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14 hrs ago

A forprofit vállalkozások részesedése az egészségbiztosítási forrásokból a 2010. évi 29,0%-ról 2018-ban 10,6%-ra csökkent, míg az állami intézmények részesedése a 2010. évi 27,1%-ról 2018-ban 78,7%-ra nőtt. Következtetés A laboratóriumi aktivitás az elmúlt években stabilizálódott. A szakmai szabályok esetlegesen még szükséges pontosításával, a kódok karbantartásával a laboratóriumi ellátásokra fordított összegek tovább növelhetők a most már zömében köztulajdonban lévő laboratóriumi szolgáltatók irányában. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(12) 468– English, Hungarian Absztrakt A kinureninek manapság intenzív érdeklődés tárgyát képezik, mivel számos fiziológiás és patológiás folyamatban részt vesznek. Az esszenciális aminosav triptofán elsősorban a kinurenin-útvonalon keresztül metabolizálódik. A lebomlás során kinurenin-aminotranszferázok segítségével keletkezik az egyik fontos termék, a kinurénsav. A kinurénsav excitatorikus receptorok ligandja, neuroprotektív tulajdonságú. A kinurénsav szintjének abnormális csökkenése vagy növekedése a neurotranszmitter-rendszerek egyensúlyának felborulásához vezethet, és ez számos neurodegeneratív és neuropszichiátriai betegségben megfigyelhető. A kinurénsav a poláros szerkezete miatt nehezen jut át a vér–agy-gáton, emiatt közvetlenül nem alkalmas terápiás célokra. Ezért kutatásunk célja olyan kinurénsav-analógok előállítása és farmakológiai tesztelése volt, melyek a vér–agy-gáton könnyebben átjutnak. Az újonnan szintetizált kinurénsav-analógok hatékonynak bizonyultak több idegrendszeri betegség (migrén, Huntington-kór) modelljében. A kinurénsav-származékokkal kapott eredmények szerint e vegyületek új terápiás célpontot jelenthetnek a neurodegeneratív betegségek kezelésében. Kutatási eredményeink alapján számos szabadalmi bejelentést benyújtottunk. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(12) 443– English, Hungarian Absztrakt Bevezetés A laparoszkópos colontumor-sebészet létjogosultságát több I/a szintű evidencia támasztja alá. A sigmatumorok és felső harmadi rectumtumorok esetén is kiváló korai és késői eredményekről számoltak be a laparoszkópos sebészet javára. A kemoirradiált rectumtumorok sebészetében kevés az ilyen szintű irodalmi állásfoglalás. Anyag és módszer 2006. 01. 01. és 2011. 12. 31. között 196 beteg kapott neoadjuváns kezelést alsó és középső harmadi rectumtumor miatt a BAZ Megyei Kórház Sebészeti Osztályán. A 196 beteg közül 12 beteg nem volt követhető, így 184 beteg adatait elemeztük. Laparoszkóposan operáltunk 67 beteget, ebből 15 esetben konverzió történt. Nyitott műtétet végeztünk 117 betegnél. Eredmények A Dukes-stádiumok hasonlóak voltak, az ASA-stádium szintén. A betegek BMI tekintetében sem mutattak jelentős különbséget. Az eltávolított specimenek hossza és a tumorméret is hasonló volt. A betegség kiújulását meghatározó faktor a körkörös reszekciós szél (CRM) érintettsége, a TME komplett kivitelezése, mely saját anyagunkban a laparoszkópos technikánál is megfelelő volt, nem találtunk szignifikáns eltérést (khí-négyzet teszt, p = 0,94). A műtéti idők a laparoszkópos, konvertált és nyitott csoportban hasonlóak voltak, nem volt