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Last week, OpenAI shocked the tech world by announcing a breakthrough in soft AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)—the holy grail of AI development. AGI isn’t just smarter than humans; it can invent, innovate, and even build better AI systems, creating a recursive feedback loop of intelligence. This is the fourth industrial revolution in action!

In a groundbreaking test, OpenAI’s model scored 20% on the ARC-AGI benchmark—a test designed to measure novel problem-solving—surpassing human PhDs for the first time. This isn’t just progress; it’s a paradigm shift.

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #AGI #TechRevolution #Innovation #FutureTech #OpenAI #ZachVorhies #MikeAdams #FourthIndustrialRevolution

馃帴 Watch the full interview at

Last week, OpenAI shocked the tech world by announcing a breakthrough in soft AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)鈥攖he holy grail of AI development. AGI isn鈥檛 just smarter than humans; it can invent, innovate, and even build better AI systems, creating a recursive feedback loop of intelligence. This is the fourth industrial revolution in action!In a groundbreaking test, OpenAI鈥檚 model scored 20% on the ARC-AGI benchmark鈥攁 test designed to measure novel problem-solving鈥攕urpassing human PhDs for the first time. This isn鈥檛 just progress; it鈥檚 a paradigm shift.#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #AGI #TechRevolution #Innovation #FutureTech #OpenAI #ZachVorhies #MikeAdams #FourthIndustrialRevolution馃帴 Watch the full interview at


Last week, OpenAI shocked the tech world by announcing a breakthrough in soft AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)—the holy grail of AI development. AGI isn’t just smarter than humans; it can invent, innovate, and even build better AI systems, creating a recursive feedback loop of intelligence. This is the fourth industrial revolution in action!

In a groundbreaking test, OpenAI’s model scored 20% on the ARC-AGI benchmark—a test designed to measure novel problem-solving—surpassing human PhDs for the first time. This isn’t just progress; it’s a paradigm shift.

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #AGI #TechRevolution #Innovation #FutureTech #OpenAI #ZachVorhies #MikeAdams #FourthIndustrialRevolution

馃帴 Watch the full interview at

Last week, OpenAI shocked the tech world by announcing a breakthrough in soft AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)鈥攖he holy grail of AI development. AGI isn鈥檛 just smarter than humans; it can invent, innovate, and even build better AI systems, creating a recursive feedback loop of intelligence. This is the fourth industrial revolution in action!In a groundbreaking test, OpenAI鈥檚 model scored 20% on the ARC-AGI benchmark鈥攁 test designed to measure novel problem-solving鈥攕urpassing human PhDs for the first time. This isn鈥檛 just progress; it鈥檚 a paradigm shift.#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #AGI #TechRevolution #Innovation #FutureTech #OpenAI #ZachVorhies #MikeAdams #FourthIndustrialRevolution馃帴 Watch the full interview at'>

R&B Weekly Seminar: Medical War Crimes (Jerusalem War Crimes Trials/Episode Thirty Nine -- Wednesday, May 11th, 2022/Iyar 10, 5782) Host: Rabbi Chananya Weissman. Guest: Rabbi Ephraim Luft. Topic: Lag B'Omer 5781 (Friday, April 30th, 2021) Meron Ritual Mass Murder, Israeli Erev Rav Ghetto Judenrat Polizei Pogrom, and Occult Gnostic Human Sacrifice Performed in Presence of High Ranking Ukrainian Police Delegation (did the Israeli Police forget to invite April-May, 1943 Warsaw Jewish Ghetto Uprising S.S. General Juergen Stroop ???)

