
Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



The "oligometastases," "SRT," "PSMA," "hypofractionation," "postoperative radiotherapy," and "dose and fraction regimen changes" may be the state-of-art research frontiers, and related studies will advance in this field over time.Combinations of human lysozyme (hLYS) and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are known to exhibit either additive or synergistic activity, and as a result, they have therapeutic potential for persistent and antibiotic-resistant infections. We examined hLYS activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa when combined with six different AMPs. In contrast to prior reports, we discovered that some therapeutically relevant AMPs manifest striking antagonistic interactions with hLYS across particular concentration ranges. We further found that the synthetic AMP Tet009 can inhibit hLYS-mediated bacterial lysis. To the best of our knowledge, these results represent the first observations of antagonism between hLYS and AMPs, and they advise that future development of lytic enzyme and AMP combination therapies considers the potential for antagonistic interactions.Among recurrent sanitary emergencies able to spread rapidly worldwide, avian influenza is one of the main constraints for animal health and food security. In West Africa, Nigeria has been experiencing repeated outbreaks of different strains of avian influenza virus (AIV) since 2006 and is also recognized as a hot spot in the region for the introduction of emerging strains by migratory wild birds. Here, we generated complete genomes of 20 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N8 viruses collected during active surveillance in Nigerian live bird markets (LBM) and from outbreaks reported in the country between 2016 and 2019. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the Nigerian viruses cluster into four separate genetic groups within HPAI H5 clade The first group includes 2016-2017 Nigerian viruses with high genetic similarity to H5N8 viruses detected in Central African countries, while the second includes Nigerian viruses collected both in LBM and poultry farms (2018-2019), as well as in Cameroon, Egypt and Siberia. A natural reassortant strain identified in 2019 represents the third group H5N8 viruses with the same gene constellation were identified in 2018 in South Africa. Finally, the fourth introduction represents the first detection in the African continent of the H5N6 subtype, which is related to European viruses. Bayesian phylogeographic analyses confirmed that the four introductions originated from different sources and provide evidence of the virus spread within Nigeria, as well as diffusion beyond its borders. The multiple epidemiological links between Nigeria, Central and Southern African countries highlight the need for harmonized and coordinated surveillance system to control AIV impact. Improved surveillance at the Wetlands, LBMs and early warning of outbreaks are crucial for prevention and control of AIV, which can be potentially zoonotic and be a threat to human health.
Fornix deep brain stimulation (fx-DBS) is under investigation for treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). We investigated the anatomic correlates of flashback phenomena that were reported previously during acute diencephalic stimulation.

Thirty-nine patients with mild AD who took part in a prior fx-DBS trial (NCT01608061) were studied. After localizing patients' implanted electrodes and modeling the volume of tissue activated (VTA) by DBS during systematic stimulation testing, we performed (1) voxel-wise VTA mapping to identify flashback-associated zones; (2) machine learning-based prediction of flashback occurrence given VTA overlap with specific structures; (3) normative functional connectomics to define flashback-associated brain-wide networks.

A distinct diencephalic region was associated with greater flashback likelihood. Fornix, bed nucleus of stria terminalis, and anterior commissure involvement predicted memory events with 72% accuracy. Flashback-inducing stimulation exhibited greater functional connectivity to a network of memory-evoking and autobiographical memory-related sites.

These results clarify the neuroanatomical substrates of stimulation-evoked flashbacks.
These results clarify the neuroanatomical substrates of stimulation-evoked flashbacks.
Heart transplantation (HTx) represents optimal care for advanced heart failure. Left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) are often needed as a bridge-to-transplant (BTT) therapy to support patients during the wait for a donor organ. Prolonged support increases the risk for LVAD complications that may affect the outcome after HTx.

