
Sorry, no results were found.


21 mins ago

Usually, we foresee why these conclusions will benefit the attempts toward building next generation electronic infectious disease recognition systems and trigger further ideas in this challenging industry. Rising telehealth abilities and improving use of older adults can aid in enhancing health results and standard of living indicators. Telehealth isn't getting used ubiquitously at present. This review aimed to identify the barriers that prevent ubiquitous use of telehealth plus the ways that telehealth improves health effects and quality of life indicators for older adults. This organized review had been conducted and reported relative to the Kruse protocol while the popular Reporting Things for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Reviewers queried the next four research databases Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied wellness Literature (CINAHL), PubMed (MEDLINE), online of Science, and Embase (Science Direct). Reviewers analyzed 57 articles, carried out a narrative evaluation to identify motifs, and identified barriers and reports of health effects and quality of life signs based in the literary works. Reviewers examined 57 researches throughout the following five interventionse study must be performed on methods for personalizing telehealth in older adults before execution. Constant positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is the most effective treatment for obstructive snore (OSA). Despite the stated benefits of CPAP treatment in dealing with OSA, its effectiveness is paid off by less-than-optimal adherence or use. Up to 50% of customers whom accept CPAP treatment are not able to stay glued to it. As too little commitment to CPAP therapy is one of the main facets that hinder OSA treatment effectiveness, patient motivation and knowledge tend to be important to help relieve the dilemma of bad CPAP adherence or usage. This research is designed to support the growth of mobile wellness treatments or information systems methods to market CPAP adherence and employ among patients with OSA through development, content validation, and examination of tailored inspirational emails. The number of general public eHealth services that support patient self-management is quickly increasing. But, the utilization of these eHealth solutions for self-management features experienced difficulties. The goal of this report would be to evaluate the difficulties and options of applying eHealth services for self-management by concentrating on the fit involving the technical option and clinical usage. We performed detailed interviews with 10 medical project coordinators and supervisors who have been accountable for developing and implementing numerous eHealth services for self-management interventions in five college hospitals in Finland. The outcome were examined using material analysis and open coding. The Fit between people, Task, and tech (FITT) framework ended up being used to understand the results. The utilization of self-management services involved many difficulties associated with technical problems, medical expert acceptance, diligent motivation, and wellness company and management. The implementerslders in eHealth services for patient self-management has to be highlighted. Hence, we suggest that clients should really be added as an alternative type of specific measurement to your FITT framework. In addition, the framework could be extended to incorporate company and management in a new framework dimension. Nursing staff shortage has emerged as a worldwide issue. Foreign nurse importation is a well known technique to deal with the shortage. The interactions between nursing staff on either region of the Taiwan Strait continue steadily to increase. Since both nurses in Taiwan and nurses in China have actually used nursing information methods to boost medical care processes and quality, it's important to research factors affecting nursing information system usage in nursing practice. Regardless of the increase in use and large expectations of electronic health solutions, systematic proof about the effectiveness of electric health (eHealth) as well as other aspects such as for example usability and precision is lagging behind. eHealth solutions tend to be complex treatments, which need a wide array of evaluation methods being effective at answering the many various concerns that arise during the consecutive research stages of eHealth development and execution. But, evaluators appear to struggle in picking appropriate assessment methods in relation to a certain study stage. The objective of this project was to offer a structured breakdown of the current eHealth assessment techniques, because of the purpose of assisting eHealth evaluators in selecting an appropriate strategy for assessing their particular eHealth solution at a specific assessment study phase. Three consecutive tips had been followed . Step one was a systematic scoping review, summarizing existing eHealth assessment methods. Step 2 ended up being a thought mapping stuonline "eHealth methodology guide." By assisting evaluators in selecting a suitable analysis method pertaining to a particular study period associated with "eHealth evaluation cycle," the guide aims to improve the high quality, safety, and successful long-term utilization of unique eHealth solutions.

5 hrs ago

Despite the rising incidence of human papillomavirus related (HPV+) oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC), treatment of metastatic disease remains palliative. Even with new treatments such as immunotherapy, response rates are low and can be delayed, while even mild tumor progression in the face of an ineffective therapy can lead to rapid death. Real-time biomarkers of response to therapy could improve outcomes by guiding early change of therapy in the metastatic setting. Herein, we developed and analytically validated a new droplet digital PCR (ddPCR)-based assay for HPV16 circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) and evaluated plasma HPV16 ctDNA for predicting treatment response in metastatic HPV+ OPSCC. We found that longitudinal changes HPV16 ctDNA correlate with treatment response and that ctDNA responses are observed earlier than conventional imaging (average 70 days, range 35-166). With additional validation in multi-site studies, this assay may enable early identification of treatment failure, allowing patients to be directed promptly toward clinical trials or alternative therapies.Surgical resection of head and neck squamous-cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is associated with high rates of local and distant recurrence, partially mitigated by adjuvant therapy. A pre-existing immune response in the patient's tumor is associated with better outcomes following treatment with conventional therapies, but improved options are needed for patients with poor anti-tumor immunity. We hypothesized that local delivery of tumor antigen-specific T-cells into the resection cavity following surgery would direct T-cells to residual antigens in the margins and draining lymphatics and present a platform for T-cell-targeted immunotherapy. We loaded T-cells into a biomaterial that conformed to the resection cavity and demonstrated that it could release T-cells that retained their functional activity in-vitro, and in a HNSCC model in-vivo. Locally delivered T-cells loaded in a biomaterial were equivalent in control of established tumors to intravenous adoptive T-cell transfer, and resulted in the systemic circulation of tumor antigen-specific T-cells as well as local accumulation in the tumor. We demonstrate that adjuvant therapy with anti-PD1 following surgical resection was ineffective unless combined with local delivery of T-cells. These data demonstrate that local delivery of tumor-specific T-cells is an efficient option to convert tumors that are unresponsive to checkpoint inhibitors to permit tumor cures.
The benefits of laparoscopic approach for right colectomy have been well established. However, the technical difficulty to construct the intra-corporeal anastomosis is still cumbersome.

