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Tiger Eye: A Stone of Good Luck

Tiger Eye is a captivating gemstone known for its exceptional appearance and strong magical properties. A quartz mineral is regularly brilliant brown with unmistakable black, brown, or yellow groups. The stone is named for its similarity to a tiger's eye and has been utilized for quite a long time for its defensive and mending properties. In antiquated times, Tiger Eye was accepted to avert detestable spirits and safeguard against curses. It was likewise remembered to carry good luck and thriving to the individuals who wore it.


Please withdraw the U.S. from NATO and restore a constitutional foreign policy.

The Founding Fathers fiercely opposed foreign entanglements as they contradicted our national interest. George Washington's 1796 farewell address and Thomas Jefferson's 1801 inaugural address both illustrate the importance of avoiding such entanglements.

Our membership in NATO and other international organizations is detestable to the Founders' intentions. The North Atlantic Treaty requires that we come to the aid of any NATO member that's ever attacked -- 29 other countries, and counting.

Now our leaders want NATO to expand to Ukraine. This is unacceptable. Instead of expanding NATO and further entangling our foreign policy, fully (and immediately) withdraw the U.S. from NATO.

Tell your U.S. representative and senators to put start putting America first by getting US out NATO!


Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Detestable Prayers.
Proverbs 28:9 (NIV).
9) If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction,
even their prayers are detestable.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
Ignored Wisdom spawns ignored prayers.
Grow in Wisdom and draw nearer to God.
#anyone #turns #deaf #ear #instruction #prayers #detestable

Detestable Prayers - Proverbs 28:9 If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction #anyone #turns #deaf #ear #instruction #prayers #detestable


You can’t comply your way out from under the largest government in history. Because government has no reason to repeal an act if everyone complies with it. As John Dickinson put it in response to the Stamp Act:

“You unnecessarily, voluntarily establish the detestable Precedent, which those who have forged your Fetters ardently wish for”

John Dickinson and Lysander Spooner were separated by nearly a century in life, and possibly even more in their political goals. But they both understood what we need to understand more today. Compliance establishes the “detestable precedent.” It ensures the Constitution will be violated - and your liberty destroyed.

Path to Liberty: January 3, 2022


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You can’t comply your way out from under the largest government in history. Because government has no reason to repeal an act if everyone complies with it. As John Dickinson put it in response to the Stamp Act:

“You unnecessarily, voluntarily establish the detestable Precedent, which those who have forged your Fetters ardently wish for”

John Dickinson and Lysander Spooner were separated by nearly a century in life, and possibly even more in their political goals. But they both understood what we need to understand more today. Compliance establishes the “detestable precedent.” It ensures the Constitution will be violated - and your liberty destroyed.

Path to Liberty: January 3, 2022



Tiger Eye: A Stone of Good Luck

Tiger Eye is a captivating gemstone known for its exceptional appearance and strong magical properties. A quartz mineral is regularly brilliant brown with unmistakable black, brown, or yellow groups. The stone is named for its similarity to a tiger's eye and has been utilized for quite a long time for its defensive and mending properties. In antiquated times, Tiger Eye was accepted to avert detestable spirits and safeguard against curses. It was likewise remembered to carry good luck and thriving to the individuals who wore it.


Please withdraw the U.S. from NATO and restore a constitutional foreign policy.

The Founding Fathers fiercely opposed foreign entanglements as they contradicted our national interest. George Washington's 1796 farewell address and Thomas Jefferson's 1801 inaugural address both illustrate the importance of avoiding such entanglements.

Our membership in NATO and other international organizations is detestable to the Founders' intentions. The North Atlantic Treaty requires that we come to the aid of any NATO member that's ever attacked -- 29 other countries, and counting.

Now our leaders want NATO to expand to Ukraine. This is unacceptable. Instead of expanding NATO and further entangling our foreign policy, fully (and immediately) withdraw the U.S. from NATO.

Tell your U.S. representative and senators to put start putting America first by getting US out NATO!


Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Detestable Prayers.
Proverbs 28:9 (NIV).
9) If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction,
even their prayers are detestable.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
Ignored Wisdom spawns ignored prayers.
Grow in Wisdom and draw nearer to God.
#anyone #turns #deaf #ear #instruction #prayers #detestable

Detestable Prayers - Proverbs 28:9 If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction #anyone #turns #deaf #ear #instruction #prayers #detestable


The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they have committed detestable acts; There is no one who does good. Psalm 14:1 NASB


January 18

Heart Problem
Bible in a Year:
Genesis 43–45
Matthew 12:24–50
The Sovereign Lord says: Repent! Turn from your idols and renounce all your detestable practices!

Today's Scripture & Insight:

Ezekiel 14:1–8
“Do you see it, brother Tim?” My friend, a Ghanaian pastor, flashed his torchlight on a carved object leaning against a mud hut. Quietly he said, “That is the village idol.” Each Tuesday evening, Pastor Sam traveled into the bush to share the Bible in this remote village.

In the book of Ezekiel, we see how idolatry plagued the people of Judah. When Jerusalem’s leaders came to see the prophet Ezekiel, God told him, “These men have set up idols in their hearts” (14:3). God wasn’t merely warning them against idols carved of wood and stone. He was showing them that idolatry is a problem of the heart. We all struggle with it.

Bible teacher Alistair Begg describes an idol as “anything other than God that we regard as essential to our peace, our self-image, our contentment, or our acceptability.” Even things that have the appearance of being noble can become idols to us. When we seek comfort or self-worth from anything other than the living God, we commit idolatry.

“Repent!” God said. “Turn from your idols and renounce all your detestable practices!” (v. 6). Israel proved incapable of doing this. Thankfully, God had the solution. Looking forward to the coming of Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit, He promised, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you” (36:26). We can’t do this alone.

By: Tim Gustafson

Father, show me the idols in my heart. Then help me destroy them and live in Your love. Amen.