A total of 342 patients undergoing HTx after LVAD as BTT in a 10-year period in two German high-volume HTx centres were retrospectively analysed. While 73 patients were transplanted without LVAD complications and with regular waiting list status (T, n=73), the remaining 269 patients were transplanted with high urgency status (HU) and further divided with regard to the observed leading LVAD complications (infection HU1, n=91; thrombosis HU2, n=32; stroke HU3, n=38; right heart failure HU4, n=41; arrhythmia HU5, n=23; bleeding HU6, n=18; device malfunction HU7, n=26). Postoperative hospitalization was prolonged in patients with LVAD complications. Analyses of perioperative morbidity to distinct mechanical circulatory support-associated complications. Future allocation strategies have to respect that device-related complications may define urgency but do not impact on the outcome after HTx.Wrist reconstruction after en bloc resection of bone tumors of the distal radius has been a great challenge. Although many techniques have been used for the reconstruction of long bone defects following en bloc resection of the distal radius, the optimal reconstruction method remains controversial. This is the first review to systematically describe various reconstruction techniques. We not only discuss the indications, functional outcomes, and complications of these reconstruction techniques but also review the technical refinement strategies for improving the stability of the wrist joint. En bloc resection should be performed for Campanacci grade III giant cell tumors (GCT) as well as malignant tumors of the distal radius. However, wrist reconstruction after en bloc resection of the distal radius represents a great challenge. Although several surgical techniques, either achieving a stable wrist by arthrodesis or reconstructing a flexible wrist by arthroplasty, have been reported, the optimal reconstruction procedure remains controversial.


NEDD4 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that recognizes substrates through protein-protein interactions and is involved in cancer development. This study aimed to elucidate the function of NEDD4 in colon cancer (CC) progression and its mechanism of action. NEDD4 was abundantly expressed in CC tissues and cells, and the overexpression of NEDD4 promoted the growth and metastasis of xenograft tumours as well as the tumorigenesis rate of primary CC in mouse models. In in vitro experiments, the silencing (or upregulation) of NEDD4 inhibited (or increased) the viability, invasion, and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of CC cells. The binding relationships between NEDD4 and FOXA1, FOXA1 and microRNA (miRNA)-340-5p, and miR-340-5p and ATF1 were validated by Co-immunoprecipitation, chromatin immunoprecipitation and luciferase assays, and NEDD4 was demonstrated to trigger FOXA1 ubiquitination and degradation. FOXA1 transcriptionally activated miR-340-5p, which subsequently bound to ATF1 mRNA. The upregulation of FOXA1 or miR-340-5p or the downregulation of ATF1 blocked certain functions of NEDD4 in CC cells. Altogether, NEDD4 was demonstrated to trigger FOXA1 ubiquitination and promote CC progression under the involvement of microRNA-340-5p suppression and ATF1 upregulation.
Peripheral intravenous cannulation is the preferred method to obtain vascular access, but not always successful on the first attempt. Evidence on the impact of the intravenous catheter itself on the success rate is lacking. Faster visualization of blood flashback into the catheter, as a result of a notched needle, is thought to increase first attempt success rate. The current study aimed to assess if inserting a notched peripheral intravenous catheter will increase first attempt cannulation success up to 90%, when compared to inserting a catheter without a notched needle.

In this block-randomized trial, adult patients in the intervention group got a notched peripheral intravenous catheter inserted, patients in the control group received a traditional non-notched catheter. The primary objective was the first attempt success rate of peripheral intravenous cannulation. Intravenous cannulation was performed according to practice guidelines and hospital policy.

About 328 patients were included in the intervention group and 330 patients in the control group. First attempt success was 85% and 79% for the intervention and control group respectively. First attempt success was remarkably higher in the intervention group regarding patients with a high risk for failed cannulation (29%), when compared to the control group (10%).

This study was unable to reach a first attempt success of 90%, although first attempt cannulation success was higher in patients who got a notched needle inserted when compared to those who got a non-notched needle inserted, unless a patients individual risk profile for a difficult intravenous access.
This study was unable to reach a first attempt success of 90%, although first attempt cannulation success was higher in patients who got a notched needle inserted when compared to those who got a non-notched needle inserted, unless a patients individual risk profile for a difficult intravenous access.
As many patients view conventional antidepressants and anxiolytics negatively, it is not surprising that the willingness to apply these treatments is far from ideal, thus posing a critical barrier in promoting an effective and durable treatment.