To analyze the results of 3D and 2D laparoscopic right colectomy and to compare it to the published series through a systematic review and meta-analysis.

A retrospective study with propensity score matching analysis of patients undergoing laparoscopic right colectomy at Umbria2 Hospitals from January 2014 to March 2020 was performed. A systematic review was accomplished comparing 2D and 3D right colectomy.

In the personal series 47 patients of the 2D group were matched to 47 patients of the 3D group. The 3D group showed a favorable trend in terms of mean operative time (170.7 ± 32.9 min
183.8 ± 35.4 min;
= 0.053) and a significant lower anastomotic time (16.9 ± 2.3 min
19.6 ± 2.9 min,
< 0.001). The complete mesocolic excision (CME) subgroups analysis showed a shorter anastomotic time (16.5 ± 1.8 min
1oscopic right colectomy shortens operative and anastomotic time without affecting the standard lymphadenectomy. In our series, the advantage of the 3D system becomes evident when CME and/or more complex associated procedure are requested significantly reducing both the total operative and the anastomotic time.
Chylous ascites is a rare complication in colorectal surgery with limited evidence.

To systematically review all available evidence to describe the incidence, clinical presentation, risk factors and management strategies.

The systematic review was performed through PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane and cross-checked up to November 2020. The data collated included Demographics, indications (benign
malignant), site of disease, surgical approach, extent of lymphadenectomy, day to and method of diagnosis of chylous ascites and management strategies.

A total of 28 studies were included in the final analysis (426 cases). Patient age ranged from 31 to 89 years. All except one case were performed for malignancy. Of the 426 cases, 195 were right-colonic, 121 left-colonic, 103 pelvic surgeries and 7 others. The majority were diagnosed during the same inpatient stay by recognition of typical drain appearance and increased volume. Three cases were diagnosed during outpatient visits with increased abdominal phadenectomy to prevent morbidity.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is responsible for the ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and has caused more than 80 million infections and 1.7 million deaths worldwide. Although it is primarily a respiratory virus, SARS-CoV-2 also has extra-pulmonary effects. Pancreatic injury and cases of acute pancreatitis (AP) have been recognized and attributed to SARS-CoV-2, but the mechanisms of pancreatic injury are still a subject of debate. There is also controversy on whether SARS-CoV-2 can cause AP or if it is an epiphenomenon.

To review and to explore the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infection and AP, and to provide an overview of the existing literature on possible mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2-induced pancreatic lesion.

A systematic review was conducted in accordance with PRISMA guidelines for papers on SARS-CoV-2 infection and AP. A narrative review on possible mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2-induced pancreatic lesion was also performed.

A literature review reo entities and their theragnostic significance.
AP should be considered in COVID-19 patients, especially in those exhibiting abdominal pain and systematic, and complete reporting of these cases should be general practice. However, there is still insufficient evidence showing that COVID-19 can cause AP or negatively impact prognosis. Additional studies are needed to clarify the relationship between these two entities and their theragnostic significance.

