
Sorry, no results were found.



Objective High prevalence of behavioral and psychological disorders in children with thalassemia can be associated with a decrease in the self-esteem of patients and can completely alter the person's self-concept. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of behavioral problems and its relationship with self-esteem and self-concept in patients with thalassemia major aged 6 to 18 years. Method In a cross-sectional study, 30 patients with thalassemia major at the age of 6 to 18 years were enrolled. behavioral problems, self-esteem, and self-concept were evaluated by the child's behavioral check list at the ages of 6 to 18 years (CBCL 6-18), the Coopersmith's Self-Esteem Inventory, and the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale. Results A total of 10.0% of patients had behavioral disorders, 3 (10.0%) desirable self-esteem, 15 (50.0%) moderate self-esteem, and 12 (40.0%) poor self-esteem. There was a strong but adverse correlation between behavioral disorder score and both self-esteem score (correlation coefficient equal to -0.886, p value = 0.001) and self-concept score (correlation coefficient equal to -0.498, p value = 0.001), and thus those patients with behavioral disorder had less appropriate self-esteem and self-concept. Conclusion The incidence of behavioral disorders is associated with decreased self-esteem and poor self-concept in these patients. Therefore, improvement in behavioral disorders can be expected by improving self-esteem and self-concept in such patients.Objective Adolescence is a critical period in terms of development and education, in which there are numbers of high-risk behaviors that can negative effects on personal and educational life. One of these high-risk behaviors is mobile phone addiction that is a sociopsychological phenomenon, and the lack of control in the use of this technology by students can cause damage to various aspects of their personal and educational lives. The aim of the present study was to investigate the mediating role of procrastination in the relationship between positive and negative perfectionism and addiction to mobile phone in gifted students. Method This was a descriptive and correlational study in which 200 gifted students from gifted students' high school of Meshghinshahr were selected using cluster sampling in 2020. Tri-Shot Perfectionism questionnaires, Tuckman Procrastination Scale, and Savari Mobile Phone Addiction questionnaire were applied to collect data. Descriptive statistics, correlation matrix, and path analysis (Structural Model) were used to analyze data. Results The findings revealed positive and negative perfectionism was not directly related to cell phone addiction. However, positive perfectionism through procrastination meditation had a negative and indirect relationship with mobile phone addiction (β = -0.18), and negative perfectionism through procrastination meditation had a positive and indirect relationship with mobile phone addiction (β = 0.17). In other words, procrastination is a complete mediation in the relationship between negative and positive perfectionism and cell phone addiction in students (β = 0.29). Conclusion The results emphasized the effect of procrastination on the relationship between positive and negative perfectionism and mobile phone addiction in gifted students. Therefore, these findings can help school and rehabilitation counselors to prepare programs for reducing students' addictive and avoidant behaviors.Objective The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) compared to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) on anger and interpersonal relationships among male students. Method In the present study, several universities were selected from the public universities in Tehran province, based on random cluster sampling. Then, 400 students from selected universities were selected randomly and Aggression Questionnaire (AGQ) was administered on them. After collecting information, among the participants who gained scores higher than the average, 30 were selected based on the lottery and randomly (sorting their names in alphabetical order and randomly selecting them) and then were placed randomly in ACT (n = 15) and CBT (n = 15) groups. Also, the Fundamental Interpersonal Relation Orientation- Behavior (FIRO-B) and Aggression Questionnaire (AGQ) was performed on both groups before and after intervention. Results The results indicated that at the end of treatment, there was a significant decrease in the degree of anger among the participants and a significant improvement in all subscales of interpersonal relationships. Also, a significant difference was found between the 2 groups of ACT and CBT in terms of anger changes. Considering that the anger changes in the ACT group were higher, it can be concluded that the ACT group had more changes than the CBT group, but there was no significant difference between the 2 groups of ACT and CBT in terms of FIRO-B subscales. Conclusion In some cases, such as anger, ACT has a better effect than CBT, and in others, such as interpersonal problems, it is as effective as CBT.Objective Mental health is one of the most important issues in adolescents' life. Adolescents' health is highly important, because of their role in the future. This study was conducted using multilevel analysis to investigate the risk factors at student and school levels. Method This was a cross sectional study for which 1740 students and 53 schools were selected between February and March 2018 in Qazvin, Iran. Multistage stratified cluster sampling was used for data collection. Mental health problems were measured by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Emotional symptom, conduct problem, hyperactivity, peer relationship problem, and prosocial behavior were the subscales. This study used multilevel analysis to determine the association between each of the questionnaire scales and students and schools variables. Results The prevalence of the mental health problems was 16.2%. Conduct problem was more prevalent than others (21.1%). Overall, the score of mental health problems was significantly lower in boys' schools, in adolescents with physical activity, and in families with high socioeconomic status.


.05) and fibroblasts showed a viability higher than 97% on all discs. Cell shapes on polished samples suggested moderate adhesion compared to unpolished samples.