The present study aimed to explore patients' attitudes toward conventional and herbal treatments for depression and anxiety, while considering cultural and demographic factors, to further elucidate the antecedes that putatively determine the treatment's outcome.

During June 2017, a cross-sectional survey was conducted using stratified sampling from a large-scale Israeli volunteer online panel. The final sample included 591 Jewish Israeli adults that reported they were suffering from depression or anxiety.

A heterogeneous range of attitudes toward treatment was found for example, a large group of patients did not utilize prescription medications (39%), a professional consultation (12.9%), or any form of treatment (17.4%). Interestingly, these patients were signckgrounds are needed to be taken into consideration during the clinical assessment and choice of treatment. The findings imply that a particular emphasis should be placed on patients that discard conventional pharmacological options and on distinct cultural aspects. Several recommendations for revising the current policy are advocated to promote more culturally-informed and patient-oriented care.A growing body of evidence suggests that the environment is an important source of colonizing bacteria for the gastrointestinal tract of C-section delivered infants, who undergo multiple birth-related interventions; however, the extent to which environmental microbes impact vaginally delivered infants remains unclear. Here we investigated the impact of rural and urban environmental exposures on microbial establishment and immunity in vaginally delivered mice. We simulated rural and urban home environments by adding soil types to cages from breeding to weaning. Our aims were to determine the impact of rural and urban soil exposures on the gut microbiome in young mice and to understand whether these changes persisted into adulthood. Host immune cytokines and microbial short-chain fatty acids were quantified to understand the impact on immunity. We found that early-life soil exposure had a minor effect on the richness of the neonatal gut microbiota contributing 5% and 9% variation in the bacterial community structure between mice during early-life and adulthood, respectively. Exposure to urban soil increased Clostridiaceae and propionic acid which persisted into adulthood. While soil exposure had a limited effect on the gut taxa, systemic cytokine and chemokine profiles were altered in adulthood. The findings presented here show that unlike in C-section deliveries previously reported, environmental exposures following a natural birth have a limited impact on the gut microbial taxa but potentially play an important role in immune-mediated disease susceptibility later in life.


Flashback: Rep. Thomas Massie Confirms Person Who Found Pipe Bomb at DNC on Jan. 6th is CURRENT U.S. Capitol Officer



FLASHBACK 2006: Alex Jones protests the #BilderbergGroup meeting in Canada while MSM denies the existence of the criminal gang.

CLIP FROM: Endgame - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

GET A DVD COPY: #SupportInfowars


Remembering the iconic 2011 exchange between Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) and then-Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke.

Few statesmen have challenged the central banking system with the vigor and precision of Ron Paul.


#Flashback: The Cricketman - Typical woke protester has absolutely no clue what they are talking about! ??



Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



FLASHBACK 2006: Alex Jones protests the #BilderbergGroup meeting in Canada while MSM denies the existence of the criminal gang.

CLIP FROM: Endgame - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

GET A DVD COPY: #SupportInfowars


Remembering the iconic 2011 exchange between Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) and then-Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke.

Few statesmen have challenged the central banking system with the vigor and precision of Ron Paul.


#Flashback: The Cricketman - Typical woke protester has absolutely no clue what they are talking about! ??