szignifikáns különbség. Az ápolási idő a laparoszkópos csoportban volt a legrövidebb, de a Mann–Whitney-teszt nem mutatott szignifikáns különbséget. Jelentős különbség mutatkozott a laparoszkópos és nyitott csoport transzfúzióigényében. A két csoport között a nyitott hátrányára szignifikáns eltérés mutatkozik (khí-négyzet teszt, p = 0,04). Betegeink utánkövetése során sem a betegség kiújulásában, sem a túlélésben nem találtunk szignifikáns különbséget. Konklúzió A laparoszkópos műtét rövid távú előnyei mellett onkológiailag is biztonságos a rectum kemoirradiált tumorainak megoldásá English, Hungarian Absztrakt Bevezetés Hohenberger 2009-ben a totális mezorectális excízió (TME) elvét átültette a kolonsebészetbe, és az új műtétet komplett mezokólikus excíziónak nevezte el (CME). A CME lényege az érintett kolonszakasz eltávolítása a viszcerális peritoneum sérülése nélkül az ellátó erek centrális lekötésével a viszcerális és parietális fascia közötti embrionális rétegben preparálva. Ez nyitottan és laparoszkóppal is végezhető. Célkitűzés Válogatás nélküli beteganyagon meggyőződni arról, hogy elvégezhető-e a CME laparoszkóppal hasonló eredménnyel, mint nyílt műtét során. Eredmények 2016. 09. 01. és 2019. 06. 30. között 156 műtét történt jobb oldali malignus vastagbéldaganat miatt. 143 esetben végeztünk kuratív reszekciót, 63 férfi és 80 nőbetegnél. Az átlagéletkor férfiaknál 71,5 évnek, míg nőknél 73 évnek bizonyult. 84 műtétet laparoszkóppal, 59 műtétet nyitottan végeztünk. Konvencionális műtét 56 esetben, míg CME 87 esetben történt. Az átlagos kolonhossz konvencionális műtétnél 22,34 cm, míg CME esetén 24,97 cm volt (p = 0,18). A nyirokcsomók átlagos száma a hagyományos műtétnél 15,4, míg CME esetén 16,9 volt (p = 0,24). Az átlagos műtéti idő nyitott műtétnél 111, míg laparoszkópos műtétnél 136 perc volt (p = 0,0014), az átlagos ápolási idő pedig a szövődményes esetek nélkül a nyitott csoportban 7,47, míg a laparoszkópos csoportban 5,65 napnak bizonyult (p = 0,0004). Megbeszélés A korai eredmények alapján az mondható, hogy laparoszkóppal is elvégezhető a műtét hasonló eredményekkel, valamivel rövidebb ápolási idő English, Hungarian Absztrakt Bevezetés Az őrszemnyirokcsomó-biopszia (SNB) bevezetésével a hónalji blokkdissectiók (ABD) aránya jelentősen csökkent. Az extracapsularis terjedés (ECT) jelenléte az őrszemnyirokcsomókban azonban bizonytalan jelentőségű. Módszer Retrospektív vizsgálatunkban 635 T1-T2N0M0 klinikai stádiumú emlőrákos beteg adatait elemeztük, akiknél SNB-t végeztünk 2014 és 2018 között. Az esetek 25%-ában (158 beteg) igazolódott őrszemnyirokcsomó- (SN) áttét. Az SN-áttétes betegeinket két csoportra osztottuk aszerint, hogy igazolódott-e az SN-ben ECT, vagy nem. Vizsgálatunk fő célja az volt, hogy elemezzük a masszív (>3) nyirokcsomóáttét arányát az ECT-negatív és -pozitív betegeknél, akiknél ABD történt. Eredmények Az ECT-negatív csoportba 91/158 beteg (58%), míg az ECT-pozitívba 67/158 beteg (42%) került. Az ECT-negatív betegek 42%-ánál, az ECT-pozitívok 69%-ánál történt ABD. Nem találtunk szignifikáns különbséget a következő változókban életkor, tumorméret, szövettani típus, grade és lymphovascularis invázió jelenléte, valamint a hormon- és HER2-receptorok arányai között.