With the manufacturing parameters selected in this study, Selective Laser Melting of Ti6Al4V appeared to be compatible with a prosthetic application type 4 according to ISO 22674. Surfaces obtained, followed by recommended postprocessing provided components with equivalent biological properties compared to computer numerical control machining technology.
With the manufacturing parameters selected in this study, Selective Laser Melting of Ti6Al4V appeared to be compatible with a prosthetic application type 4 according to ISO 22674. Surfaces obtained, followed by recommended postprocessing provided components with equivalent biological properties compared to computer numerical control machining technology.
Retinaldehyde is one of the major members of the retinoid family, which has potential skin rejuvenating effects on photoaged skin and has a good safety profile.

The study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of multilamellar vesicle containing retinaldehyde (MLV-RAL) 0.05% and 0.1% used to treat photoaged skin.

A randomized, prospective, investigator-blinded, split-face comparison study was conducted. We enrolled 23 Korean volunteers who applied MLV-RAL 0.05%/0.1% cream on one randomized side of their face and retinol 0.05%/0.1% cream on the opposite side. Wrinkle depth on both crow's feet was assessed by the Antera 3D system. Skin hydration, elasticity, facial curved length, and dermal density were also evaluated.

After an 8-week application, all objective parameters, including wrinkle depth, were significantly improved in both MLV-RAL 0.05%/0.1% and retinol 0.05%/0.1% treated sides. Compared with the retinol-treated side, MLV-RAL-treated side showed a significant improvement of objective assessments except for dermal density. Additionally, there was no adverse event associated with the use of either MLV-RAL 0.05%/0.1% or retinol 0.05%/0.1% cream.

The application of MLV-RAL 0.05%/0.1% cream improved wrinkle, facial contour, and biophysical parameters associated with skin aging.
The application of MLV-RAL 0.05%/0.1% cream improved wrinkle, facial contour, and biophysical parameters associated with skin aging.Aerosols are readily transported on airstreams through building sanitary plumbing and sewer systems, and those containing microbial pathogens (known as bioaerosols) are recognized as contributors to infection spread within buildings. When a defect occurs in the sanitary plumbing system that affects the system integrity, a cross-transmission route is created that can enable the emission of bioaerosols from the system into the building. These emission occurrences are characterized as short-burst events (typically 11 μm anywhere in the system. Particle count was influenced by toilet flush volume, but it was not possible to determine if there was any direct influence from airflow rate since both particle and biological data showed no correlation with upward airflow rates and velocities. Typical emissions resulting from a 6 L toilet flush were in the range of 280-400 particles per second at a concentration of typically 9-12 number per cm3 and a total particle count in the region of 3000 to 4000 particles, whereas the peak emissions from a 1.2 L toilet flush were 60-80 particles per second at a concentration of 2.4-3 number per cm3 and a total particle count in the region of 886 to 1045 particles. The reduction in particles is in direct proportion to the reduction in toilet flush volume. The slit-to-agar sampler was able to provide viable time course CFU data and confirmed the origin of the particles to be the tracer microorganism flushed into the system. The time course data also have characteristics consistent with the unsteady nature of a toilet flush.Photocaging holds promise for the precise manipulation of biological events in space and time. However, current near-infrared (NIR) photocages are oxygen-dependent for their photolysis and lack of timely feedback regulation, which has proven to be the major bottleneck for targeted therapy. Herein, we present a hypoxia-dependent photo-activation mechanism of dialkylamine-substituted cyanine (Cy-NH) accompanied by emissive fragments generation, which was validated with retrosynthesis and spectral analysis. For the first time, we have realized the orthogonal manipulation of this hypoxia-dependent photocaging and dual-modal optical signals in living cells and tumor-bearing mice, making a breakthrough in the direct spatiotemporal control and in vivo feedback regulation. This unique photoactivation mechanism overcomes the limitation of hypoxia, which allows site-specific remote control for targeted therapy, and expands the photo-trigger toolbox for on-demand drug release, especially in a physiological context with dual-mode optical imaging under hypoxia.
Minimal evidence exists supporting therapeutic selections for equine placentitis. The goal of this study was to characterize the anti-inflammatory effects of firocoxib when administered to mares with placentitis.

Mares (gestation D270-300) were assigned to INFECT (n=6; placentitis, no treatment), FIRO (n=6; placentitis, firocoxib, 0.1mg/kg, PO, daily), and NORM (n=6; no infection/treatment). Allantoic fluid (8hours, 24hours, birth) and amniotic fluid (birth) were collected from mares after infection. Concentrations of IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-10, PGF
, and PGE
in fluids were measured by ELISA. mRNA expression of IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-8, IL-10, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) -1, 3, and 9 in fetal membranes/fetuses was quantified using real-time PCR.

Allantoic TNF-α concentrations were lowest in FIRO at 8hours and 24hours post-infection; IL-6 concentrations were lower in FIRO than NORM at 8hours, lower in FIRO than INFECT at 24hours post-inoculation, and lower in NORM than FIRO or INFECT at birth. Marginal mean allantoic IL-β and IL-10 concentrations were lower in FIRO and NORM than INFECT. Amniotic fluid cytokines were lowest in NORM with all measurements in that group being below the limit of detection. Allantoic PGF
concentrations were lower in FIRO and INFECT than NORM at 8hours post-inoculation, and lower in FIRO than INFECT or NORM at 24hours post-inoculation. Allantoic PGE
concentrations were lower in FIRO than INFECT. Amniotic PGF
and PGE
concentrations were lower in NORM than INFECT. In fetal membranes, group differences with respect to IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and MMP1 were dependent on tissue type.