The "oligometastases," "SRT," "PSMA," "hypofractionation," "postoperative radiotherapy," and "dose and fraction regimen changes" may be the state-of-art research frontiers, and related studies will advance in this field over time.Combinations of human lysozyme (hLYS) and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are known to exhibit either additive or synergistic activity, and as a result, they have therapeutic potential for persistent and antibiotic-resistant infections. We examined hLYS activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa when combined with six different AMPs. In contrast to prior reports, we discovered that some therapeutically relevant AMPs manifest striking antagonistic interactions with hLYS across particular concentration ranges. We further found that the synthetic AMP Tet009 can inhibit hLYS-mediated bacterial lysis. To the best of our knowledge, these results represent the first observations of antagonism between hLYS and AMPs, and they advise that future development of lytic enzyme and AMP combination therapies considers the potential for antagonistic interactions.Among recurrent sanitary emergencies able to spread rapidly worldwide, avian influenza is one of the main constraints for animal health and food security. In West Africa, Nigeria has been experiencing repeated outbreaks of different strains of avian influenza virus (AIV) since 2006 and is also recognized as a hot spot in the region for the introduction of emerging strains by migratory wild birds. Here, we generated complete genomes of 20 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N8 viruses collected during active surveillance in Nigerian live bird markets (LBM) and from outbreaks reported in the country between 2016 and 2019. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the Nigerian viruses cluster into four separate genetic groups within HPAI H5 clade The first group includes 2016-2017 Nigerian viruses with high genetic similarity to H5N8 viruses detected in Central African countries, while the second includes Nigerian viruses collected both in LBM and poultry farms (2018-2019), as well as in Cameroon, Egypt and Siberia. A natural reassortant strain identified in 2019 represents the third group H5N8 viruses with the same gene constellation were identified in 2018 in South Africa. Finally, the fourth introduction represents the first detection in the African continent of the H5N6 subtype, which is related to European viruses. Bayesian phylogeographic analyses confirmed that the four introductions originated from different sources and provide evidence of the virus spread within Nigeria, as well as diffusion beyond its borders. The multiple epidemiological links between Nigeria, Central and Southern African countries highlight the need for harmonized and coordinated surveillance system to control AIV impact. Improved surveillance at the Wetlands, LBMs and early warning of outbreaks are crucial for prevention and control of AIV, which can be potentially zoonotic and be a threat to human health.
Fornix deep brain stimulation (fx-DBS) is under investigation for treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). We investigated the anatomic correlates of flashback phenomena that were reported previously during acute diencephalic stimulation.

Thirty-nine patients with mild AD who took part in a prior fx-DBS trial (NCT01608061) were studied. After localizing patients' implanted electrodes and modeling the volume of tissue activated (VTA) by DBS during systematic stimulation testing, we performed (1) voxel-wise VTA mapping to identify flashback-associated zones; (2) machine learning-based prediction of flashback occurrence given VTA overlap with specific structures; (3) normative functional connectomics to define flashback-associated brain-wide networks.

A distinct diencephalic region was associated with greater flashback likelihood. Fornix, bed nucleus of stria terminalis, and anterior commissure involvement predicted memory events with 72% accuracy. Flashback-inducing stimulation exhibited greater functional connectivity to a network of memory-evoking and autobiographical memory-related sites.

These results clarify the neuroanatomical substrates of stimulation-evoked flashbacks.
These results clarify the neuroanatomical substrates of stimulation-evoked flashbacks.
Heart transplantation (HTx) represents optimal care for advanced heart failure. Left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) are often needed as a bridge-to-transplant (BTT) therapy to support patients during the wait for a donor organ. Prolonged support increases the risk for LVAD complications that may affect the outcome after HTx.