9 hrs ago

05 was taken as statistically significant. The overall prevalence of IPIs among the children was 62.4% (239/383). Single, double, and triple infections were 49.9%, 10.7%, and 1.83%, respectively. Residence, family income, place of defecation, source of drinking water, shoe-wearing habit, handwashing habit after toilet use, ways of waste disposal, and cleanliness of fingernail were the most important predictors of IPIs (p less then 0.05). Ascaris lumbricoides (22.7% (87/383)) and hookworms (20.6% (79/383)) were the most prevalent parasites, followed by Entamoeba histolytica (8.1%), Trichuris trichiura (7.6%), Giardia intestinalis (6.5%), Hymenolepis nana (5.7%), and Schistosoma mansoni (4.4%), in that order. Sasiga District primary schoolchildren are likely at a high burden of IPIs. Intensive health education on personal hygiene and environmental sanitation is needed. Copyright © 2020 Baye Sitotaw and Wakgari Shiferaw.Background Schistosoma mansoni is highly endemic in the Lake Zone part of Tanzania and most people are chronically infected. Periportal fibrosis (PPF) is the commonest complication of chronic S. mansoni infection documented in up to 42% of studied participants in the community-based studies. These patients are at high risk of mortality since most of them are diagnosed late with bleeding varices. At Bugando, Schistosoma-related varices contributed to 70% of patients admitted due to vomiting blood with a two months' mortality of over 10%. Earlier studies had reported higher mortality of up to 29% among patients with PPF even with the best in-hospital care. Understanding factors that increased the risk of mortality is important clinically in devising ways that can improve the outcome of this subgroup of patients. Methods A retrospective analysis of patients with PPF from 2015 through 2018 was done. Their sociodemographic, clinical, laboratory, ultrasonographic, endoscopic, and survival status data were collected, actives schistosomiasis, hepatitis B coinfection, and mortality are highly common. Screening for varices and initiation of prophylaxis, administration of praziquantel, and screening for hepatitis B should be part and parcel of care of these patients. The first two years of diagnosis, patients are at high risk of mortality; risk factors in this study should assist planning a closer follow-up of patients at risk of mortality to improve their long-term outcome. Copyright © 2020 Daniel W. Gunda et al.Objectives To examine the sensitivity/specificity of the Athlete Psychological Strain Questionnaire (APSQ) in both male and female elite athletes, and also assess internal consistency and convergent/divergent validity, and determine discriminative validity relative to current injury status. Methods Data were provided by 1093 elite athletes (males n=1007; females n=84). Scale validity and reliability values were benchmarked against validated measures of general psychological distress and well-being. ROC curve analysis determined a range of optimal severity cut-points. Results Bias-corrected area under curve (AUC) values supported three APSQ cut-points for moderate (AUC=0.901), high (AUC=0.944) and very high (AUC=0.951) categories. APSQ total score Cronbach coefficients exceeded those observed for the Kessler 10 (K-10). Gender ×injury status interactions were observed for the APSQ total score and K-10, whereby injured female athletes reported higher scores relative to males and non-injured female counterparts. Conclusion By providing a range of cut-off scores identifying those scoring in the marginal and elevated ranges, the APSQ may better facilitate earlier identification for male and female elite athletes vulnerable to mental health symptoms and developing syndromes. Use of the APSQ may support sports medicine practitioners and allied health professionals to detect early mental ill health manifestations and facilitate timely management and ideally, remediation of symptoms. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.Objectives Traditionally, early repolarisation (ER) is considered a benign ECG variant, predominantly found in youths and athletes. However, a limited number of studies have reported an association between ER and the incidental occurrence of ventricular fibrillation or sudden cardiac death. Yet definite, direct comparisons of the incidence of ER in unselected, contemporary populations in athletes as compared with non-athletes and across different sports are lacking. This study therefore aimed to investigate whether ER is more common among athletes as compared with non-athletes, and if ER patterns differ between sport disciplines based on static and dynamic intensity. Methods To assess ER we retrospectively analysed ECGs of 2241 adult subjects (2090 athletes, 151 non-athletes), who had a sports medical screening between 2010 and 2014 in an outpatient clinic. The outcome was tested for confounders in a multivariable logistic regression analysis. Results ER was found in 502 athletes (24%). We found a 50% higher prevalence of ER in the athlete group compared with the control group (OR 1.5 (SE 0.34), adjusted 95% CI 1.0 to 2.4) in multivariable analysis. A 30% higher prevalence of ER in the inferior leads only (OR 1.3 (SE 0.38), adjusted 95% CI 0.74 to 2.3), a 120% higher prevalence of ER in the lateral leads only (OR 2.2 (SE 1.0), adjusted 95% CI 0.87 to 5.4), and a 20% higher prevalence of ER in the inferior and lateral leads (OR 1.2 (SE 0.49), adjusted 95% CI 0.55 to 2.7) was found in athletes. Conclusion Athletes had a 50% higher prevalence of ER and a 30% higher prevalence of ER in the inferior leads specifically. There was no association between training duration or sports discipline and ER. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.Objectives The aim was to identify and describe outcomes from original published studies that present the number, nature, mechanism and severity of medically treated injuries sustained in community-level cricket. Design Systematic review. Methods Nine databases were systematically searched to December 2019 using terms "cricket*" and "injur*". Original, peer-reviewed studies reporting injury for at least one injury descriptor (body region, nature of injury and/or mechanism of injury) in community-level cricketers of all ages were included. Qualitative synthesis, critical appraisal and descriptive summary results are reported within the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Results Six studies were included five reported hospital-treated data and one reported insurance claims data. Two had a low risk of bias. In hospital-based studies, fractures were the most frequent injury type. Upper and lower limb injuries (age ≥15 years) and injuries to the head (age less then 15 years) were the most common body region injured.



On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez reviews the bombshell letter recently penned by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg saying in no uncertain terms that the US government pressured his company to demote stories like the Hunter Biden laptop during the 2020 election. Rick digs a bit deeper into the charges France is making against Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. And then, the Boeing Starliner has stranded American astronauts in space until February. Rick discusses all of this with international correspondent Manila Chan. Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson joins the show to discuss the unprecedented governmental pressure on social media companies worldwide.

AI is in the headlines every day, with the latest news highlighting companies like Nvidia, Apple, Alphabet, Meta, Taiwan Semiconductor, and others leading the charge. Today, nearly everyone has interacted with AI in some capacity. It may have helped you write a paper, craft a letter, or compose a thank you note. Lecturer Sean O’Brien, a cybersecurity expert, explains what artificial intelligence is, its intended purposes, and how it will transform our lives.