Data suggest a suppressive effect of firocoxib administration on cytokine and prostaglandin production in mares with placentitis.
Data suggest a suppressive effect of firocoxib administration on cytokine and prostaglandin production in mares with placentitis.


The main important finding in the present study was that patients having ≥3 risk alleles were associated with higher risk of VTE recurrence compared to those having ≤2 risk alleles (the reference group) (HR 2.5, 95% CI 1.48-4.21) (
= 0.001). Patients with GRS ≥ 3 had a significantly shorter time recurrence free survival (43.07 months) compared to the low risk group of patients with GRS (0-2) (
< 0.001).

GRS model could be an effective and useful model in risk stratification of VTE patients, and genetic risk profiling of VTE patients could be used for the prediction of recurrence of VTE.
GRS model could be an effective and useful model in risk stratification of VTE patients, and genetic risk profiling of VTE patients could be used for the prediction of recurrence of VTE.This article introduces a new class of physical unclonable functions (PUFs) based on the Fibonacci ring oscillator (FIRO). The research conducted here proves that before reaching the desired randomness, the oscillator shows a certain degree of repeatability and uniqueness in the initial sequence of internal state transitions. The use of an FIRO in conjunction with the restart method makes it possible to obtain a set of short boot sequences, which are processed with an innovative feature extraction algorithm that enables reliable device identification. This approach ensures the reuse of the existing random number generator (RNG), rather than multiplying ring oscillators in a dedicated structure. Moreover, the algorithm for the recovery of the device key from the boot set can be successfully implemented in the authorizing center, thus significantly releasing the resources of authorized low-complexity devices. The proposed methodology provides an easily obtainable key with identifiability, which was proven experimentally on FPGAs from different manufacturers.Skin is innervated by a multitude of sensory nerves that are important to the function of this barrier tissue in homeostasis and injury. The role of innervation and neuromediators has been previously reviewed so here we focus on the role of the transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1) in wound healing, with the intent of targeting it in treatment of non-healing wounds. TRPV1 structure and function as well as the outcomes of TRPV1-targeted therapies utilized in several diseases and tissues are summarized. In skin, keratinocytes, sebocytes, nociceptors, and several immune cells express TRPV1, making it an attractive focus area for treating wounds. Many intrinsic and extrinsic factors confound the function and targeting of TRPV1 and may lead to adverse or off-target effects. Therefore, a better understanding of what is known about the role of TRPV1 in skin and wound healing will inform future therapies to treat impaired and chronic wounds to improve healing.Despite the fact that COVID-19 vaccines are already available on the market, there have not been any effective FDA-approved drugs to treat this disease. There are several already known drugs that through drug repositioning have shown an inhibitory activity against SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. These drugs are included in the family of nucleoside analogues. In our efforts, we synthesized a group of new nucleoside analogues, which are modified at the sugar moiety that is replaced by a quinazoline entity. Different nucleobase derivatives are used in order to increase the inhibition. Five new nucleoside analogues were evaluated with in vitro assays for targeting polymerase of SARS-CoV-2.Hyperphosphorylation of the calcium release channel/ryanodine receptor type 2 (RyR2) at serine 2814 (S2814) is associated with multiple cardiac diseases including atrial fibrillation and heart failure. Despite recent advances, the molecular mechanisms driving pathological changes associated with RyR2 S2814 phosphorylation are still not well understood. Methods Using affinity-purification coupled to mass spectrometry (AP-MS), we investigated the RyR2 interactome in ventricles from wild-type (WT) mice and two S2814 knock-in mutants the unphosphorylated alanine mutant (S2814A) and hyperphosphorylated mimic aspartic acid mutant (S2814D). Western blots were used for validation. Results In WT mouse ventricular lysates, we identified 22 proteins which were enriched with RyR2 pull-down relative to both IgG control and no antibody (beads-only) pull-downs. Parallel AP-MS using WT, S2814A, and S2814D mouse ventricles identified 72 proteins, with 20 being high confidence RyR2 interactors. Of these, 14 had an increase in their binding to RyR2 S2814A but a decrease in their binding to RyR2 S2814D. We independently validated three protein hits, Idh3b, Aifm1, and Cpt1b, as RyR2 interactors by western blots and showed that Aifm1 and Idh3b had significantly decreased binding to RyR2 S2814D compared to WT and S2814A, consistent with MS findings. Conclusion By applying state-of-the-art proteomic approaches, we discovered a number of novel RyR2 interactors in the mouse heart. In addition, we found and defined specific alterations in the RyR2 interactome that were dependent on the phosphorylation status of RyR2 at S2814. These findings yield mechanistic insights into RyR2 regulation which may guide future drug designs.Erenumab showed efficacy in migraine prevention, however we cannot identify which patients to treat by predicting efficacy response. The aim of this study was to compare changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) reflected by transcranial Doppler (TCD) in erenumab good responders (GR) and non-responders, in order to identify a parameter that could predict the treatment response. In this study, migraineurs treated with erenumab underwent clinical and TCD evaluations before and 6 weeks after the treatment, including data on migraine type, monthly migraine days (MMD), medication overuse headache (MOH) presence, mean blood flow velocity (Vm) and pulsatility index (PI) in cerebral arteries (CA). GR were defined as reporting ≥50% reduction in MMD. Thirty women were enrolled, of mean age 40.53 years, 20 with chronic migraine, 14 with MOH, and 19 were GR. Baseline Vm values in right CA and basilar artery (BA) were significantly lower in GR as compared with non-responders. Vm values in all arteries significantly increased after the treatment as compared with corresponding baseline values, but only in GR.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