A total of 342 patients undergoing HTx after LVAD as BTT in a 10-year period in two German high-volume HTx centres were retrospectively analysed. While 73 patients were transplanted without LVAD complications and with regular waiting list status (T, n=73), the remaining 269 patients were transplanted with high urgency status (HU) and further divided with regard to the observed leading LVAD complications (infection HU1, n=91; thrombosis HU2, n=32; stroke HU3, n=38; right heart failure HU4, n=41; arrhythmia HU5, n=23; bleeding HU6, n=18; device malfunction HU7, n=26). Postoperative hospitalization was prolonged in patients with LVAD complications. Analyses of perioperative morbidity to distinct mechanical circulatory support-associated complications. Future allocation strategies have to respect that device-related complications may define urgency but do not impact on the outcome after HTx.Wrist reconstruction after en bloc resection of bone tumors of the distal radius has been a great challenge. Although many techniques have been used for the reconstruction of long bone defects following en bloc resection of the distal radius, the optimal reconstruction method remains controversial. This is the first review to systematically describe various reconstruction techniques. We not only discuss the indications, functional outcomes, and complications of these reconstruction techniques but also review the technical refinement strategies for improving the stability of the wrist joint. En bloc resection should be performed for Campanacci grade III giant cell tumors (GCT) as well as malignant tumors of the distal radius. However, wrist reconstruction after en bloc resection of the distal radius represents a great challenge. Although several surgical techniques, either achieving a stable wrist by arthrodesis or reconstructing a flexible wrist by arthroplasty, have been reported, the optimal reconstruction procedure remains controversial.


NEDD4 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that recognizes substrates through protein-protein interactions and is involved in cancer development. This study aimed to elucidate the function of NEDD4 in colon cancer (CC) progression and its mechanism of action. NEDD4 was abundantly expressed in CC tissues and cells, and the overexpression of NEDD4 promoted the growth and metastasis of xenograft tumours as well as the tumorigenesis rate of primary CC in mouse models. In in vitro experiments, the silencing (or upregulation) of NEDD4 inhibited (or increased) the viability, invasion, and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of CC cells. The binding relationships between NEDD4 and FOXA1, FOXA1 and microRNA (miRNA)-340-5p, and miR-340-5p and ATF1 were validated by Co-immunoprecipitation, chromatin immunoprecipitation and luciferase assays, and NEDD4 was demonstrated to trigger FOXA1 ubiquitination and degradation. FOXA1 transcriptionally activated miR-340-5p, which subsequently bound to ATF1 mRNA. The upregulation of FOXA1 or miR-340-5p or the downregulation of ATF1 blocked certain functions of NEDD4 in CC cells. Altogether, NEDD4 was demonstrated to trigger FOXA1 ubiquitination and promote CC progression under the involvement of microRNA-340-5p suppression and ATF1 upregulation.
Peripheral intravenous cannulation is the preferred method to obtain vascular access, but not always successful on the first attempt. Evidence on the impact of the intravenous catheter itself on the success rate is lacking. Faster visualization of blood flashback into the catheter, as a result of a notched needle, is thought to increase first attempt success rate. The current study aimed to assess if inserting a notched peripheral intravenous catheter will increase first attempt cannulation success up to 90%, when compared to inserting a catheter without a notched needle.

In this block-randomized trial, adult patients in the intervention group got a notched peripheral intravenous catheter inserted, patients in the control group received a traditional non-notched catheter. The primary objective was the first attempt success rate of peripheral intravenous cannulation. Intravenous cannulation was performed according to practice guidelines and hospital policy.

About 328 patients were included in the intervention group and 330 patients in the control group. First attempt success was 85% and 79% for the intervention and control group respectively. First attempt success was remarkably higher in the intervention group regarding patients with a high risk for failed cannulation (29%), when compared to the control group (10%).

This study was unable to reach a first attempt success of 90%, although first attempt cannulation success was higher in patients who got a notched needle inserted when compared to those who got a non-notched needle inserted, unless a patients individual risk profile for a difficult intravenous access.
This study was unable to reach a first attempt success of 90%, although first attempt cannulation success was higher in patients who got a notched needle inserted when compared to those who got a non-notched needle inserted, unless a patients individual risk profile for a difficult intravenous access.
As many patients view conventional antidepressants and anxiolytics negatively, it is not surprising that the willingness to apply these treatments is far from ideal, thus posing a critical barrier in promoting an effective and durable treatment.

The present study aimed to explore patients' attitudes toward conventional and herbal treatments for depression and anxiety, while considering cultural and demographic factors, to further elucidate the antecedes that putatively determine the treatment's outcome.

During June 2017, a cross-sectional survey was conducted using stratified sampling from a large-scale Israeli volunteer online panel. The final sample included 591 Jewish Israeli adults that reported they were suffering from depression or anxiety.