14 hrs ago

Simeprevir (SMV), Paritaprevir (PTV) and Grazoprevir (GZR) were the common leads identified which show higher binding affinity to both nsp13 helicase and nsp14 as compared to the control inhibitors and therefore, they might be potential dual-target inhibitors. The leads also establish a network of hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions with the key residues lining the active site pockets. The present findings suggest that these FDA approved antiviral drugs can be subjected to repurposing against SARS-CoV-2 infection after verifying the in silico results through in vitro and in vivo studies.
To report a case of conjunctival plaque infected from
, which was possible transmitted from a cat.

A case of Thai woman presented with chronic painless ulcerated conjunctiva with white plaque. The lesion was not healed for one month after excision. She became concerned of getting infection from her cat because it developed chronic and multiple skin lesions on its legs. Identification of
by PCR method was confirmed in the tissues from her conjunctiva and cat's skin.

The diagnosis of Sporothrix infection should be suspected in atypical conjunctival lesion in patient who had closed contact with infected cat. This brought awareness to doctors and cat owners, even though it was uncommon.
The diagnosis of Sporothrix infection should be suspected in atypical conjunctival lesion in patient who had closed contact with infected cat. This brought awareness to doctors and cat owners, even though it was uncommon.
We report an unusual case of a thirty-three-year-old woman who presented with acute unilateral vision loss following pregnancy and was ultimately discovered to have a pilocytic astrocytoma of the optic nerve.

A thirty-three-year-old previously healthy female presented one month following Caesarean section with unilateral vision loss. She was found to have significantly decreased visual acuity, an afferent pupil deficit, proptosis, optic nerve edema and choroidal folds. Imaging revealed a large lesion of the optic nerve. Biopsy was performed and pathologic analysis revealed a pilocytic astrocytoma, WHO grade 1. The patient opted for close observation without further management and demonstrated mild improvement in visual function.

Optic pathway gliomas (OPG) most commonly present in the pediatric patient population with painless proptosis, slowly progressive vision loss, and clinical findings of chronic optic neuropathy.( Farazdaghi et al., 2019 Sep) 1 Acute presentations of this disease in adulthood are rare. This case demonstrates a rare case of acute optic nerve glioma presentation during the post-partum period.
Optic pathway gliomas (OPG) most commonly present in the pediatric patient population with painless proptosis, slowly progressive vision loss, and clinical findings of chronic optic neuropathy.( Farazdaghi et al., 2019 Sep) 1 Acute presentations of this disease in adulthood are rare. This case demonstrates a rare case of acute optic nerve glioma presentation during the post-partum period.
Nuclear medicine imaging can provide a noninvasive means of distinguishing inflammatory mass lesions from oncologic intraocular tumors.

We report a case of paraneoplastic ocular sarcoidosis with choroidal mass lesions that was initially concerning for choroidal metastasis of a primary carcinoid tumor. PET CT was utilized with two different tracers to characterize the choroidal mass as being FDG-avid, consistent with a sarcoid-like lesion, and lacking the Gallium (Ga-68) DOTATAE uptake of carcinoid tumor metastases.

Functional imaging is valuable to distinguish clinically similar inflammatory verses oncologic intraocular pathology.
Functional imaging is valuable to distinguish clinically similar inflammatory verses oncologic intraocular pathology.
Sporotrichosis is the most common subcutaneous mycosis in the world and it is presented usually in the lymphocutaneous form. When the eye is involved, it typically includes the conjunctival and periorbital tissues or even the intraocular tissues.

We present a case of a 13-year-old girl complaining about nodules in the left malar region and in both the outer nasal corner and the lower eyelid of the left eye, which had appeared one month earlier.

and significance Sporotrichosis is a hyperendemic disease in Brazil and its diagnosis is based on clinical aspects, epidemiological history, and culture. Ophthalmologists and other professionals should be aware of this condition.
and significance Sporotrichosis is a hyperendemic disease in Brazil and its diagnosis is based on clinical aspects, epidemiological history, and culture. Ophthalmologists and other professionals should be aware of this condition.
To describe the clinical course of a patient with refractory pseudophakic cystoid macular edema treated with interleukin-6 receptor antagonist tocilizumab.

An 80-year-old Caucasian man with past ocular history significant for glaucoma (right eye) and iritis presented with cystoid macular edema (CME) in the right eye (OD). His ocular surgery history was significant for cataract extraction with posterior chamber intraocular lenses in 1999 and YAG laser capsulotomy in 2014 in both eyes (OU). His medications at time of presentation included latanoprost and dorzolamide-timolol in OD for glaucoma, as well as prednisolone in OD for iritis. Upon examination, his visual acuity was 20/250 in OD and 20/20 in the left eye (OS). Intraocular pressure was 20mmHg in OD and 10mmHg in OS. Slit-lamp examination revealed no cells or flare in OU. Dilated fundus exam showed CME and a cup-to-disk ratio of 0.9 in OD and normal findings in OS. Initial spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) demonstrated intraretinalour with complete resolution of CME.

IL-6 inhibition with tocilizumab may be a safe and effective treatment for refractory CME. Further studies are needed to elucidate the nature and extent of therapeutic IL-6 inhibition in CME.
IL-6 inhibition with tocilizumab may be a safe and effective treatment for refractory CME. Further studies are needed to elucidate the nature and extent of therapeutic IL-6 inhibition in CME.
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is established as a promising technology for assessing the optic nerve atrophy progression after trauma. However, reports on the effectiveness and sensitivity of ganglion cell layer (GCL) and Bruch's membrane opening-minimum rim width (BMO-MRW) for studying this damage course over time are still lacking.

