Here, we report the genome sequence of Enterobacter roggenkampii strain OS53, isolated from corroded pipework at an offshore oil production facility. The draft genome sequence comprises 6 contigs and contains 5,194,507 bp with an average GC content of 55.90%.A plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium, Bacillus circulans GN03, was isolated from the root surface of pak choi cabbage. Here, we report the whole-genome sequence of the GN03 strain, which includes a circular chromosome (5,217,129 bp; GC content, 35.64%) and a plasmid (181,705 bp; GC content, 31.62%).Weissella cibaria appears to have broad-spectrum health benefits. Here, we report the genome sequence of Weissella cibaria strain BM2, which was isolated from homemade kimchi; it consists of one circular chromosome of 2,462,443 bp and one plasmid of 11,067 bp. A total of 2,337 coding sequences were predicted, including 2,117 protein-coding sequences and a G+C content of 45.06%.Maintenance of germ cell sexual identity is essential for reproduction. Entry into the spermatogenesis or oogenesis pathway requires that the appropriate gene network is activated and the antagonist network is silenced. For example, in Drosophila female germ cells, forced expression of the testis-specific PHD finger protein 7 (PHF7) disrupts oogenesis, leading to either an agametic or germ cell tumor phenotype. Here, we show that PHF7-expressing ovarian germ cells inappropriately express hundreds of genes, many of which are male germline genes. We find that the majority of genes under PHF7 control in female germ cells are not under PHF7 control in male germ cells, suggesting that PHF7 is acting in a tissue-specific manner. Remarkably, transcriptional reprogramming includes a positive autoregulatory feedback mechanism in which ectopic PHF7 overcomes its own transcriptional repression through promoter switching. Furthermore, we find that tumorigenic capacity is dependent on the dosage of phf7 This study reveals that ectopic PHF7 in female germ cells leads to a loss of sexual identity and the promotion of a regulatory circuit that is beneficial for tumor initiation and progression.Identifying cell states during development from their mRNA profiles provides insight into their gene regulatory network. Here, we leverage the sea urchin embryo for its well-established gene regulatory network to interrogate the embryo using single cell RNA sequencing. We tested eight developmental stages in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, from the eight-cell stage to late in gastrulation. We used these datasets to parse out 22 major cell states of the embryo, focusing on key transition stages for cell type specification of each germ layer. Subclustering of these major embryonic domains revealed over 50 cell states with distinct transcript profiles. Furthermore, we identified the transcript profile of two cell states expressing germ cell factors, one we conclude represents the primordial germ cells and the other state is transiently present during gastrulation. We hypothesize that these cells of the Veg2 tier of the early embryo represent a lineage that converts to the germ line when the primordial germ cells are deleted. This broad resource will hopefully enable the community to identify other cell states and genes of interest to expose the underpinning of developmental mechanisms.Stomata are epidermal valves that facilitate gas exchange between plants and their environment. Stomatal patterning is regulated by the EPIDERMAL PATTERING FACTOR (EPF) family of secreted peptides EPF1 enforces stomatal spacing, whereas EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR-LIKE9 (EPFL9), also known as Stomagen, promotes stomatal development. It remains unknown, however, how far these signaling peptides act. Utilizing Cre-lox recombination-based mosaic sectors that overexpress either EPF1 or Stomagen in Arabidopsis cotyledons, we reveal a range within the epidermis and across the cell layers in which these peptides influence patterns. To determine their effective ranges quantitatively, we developed a computational pipeline, SPACE (stomata patterning autocorrelation on epidermis), that describes probabilistic two-dimensional stomatal distributions based upon spatial autocorrelation statistics used in astrophysics. The SPACE analysis shows that, whereas both peptides act locally, the inhibitor EPF1 exerts longer range effects than the activator Stomagen. Furthermore, local perturbation of stomatal development has little influence on global two-dimensional stomatal patterning. Our findings conclusively demonstrate the nature and extent of EPF peptides as non-cell autonomous local signals and provide a means for quantitative characterization of complex spatial patterns in development.This article has an associated 'The people behind the papers' interview.Loss-of-function mutations in both alleles of the human insulin receptor gene (INSR) cause extreme insulin resistance (IR) and usually death in childhood, with few effective therapeutic options. Bivalent antireceptor antibodies can elicit insulin-like signaling by mutant INSR in cultured cells, but whether this translates into meaningful metabolic benefits in vivo, wherein the dynamics of insulin signaling and receptor recycling are more complex, is unknown. To address this, we adopted a strategy to model human insulin receptoropathy in mice, using Cre recombinase delivered by adeno-associated virus to knockout endogenous hepatic Insr acutely in floxed Insr mice (liver insulin receptor knockout [L-IRKO] + GFP), before adenovirus-mediated add back of wild-type (WT) or mutant human INSR Two murine anti-INSR monoclonal antibodies, previously shown to be surrogate agonists for mutant INSR, were then tested by intraperitoneal injections. As expected, L-IRKO + GFP mice showed glucose intolerance and severe hyperinsulinemia. This was fully corrected by add back of WT but not with either D734A or S350L mutant INSR. Antibody injection improved glucose tolerance in D734A INSR-expressing mice and reduced hyperinsulinemia in both S350L and D734A INSR-expressing animals. It did not cause hypoglycemia in WT INSR-expressing mice. Antibody treatment also downregulated both WT and mutant INSR protein, attenuating its beneficial metabolic effects. Anti-INSR antibodies thus improve IR in an acute model of insulin receptoropathy, but these findings imply a narrow therapeutic window determined by competing effects of antibodies to stimulate receptors and induce their downregulation.