A heterogeneous range of attitudes toward treatment was found for example, a large group of patients did not utilize prescription medications (39%), a professional consultation (12.9%), or any form of treatment (17.4%). Interestingly, these patients were signckgrounds are needed to be taken into consideration during the clinical assessment and choice of treatment. The findings imply that a particular emphasis should be placed on patients that discard conventional pharmacological options and on distinct cultural aspects. Several recommendations for revising the current policy are advocated to promote more culturally-informed and patient-oriented care.A growing body of evidence suggests that the environment is an important source of colonizing bacteria for the gastrointestinal tract of C-section delivered infants, who undergo multiple birth-related interventions; however, the extent to which environmental microbes impact vaginally delivered infants remains unclear. Here we investigated the impact of rural and urban environmental exposures on microbial establishment and immunity in vaginally delivered mice. We simulated rural and urban home environments by adding soil types to cages from breeding to weaning. Our aims were to determine the impact of rural and urban soil exposures on the gut microbiome in young mice and to understand whether these changes persisted into adulthood. Host immune cytokines and microbial short-chain fatty acids were quantified to understand the impact on immunity. We found that early-life soil exposure had a minor effect on the richness of the neonatal gut microbiota contributing 5% and 9% variation in the bacterial community structure between mice during early-life and adulthood, respectively. Exposure to urban soil increased Clostridiaceae and propionic acid which persisted into adulthood. While soil exposure had a limited effect on the gut taxa, systemic cytokine and chemokine profiles were altered in adulthood. The findings presented here show that unlike in C-section deliveries previously reported, environmental exposures following a natural birth have a limited impact on the gut microbial taxa but potentially play an important role in immune-mediated disease susceptibility later in life.


Flashback: Rep. Thomas Massie Confirms Person Who Found Pipe Bomb at DNC on Jan. 6th is CURRENT U.S. Capitol Officer


Bombshell Flashback! Anti-Trump Deep State Coup Plotter Jamie Mannina Was Caught In A Pedophile Sex Sting In 2021 While He Was A DOD / Joint Chiefs Advisor For Booz Allen Hamilton