A 53-year-old man with severe optic nerve trauma had repeated OCT scans of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), GCL and BMO-MRW during 12 months after the injury. There was gradual damage in all measurements. Interestingly, BMO-MRW was the first analysis affected whilst GCL showed the greatest damage over time.

Our outcomes suggest that OCT might be able to assess axonal loss after traumatic optic neuropathy. BMO-MRW measurement might be more sensitive than other analyses in the first two weeks after trauma and GCL might better monitor belated damage. Thus, it might be possible to combine all these sets of measurements to increase diagnostic sensitivity an specificity.
Our outcomes suggest that OCT might be able to assess axonal loss after traumatic optic neuropathy. BMO-MRW measurement might be more sensitive than other analyses in the first two weeks after trauma and GCL might better monitor belated damage. Thus, it might be possible to combine all these sets of measurements to increase diagnostic sensitivity an specificity.
We describe a patient with secondary open-angle glaucoma and serous macular detachment associated with pulmonary hypertension.

A 59 year-old male with pulmonary hypertension presented with vision loss and was noted to have bilateral engorged epibulbar vessels, blood in Schlemm's canal, elevated intraocular pressure, retinal venous tortuosity and serous retinal detachments. Enhanced depth optical coherence tomography (ED-OCT) showed bilateral serous macular detachments with marked choroidal thickening. Fluorescein angiography and indocyanine green angiography revealed choroidal vascular congestion and engorgement. Improvement of subretinal fluid was achieved with systemic control of his venous hypertension, and the intraocular pressure responded to medical anti-glaucoma therapy.

Pulmonary hypertension may be associated with secondary open-angle glaucoma, choroidal engorgement and serous macular detachment, and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of elevated episcleral venous pressure. Management of ocular complications is challenging and requires a multi-disciplinary approach.
Pulmonary hypertension may be associated with secondary open-angle glaucoma, choroidal engorgement and serous macular detachment, and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of elevated episcleral venous pressure. Management of ocular complications is challenging and requires a multi-disciplinary approach.
To report use of ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) and anterior segment ocular coherence tomography (AS-OCT) in a case of pseudophakic glaucoma in a patient with an anterior chamber intraocular lens.

UBM and AS-OCT were critical in determining a non-drug related etiology of angle closure. Images indicated anterior obstruction of the pupil secondary to anterior chamber intraocular lens, but also posterior obstruction of the pupil secondary to the anterior hyaloid face.

When evaluating a patient with suspected angle closure, it is important to perform a full ophthalmologic examination, including gonioscopy, as well as a thorough review of past medical history and medications so as not to miss systemic-related etiologies. Imaging with B-scan, UBM, and, more recently in the last decade, AS-OCT is a key component of evaluation of a patient in angle closure, especially one with a complex medical and ocular history.
When evaluating a patient with suspected angle closure, it is important to perform a full ophthalmologic examination, including gonioscopy, as well as a thorough review of past medical history and medications so as not to miss systemic-related etiologies. Imaging with B-scan, UBM, and, more recently in the last decade, AS-OCT is a key component of evaluation of a patient in angle closure, especially one with a complex medical and ocular history.
Presentation of a rare lesion a case of upper eyelid lipoma.

A 76-year-old otherwise healthy woman presented with a right upper eyelid swelling. Her medical history was recorded. On ophthalmologic examination a soft, non-ulcerated and not well-circumscribed mass was evident. An ultrasonography examination was carried out showing a hyperechoic non capsulated mass situated between the superior orbital margin and the orbicularis oculi muscle.

Eyelid lipomas must be differentiated from herniated orbital fat, cystic lesions, tumours, and the lacrimal gland.A pre-operative differential diagnosis of eyelid lipoma can be done through medical history, ophthalmologic, and ultrasonography examinations. Nevertheless, in case of doubt a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) should be performed to assess a possible orbital involvement and to plan for the right surgical procedure to be performed.
Eyelid lipomas must be differentiated from herniated orbital fat, cystic lesions, tumours, and the lacrimal gland.A pre-operative differential diagnosis of eyelid lipoma can be done through medical history, ophthalmologic, and ultrasonography examinations.