Objective High prevalence of behavioral and psychological disorders in children with thalassemia can be associated with a decrease in the self-esteem of patients and can completely alter the person's self-concept. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of behavioral problems and its relationship with self-esteem and self-concept in patients with thalassemia major aged 6 to 18 years. Method In a cross-sectional study, 30 patients with thalassemia major at the age of 6 to 18 years were enrolled. behavioral problems, self-esteem, and self-concept were evaluated by the child's behavioral check list at the ages of 6 to 18 years (CBCL 6-18), the Coopersmith's Self-Esteem Inventory, and the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale. Results A total of 10.0% of patients had behavioral disorders, 3 (10.0%) desirable self-esteem, 15 (50.0%) moderate self-esteem, and 12 (40.0%) poor self-esteem. There was a strong but adverse correlation between behavioral disorder score and both self-esteem score (correlation coefficient equal to -0.886, p value = 0.001) and self-concept score (correlation coefficient equal to -0.498, p value = 0.001), and thus those patients with behavioral disorder had less appropriate self-esteem and self-concept. Conclusion The incidence of behavioral disorders is associated with decreased self-esteem and poor self-concept in these patients. Therefore, improvement in behavioral disorders can be expected by improving self-esteem and self-concept in such patients.Objective Adolescence is a critical period in terms of development and education, in which there are numbers of high-risk behaviors that can negative effects on personal and educational life. One of these high-risk behaviors is mobile phone addiction that is a sociopsychological phenomenon, and the lack of control in the use of this technology by students can cause damage to various aspects of their personal and educational lives. The aim of the present study was to investigate the mediating role of procrastination in the relationship between positive and negative perfectionism and addiction to mobile phone in gifted students. Method This was a descriptive and correlational study in which 200 gifted students from gifted students' high school of Meshghinshahr were selected using cluster sampling in 2020. Tri-Shot Perfectionism questionnaires, Tuckman Procrastination Scale, and Savari Mobile Phone Addiction questionnaire were applied to collect data. Descriptive statistics, correlation matrix, and path analysis (Structural Model) were used to analyze data. Results The findings revealed positive and negative perfectionism was not directly related to cell phone addiction. However, positive perfectionism through procrastination meditation had a negative and indirect relationship with mobile phone addiction (β = -0.18), and negative perfectionism through procrastination meditation had a positive and indirect relationship with mobile phone addiction (β = 0.17). In other words, procrastination is a complete mediation in the relationship between negative and positive perfectionism and cell phone addiction in students (β = 0.29). Conclusion The results emphasized the effect of procrastination on the relationship between positive and negative perfectionism and mobile phone addiction in gifted students. Therefore, these findings can help school and rehabilitation counselors to prepare programs for reducing students' addictive and avoidant behaviors.Objective The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) compared to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) on anger and interpersonal relationships among male students. Method In the present study, several universities were selected from the public universities in Tehran province, based on random cluster sampling. Then, 400 students from selected universities were selected randomly and Aggression Questionnaire (AGQ) was administered on them. After collecting information, among the participants who gained scores higher than the average, 30 were selected based on the lottery and randomly (sorting their names in alphabetical order and randomly selecting them) and then were placed randomly in ACT (n = 15) and CBT (n = 15) groups. Also, the Fundamental Interpersonal Relation Orientation- Behavior (FIRO-B) and Aggression Questionnaire (AGQ) was performed on both groups before and after intervention. Results The results indicated that at the end of treatment, there was a significant decrease in the degree of anger among the participants and a significant improvement in all subscales of interpersonal relationships. Also, a significant difference was found between the 2 groups of ACT and CBT in terms of anger changes. Considering that the anger changes in the ACT group were higher, it can be concluded that the ACT group had more changes than the CBT group, but there was no significant difference between the 2 groups of ACT and CBT in terms of FIRO-B subscales. Conclusion In some cases, such as anger, ACT has a better effect than CBT, and in others, such as interpersonal problems, it is as effective as CBT.Objective Mental health is one of the most important issues in adolescents' life. Adolescents' health is highly important, because of their role in the future. This study was conducted using multilevel analysis to investigate the risk factors at student and school levels. Method This was a cross sectional study for which 1740 students and 53 schools were selected between February and March 2018 in Qazvin, Iran. Multistage stratified cluster sampling was used for data collection. Mental health problems were measured by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Emotional symptom, conduct problem, hyperactivity, peer relationship problem, and prosocial behavior were the subscales. This study used multilevel analysis to determine the association between each of the questionnaire scales and students and schools variables. Results The prevalence of the mental health problems was 16.2%. Conduct problem was more prevalent than others (21.1%). Overall, the score of mental health problems was significantly lower in boys' schools, in adolescents with physical activity, and in families with high socioeconomic status.


