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Truly a superfood: Aloe vera treats constipation

Constipation is a gastrointestinal condition characterized by difficulty in bowel movement or having fewer bowel movements on average, typically less than three in a single week. It can occur due to a wide variety of reasons, including a lack of fiber or fluid intake, old age or additional health problems. Fortunately, it can easily be […]


Acidophilus flourish in the small intestine where they assist in the production of enzymes and stimulate enzyme activity, thus enhancing more efficient assimilation of nutrients. Acidophilus produce acidophilin, a natural antibiotic substance; lactase, the enzyme responsible for digesting lactose (a milk sugar); certain B-complex vitamins, including B1, B2, B12 (acidophilus are the most plentiful source of B12), biotin and folic acid; and vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and for the production of osteocalcin, the primary protein component of bone.

Acidophilus inhibit the overgrowth of harmful intestinal microorganisms, such as Candida albicans and the putrifactive or coliform bacteria which cause flatulence and putrification in the colon. Acidophilus create an acidic environment which is intolerable to such “undesirables,” and outperform these microorganisms in the competition for food sources and living space in the colon. Dr. John Parks Trowbridge, author of The Yeast Syndrome, is an advocate of probiotic supplementation in the fight against Candida albicans overgrowth.

Acidophilus protect the intestinal mucosa, prevent constipation and diarrhea, enhance bowel elimination, as well as aid digestion, assist in metabolizing calcium, provide essential nutrients for building the blood, control the buildup of serum cholesterol, and stimulate the body’s immune system by assisting white blood cells in fighting disease-causing pathogens.

An article in Clinical Nutrition reports Lactobacillus acidophilus help to prevent the formation of carcinogenic growths in the intestinal tract. Further studies have confirmed the anticarcinogenic and anti-tumor activity provided by these bacteria.

Researchers have begun studying Lactobacillus acidophilus for the treatment of urinary tract infections and vaginal yeast infections. According to a study published recently in the Journal of the American Medical Association, women using vaginal suppositories containing Lactobacillus acidophilus experienced 79% fewer urinary tract infections than during the previous year.

Individuals having had antibiotic therapy, colonics, diarrhea, enemas or prolonged cleansing which can reduce healthy intestinal flora should consider probiotic supplementation. Furthermore, since acidophilus supply the greatest source of vitamin B12, those with anemia may find acidophilus supplements helpful, as sufficient levels of B12 are essential for proper utilization of iron in the body.


Taking Care of Pain with 100 mg Tramadol: A Complete Guide

Taking care of pain with 100 mg Tramadol requires understanding its uses, dosage, and side effects. buy tramadol online uk is an opioid analgesic used for moderate to moderately severe pain. The typical starting dose is 50-100 mg every 4-6 hours, with a maximum of 400 mg daily. Common side effects include dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, and constipation. It's crucial to use Tramadol cautiously, especially if there's a history of substance abuse.

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Truly a superfood: Aloe vera treats constipation

Constipation is a gastrointestinal condition characterized by difficulty in bowel movement or having fewer bowel movements on average, typically less than three in a single week. It can occur due to a wide variety of reasons, including a lack of fiber or fluid intake, old age or additional health problems. Fortunately, it can easily be […]


Acidophilus flourish in the small intestine where they assist in the production of enzymes and stimulate enzyme activity, thus enhancing more efficient assimilation of nutrients. Acidophilus produce acidophilin, a natural antibiotic substance; lactase, the enzyme responsible for digesting lactose (a milk sugar); certain B-complex vitamins, including B1, B2, B12 (acidophilus are the most plentiful source of B12), biotin and folic acid; and vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and for the production of osteocalcin, the primary protein component of bone.

Acidophilus inhibit the overgrowth of harmful intestinal microorganisms, such as Candida albicans and the putrifactive or coliform bacteria which cause flatulence and putrification in the colon. Acidophilus create an acidic environment which is intolerable to such “undesirables,” and outperform these microorganisms in the competition for food sources and living space in the colon. Dr. John Parks Trowbridge, author of The Yeast Syndrome, is an advocate of probiotic supplementation in the fight against Candida albicans overgrowth.

Acidophilus protect the intestinal mucosa, prevent constipation and diarrhea, enhance bowel elimination, as well as aid digestion, assist in metabolizing calcium, provide essential nutrients for building the blood, control the buildup of serum cholesterol, and stimulate the body’s immune system by assisting white blood cells in fighting disease-causing pathogens.

An article in Clinical Nutrition reports Lactobacillus acidophilus help to prevent the formation of carcinogenic growths in the intestinal tract. Further studies have confirmed the anticarcinogenic and anti-tumor activity provided by these bacteria.

Researchers have begun studying Lactobacillus acidophilus for the treatment of urinary tract infections and vaginal yeast infections. According to a study published recently in the Journal of the American Medical Association, women using vaginal suppositories containing Lactobacillus acidophilus experienced 79% fewer urinary tract infections than during the previous year.

Individuals having had antibiotic therapy, colonics, diarrhea, enemas or prolonged cleansing which can reduce healthy intestinal flora should consider probiotic supplementation. Furthermore, since acidophilus supply the greatest source of vitamin B12, those with anemia may find acidophilus supplements helpful, as sufficient levels of B12 are essential for proper utilization of iron in the body.


