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Sigh . . . you limit HE whom you have ill continued to have exhibitedly gone astray from ie: FW usage (either ifw or pfw = ill free will usage or proper free will usage), but hey, each breath mist energy human has a Heaven (Earth) life record = will One's record 'convict' (unto L of F') or permit allowance by JC unto Him and that of Heaven? That it’s just common place to have any number of human’s jumping out of tall building’s, misc; what in fact they – those individual’s, all they know was that they each were just going to work, another day at the office, but unbenouced to them, in a matter of hour’s, misc – so called reality like they’ve never known would hit them; Example: (ie: take your right hand, with your head face to your left and with moving your right hand toward your face – unbenouced to your head BUT turn your head toward your right hand = bam, your right hand hits ya smack on your face);

Global Warming / Cooling, Climate Change - B/S! No, I'm NOT denying, what I am saying is that it is this humanity per / via God's Word, STILL gone astray from HIM, like a disobedient child, think 'The Flood' back in Noah's day was bad, what this humanity has done / does - do and yet to: human incomprehensible ocean's of human and NON-human blood spilled / shed anywhere / everywhere, you know NOT what your (humanity) even guilty of ie: "THEY know NOT what THEY do" - Jesus.

Sin, generally speaking come from, misc: ‘lack of character’ = NOT adhering unto original given ‘Order’ by God – do (s) & don’t (s), what to do & how to be > spoken by God unto BOTH Adam / Eve. You humanity are SO (?, !), dependent, misc else on what you see, this & that else = THAT is NOT faith: Hebrews 11:1; it is by sole trust & belief in & of HIM that we’re to be guided. Problem is, for centuries, this humanity has exhibited ever more so THAT of ‘gone ROGUE / astray’ from HIM, like a disobedient child & thus forcing HIS hand to allow thereof amidst / amongst us.


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Sigh . . . you limit HE whom you have ill continued to have exhibitedly gone astray from ie: FW usage (either ifw or pfw = ill free will usage or proper free will usage), but hey, each breath mist energy human has a Heaven (Earth) life record = will One's record 'convict' (unto L of F') or permit allowance by JC unto Him and that of Heaven? That it’s just common place to have any number of human’s jumping out of tall building’s, misc; what in fact they – those individual’s, all they know was that they each were just going to work, another day at the office, but unbenouced to them, in a matter of hour’s, misc – so called reality like they’ve never known would hit them; Example: (ie: take your right hand, with your head face to your left and with moving your right hand toward your face – unbenouced to your head BUT turn your head toward your right hand = bam, your right hand hits ya smack on your face);

Global Warming / Cooling, Climate Change - B/S! No, I'm NOT denying, what I am saying is that it is this humanity per / via God's Word, STILL gone astray from HIM, like a disobedient child, think 'The Flood' back in Noah's day was bad, what this humanity has done / does - do and yet to: human incomprehensible ocean's of human and NON-human blood spilled / shed anywhere / everywhere, you know NOT what your (humanity) even guilty of ie: "THEY know NOT what THEY do" - Jesus.

Sin, generally speaking come from, misc: ‘lack of character’ = NOT adhering unto original given ‘Order’ by God – do (s) & don’t (s), what to do & how to be > spoken by God unto BOTH Adam / Eve. You humanity are SO (?, !), dependent, misc else on what you see, this & that else = THAT is NOT faith: Hebrews 11:1; it is by sole trust & belief in & of HIM that we’re to be guided. Problem is, for centuries, this humanity has exhibited ever more so THAT of ‘gone ROGUE / astray’ from HIM, like a disobedient child & thus forcing HIS hand to allow thereof amidst / amongst us.

As they out there USA-globally have B-come so far-astray from God that like instead have SELF chosen past historically-2 date in-deniably 2 B human weed's of garden, FINE then thus as such SO will B thereof after 1's last breath ie: death in2 the eternal Holy retributionary nightmarish pain & horror fire of Hell-Lake of Fire 2 eternally SELF witness-experience BURNING ALIVE screaming like disobedient adult juvenile's = 3 word's from Jesus: WHEN-IN-LIFE via 1's own assigned Heaven Life convictable-convicting Record! There CAN'T B allowed those of female's deeming, 'I just bare them 4th from me & send them on their way' as like some dust & ash corpse machine, NO! & that of ceasing thereof within (above) just 2 live 4 example of SELF = opposition of Holy Bible's Luke 9:24!

Like huh, all I see-(smell?) is the foul stench of ever tick tock 'Time' daily (day & night, 24/7) USA-global bloodshed-death of innocent versus THOSE (weed's of garden, NO court's-NO investigations-NO prison's) NOT B-ing CEASED immediately onsite & sent 4th on knees B4 Jesus 4 their PRE judgment day processing & thereof NOT worse than ever SELF deny caretaking of each other NOR (dying cuz of humanity) non human innocent Earth = overall further & further away astray-rogue from God & why we were created-exist but like test period's - is there likewise ie: sand in a hourglass under God's feet or internally within HIM & our temporary Time is running out despite ALL past-2 date ALL wrong done & allowed & 2 date sadly, truly NOTHING right-proper enough maintained tight 2 show (present) 2 Holy Trinity if God chose 2 bring 4th main event Judgment Day right now, huh THAT should B seriously pondered.