.05) and fibroblasts showed a viability higher than 97% on all discs. Cell shapes on polished samples suggested moderate adhesion compared to unpolished samples.

With the manufacturing parameters selected in this study, Selective Laser Melting of Ti6Al4V appeared to be compatible with a prosthetic application type 4 according to ISO 22674. Surfaces obtained, followed by recommended postprocessing provided components with equivalent biological properties compared to computer numerical control machining technology.
With the manufacturing parameters selected in this study, Selective Laser Melting of Ti6Al4V appeared to be compatible with a prosthetic application type 4 according to ISO 22674. Surfaces obtained, followed by recommended postprocessing provided components with equivalent biological properties compared to computer numerical control machining technology.
Retinaldehyde is one of the major members of the retinoid family, which has potential skin rejuvenating effects on photoaged skin and has a good safety profile.

The study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of multilamellar vesicle containing retinaldehyde (MLV-RAL) 0.05% and 0.1% used to treat photoaged skin.

A randomized, prospective, investigator-blinded, split-face comparison study was conducted. We enrolled 23 Korean volunteers who applied MLV-RAL 0.05%/0.1% cream on one randomized side of their face and retinol 0.05%/0.1% cream on the opposite side. Wrinkle depth on both crow's feet was assessed by the Antera 3D system. Skin hydration, elasticity, facial curved length, and dermal density were also evaluated.

After an 8-week application, all objective parameters, including wrinkle depth, were significantly improved in both MLV-RAL 0.05%/0.1% and retinol 0.05%/0.1% treated sides. Compared with the retinol-treated side, MLV-RAL-treated side showed a significant improvement of objective assessments except for dermal density. Additionally, there was no adverse event associated with the use of either MLV-RAL 0.05%/0.1% or retinol 0.05%/0.1% cream.

The application of MLV-RAL 0.05%/0.1% cream improved wrinkle, facial contour, and biophysical parameters associated with skin aging.
The application of MLV-RAL 0.05%/0.1% cream improved wrinkle, facial contour, and biophysical parameters associated with skin aging.Aerosols are readily transported on airstreams through building sanitary plumbing and sewer systems, and those containing microbial pathogens (known as bioaerosols) are recognized as contributors to infection spread within buildings. When a defect occurs in the sanitary plumbing system that affects the system integrity, a cross-transmission route is created that can enable the emission of bioaerosols from the system into the building. These emission occurrences are characterized as short-burst events (typically 11 μm anywhere in the system. Particle count was influenced by toilet flush volume, but it was not possible to determine if there was any direct influence from airflow rate since both particle and biological data showed no correlation with upward airflow rates and velocities. Typical emissions resulting from a 6 L toilet flush were in the range of 280-400 particles per second at a concentration of typically 9-12 number per cm3 and a total particle count in the region of 3000 to 4000 particles, whereas the peak emissions from a 1.2 L toilet flush were 60-80 particles per second at a concentration of 2.4-3 number per cm3 and a total particle count in the region of 886 to 1045 particles. The reduction in particles is in direct proportion to the reduction in toilet flush volume. The slit-to-agar sampler was able to provide viable time course CFU data and confirmed the origin of the particles to be the tracer microorganism flushed into the system. The time course data also have characteristics consistent with the unsteady nature of a toilet flush.Photocaging holds promise for the precise manipulation of biological events in space and time. However, current near-infrared (NIR) photocages are oxygen-dependent for their photolysis and lack of timely feedback regulation, which has proven to be the major bottleneck for targeted therapy. Herein, we present a hypoxia-dependent photo-activation mechanism of dialkylamine-substituted cyanine (Cy-NH) accompanied by emissive fragments generation, which was validated with retrosynthesis and spectral analysis. For the first time, we have realized the orthogonal manipulation of this hypoxia-dependent photocaging and dual-modal optical signals in living cells and tumor-bearing mice, making a breakthrough in the direct spatiotemporal control and in vivo feedback regulation. This unique photoactivation mechanism overcomes the limitation of hypoxia, which allows site-specific remote control for targeted therapy, and expands the photo-trigger toolbox for on-demand drug release, especially in a physiological context with dual-mode optical imaging under hypoxia.
Minimal evidence exists supporting therapeutic selections for equine placentitis. The goal of this study was to characterize the anti-inflammatory effects of firocoxib when administered to mares with placentitis.

Mares (gestation D270-300) were assigned to INFECT (n=6; placentitis, no treatment), FIRO (n=6; placentitis, firocoxib, 0.1mg/kg, PO, daily), and NORM (n=6; no infection/treatment). Allantoic fluid (8hours, 24hours, birth) and amniotic fluid (birth) were collected from mares after infection. Concentrations of IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-10, PGF
, and PGE
in fluids were measured by ELISA. mRNA expression of IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-8, IL-10, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) -1, 3, and 9 in fetal membranes/fetuses was quantified using real-time PCR.