An integrated fluid-chemical style to acting the particular thrombus enhancement in an idealized label of aortic dissection.
Aftereffect of hyperthermia along with proton order radiation as being a novel tactic throughout chordoma cellular material demise and its medical implication to deal with chordoma.
The fungal Tpt1s utilized nicotinamide hypoxanthine dinucleotide as a substrate in lieu of NAD+, albeit with much lower affinity, whereas nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide was ineffective. Fungal Tpt1s efficiently removed an internal ribonucleotide 2'-phosphate from an otherwise all-DNA substrate. Replacement of an RNA ribose-2'-PO4 nucleotide with arabinose-2'-PO4 diminished enzyme specific activity by ≥2000-fold and selectively slowed step 2 of the reaction pathway, resulting in transient accumulation of an ara-2'-phospho-ADP-ribosylated intermediate.'>'>'> Our results implicate the 2'-PO4 ribonucleotide as the principal determinant of fungal Tpt1 nucleic acid substrate specificity.ObjectivesOur large-scale cluster randomised controlled trial aimed to investigate the effects on health knowledge and enjoyment of an 11 week 'health education through football' programme for children aged 10-12 years old.Methods3127 Danish school children (49% girls) aged 10-12 years from a total of 154 schools located in 63% of the Danish municipalities (69 of 98) took part in the analysis. A 51 cluster randomisation was performed at school level for the intervention group (IG) or the control group (CG). The twice-weekly 45 min intervention was the '11 for Health in Denmark' programme, which includes health education, football drills and small-sided games. The health education element focused on hygiene, nutrition, physical activity and well-being. Outcomes The participants completed a 34-item multiple-choice computer-based health knowledge questionnaire preintervention and postintervention. IG also evaluated whether the programme was enjoyable.ResultsBetween-group differences (p less then 0.05) were observed in overall health knowledge in favour of IG (+7.2% points, 95% CI 6.1% to 8.4%, effect size, ES0.59), with similar effects for girls (+7.4% points, 95% CI 5.9% to 9.0%, ES0.57) and for boys (+7.0% points, 95% CI 5.3% to 8.7%, p less then 0.05, ES0.51). Marked between-group differences were observed in favour of IG, for health knowledge related to hygiene (IG vs CG+13.9% points, 95% CI 11.1% to 16.7%, ES0.53), nutrition (+10.3% points, 95% CI 8.5% to 12.1%, ES0.53), physical activity (+5.9% points, 95% CI 4.1% to 7.7%, ES0.36) and well-being (+4.4% points, 95% CI 2.7% to 6.1%, ES0.28). Both girls and boys gave the programme moderate to high scores for enjoyment (3.6±1.0 and 3.7±1.1, respectively).ConclusionHealth education through sport, using the '11 for Health' model, was enjoyable for girls and boys aged 10-12 years old, and improved health knowledge related to hygiene, nutrition, physical activity and well-being.Topics for DTB review articles are selected by DTB's editorial board to provide concise overviews of medicines and other treatments to help patients get the best care. Articles include a summary of key points and a brief overview for patients. Articles may also have a series of multiple choice CME questions.Ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCCC) is a rare, chemo-resistant subtype of ovarian cancer.'>'>'> To identify novel therapeutic targets and combination therapies for OCCC, we subjected a set of patient-derived ovarian cancer cell lines to arrayed high-throughput siRNA and drug screening. link2 The results indicated OCCC cells are vulnerable to knockdown of epigenetic gene targets such as bromodomain and extra-terminal domain (BET) proteins BRD2 and BRD3. Subsequent RNA interference assays, as well as BET inhibitor treatments, validated these BET proteins as potential therapeutic targets. Because development of resistance to single targeted agents is common, we next performed sensitizer drug screens to identify potential combination therapies with the BET inhibitor CPI0610.'>'>'> Several PI3K or AKT inhibitors were among the top drug combinations identified and subsequent work showed CPI0610 synergized with alpelisib or MK2206 by inducing p53-independent apoptosis. We further verified synergy between CPI0610 and PI3K-AKT pathway inhibitors alpelisib, MK2206, or ipatasertib in tumor organoids obtained directly from patients with OCCC. These findings indicate further preclinical evaluation of BET inhibitors, alone or in combination with PI3K-AKT inhibitors for OCCC, is warranted.
Evidence on the relationship between ambient temperature and morbidity of different stroke subtypes in China is limited. link3 This study aimed to assess the influence of ambient temperature on stroke risk in Shenzhen, China.

From 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2014, 114 552 stroke cases in Shenzhen were collected. link2 A generalised additive model with quasi-Poisson regression combined with a distributed lag non-linear model was applied to evaluate the temperature effects on stroke subtypes. Furthermore, this study explored the variability of the effects across sex, age and education.