In this episode of The Cost of Everything, we take a closer look at the cost of data centers, as they play a crucial role in the future of the world economy and are critical for national security. Host Christy Ai explores with author Rajkumar Buyya where and why these data centers are located in certain areas, and how much it costs to keep them up and running as they are vital for internet infrastructure, economic output and increased data consumption by billions of digital users.


Sorry, no results were found.



On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez reviews the bombshell letter recently penned by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg saying in no uncertain terms that the US government pressured his company to demote stories like the Hunter Biden laptop during the 2020 election. Rick digs a bit deeper into the charges France is making against Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. And then, the Boeing Starliner has stranded American astronauts in space until February. Rick discusses all of this with international correspondent Manila Chan. Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson joins the show to discuss the unprecedented governmental pressure on social media companies worldwide.

AI is in the headlines every day, with the latest news highlighting companies like Nvidia, Apple, Alphabet, Meta, Taiwan Semiconductor, and others leading the charge. Today, nearly everyone has interacted with AI in some capacity. It may have helped you write a paper, craft a letter, or compose a thank you note. Lecturer Sean O’Brien, a cybersecurity expert, explains what artificial intelligence is, its intended purposes, and how it will transform our lives.

In this episode of The Cost of Everything, we take a closer look at the cost of data centers, as they play a crucial role in the future of the world economy and are critical for national security. Host Christy Ai explores with author Rajkumar Buyya where and why these data centers are located in certain areas, and how much it costs to keep them up and running as they are vital for internet infrastructure, economic output and increased data consumption by billions of digital users.


TikTok is being banned from government devices in the U.S. for concern the parent company Bytedance is using the social media app to spy on Americans. But some in Congress are fighting to keep using the platform. Representatives worked with TikTok to hold a press conference and protest outside the capital ahead of a committee hearing. TikTok even paid for influencers from all over the country to come to DC and protest. International correspondent Roxana Solano breaks down who the ban really benefits. Scottie Nell Hughes talks with Tech Features Editor of Business Insider, Tekendra Parmer, about the battle between TikTok vs. Meta and Google and how it is part of a larger geopolitical context between China and the United States.


21 mins ago

Usually, we foresee why these conclusions will benefit the attempts toward building next generation electronic infectious disease recognition systems and trigger further ideas in this challenging industry. Rising telehealth abilities and improving use of older adults can aid in enhancing health results and standard of living indicators. Telehealth isn't getting used ubiquitously at present. This review aimed to identify the barriers that prevent ubiquitous use of telehealth plus the ways that telehealth improves health effects and quality of life indicators for older adults. This organized review had been conducted and reported relative to the Kruse protocol while the popular Reporting Things for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Reviewers queried the next four research databases Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied wellness Literature (CINAHL), PubMed (MEDLINE), online of Science, and Embase (Science Direct). Reviewers analyzed 57 articles, carried out a narrative evaluation to identify motifs, and identified barriers and reports of health effects and quality of life signs based in the literary works. Reviewers examined 57 researches throughout the following five interventionse study must be performed on methods for personalizing telehealth in older adults before execution. Constant positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is the most effective treatment for obstructive snore (OSA). Despite the stated benefits of CPAP treatment in dealing with OSA, its effectiveness is paid off by less-than-optimal adherence or use. Up to 50% of customers whom accept CPAP treatment are not able to stay glued to it. As too little commitment to CPAP therapy is one of the main facets that hinder OSA treatment effectiveness, patient motivation and knowledge tend to be important to help relieve the dilemma of bad CPAP adherence or usage. This research is designed to support the growth of mobile wellness treatments or information systems methods to market CPAP adherence and employ among patients with OSA through development, content validation, and examination of tailored inspirational emails. The number of general public eHealth services that support patient self-management is quickly increasing. But, the utilization of these eHealth solutions for self-management features experienced difficulties. The goal of this report would be to evaluate the difficulties and options of applying eHealth services for self-management by concentrating on the fit involving the technical option and clinical usage. We performed detailed interviews with 10 medical project coordinators and supervisors who have been accountable for developing and implementing numerous eHealth services for self-management interventions in five college hospitals in Finland. The outcome were examined using material analysis and open coding. The Fit between people, Task, and tech (FITT) framework ended up being used to understand the results. The utilization of self-management services involved many difficulties associated with technical problems, medical expert acceptance, diligent motivation, and wellness company and management. The implementerslders in eHealth services for patient self-management has to be highlighted. Hence, we suggest that clients should really be added as an alternative type of specific measurement to your FITT framework. In addition, the framework could be extended to incorporate company and management in a new framework dimension. Nursing staff shortage has emerged as a worldwide issue. Foreign nurse importation is a well known technique to deal with the shortage. The interactions between nursing staff on either region of the Taiwan Strait continue steadily to increase. Since both nurses in Taiwan and nurses in China have actually used nursing information methods to boost medical care processes and quality, it's important to research factors affecting nursing information system usage in nursing practice. Regardless of the increase in use and large expectations of electronic health solutions, systematic proof about the effectiveness of electric health (eHealth) as well as other aspects such as for example usability and precision is lagging behind. eHealth solutions tend to be complex treatments, which need a wide array of evaluation methods being effective at answering the many various concerns that arise during the consecutive research stages of eHealth development and execution. But, evaluators appear to struggle in picking appropriate assessment methods in relation to a certain study stage. The objective of this project was to offer a structured breakdown of the current eHealth assessment techniques, because of the purpose of assisting eHealth evaluators in selecting an appropriate strategy for assessing their particular eHealth solution at a specific assessment study phase. Three consecutive tips had been followed . Step one was a systematic scoping review, summarizing existing eHealth assessment methods. Step 2 ended up being a thought mapping stuonline "eHealth methodology guide." By assisting evaluators in selecting a suitable analysis method pertaining to a particular study period associated with "eHealth evaluation cycle," the guide aims to improve the high quality, safety, and successful long-term utilization of unique eHealth solutions.