SEVENTY EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY: Wednesday, April 28th, 1943 -- Wednesday, April 28th, 2021

Lag B'Omer Meron Ritual Mass Murder TWO DAYS after Western Ukrainian Greek Catholic Nationalists on Wednesday, April 28th, 2021 celebrate Seventy Eighth Anniversary TO THE DAY AND DATE of April 28th,1943 Dedication of Ukrainian S.S. Galicia Division:

SEVENTY SIXTH ANNIVERSARY: Monday, April 30th, 1945 -- Friday, April 30th, 2021

Lag B'Omer Meron Ritual Mass Murder Seventy Sixth Anniversary TO THE DATE of (Alleged) Death of Adolf Hitler on April 30th, 1945:



Thus Says The God Of Israel/Yeshayahu-Isaiah 26:21

讻讗 讻旨执讬-讛执谞旨值讛 讬职讛讜指讛 讬止爪值讗 诪执诪旨职拽讜止诪讜止, 诇执驻职拽止讚 注植讜趾谉 讬止砖讈值讘-讛指讗指专侄抓 注指诇指讬讜; 讜职讙执诇旨职转指讛 讛指讗指专侄抓 讗侄转-讚旨指诪侄讬讛指, 讜职诇止讗-转职讻址住旨侄讛 注讜止讚 注址诇-讛植专讜旨讙侄讬讛指.

For, behold, the LORD cometh forth out of His place to visit upon the inhabitants of the earth their iniquity; the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.

#RabbiChananyaWeissman #RabbiEphraimLuft #NaziAktionT4Program #Eugenics #Euthanasia #MedicalMassMurder #Shoah #Holocaust #FinalSolution #WannseeConference #NWO #CFR #WEF #GreatReset #FourthIndustrialRevolution #NurembergWarCrimesTrials #NurembergCode #Covid #GreatAwakening #MAGA #SaveAmerica #LetsGoBrandon #EndOfDays #MessianicEra #ThirdFinalWarOfGogAndMagog #ThirdIsraeliteJerusalemTemple #FifthIsraeliteMonarchy

R&B Weekly Seminar: Medical War Crimes (Jerusalem War Crimes Trials/Episode Thirty Nine -- Wednesday, May 11th, 2022/Iyar 10, 5782) Host: Rabbi Chananya Weissman. Guest: Rabbi Ephraim Luft. Topic: Lag


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Sorry, no results were found.


Last week, OpenAI shocked the tech world by announcing a breakthrough in soft AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)—the holy grail of AI development. AGI isn’t just smarter than humans; it can invent, innovate, and even build better AI systems, creating a recursive feedback loop of intelligence. This is the fourth industrial revolution in action!

In a groundbreaking test, OpenAI’s model scored 20% on the ARC-AGI benchmark—a test designed to measure novel problem-solving—surpassing human PhDs for the first time. This isn’t just progress; it’s a paradigm shift.

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #AGI #TechRevolution #Innovation #FutureTech #OpenAI #ZachVorhies #MikeAdams #FourthIndustrialRevolution

馃帴 Watch the full interview at

Last week, OpenAI shocked the tech world by announcing a breakthrough in soft AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)鈥攖he holy grail of AI development. AGI isn鈥檛 just smarter than humans; it can invent, innovate, and even build better AI systems, creating a recursive feedback loop of intelligence. This is the fourth industrial revolution in action!In a groundbreaking test, OpenAI鈥檚 model scored 20% on the ARC-AGI benchmark鈥攁 test designed to measure novel problem-solving鈥攕urpassing human PhDs for the first time. This isn鈥檛 just progress; it鈥檚 a paradigm shift.#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #AGI #TechRevolution #Innovation #FutureTech #OpenAI #ZachVorhies #MikeAdams #FourthIndustrialRevolution馃帴 Watch the full interview at


Last week, OpenAI shocked the tech world by announcing a breakthrough in soft AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)—the holy grail of AI development. AGI isn’t just smarter than humans; it can invent, innovate, and even build better AI systems, creating a recursive feedback loop of intelligence. This is the fourth industrial revolution in action!

In a groundbreaking test, OpenAI’s model scored 20% on the ARC-AGI benchmark—a test designed to measure novel problem-solving—surpassing human PhDs for the first time. This isn’t just progress; it’s a paradigm shift.