Allantoic TNF-α concentrations were lowest in FIRO at 8hours and 24hours post-infection; IL-6 concentrations were lower in FIRO than NORM at 8hours, lower in FIRO than INFECT at 24hours post-inoculation, and lower in NORM than FIRO or INFECT at birth. Marginal mean allantoic IL-β and IL-10 concentrations were lower in FIRO and NORM than INFECT. Amniotic fluid cytokines were lowest in NORM with all measurements in that group being below the limit of detection. Allantoic PGF
concentrations were lower in FIRO and INFECT than NORM at 8hours post-inoculation, and lower in FIRO than INFECT or NORM at 24hours post-inoculation. Allantoic PGE
concentrations were lower in FIRO than INFECT. Amniotic PGF
and PGE
concentrations were lower in NORM than INFECT. In fetal membranes, group differences with respect to IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and MMP1 were dependent on tissue type.

Data suggest a suppressive effect of firocoxib administration on cytokine and prostaglandin production in mares with placentitis.
Data suggest a suppressive effect of firocoxib administration on cytokine and prostaglandin production in mares with placentitis.


The main important finding in the present study was that patients having ≥3 risk alleles were associated with higher risk of VTE recurrence compared to those having ≤2 risk alleles (the reference group) (HR 2.5, 95% CI 1.48-4.21) (
= 0.001). Patients with GRS ≥ 3 had a significantly shorter time recurrence free survival (43.07 months) compared to the low risk group of patients with GRS (0-2) (
< 0.001).

GRS model could be an effective and useful model in risk stratification of VTE patients, and genetic risk profiling of VTE patients could be used for the prediction of recurrence of VTE.
GRS model could be an effective and useful model in risk stratification of VTE patients, and genetic risk profiling of VTE patients could be used for the prediction of recurrence of VTE.This article introduces a new class of physical unclonable functions (PUFs) based on the Fibonacci ring oscillator (FIRO). The research conducted here proves that before reaching the desired randomness, the oscillator shows a certain degree of repeatability and uniqueness in the initial sequence of internal state transitions. The use of an FIRO in conjunction with the restart method makes it possible to obtain a set of short boot sequences, which are processed with an innovative feature extraction algorithm that enables reliable device identification. This approach ensures the reuse of the existing random number generator (RNG), rather than multiplying ring oscillators in a dedicated structure. Moreover, the algorithm for the recovery of the device key from the boot set can be successfully implemented in the authorizing center, thus significantly releasing the resources of authorized low-complexity devices. The proposed methodology provides an easily obtainable key with identifiability, which was proven experimentally on FPGAs from different manufacturers.Skin is innervated by a multitude of sensory nerves that are important to the function of this barrier tissue in homeostasis and injury. The role of innervation and neuromediators has been previously reviewed so here we focus on the role of the transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1) in wound healing, with the intent of targeting it in treatment of non-healing wounds. TRPV1 structure and function as well as the outcomes of TRPV1-targeted therapies utilized in several diseases and tissues are summarized. In skin, keratinocytes, sebocytes, nociceptors, and several immune cells express TRPV1, making it an attractive focus area for treating wounds. Many intrinsic and extrinsic factors confound the function and targeting of TRPV1 and may lead to adverse or off-target effects. Therefore, a better understanding of what is known about the role of TRPV1 in skin and wound healing will inform future therapies to treat impaired and chronic wounds to improve healing.Despite the fact that COVID-19 vaccines are already available on the market, there have not been any effective FDA-approved drugs to treat this disease. There are several already known drugs that through drug repositioning have shown an inhibitory activity against SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. These drugs are included in the family of nucleoside analogues. In our efforts, we synthesized a group of new nucleoside analogues, which are modified at the sugar moiety that is replaced by a quinazoline entity. Different nucleobase derivatives are used in order to increase the inhibition. Five new nucleoside analogues were evaluated with in vitro assays for targeting polymerase of SARS-CoV-2.Hyperphosphorylation of the calcium release channel/ryanodine receptor type 2 (RyR2) at serine 2814 (S2814) is associated with multiple cardiac diseases including atrial fibrillation and heart failure. Despite recent advances, the molecular mechanisms driving pathological changes associated with RyR2 S2814 phosphorylation are still not well understood. Methods Using affinity-purification coupled to mass spectrometry (AP-MS), we investigated the RyR2 interactome in ventricles from wild-type (WT) mice and two S2814 knock-in mutants the unphosphorylated alanine mutant (S2814A) and hyperphosphorylated mimic aspartic acid mutant (S2814D). Western blots were used for validation. Results In WT mouse ventricular lysates, we identified 22 proteins which were enriched with RyR2 pull-down relative to both IgG control and no antibody (beads-only) pull-downs. Parallel AP-MS using WT, S2814A, and S2814D mouse ventricles identified 72 proteins, with 20 being high confidence RyR2 interactors. Of these, 14 had an increase in their binding to RyR2 S2814A but a decrease in their binding to RyR2 S2814D. We independently validated three protein hits, Idh3b, Aifm1, and Cpt1b, as RyR2 interactors by western blots and showed that Aifm1 and Idh3b had significantly decreased binding to RyR2 S2814D compared to WT and S2814A, consistent with MS findings. Conclusion By applying state-of-the-art proteomic approaches, we discovered a number of novel RyR2 interactors in the mouse heart. In addition, we found and defined specific alterations in the RyR2 interactome that were dependent on the phosphorylation status of RyR2 at S2814. These findings yield mechanistic insights into RyR2 regulation which may guide future drug designs.Erenumab showed efficacy in migraine prevention, however we cannot identify which patients to treat by predicting efficacy response. The aim of this study was to compare changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) reflected by transcranial Doppler (TCD) in erenumab good responders (GR) and non-responders, in order to identify a parameter that could predict the treatment response. In this study, migraineurs treated with erenumab underwent clinical and TCD evaluations before and 6 weeks after the treatment, including data on migraine type, monthly migraine days (MMD), medication overuse headache (MOH) presence, mean blood flow velocity (Vm) and pulsatility index (PI) in cerebral arteries (CA). GR were defined as reporting ≥50% reduction in MMD. Thirty women were enrolled, of mean age 40.53 years, 20 with chronic migraine, 14 with MOH, and 19 were GR. Baseline Vm values in right CA and basilar artery (BA) were significantly lower in GR as compared with non-responders. Vm values in all arteries significantly increased after the treatment as compared with corresponding baseline values, but only in GR.