5 hrs ago

Despite the rising incidence of human papillomavirus related (HPV+) oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC), treatment of metastatic disease remains palliative. Even with new treatments such as immunotherapy, response rates are low and can be delayed, while even mild tumor progression in the face of an ineffective therapy can lead to rapid death. Real-time biomarkers of response to therapy could improve outcomes by guiding early change of therapy in the metastatic setting. Herein, we developed and analytically validated a new droplet digital PCR (ddPCR)-based assay for HPV16 circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) and evaluated plasma HPV16 ctDNA for predicting treatment response in metastatic HPV+ OPSCC. We found that longitudinal changes HPV16 ctDNA correlate with treatment response and that ctDNA responses are observed earlier than conventional imaging (average 70 days, range 35-166). With additional validation in multi-site studies, this assay may enable early identification of treatment failure, allowing patients to be directed promptly toward clinical trials or alternative therapies.Surgical resection of head and neck squamous-cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is associated with high rates of local and distant recurrence, partially mitigated by adjuvant therapy. A pre-existing immune response in the patient's tumor is associated with better outcomes following treatment with conventional therapies, but improved options are needed for patients with poor anti-tumor immunity. We hypothesized that local delivery of tumor antigen-specific T-cells into the resection cavity following surgery would direct T-cells to residual antigens in the margins and draining lymphatics and present a platform for T-cell-targeted immunotherapy. We loaded T-cells into a biomaterial that conformed to the resection cavity and demonstrated that it could release T-cells that retained their functional activity in-vitro, and in a HNSCC model in-vivo. Locally delivered T-cells loaded in a biomaterial were equivalent in control of established tumors to intravenous adoptive T-cell transfer, and resulted in the systemic circulation of tumor antigen-specific T-cells as well as local accumulation in the tumor. We demonstrate that adjuvant therapy with anti-PD1 following surgical resection was ineffective unless combined with local delivery of T-cells. These data demonstrate that local delivery of tumor-specific T-cells is an efficient option to convert tumors that are unresponsive to checkpoint inhibitors to permit tumor cures.
The benefits of laparoscopic approach for right colectomy have been well established. However, the technical difficulty to construct the intra-corporeal anastomosis is still cumbersome.

To analyze the results of 3D and 2D laparoscopic right colectomy and to compare it to the published series through a systematic review and meta-analysis.

A retrospective study with propensity score matching analysis of patients undergoing laparoscopic right colectomy at Umbria2 Hospitals from January 2014 to March 2020 was performed. A systematic review was accomplished comparing 2D and 3D right colectomy.

In the personal series 47 patients of the 2D group were matched to 47 patients of the 3D group. The 3D group showed a favorable trend in terms of mean operative time (170.7 ± 32.9 min
183.8 ± 35.4 min;
= 0.053) and a significant lower anastomotic time (16.9 ± 2.3 min
19.6 ± 2.9 min,
< 0.001). The complete mesocolic excision (CME) subgroups analysis showed a shorter anastomotic time (16.5 ± 1.8 min
1oscopic right colectomy shortens operative and anastomotic time without affecting the standard lymphadenectomy. In our series, the advantage of the 3D system becomes evident when CME and/or more complex associated procedure are requested significantly reducing both the total operative and the anastomotic time.
Chylous ascites is a rare complication in colorectal surgery with limited evidence.

To systematically review all available evidence to describe the incidence, clinical presentation, risk factors and management strategies.

The systematic review was performed through PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane and cross-checked up to November 2020. The data collated included Demographics, indications (benign
malignant), site of disease, surgical approach, extent of lymphadenectomy, day to and method of diagnosis of chylous ascites and management strategies.

A total of 28 studies were included in the final analysis (426 cases). Patient age ranged from 31 to 89 years. All except one case were performed for malignancy. Of the 426 cases, 195 were right-colonic, 121 left-colonic, 103 pelvic surgeries and 7 others. The majority were diagnosed during the same inpatient stay by recognition of typical drain appearance and increased volume. Three cases were diagnosed during outpatient visits with increased abdominal phadenectomy to prevent morbidity.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is responsible for the ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and has caused more than 80 million infections and 1.7 million deaths worldwide. Although it is primarily a respiratory virus, SARS-CoV-2 also has extra-pulmonary effects. Pancreatic injury and cases of acute pancreatitis (AP) have been recognized and attributed to SARS-CoV-2, but the mechanisms of pancreatic injury are still a subject of debate. There is also controversy on whether SARS-CoV-2 can cause AP or if it is an epiphenomenon.