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #AGI #TechRevolution #Innovation #FutureTech #OpenAI #ZachVorhies #MikeAdams #FourthIndustrialRevolution

馃帴 Watch the full interview at

Last week, OpenAI shocked the tech world by announcing a breakthrough in soft AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)鈥攖he holy grail of AI development. AGI isn鈥檛 just smarter than humans; it can invent, innovate, and even build better AI systems, creating a recursive feedback loop of intelligence. This is the fourth industrial revolution in action!In a groundbreaking test, OpenAI鈥檚 model scored 20% on the ARC-AGI benchmark鈥攁 test designed to measure novel problem-solving鈥攕urpassing human PhDs for the first time. This isn鈥檛 just progress; it鈥檚 a paradigm shift.#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #AGI #TechRevolution #Innovation #FutureTech #OpenAI #ZachVorhies #MikeAdams #FourthIndustrialRevolution馃帴 Watch the full interview at'>

R&B Weekly Seminar: Medical War Crimes (Jerusalem War Crimes Trials/Episode Thirty Nine -- Wednesday, May 11th, 2022/Iyar 10, 5782) Host: Rabbi Chananya Weissman. Guest: Rabbi Ephraim Luft. Topic: Lag B'Omer 5781 (Friday, April 30th, 2021) Meron Ritual Mass Murder, Israeli Erev Rav Ghetto Judenrat Polizei Pogrom, and Occult Gnostic Human Sacrifice Performed in Presence of High Ranking Ukrainian Police Delegation (did the Israeli Police forget to invite April-May, 1943 Warsaw Jewish Ghetto Uprising S.S. General Juergen Stroop ???)

SEVENTY EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY: Wednesday, April 28th, 1943 -- Wednesday, April 28th, 2021

Lag B'Omer Meron Ritual Mass Murder TWO DAYS after Western Ukrainian Greek Catholic Nationalists on Wednesday, April 28th, 2021 celebrate Seventy Eighth Anniversary TO THE DAY AND DATE of April 28th,1943 Dedication of Ukrainian S.S. Galicia Division:

SEVENTY SIXTH ANNIVERSARY: Monday, April 30th, 1945 -- Friday, April 30th, 2021

Lag B'Omer Meron Ritual Mass Murder Seventy Sixth Anniversary TO THE DATE of (Alleged) Death of Adolf Hitler on April 30th, 1945:



Thus Says The God Of Israel/Yeshayahu-Isaiah 26:21

讻讗 讻旨执讬-讛执谞旨值讛 讬职讛讜指讛 讬止爪值讗 诪执诪旨职拽讜止诪讜止, 诇执驻职拽止讚 注植讜趾谉 讬止砖讈值讘-讛指讗指专侄抓 注指诇指讬讜; 讜职讙执诇旨职转指讛 讛指讗指专侄抓 讗侄转-讚旨指诪侄讬讛指, 讜职诇止讗-转职讻址住旨侄讛 注讜止讚 注址诇-讛植专讜旨讙侄讬讛指.

For, behold, the LORD cometh forth out of His place to visit upon the inhabitants of the earth their iniquity; the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.

#RabbiChananyaWeissman #RabbiEphraimLuft #NaziAktionT4Program #Eugenics #Euthanasia #MedicalMassMurder #Shoah #Holocaust #FinalSolution #WannseeConference #NWO #CFR #WEF #GreatReset #FourthIndustrialRevolution #NurembergWarCrimesTrials #NurembergCode #Covid #GreatAwakening #MAGA #SaveAmerica #LetsGoBrandon #EndOfDays #MessianicEra #ThirdFinalWarOfGogAndMagog #ThirdIsraeliteJerusalemTemple #FifthIsraeliteMonarchy

R&B Weekly Seminar: Medical War Crimes (Jerusalem War Crimes Trials/Episode Thirty Nine -- Wednesday, May 11th, 2022/Iyar 10, 5782) Host: Rabbi Chananya Weissman. Guest: Rabbi Ephraim Luft. Topic: Lag'>