Taking Care of Pain with 100 mg Tramadol: A Complete Guide

Taking care of pain with 100 mg Tramadol requires understanding its uses, dosage, and side effects. buy tramadol online uk is an opioid analgesic used for moderate to moderately severe pain. The typical starting dose is 50-100 mg every 4-6 hours, with a maximum of 400 mg daily. Common side effects include dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, and constipation. It's crucial to use Tramadol cautiously, especially if there's a history of substance abuse.

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Why There Has to Be a Crash --or Not
By Anna Von Reitz

The entire military structure, the vast compendium of interlocking corporations that are part of our "defense agencies complex" has constipation.

If they don't overcome this condition, there will be a worldwide economic crash of incalculable harm and it will come by mid-December.

It could be avoided, and justice could be served, simply by turning the debts into credits -- turning the world accounting ledger on its head and realizing that while we have all been swindled, every debt is someone else's credit.

All the debt of the incorporated "persons" is the credit owed to living men.

Besides that, it has been over 800 years since we had a Jubilee and the Golden Double Jubilee is waaay past due. The Roman Catholic Church knows that and does not deny it.

So with the "Quantum Financial System" revealed to be just another con job offered by "our" military -- leaving the same old Miscreants in control of an updated and rebranded SWIFT monopoly operated out of China -- it's easy to see why they are constipated.

They expected everyone to accept their latest financial handwaving act, but nobody is buying it.

Nobody is buying "US Treasury Bonds" either, unless you count the Federal Reserve as a Buyer.

They expected us to be left standing without even the evidence of an I.O.U. in our hands.

They expected us to accept keystrokes on a computer ledger in exchange for our hamburgers.

And, they expected us to meekly hand them the keys and the control over the keyboard and the records, so that they could erase our credit as easily as they erased the undelivered bond numbers at DTCC.

Who knew that people who were cheated and oppressed by the whole Federal Reserve Note System would have learned from that experience?

Are we not dumb, driven animals, gullible to the bone? Are we not "livestock" after all?

Imagine their consternation. They set everything up so carefully and planned it all out for two generations --- how to best serve themselves.

They funneled us all into this "impossible" situation with malice aforethought, and planned to offer the only option, the only viable solution to the problems they created.

They couldn't foresee the Bilateral Bank System which would take the currency transfer monopoly out of their hands and use a clean block-chain based technology to transact in both trade and commerce.

They had even conveniently forgotten the fact that we can conduct commerce on dry land.

It reminds me of my cat, who used to hide under a piece of clear plastic carpet runner, and think that he was invisible, protected even from the vacuum cleaner.

So now, they are all about to be squeezed flat in the jaws of their own self-created dilemma, and purportedly (according to Ben Fulford anyway) suing for amnesty --- from the wrong people.

They are asking for amnesty from people who can't offer them amnesty or pay their debts or do anything at all but take yet another powder.

This is what this old Senior Field Commander has to say to the "Global Alliance" --- get the lead out and do what you are supposed to do. It's long overdue.

Everyone else: take a moment to envision a world without debt and without debt slavery, without any kind of slavery at all.

Put yourselves -- mentally -- in a quiet and abundant garden, surrounded by the smell of the fragrant Earth and fresh rain, the sound of running water and peaceful birds. And stay there, where you belong.

See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:


Health Tip for People with Type A Blood

Suzanne Barker graduated from Christian Leadership University with a doctorate. You can see from her website that she is very passionate about health.

In a Zoom call with her recently, she offered me a bit of information I had never heard before. She said people with “Type A” blood tend to not produce as much HCl (stomach acid) as other blood types. Hm. I am A+ and I have had low stomach acid all my life, and have found that if I take an HCl capsule with anything that goes in my mouth, I digest it better, feel better, and don't end up clearing my throat for the next hour.

So I did an online search to check out the research and found this article. Here is a specific quote from it: Type O’s tend to have higher stomach acid than other types, while Type A’s tend to have lower stomach acid than other types. This does mean that Type O’s are better equipped to break down dense protein (like meat), while Type A’s are less well equipped, and will therefore do better with vegetarian proteins."

My story
Here is the HCl I order. I have experimented and found that for me, I need to take from 1 - 4 capsules, depending on how much I am consuming. The principle is that the more I am consuming, the more I need. So this is simply a health tidbit I am passing along. If you have or develop a testimony around this topic, send it to me and perhaps I can add it to this blog.

Caution: Yes, HCL is acid. So if you put it on your skin it will burn, or if you take too much, you will have a burning sensation in your stomach. If this happens, gulp down a glass of water, and this will neutralize the situation.

From Suzanne
Often, I find that GERD is a result of eating the wrong foods. I have done years of Food Sensitivity testing, (we actually are working on concluding a clinical trial in food sensitivity. I will share the results when they are complete), but when you look at the blood types and the corresponding diets, when people avoid the main three or four problem foods for their blood types, It’s amazing how much better they do. But I also believe in digestive enzymes and HCl, when appropriate. I can tell a lot from a stool test to whether someone would benefit from HCl. When they’re low in HCl, it also can allow bad bacteria to be overpopulated in the gut, causing gas, bloating, constipation, etc.
Some links to sites discussing this

Stomach acid is a highly acidic liquid your body produces to help you digest and absorb nutrients in food. Learn what happens when it is too strong or too weak.