To review and to explore the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infection and AP, and to provide an overview of the existing literature on possible mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2-induced pancreatic lesion.

A systematic review was conducted in accordance with PRISMA guidelines for papers on SARS-CoV-2 infection and AP. A narrative review on possible mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2-induced pancreatic lesion was also performed.

A literature review reo entities and their theragnostic significance.
AP should be considered in COVID-19 patients, especially in those exhibiting abdominal pain and systematic, and complete reporting of these cases should be general practice. However, there is still insufficient evidence showing that COVID-19 can cause AP or negatively impact prognosis. Additional studies are needed to clarify the relationship between these two entities and their theragnostic significance.

9 hrs ago

05 was taken as statistically significant. The overall prevalence of IPIs among the children was 62.4% (239/383). Single, double, and triple infections were 49.9%, 10.7%, and 1.83%, respectively. Residence, family income, place of defecation, source of drinking water, shoe-wearing habit, handwashing habit after toilet use, ways of waste disposal, and cleanliness of fingernail were the most important predictors of IPIs (p less then 0.05). Ascaris lumbricoides (22.7% (87/383)) and hookworms (20.6% (79/383)) were the most prevalent parasites, followed by Entamoeba histolytica (8.1%), Trichuris trichiura (7.6%), Giardia intestinalis (6.5%), Hymenolepis nana (5.7%), and Schistosoma mansoni (4.4%), in that order. Sasiga District primary schoolchildren are likely at a high burden of IPIs. Intensive health education on personal hygiene and environmental sanitation is needed. Copyright © 2020 Baye Sitotaw and Wakgari Shiferaw.Background Schistosoma mansoni is highly endemic in the Lake Zone part of Tanzania and most people are chronically infected. Periportal fibrosis (PPF) is the commonest complication of chronic S. mansoni infection documented in up to 42% of studied participants in the community-based studies. These patients are at high risk of mortality since most of them are diagnosed late with bleeding varices. At Bugando, Schistosoma-related varices contributed to 70% of patients admitted due to vomiting blood with a two months' mortality of over 10%. Earlier studies had reported higher mortality of up to 29% among patients with PPF even with the best in-hospital care. Understanding factors that increased the risk of mortality is important clinically in devising ways that can improve the outcome of this subgroup of patients. Methods A retrospective analysis of patients with PPF from 2015 through 2018 was done. Their sociodemographic, clinical, laboratory, ultrasonographic, endoscopic, and survival status data were collected, actives schistosomiasis, hepatitis B coinfection, and mortality are highly common. Screening for varices and initiation of prophylaxis, administration of praziquantel, and screening for hepatitis B should be part and parcel of care of these patients. The first two years of diagnosis, patients are at high risk of mortality; risk factors in this study should assist planning a closer follow-up of patients at risk of mortality to improve their long-term outcome. Copyright © 2020 Daniel W. Gunda et al.Objectives To examine the sensitivity/specificity of the Athlete Psychological Strain Questionnaire (APSQ) in both male and female elite athletes, and also assess internal consistency and convergent/divergent validity, and determine discriminative validity relative to current injury status. Methods Data were provided by 1093 elite athletes (males n=1007; females n=84). Scale validity and reliability values were benchmarked against validated measures of general psychological distress and well-being. ROC curve analysis determined a range of optimal severity cut-points. Results Bias-corrected area under curve (AUC) values supported three APSQ cut-points for moderate (AUC=0.901), high (AUC=0.944) and very high (AUC=0.951) categories. APSQ total score Cronbach coefficients exceeded those observed for the Kessler 10 (K-10). Gender ×injury status interactions were observed for the APSQ total score and K-10, whereby injured female athletes reported higher scores relative to males and non-injured female counterparts. Conclusion By providing a range of cut-off scores identifying those scoring in the marginal and elevated ranges, the APSQ may better facilitate earlier identification for male and female elite athletes vulnerable to mental health symptoms and developing syndromes. Use of the APSQ may support sports medicine practitioners and allied health professionals to detect early mental ill health manifestations and facilitate timely management and ideally, remediation of symptoms. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.Objectives Traditionally, early repolarisation (ER) is considered a benign ECG variant, predominantly found in youths and athletes. However, a limited number of studies have reported an association between ER and the incidental occurrence of ventricular fibrillation or sudden cardiac death. Yet definite, direct comparisons of the incidence of ER in unselected, contemporary populations in athletes as compared with non-athletes and across different sports are lacking. This study therefore aimed to investigate whether ER is more common among athletes as compared with non-athletes, and if ER patterns differ between sport disciplines based on static and dynamic intensity. Methods To assess ER we retrospectively analysed ECGs of 2241 adult subjects (2090 athletes, 151 non-athletes), who had a sports medical screening between 2010 and 2014 in an outpatient clinic. The outcome was tested for confounders in a multivariable logistic regression analysis. Results ER was found in 502 athletes (24%). We found a 50% higher prevalence of ER in the athlete group compared with the control group (OR 1.5 (SE 0.34), adjusted 95% CI 1.0 to 2.4) in multivariable analysis. A 30% higher prevalence of ER in the inferior leads only (OR 1.3 (SE 0.38), adjusted 95% CI 0.74 to 2.3), a 120% higher prevalence of ER in the lateral leads only (OR 2.2 (SE 1.0), adjusted 95% CI 0.87 to 5.4), and a 20% higher prevalence of ER in the inferior and lateral leads (OR 1.2 (SE 0.49), adjusted 95% CI 0.55 to 2.7) was found in athletes. Conclusion Athletes had a 50% higher prevalence of ER and a 30% higher prevalence of ER in the inferior leads specifically. There was no association between training duration or sports discipline and ER. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.Objectives The aim was to identify and describe outcomes from original published studies that present the number, nature, mechanism and severity of medically treated injuries sustained in community-level cricket. Design Systematic review. Methods Nine databases were systematically searched to December 2019 using terms "cricket*" and "injur*". Original, peer-reviewed studies reporting injury for at least one injury descriptor (body region, nature of injury and/or mechanism of injury) in community-level cricketers of all ages were included. Qualitative synthesis, critical appraisal and descriptive summary results are reported within the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Results Six studies were included five reported hospital-treated data and one reported insurance claims data. Two had a low risk of bias. In hospital-based studies, fractures were the most frequent injury type. Upper and lower limb injuries (age ≥15 years) and injuries to the head (age less then 15 years) were the most common body region injured.

