This video will explain VERY CLEARLY why YOU should NEVER GIVE UP YOUR GUNS!
MIDNIGHT AT THE COFFEE SHOP will not now OR EVER be taking ANY DIRECTION OR ORDERS from the World Health Organization (WHO). A society owned and operated by Bill Gates who donates to this terror organization so that HE controls it.
To follow anything the World Health Organization dictates... is the modern day equivalent of taking orders from the German Nazis in 1943 and marching yourself into the concentration camps to be experimented on by Doctor Josef Mengele, the Angel of Death.
Fallen Angels don't die, they just inhabit another institution in the future, 2023. This time its the World Health Organization. DO NOT SURRENDER YOUR GUNS. It will cost you the lives of your families. The pharmaceutical corporation executives fully intend to use you people again as a way to make vast sums of cash and YOU and your loved ones can drop dead while they perform experiments on you, JUST LIKE IN COVID-19. It is profitable to them. Therefore, THEY WILL NEVER STOP UNTIL SOMEONE DESTROYS THIS PLAGUE! #vaccine #VaccineSideEffects #Canada #nomandates #mandates #Pfizer #bivalentboosters #boosters #deathbyinjection #boostershots #covid19 #covid #suddendeath #ASDS #death #WHO #BillGates #WorldHealthOrganization