The process is simple, the solid waste is used to treat the flue gas, and the removal effect is good, which is convenient for popularization.The present study explored an efficient technoeconomic method for treating intensely colored dyeing effluents from a commercial source. Firstly, the adsorption efficacy of jute fiber (JF) was enhanced through grafting with tannin, a natural polyphenol, via incorporation of active epoxy groups by epichlorohydrin onto fiber surface. The effect of different experimental parameters (e.g., initial pH, adsorbent dose, temperature, and contact time) on extent of color removal was evaluated performing batch studies. A full factorial central composite design (CCD) in response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to optimize the decolorization process for achieving maximum color removal (99.5%) at pH 4.9, adsorbent dose 11.8 g/L, temperature 30 °C, and time of contact 117.8 min. The isotherm and kinetic studies of the process revealed that Langmuir model and pseudo-second-order model provided best fit, yielding high correlation coefficients (R2 > 0.997). Significant desorption (76%) of the spent adsorbent by 0.1 M NaOH solution suggested that this tannin-modified JF can find a prospective practical application as a novel, inexpensive, and potential bioadsorbent to treat the dyeing effluent.Air pollution assessment in the Tropical Andes requires a multidisciplinary approach. This can be supported from the understanding of the underlying biological dynamics and atmospheric behavior, to the mathematical approach for the proper use of all available information. This review paper touches on several aspects in which mathematical models can help to solve challenging problems regarding air pollution in reviewing the state-of-the-art at the global level and assessing the corresponding state of development as applied to the Tropical Andes. We address the complexities and challenges that modelling atmospheric dynamics in a mega-diverse region with abrupt topography entails. Understanding the relevance of monitoring and facing the problems of data scarcity, we call attention to the usefulness of data assimilation for uncertainty reduction, and how these techniques could help tackle the scarcity of regional monitoring networks to accelerate the implementation and development of modelling systems for air quality in the Tropical Andes. Finally, we suggest a cyberphysical framework for decision-making processes based on the data assimilation of chemical transport models, the forecast of scenarios, and their use in regulation and policy making.Polluted sterilization condensate discharged from palm oil mill may contain polyphenols that are rich in the antioxidant property. Emulsion liquid membrane (ELM) process is a promising method for polyphenol recovery due to its several attractive features such as high selectivity, simple operation, and low energy consumption. In this study, the condensate was characterized to determine its total phenolic content (TPC), ionic elements, and pH. ELM formulation containing tributylphosphate (TBP) as a carrier, kerosene as a diluent, sorbitan monooleate (Span 80) as a surfactant, and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as a stripping agent was developed. The results show that sterilization condensate contains 700-1500 mg GAE/L of TPC. During the ELM process, more than 91% of extraction with 83% recovery and 8.3 enrichment were achieved at the favorable condition of 0.1 M TBP, external phase pH 5, 1 M NaOH, 15 treat ratio, 5% v/v of octanol as a modifier, and 100 mg GAE/L external phase concentrations. Thus, ELM offers a potential alternative technology to extract and recover polyphenols from palm oil mill sterilization condensate while contributing to sustainable production. Graphical abstract Extraction of polyphenols from palm oil mill sterilization condensate using ELM process.India is an agrarian country producing a large amount of rice straw as an agricultural residue. These residues are burnt openly leading to severe environmental pollution and health hazards. Among several options available, anaerobic digestion of rice straw into biomethane gas and digestate is a promising technology. The current paper reviews the characteristics, principles of rice straw and the process variables (temperature, volatile fatty acids, and pH, carbon to nitrogen ratio, metal elements and organic loading rate) that affect the performance of the rice straw digestion and process strategies which may alleviate the barriers and may improve the biomethane yield. Co-digestion of rice straw with nitrogen-rich substrates is proven to be an effective way to balance the carbon to nitrogen ratio, in turn, leads to nutrient balance and enhance the biomethane yields of anaerobic co-digestion system. Moreover, pretreatment is another effective strategy; physical, chemical and biological pretreatments are reviewed in the article which improved the performance of digester. The utilisation of rice straw along with other co-substrates and appropriate pretreatment may be a recommended sustainable solution for preventing environmental and health hazards.Behavioral response of fish has been shown that was sensitive to chemicals in water. Herein, larval and adult rare minnows of Gobiocypris rarus were studied for their innate color preference and response to a concentration gradient of chemicals (cadmium ion [Cd2+], tricaine methanesulfonate [MS222], and p-chloroaniline). The results showed that both larval and adult rare minnows preferred blue and green over yellow and red in water with no chemicals added. Larval color preference changed significantly under concentrations of Cd2+ ≥ 0.4 mg/L, MS222 ≥ 3 mg/L, and p-chloroaniline ≥ 10 mg/L; for adults, color preference changed significantly when Cd2+ ≥ 3 mg/L, MS222 ≥ 34 mg/L, and p-chloroaniline ≥ 38 mg/L. In addition, the color preference priorities of both larvae and adults also changed at high concentrations of chemicals. The present study provides useful information on how changes in rare minnow behavior could be used as an early indicator of water pollution.