22 hrs ago

¿Que consultar a un adiestrador de perros? #1 ¿Garantizas los buenos resultados del entrenamiento?#2 ¿Debo participar del adiestramiento?#3 ¿Qué procedimiento usas?#4 ¿Cómo sé si mi can va progresando o estoy perdiendo el tiempo?#5 ¿Qué equipo emplearás? ¿Cómo hacer para entrenar a un cánido? Establece reglas claras desde el comienzo.Acompáñalo a hacer sus necesidades mientras se acostumbra.Recompénsalo por su buen comportamiento.Asegúrate de que tu cachorro sabe que tienes un premio para él.Elogia a tu cachorro verbalmente.Crea una rutina diaria para enseñarle trucos. ¿En qué momento comenzar a entrenar a un pastor alemán? El instante ideal para enseñar a un pastor alemán es cuando son cachorros. A partir de los 2 meses ya puedes empezar a instruir a tu cachorro lo que está bien y lo que no mas, sobre todo, a socializarle.

¿Cuánto tiempo dura el entrenamiento de un can? Cuánto dura cada una de las sesiones de entrenamiento canino? Cada sesión tiene una duración de dos horas, y durante la primera visita analizaremos las necesidades de la familia y decidimos cual es la meta donde focalizarnos. ¿Cuántas sesiones se necesita para entrenar un perro? ¿Cuántas sesiones necesita un cánido lograr un nivel perfecto de autocontrol? Pueden realizarse sesiones de ejercicios dos días a la semana (1 hora/día) a lo largo de tres-4 meses, esto es, unas 20 sesiones. Ejercicios que va a haber que practicar luego en casa en el día a día. ¿Qué es un etólogo canino? Por consiguiente, hablando normalmente, un etólogo canino es el profesional que se hace cargo de estudiar el comportamiento de los perros, sus causas y la forma de modificarlo. ¿Qué es el entrenamiento en positivo?

El entrenamiento en positivo procura instruir al perro a acertar en vez de corregir de forma continua los errores. Busca reforzar mucho los comportamientos deseados a fin de que el can cometa la menor cantidad posible de fallos. Esta filosofía de entrenamiento canino hace hincapié en que hay que poner límites. ¿Qué hace un entrenador de perros? El entrenador canino es el profesional encargado de instruir y entrenar a perros con inconvenientes conductuales y de adaptación social. Aun así, cabe destacar que la conducta de estos animales jamás va a depender únicamente del trabajo de estos profesionales. ¿Cuántos géneros de entrenamiento canino hay? Entrenamiento en positivo.Adiestramiento condicionante.Adiestramiento mixto. ¿Cuánto vale un can entrenado? Dónde el ejemplar va requerir cursos de obediencia inicial y avanzada ya antes de llegar a los cursos de guarda y protección. Estamos hablando de unos $ 30,000 a dólares americanos 40,000 pesos en entrenamiento durante sus dos primeros años. Pero el mayor gasto no brinca a simple vista; este es, el peligro. ¿Qué hace un adiestrador de animales? Lo que hacen: Adiestran animales para montar, uso de arneses, seguridad, desempeño u obediencia, o con el fin de asistir a personas con discapacidades.