In Europe, protecting the genetic diversity of Apis mellifera is usually perceived in the context of limiting the spread of the evolutionary C-lineage within the original range of the M-lineage. However, due to climate change and large-scale ongoing movement of breeding individuals, the expansion of bees from the African A-lineage could represent another threat. This issue has not yet been investigated in detail, although A-mitotypes occur in South-West and South Europe due to natural gene flow. Here, we determine the diversity of mtDNA in honey bees from East-Central Europe. We sequenced the COI-COII region in 427 bees sampled along two 900 km transects (17.5° N and 23° E). We found that 1.64% of bees (95% CI 0.66-3.35 %) had A-mitotypes. It is unlikely that their presence in the area resulted from natural migration but instead human driven introductions of hybrids of African ancestry. This expansion deserves more attention, as it may contribute to the dissemination of undesirable traits, parasites and diseases.The extracellular matrix (ECM) plays an important role in the evolution of early metazoans, as it provides structural and biochemical support to the surrounding cells through the cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. In multi-cellular organisms, ECM plays a pivotal role in the differentiation of tissues and in the development of organs. Fibulins are ECM glycoproteins, found in a variety of tissues associated with basement membranes, elastic fibers, proteoglycan aggregates, and fibronectin microfibrils. The expression profile of fibulins reveals their role in various developmental processes such as elastogenesis, development of organs during the embryonic stage, tissue remodeling, maintenance of the structural integrity of basement membrane, and elastic fibers, as well as other cellular processes. Apart from this, fibulins are also involved in the progression of human diseases such as cancer, cardiac diseases, congenital disorders, and chronic fibrotic disorders. Different isoforms of fibulins show a dual role of tumor-suppressive and tumor-promoting activities, depending on the cell type and cellular microenvironment in the body. Knockout animal models have provided deep insight into their role in development and diseases. The present review covers details of the structural and expression patterns, along with the role of fibulins in embryonic development and disease progression, with more emphasis on their involvement in the modulation of cancer diseases.When operating under lean fuel-air conditions, flame flashback is an operational safety issue in stationary gas turbines. In particular, with the increased use of hydrogen, the propagation of the flame through the boundary layers into the mixing section becomes feasible. Typically, these mixing regions are not designed to hold a high-temperature flame and can lead to catastrophic failure of the gas turbine. Flame flashback along the boundary layers is a competition between chemical reactions in a turbulent flow, where fuel and air are incompletely mixed, and heat loss to the wall that promotes flame quenching. The focus of this work is to develop a comprehensive simulation approach to model boundary layer flashback, accounting for fuel-air stratification and wall heat loss. A large eddy simulation (LES) based framework is used, along with a tabulation-based combustion model. Different approaches to tabulation and the effect of wall heat loss are studied. An experimental flashback configuration is used to understand the predictive accuracy of the models. It is shown that diffusion-flame-based tabulation methods are better suited due to the flashback occurring in relatively low-strain and lean fuel-air mixtures. Further, the flashback is promoted by the formation of features such as flame tongues, which induce negative velocity separated boundary layer flow that promotes upstream flame motion. The wall heat loss alters the strength of these separated flows, which in turn affects the flashback propensity. Comparisons with experimental data for both non-reacting cases that quantify fuel-air mixing and reacting flashback cases are used to demonstrate predictive accuracy.Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN) causes high mortality and reduced growth in farmed European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in the Mediterranean. In the current studies, we tested a novel Pichia-produced virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine against VNN in European sea bass, caused by the betanodavirus "Red-Spotted Grouper Nervous Necrosis Virus" (RGNNV). European sea bass were immunized with a VLP-based vaccine formulated with different concentrations of antigen and with or without adjuvant. Antibody response was evaluated by ELISA and serum neutralization. The efficacy of these VLP-vaccine formulations was evaluated by an intramuscular challenge with RGNNV at different time points (1, 2 and 10 months post-vaccination) and both dead and surviving fish were sampled to evaluate the level of viable virus in the brain. The VLP-based vaccines induced an effective protective immunity against experimental infection at 2 months post-vaccination, and even to some degree at 10 months post-vaccination. Furthermore, the vaccine formulations triggered a dose-dependent response in neutralizing antibodies. Serologic response and clinical efficacy, measured as relative percent survival (RPS), seem to be correlated with the administered dose, although for the individual fish, a high titer of neutralizing antibodies prior to challenge was not always enough to protect against disease. The efficacy of the VLP vaccine could not be improved by formulation with a water-in-oil (W/O) adjuvant. The developed RGNNV-VLPs show a promising effect as a vaccine candidate, even without adjuvant, to protect sea bass against disease caused by RGNNV. However, detection of virus in vaccinated survivors means that it cannot be ruled out that survivors can transmit the virus.Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a leading cause of morbidity for both males and females. The overconsumption of antibiotics in general medicine, veterinary, or agriculture has led to a spike in drug-resistant microorganisms; obtaining standardized results is imposed by standard definitions for various categories of drug-resistant bacteria-such as multiple-drug resistant (MDR), extensive drug-resistant (XDR), and pan drug-resistant (PDR). This retrospective study conducted in three university teaching hospitals in Romania has analyzed urine probes from 15,231 patients, of which 698 (4.58%) presented multidrug-resistant strains. Escherichia coli was the leading uropathogen 283 (40.54%), presenting the highest resistance to quinolones (R = 72.08%) and penicillin (R = 66.78%) with the most important patterns of resistance for penicillin, sulfonamides, and quinolones (12.01%) and aminoglycosides, aztreonam, cephalosporins, and quinolones (9.89%). Klebsiella spp. followed-260 (37.24%) with the highest resistance to amoxicillin-clavulanate (R = 94.