hear from God and here is the dream that He gave me. I was in a lab where they were creating nonhuman life forms. They were accusing me but the proof they had was false. I needed to get to one of the creatures so that I could get my fingerprints or my DNA back. There were other creatures in the room that were fighting and grabbing at us from everywhere. Their goal was to pull us down and stop us. I remember grabbing sharp objects off of the trays and handing them to others so they could break free. At one point I was strapped into a large machine, which had lights gauges, and monitors flashing in front of me. I didn’t know what they were doing but I understood that it was hurting me and it was hurting others also. I yelled stop, I don’t want to play anymore. I wanted out of fear and bondage. It was then that I woke up and the Lord spoke to me.
He told me the battle was over. Death no longer had a hold on me, praise God Almighty. I declared this verbally at 5:45 AM. I felt a burden lift from my chest and I felt free.
The dream revealed that Satan was holding me in bondage. That they had my fingerprints and DNA was very interesting, especially later when the doctors tested my blood confirming that I had a gene mutation that was linked to pancreatic cancer. The sharp objects that I used to cut myself free were the words of Christ. I was handing off the word to others to show them and teach them how to fight the enemy in Christ. The Lord told me that the battle was over, but at this point, I did not truly understand faith. I thought that healing was only by the miraculous anointing.
Thank goodness that God is compassionate and full of mercy, for He was teaching me step by step and leading me to trust Him.
Secret sin
In another dream, God revealed that I needed to repent. Here is that dream. I was on a business trip and got frustrated that I didn’t get anything out of the meetings. It was then that I realized that I had another day left, so I went to get ready. I wanted to take a shower but there were no bathrooms that were private. They all had another door or entry that someone could enter through. I was concerned that I would walk in on a young girl, or that a young girl would walk in on me. I finally decided to get showered quickly but the fancy shampoo I was using wouldn’t lather up.
At the time of this dream, I was physically and mentally weak. I needed fentanyl patches and oxycontin for pain that never let up, plus numerous other pills that dealt with nausea and stomach issues. In a month my weight went from 186 to 135. I could not eat, and we were praying to see if I should get a feeding tube placed in my stomach. I mostly slept and could barely get up from the couch. My wife prayed constantly over me, encouraging me to lift my arms up and praise God. When I shared this dream with her, she kept asking me questions, encouraging me to pray about it. The Lord had shown her there was more to this than what I was saying. She became so sure of this that she even left a phone message for Mark Virkler asking for help, to unravel this mystery. Later that afternoon he returned her call and spoke with us both.
Here is what he recommended to us. He told me that my dream was talking about spiritual cleansing and repenting of things that needed to be repented of. He said that my heart was a little bit nervous about some of the repenting I needed to do and that this felt too public. He explained that I did not want to be exposed. He encouraged me to confess my sins as James 5:16 says. Confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. Mark said, "The Bible is really big on us confessing our sins one to another. So when cleansing, there is some vulnerability there, other people might see into your heart, see things that you aren’t really crazy about letting anyone know were actually there. Looks to me like the Lord is saying, you need to let go of that fear. He said that I needed to not worry about being exposed, because guess what, everyone has a lot of the same issues and sins. The Lord is asking you to be vulnerable as you clean up, and be open to sharing where you are at”.
After talking with Mark Virkler, my wife said that she could forgive anything. Encouraging me to get it all into the light. As hard as it was, I finally opened up about my secret sin. I confessed that I would look at pornography and masturbate. I would feel condemned and pray but I had not been able to overcome it. This cycle had been going on my entire adult life. God also opened up other repressed memories. Wow, talk about getting everything out in the open, feeling ashamed, and crying out for forgiveness. This time was different, when I confessed my sins and brought them into the light, God was able to set me free. My wife instantly forgave me, then encouraged me to remember all of my sexual sins. I began repenting, forgiving myself, and forgiving those associated with the memories. Feelings of forgiveness washed over me, I truly did feel free.