Acostumbran a los animales al contacto con las personas y la voz humana y condicionan a los animales para responder a las órdenes dadas. ¿Qué edad es la idónea para entrenar un can? Entre los seis y los ocho meses de edad del cánido es el instante idóneo para realizar un adiestramiento: la madurez del individuo permite que se le pueda insistir lo suficiente para conseguir una buena disciplina, y no obstante el desarrollo hormonal no habrá culminado aún en la rebeldía característica de todos los ... ¿Qué hace un etólogo canino? Por ende, hablando en general, un etólogo canino es el profesional que se encarga de estudiar el comportamiento de los perros, sus causas y la forma de alterarlo.

adiestramiento canino


DNA methylation at CG sites is important for gene regulation and embryonic development. In mouse oocytes, de novo CG methylation requires preceding transcription-coupled histone mark H3K36me3 and is mediated by a DNA methyltransferase DNMT3A. DNMT3A has a PWWP domain, which recognizes H3K36me2/3, and heterozygous mutations in this domain, including D329A substitution, cause aberrant CG hypermethylation of regions marked by H3K27me3 in somatic cells, leading to a dwarfism phenotype. We herein demonstrate that D329A homozygous mice show greater CG hypermethylation and severer dwarfism. In oocytes, D329A substitution did not affect CG methylation of H3K36me2/3-marked regions, including maternally methylated imprinting control regions; rather, it caused aberrant hypermethylation in regions lacking H3K36me2/3, including H3K27me3-marked regions. Thus, the role of the PWWP domain in CG methylation seems similar in somatic cells and oocytes; however, there were cell-type-specific differences in affected regions. The major satellite repeat was also hypermethylated in mutant oocytes. Contrary to the CA hypomethylation in somatic cells, the mutation caused hypermethylation at CH sites, including CA sites. Surprisingly, oocytes expressing only the mutated protein could support embryonic and postnatal development. Our study reveals that the DNMT3A PWWP domain is important for suppressing aberrant CG hypermethylation in both somatic cells and oocytes but that D329A mutation has little impact on the developmental potential of oocytes.This paper empirically examines whether there is an association between financial reporting disclosure quality and sustainability disclosure quality of the top 100 socially reputed Chinese listed firms. The paper computed financial disclosure quality by empirically combining earning qualities of accrual, persistence, predictability, and smoothness. Using content analysis and survey questionnaire research methods, it calculated sustainability quality by combining disclosure quantity (through quantitative weightings), disclosure type (through qualitative weightings), and disclosure item importance (through qualitative weightings) of economic, social, and environmental disclosures made in annual and sustainability reports, ascertained using the Global Reporting Initiative sustainability framework. The study finds that sustainability disclosure in the current period is sufficiently associated with financial disclosure quality of the current period and future period. Consistent with stakeholder theory, firms with a social reputation are perceived as trustworthy by stakeholders and shareholders. The findings lead to a cultural stakeholder theory where underlying values of societal culture create a condition supporting mutual stakeholder relationships between firm and various stakeholders. Demonstrating trustworthiness through disclosures can help boost consumer confidence and foreign trade relations for Chinese firms. The Chinese government can design innovative schemes to reward and promote trustworthiness in firms, such as regulating base-point reductions in interest rates on borrowing or raising funds.Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a severe tick-borne viral zoonosis endemic to parts of Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia. Human cases are reported annually in South Africa, with a 25% case fatality rate since the first case was recognized in 1981. We investigated CCHF virus (CCHFV) seroprevalence and risk factors associated with infection in cattle and humans, and the presence of CCHFV in Hyalomma spp. ticks in central South Africa in 2017-18. CCHFV IgG seroprevalence was 74.2% (95%CI 64.2-82.1%) in 700 cattle and 3.9% (95%CI 2.6-5.8%) in 541 farm and wildlife workers. No veterinary personnel (117) or abattoir workers (382) were seropositive. The prevalence of CCHFV RNA was significantly higher in Hyalomma truncatum (1.6%) than in H. rufipes (0.2%) (P = 0.002). Seroprevalence in cattle increased with age and was greater in animals on which ticks were found. Seroprevalence in cattle also showed significant geographic variation. Seroprevalence in humans increased with age and was greater in workers who handled livestock for injection and collection of samples. Our findings support previous evidence of widespread high CCHFV seroprevalence in cattle and show significant occupational exposure amongst farm and wildlife workers. Our seroprevalence estimate suggests that CCHFV infections are five times more frequent than the 215 confirmed CCHF cases diagnosed in South Africa in the last four decades (1981-2019). With many cases undiagnosed, the potential seriousness of CCHF in people, and the lack of an effective vaccine or treatment, there is a need to improve public health awareness, prevention and disease control.
We aimed to develop an innovative population-based method to estimate the health effect of influenza vaccination based on electronic medical records collected within a general practitioner (GP)-based influenza surveillance system in the Netherlands.

In each season between 2006/07 and 2015/16, we fitted multilevel Poisson regression models to compare GP consultation rates for clinically diagnosed influenza, acute respiratory infections (ARI), pneumonia, and lower back pain (as a control) between vaccinated vs. unvaccinated individuals. Season-specific relative risks and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were pooled into summary risk ratio (SRR) through random-effects meta-analysis models. Analyses were stratified by patient age (<45, 45-59, 60-74, ≥75 years) and medical indication for the vaccine (any vs. none, subjects aged ≤60 years only).

Overall, 12.6% and 21.4% of study subjects were vaccinated because of their age only or because of an underlying medical condition. Vaccine uptake declined over time,enza, ARI and pneumonia that are 24-33% higher compared to unvaccinated individuals. The lower back pain finding suggests that the increase in consultation rates is partially caused by confounding. Importantly, considering the data are not laboratory-confirmed, our results cannot be linked directly to influenza, but only to respiratory illnesses in general.