Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is characterized by degeneration of upper and lower motor neurons, causing gradual paralysis, and resulting in death 3-5 years from diagnosis. ALS causative mutations have been identified in multiple genes, including Fused in sarcoma (FUS), and recently characterized Annexin A11 (ANXA11). We have derived induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines from six ALS patient lymphoblastoid cell lines, three with mutations in FUS (Q519E, R521H, R522G), and three with mutations in ANXA11 (G38R, D40G, R235Q). These lines have been characterized and provide a novel resource for investigation into ALS pathology.MYH7 is a major gene responsible for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). From patient's skin fibroblasts, we derived an iPSC line (CDGEN1.16) harboring the heterozygous MYH7 R403L mutation, a hot-spot codon in HCM. We subsequently corrected the mutated codon using CRISPR/Cas9 editing and obtained the isogenic control line (CDGEN1.16.40.5) preserving the genomic background of the patient. Both lines were pluripotent and could be efficiently committed to beating cardiomyocytes (CM) suitable for subsequent cell or pseudo-tissue study of HCM pathology.Neurog2 is the gene encoding the neuronal transcription factor NGN2, which can convert stem cells into functional neurons in a fast and efficient way. Here we report the generation of two iPS cell lines, where DOX inducible constructs of neurog2 either without or with T2A-eGFP were inserted into the safe-site locus AAVS1. These iPS cell lines, BIONi010-C-13 and BIONi010-C-15, respectively, stay pluripotent without DOX but differentiate to (GFP positive) neurons when DOX is added without the need of differentiation factors.As the global median population age increases, neurological diseases associated with aging pose significant challenges to human health. Appropriate modeling systems can be useful tools to better understand the mechanism of age-related neuronal degeneration diseases. Here, we successfully generated an iPSC-derived modeling system of an 82-year-old healthy man, this newly established line showed that all pluripotent markers were expressed, and the differentiation potential was confirmed by trilineage differentiation. STR profiling proved the cell line identity, and G-binding showed the normal karyotype.Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is the commonest type of cardiomyopathy. In this study, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated from a DCM patient with the p. Glu12513fs(c.37537delG) mutation in TTN and were reprogrammed to human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The ZZUNEUi017-A iPSC line expressed pluripotency markers, exhibiting a normal male karyotype (46, XY) and demonstrating differentiation potential into three germ layers in vitro.Glaesserella parasuis is the causative agent of Glässer's disease in swine. Serotyping plays an essential role in prevalence investigations and in the development of vaccination strategies for the prevention of this disease. Molecular serotyping based on variation within the capsule loci of the 15 serovars is more accurate and efficient than traditional serological serotyping. To reduce the running time and facilitate ease of data interpretation, we developed a simple and rapid cycle threshold (Ct) value-based real time PCR (qPCR) method for the identification and serotyping of G. parasuis. The qPCR method distinguished between all 15 serovar reference strains of G. parasuis with efficiency values ranging between 85.5 % and 110.4 % and, R2 values > 0.98. The qPCR serotyping was evaluated using 83 clinical isolates with 43 of the isolates having been previously assigned to a serovar by the gel immuno-diffusion (GID) assay and 40 non-typeable isolates. The qPCR results of 41/43 (95.3 %) isolates were concordant with the GID assay except two isolates of serovar 12 were assigned to serovar 5. In addition, the qPCR serotyping assigned a serovar to each of the 40 non-typeable isolates. Of the 83 isolates tested to assign a serovar, a concordance rate of 98.8 % (82/83) was determined between the qPCR and the previously reported multiplex PCR of Howell et al. (2015) (including those that were either serovars 5 or 12). Despite the inability to differentiate between serovars 5 and 12, the Ct value-based qPCR serotyping represents an attractive alternative to current molecular serotyping method for G. parasuis and could be used for both epidemiological monitoring and the guidance of vaccination programs.Glaesserella parasuis (G. parasuis) is a respiratory pathogen of swine and the etiological agent of Glässer's disease. Although the emergence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) G. parasuis is a critical problem in the swine industry, there are few publications on the genetic basis of antimicrobial resistance of G. parasuis. In this study, comparative genome analyses were used to identify genomic differences between two phenotypically distinct isolates, an MDR isolate (HPS-1) and a susceptible isolate (HPS-2), from diseased swines in China. These isolates were both serovar 4, which is predominant in cases of Glässer's disease and is the most prevalent serovar in China. Based on clusters of orthologous group (COG) annotations, genes assigned to the extracellular structure category were only detected in HPS-1 and genes related to cell motility were more abundant in HPS-1 than in HPS-2. A comparative genomic analysis showed that these two isolates are closely related, although there was a large-scale genomic rearrangement. Eighteen percent of the genome consisted of strain-specific accessory genes of HPS-1. Notably, only the two genes aac(6')-Ie-aph(2'')-Ia and blaROB-1 on a plasmid were specific to HPS-1. We also detected 30,599 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), including nonsynonymous SNPs in the aminoglycoside resistance gene aph(3'')-Ib, the fusidic acid resistance gene fusA, and the two rifampicin resistance genes rpoC and rpoB in HPS-1. These findings improve our understanding of the differences between MDR and susceptible isolates and will aid the development of treatment strategies to decrease the prevalence and disease burden caused by G. parasuis.