Now after this we truly did confess all of our sins to one another, repenting as God brought them to remembrance. God was freeing us both, revealing things that we would never have remembered without the help of the Holy Spirit. God also revealed a history of Mason’s in my family. I renounced that and everything the Lord brought to our hearts.
Here is what God said to me while journaling. "Sweet child of mine, spiritual perversion had a hold on you. He was trying to deceive you. It was stealing your future from you. When you turned to me your Heavenly Father and confessed your sins is when he was defeated. He no longer has any authority or power over you. You are free, for who the Lord sets free is free indeed. Keep a watchful eye and resist him, because he will try to come sneaking back in one day to get back what he lost. You must remain steadfast and keep your eyes on me."
I dodged a bullet
In the last dream that I wanted to share, God Himself told me that I dodged a bullet. In this dream, I was working at a tree farm selling Christmas trees. A person rides by on a horse and shoots at me, fortunately, they miss but I have a bullet hole in my jacket. Then I think that I see an upset customer walking nearby, but it’s the person who had tried to shoot me. Just then another employee walks up and introduces himself as Chris Pringle. The shooter pulls out her gun and shoots him, she says that she thought that I was him.
God spoke very clearly to me, not in an audible voice but coming up out of my spirit. “Sweet child, you dodged a bullet. I took away your sickness, bearing it for you. By my stripes you are healed. I bore your sickness and pain, defeating them on the cross. You do not need to carry what I have taken for you, my child. Be free, for who the son sets free is free indeed.”
God also shared this with me while journaling. "Sweet child, look around you. People all around you are dying or already dead in the spirit. You can reach out, touch them, save them. Bring them hope, peace, joy, and happiness. It is what I have called you to do, my child. Be a witness, testify of the love, mercy, forgiveness, and compassion that I have for my children."
Then and now
After my diagnosis, I became sicker, and had pain beyond what most people can realize. The pain was relentless, never-ending. I had no desire to eat and dreaded even the idea of food. And all of this was before they even started chemotherapy. After chemotherapy began I had nausea and vomiting followed by alternating periods of diarrhea and constipation. At one point I felt in my spirit that I was three days to death. The medical community gave me no hope. To fight this battle God guided, directed, and taught us about faith. Then teaching me how to receive from Him by faith. He gave us what we needed every step of the way. We were determined to be obedient and quick to say "Yes, Lord, yes." We desired to listen and do His perfect will. Learning about daily communion, and taking healing scriptures as medicine, we gave Him praise and glory, dancing before Him in thankfulness. Always journaling what He was saying to us, and going to sleep expecting instruction. The biggest lesson was learning how to walk by faith.
I am very happy to say that today; I live by faith, I walk by faith, I overcome by faith, and I give all the glory to God. Additionally, I am pain-free, on no medications, back to my normal weight, and I am physically and spiritually stronger than I was before. Just as He told me all through this journey, I am healed and restored. I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord. Since I am to declare the works of the Lord, I am available to help any other man struggling with unconfessed sin. You are welcome to contact me for prayer counsel at


Phreakazoid Pfizer executive goes BERSERK when confronted by Project Veritas over HIS OWN claims of virus mutation research and vaccine profiteering

In a truly shocking revelation from Project Veritas, a Pfizer executive brags on camera about the company’s “directed evolution” of COVID for profiting from vaccines. He says, “COVID is going to be a cash cow for us” and then brags about hiding this fact from the public while describing, “selective structured mutations to make [COVID […]


Phreakazoid Pfizer executive goes BERSERK when confronted by Project Veritas over HIS OWN claims of virus mutation research and vaccine profiteering

In a truly shocking revelation from Project Veritas, a Pfizer executive brags on camera about the company's "directed evolution" of COVID for profiting from vaccines. He says, "COVID is going to be a cash cow for us" and then brags about hiding this fact from the public whil


Project Veritas undercover video purportedly shows Pfizer director saying pharma company exploring mutating COVID through 'directed evolution' to develop future mRNA vaccines

Project Veritas released an undercover video purportedly involving Pfizer employee Jordon Trishton Walker – who claimed in the footage that the pharmaceutical company is exploring the possibility of mutating COVID through "directed evolution" to develop future mRNA vaccines. According to a deleted L...