R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Jerusalem War Crimes Trials/Episode Thirty Five -- Tuesday, May 10th, 2022/Iyar 10, 5782) Chairman: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. Host: Betsie Saltzberg. Panelists: Zvi Livshits, Frank Zelenko. Guest: Dr. Stephen Marmer



Thus Says The God Of Israel/Yeshayahu-Isaiah 26:21

讻讗 讻旨执讬-讛执谞旨值讛 讬职讛讜指讛 讬止爪值讗 诪执诪旨职拽讜止诪讜止, 诇执驻职拽止讚 注植讜趾谉 讬止砖讈值讘-讛指讗指专侄抓 注指诇指讬讜; 讜职讙执诇旨职转指讛 讛指讗指专侄抓 讗侄转-讚旨指诪侄讬讛指, 讜职诇止讗-转职讻址住旨侄讛 注讜止讚 注址诇-讛植专讜旨讙侄讬讛指.

For, behold, the LORD cometh forth out of His place to visit upon the inhabitants of the earth their iniquity; the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.

#DrVladimirZelenko #BetsieSaltzberg #ZviLivshits #FrankZelenko #DrStephenMarmer #NaziAktionT4Program #Eugenics #Euthanasia #MedicalMassMurder #Shoah #Holocaust #FinalSolution #WannseeConference #NWO #CFR #WEF #GreatReset #FourthIndustrialRevolution #NurembergWarCrimesTrials #NurembergCode #Covid #GreatAwakening #MAGA #SaveAmerica #LetsGoBrandon #EndOfDays #MessianicEra #ThirdFinalWarOfGogAndMagog #ThirdIsraeliteJerusalemTemple #FifthIsraeliteMonarchy

R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Jerusalem War Crimes Trials/Episode Thirty Five -- Tuesday, May 10th, 2022/Iyar 10, 5782) Chairman: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. Host: Betsie Saltzberg. Panelists:'>

R&B Weekly Seminar: Medical War Crimes (Jerusalem War Crimes Trials/Episode Thirty Eight -- Wednesday, May 4th, 2022/Iyar 3, 5782) Host: Rabbi Chananya Weissman. Guest: Abba Horowitz. Subject: "'Yom Ha'atzmaut' [Israel Independence Day]"



Thus Says The God Of Israel/Yeshayahu-Isaiah 26:21

讻讗 讻旨执讬-讛执谞旨值讛 讬职讛讜指讛 讬止爪值讗 诪执诪旨职拽讜止诪讜止, 诇执驻职拽止讚 注植讜趾谉 讬止砖讈值讘-讛指讗指专侄抓 注指诇指讬讜; 讜职讙执诇旨职转指讛 讛指讗指专侄抓 讗侄转-讚旨指诪侄讬讛指, 讜职诇止讗-转职讻址住旨侄讛 注讜止讚 注址诇-讛植专讜旨讙侄讬讛指.

For, behold, the LORD cometh forth out of His place to visit upon the inhabitants of the earth their iniquity; the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.

#DrVladimirZelenko #BetsieSaltzberg #ZviLivshits #FrankZelenko #NaziAktionT4Program #Eugenics #Euthanasia #MedicalMassMurder #Shoah #Holocaust #FinalSolution #WannseeConference #NWO #CFR #WEF #GreatReset #FourthIndustrialRevolution #NurembergWarCrimesTrials #NurembergCode #Covid #GreatAwakening #MAGA #SaveAmerica #LetsGoBrandon #EndOfDays #MessianicEra #ThirdFinalWarOfGogAndMagog #ThirdIsraeliteJerusalemTemple #FifthIsraeliteMonarchy

R&B Weekly Seminar: Medical War Crimes (Jerusalem War Crimes Trials/Episode Thirty Eight -- Wednesday, May 4th, 2022/Iyar 3, 5782) Host: Rabbi Chananya Weissman. Guest: Abba Horowitz. Subject: "'Yom H