Skull & Bones - 1832
Opium Wars - 1830s
President Andrew Jackson killed America’s National Banks in favor of private bankers - 1832
USA Vs. CSA = Free Labor Vs. Slave Labor
Civil War - 1861 - 1865
America’s National Banking Acts written by London Bankers - 1864
Lincoln Assassinated - 1865
Organic Act of 1871
Robber Baron's Monopolies
Federal Reserve Act - 1913
16th Amendment Income Tax - 1913
17th Amendment - 1913
Department of Commerce - 1913
Federal Trade Commission - 1913
Rockefeller Foundation - 1913
ADL - Anti-Defamation League - 1913
World War I - 1914
War on "the people" and Earth for money and power.
EndTheFED.World Skull & Bones - 1832 Opium Wars - 1830s President Andrew Jackson killed America’s National Banks in favor of private bankers - 1832 USA Vs. CSA = Free Labor Vs. Slave Labor Civil War - 1861 - 1865 America’s National Banking Acts written by London Bankers - 1864 Lincoln Assassinated - 1865 Organic Act of 1871 Robber Baron's Monopolies Federal Reserve Act - 1913 16th Amendment Income Tax - 1913 17th Amendment - 1913 Department of Commerce - 1913 Federal Trade Commission - 1913 Rockefeller Foundation - 1913 ADL - Anti-Defamation League - 1913 World War I - 1914 War on "the people" and Earth for money and power. https://www.jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/Eir-The_Ugly_Truth_About_The_Adl-by-Lyndon-LaRouche.pdf