Moreover, the composite hydrogel improved the collectability of bentonite and showed a good reusability. The modification of bentonite and the formation of hydrogel were completed simultaneously, which greatly simplifies the operation process compared with the prior similar works. These suggest that the CTS/CA/BT composite hydrogel has promising application prospects for removal of heavy metal ions from water.Background and Objectives Frontline medical staff usually experience high levels of stress, which could greatly impact their work output. We conducted a survey to investigate the level of stress and its association with job types, work departments, and medical centers among COVID-19 pandemic frontline medical personnel. Materials and Methods We conducted a cross-sectional survey using a self-administered questionnaire among 307 frontline medical staff who cared for COVID-19 patients in Daegu city. We used a 33-item questionnaire to assess respondents' general characteristics, job stress, personal effects associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, and their stress level. A general health questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12) was included in our questionnaire. Results Majority (74.3%) of the respondents were in the stress group. The mean GHQ-12 score was 14.31 ± 4.96. More females (67.4%, p less then 0.05) and nurses (73.3%, p = 0.001) were in the stress group compared to males and doctors. Medical staff in the general ward considered the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic situation higher. Nurses perceived work changes (p less then 0.05), work burden (p less then 0.05), and personal impact (p less then 0.05) more serious than doctors. Medical staff in Level 3 emergency department (ED) perceived a lack of real-time information (p = 0.012), a lack of resources, and negative personal impacts associated with the pandemic as more serious than staff in Level 1 and Level 2 EDs. Medical staff in the intensive care unit perceived work changes (p less then 0.05), work burden (p less then 0.05), and lack of personal protective equipment (p = 0.002) as more serious than staff in the ED and general ward. Conclusion Providing real-time information and resources for reducing work burden and negative personal impact is central to maximizing the work output of the COVID-19 pandemic frontline medical staff. Supporting their mental health through regular programs and intervention is also imperative.Androstenone influences the changing behaviors of animals. Previous studies discovered that an androstenone receptor was expressed in horses and treatment with androstenone induced horses to be more compliant. As changes in the level of neuroendocrine factors result in animal behavioral changes, the objective of the study was to monitor the changes in the concentrations of 5-HT, β-endorphin, and cortisol in response to androstenone. Eight thoroughbred horses (five mares and three geldings) were treated with androstenone diluted in jojoba oil (10 µg/mL) and only oil for a control cross-overly. A handler applied the treatments to the horses' nostril and rubbed for 5 s. Blood samples were collected before, 15, 30, and 60 min after each treatment. The concentrations of each neurotransmitter were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The concentrations of each neurotransmitter after the treatment were compared to its baseline concentration. The concentration of 5-HT of the androstenone-treated horses remained consistent throughout the experiment, while the concentration of the control group significantly decreased over time. The plasma concentration of β-endorphin in the androstenone-treated group also remained constant, whereas the concentration increased in the control group. Cortisol levels did not change in either the treated or untreated groups. An androstenone treatment triggers changes in the secretion of 5-HT and β-endorphin in horses.Background Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by an excessive hyperproliferation of keratinocytes and a combination of genetic, epigenetic, and environmental influences. The pathogenesis of psoriasis is complex and the exact mechanism remains elusive. Objectives The study of the prevalence of psoriasis will allow the estimation of the number of people suffering from this condition at the national level, as well as the development and validation of a questionnaire to estimate the prevalence and the risk factors associated with the disease. Methods A quantitative research was conducted at a national level among the target population in order to validate the questionnaire and estimate the national prevalence. Results Declaratively, the prevalence of psoriasis in the studied group (N = 1500) is 4%, the first symptoms appearing around the age of 50, with a certified diagnosis being made on average at 55 years. The prevalence of psoriasis vulgaris was 4.99%. Conclusions The results obtained will be useful in guiding future initiatives and communication campaigns related to this condition, and the methodological approach used will provide the opportunity to make recommendations for improving similar initiatives in the future.
Venous thromboembolism (VTE), including deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and/or pulmonary embolism (PE), is a common, acute, multifactorial disease with a five-years cumulative incidence of recurrence of approximately 25%. Actually, no single genetic defect can predict the risk of recurrence of VTE. Therefore, individual genetic risk profiling could be useful for the prediction of VTE recurrence.

To assess the combined effect of the common prothrombotic genotypes on the risk of recurrence of VTE in recently diagnosed unprovoked VTE patients.

This population based, prospective follow-up study was carried out from January 2015 to December 2020 in (internal medicine, cardiovascular medicine and anesthesia and ICU departments, Tanta University Hospital, Egypt) on 224 recently diagnosed unprovoked VTE patients. Whole blood was collected by standard venipuncture at the time of admission prior to the beginning of anticoagulant therapy. Genomic DNA was extracted and was genotyped for the 5-SNPs Genetic risk score (GRS), previously validated for first venous thrombosis (FVL rs6025, PTM rs1799963, ABO rs8176719, FGG rs2066865 and FXI rs2036914).

The main important finding in the present study was that patients having ≥3 risk alleles were associated with higher risk of VTE recurrence compared to those having ≤2 risk alleles (the reference group) (HR 2.5, 95% CI 1.48-4.21) (
= 0.001). Patients with GRS ≥ 3 had a significantly shorter time recurrence free survival (43.07 months) compared to the low risk group of patients with GRS (0-2) (
< 0.001).

GRS model could be an effective and useful model in risk stratification of VTE patients, and genetic risk profiling of VTE patients could be used for the prediction of recurrence of VTE.
GRS model could be an effective and useful model in risk stratification of VTE patients, and genetic risk profiling of VTE patients could be used for the prediction of recurrence of VTE.This article introduces a new class of physical unclonable functions (PUFs) based on the Fibonacci ring oscillator (FIRO). The research conducted here proves that before reaching the desired randomness, the oscillator shows a certain degree of repeatability and uniqueness in the initial sequence of internal state transitions. The use of an FIRO in conjunction with the restart method makes it possible to obtain a set of short boot sequences, which are processed with an innovative feature extraction algorithm that enables reliable device identification. This approach ensures the reuse of the existing random number generator (RNG), rather than multiplying ring oscillators in a dedicated structure. Moreover, the algorithm for the recovery of the device key from the boot set can be successfully implemented in the authorizing center, thus significantly releasing the resources of authorized low-complexity devices. The proposed methodology provides an easily obtainable key with identifiability, which was proven experimentally on FPGAs from different manufacturers.Skin is innervated by a multitude of sensory nerves that are important to the function of this barrier tissue in homeostasis and injury. The role of innervation and neuromediators has been previously reviewed so here we focus on the role of the transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1) in wound healing, with the intent of targeting it in treatment of non-healing wounds. TRPV1 structure and function as well as the outcomes of TRPV1-targeted therapies utilized in several diseases and tissues are summarized. In skin, keratinocytes, sebocytes, nociceptors, and several immune cells express TRPV1, making it an attractive focus area for treating wounds. Many intrinsic and extrinsic factors confound the function and targeting of TRPV1 and may lead to adverse or off-target effects. Therefore, a better understanding of what is known about the role of TRPV1 in skin and wound healing will inform future therapies to treat impaired and chronic wounds to improve healing.Despite the fact that COVID-19 vaccines are already available on the market, there have not been any effective FDA-approved drugs to treat this disease. There are several already known drugs that through drug repositioning have shown an inhibitory activity against SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. These drugs are included in the family of nucleoside analogues. In our efforts, we synthesized a group of new nucleoside analogues, which are modified at the sugar moiety that is replaced by a quinazoline entity. Different nucleobase derivatives are used in order to increase the inhibition. Five new nucleoside analogues were evaluated with in vitro assays for targeting polymerase of SARS-CoV-2.Hyperphosphorylation of the calcium release channel/ryanodine receptor type 2 (RyR2) at serine 2814 (S2814) is associated with multiple cardiac diseases including atrial fibrillation and heart failure. Despite recent advances, the molecular mechanisms driving pathological changes associated with RyR2 S2814 phosphorylation are still not well understood. Methods Using affinity-purification coupled to mass spectrometry (AP-MS), we investigated the RyR2 interactome in ventricles from wild-type (WT) mice and two S2814 knock-in mutants the unphosphorylated alanine mutant (S2814A) and hyperphosphorylated mimic aspartic acid mutant (S2814D). Western blots were used for validation. Results In WT mouse ventricular lysates, we identified 22 proteins which were enriched with RyR2 pull-down relative to both IgG control and no antibody (beads-only) pull-downs. Parallel AP-MS using WT, S2814A, and S2814D mouse ventricles identified 72 proteins, with 20 being high confidence RyR2 interactors. Of these, 14 had an increase in their binding to RyR2 S2814A but a decrease in their binding to RyR2 S2814D. We independently validated three protein hits, Idh3b, Aifm1, and Cpt1b, as RyR2 interactors by western blots and showed that Aifm1 and Idh3b had significantly decreased binding to RyR2 S2814D compared to WT and S2814A, consistent with MS findings. Conclusion By applying state-of-the-art proteomic approaches, we discovered a number of novel RyR2 interactors in the mouse heart. In addition, we found and defined specific alterations in the RyR2 interactome that were dependent on the phosphorylation status of RyR2 at S2814. These findings yield mechanistic insights into RyR2 regulation which may guide future drug designs.


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