The immediate heat effects on ischaemic stroke (IS) and the persistent effects of ambient temperature on intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) were significant. link2 Overall, the cold-related relative risks (RRs) of IS, ICH and subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) were 1.02 (0.97-1.07), 1.16 (1.04-1.30) and 1.12 (0.61-2.04), whereas the heat-related RRs were 1.00 (0.97-1.04), 0.80 (0.73-0.88) and 1.05 (0.63-1.78), respectively. link3 For IS, a weakly beneficial cold effect was found among men while a detrimental heat effect among both men and women, the elderly and higher-educated population at lag0. However, regarding ICH, the temperature effects in men, the young and higher-educated population are stronger at lag0-4, lag0-7 as cold reveals threat and heat reveals protection.

Responses of diverse stroke subtypes to ambient temperature varied. Effective measures should be taken to increase public awareness about the effects of ambient temperature on stroke attack and to educate the public about self-protection.
Responses of diverse stroke subtypes to ambient temperature varied. Effective measures should be taken to increase public awareness about the effects of ambient temperature on stroke attack and to educate the public about self-protection.It is generally presumed that uptake transport mechanisms are of limited significance in hepatic clearance for lipophilic or high passive-permeability drugs. In this study, we evaluated the mechanistic role of the hepato-selective organic anion-transporting polypeptides (OATPs) 1B1/1B3 in the pharmacokinetics of compounds representing large lipophilic acid space. Intravenous pharmacokinetics of 16 compounds with molecular mass ∼400-730 Da, logP ∼3.5-8, and acid pKa 6.5), which generally showed high nonspecific binding in hepatocyte incubations. In vitro uptake clearance and fraction transported by OATP1B1/1B3 (ft,OATP1B) were found to be similar in monkey and human hepatocytes. Finally, for compounds with logP ≤6.5, good agreement was noted between in vitro ft,OATP1B and clearance ratio (as well as VDss ratio) in cynomolgus monkey. In conclusion, this study provides mechanistic evidence for the pivotal role of OATP1B-mediated hepatic uptake in the pharmacokinetics across a wide, large lipophilic acid space. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT This study provides mechanistic insight into the pharmacokinetics of a broad range of large lipophilic acids. Organic anion-transporting polypeptides 1B1/1B3-mediated hepatic uptake is of key importance in the pharmacokinetics and drug-drug interactions of almost all drugs and new molecular entities in this space. Diligent in vitro and in vivo transport characterization is needed to avoid the false negatives often noted because of general limitations in the in vitro assays while handling compounds with such physicochemical attributes.Insulin resistance (IR) is the common basis of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, and its development is closely associated with lipid metabolism disorder. Flavonoids have definite chemical defense effects, including anti-inflammatory effects, anticancer effects, and antimutation effects. However, the function and mechanism of apigenin (AP, a kind of flavonoid) in IR are still unclear. link3 In our study, intracellular fat accumulation model cells and high-fat diet (HFD)-fed model mice were established using palmitate (PA) and HFD. Mechanistically, we first demonstrated that AP could notably downregulate sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (SREBP-1c), sterol regulatory element-binding protein 2 (SREBP-2), fatty acid synthase, stearyl-CoA desaturase 1, and 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase in PA-induced hyperlipidemic cells and mice. Functionally, we verified that AP could markedly reduce lipid accumulation in PA-induced hyperlipidemic cells and decrease the body weight, visceral fat weight, IR, e in diet-induced obesity. This study might provide translational insight into the prevention and treatment of apigenin in hyperlipidemia-related diseases.Gain-of-function mutations in leucine-rich kinase 2 (LRRK2) are associated with increased incidence of Parkinson disease (PD); thus, pharmacological inhibition of LRRK2 kinase activity is postulated as a disease-modifying treatment of PD. Histomorphological changes in lungs of nonhuman primates (NHPs) treated with small-molecule LRRK2 kinase inhibitors have brought the safety of this treatment approach into question. Although it remains unclear how LRRK2 kinase inhibition affects the lung, continued studies in NHPs prove to be both cost- and resource-prohibitive. To develop a tractable alternative animal model platform, we dosed male mice in-diet with the potent, highly selective LRRK2 kinase inhibitor MLi-2 and induced histomorphological changes in lung within 1 week. Oral bolus dosing of MLi-2 at a frequency modeled to provide steady-state exposure equivalent to that achieved with in-diet dosing induced type II pneumocyte vacuolation, suggesting pulmonary changes require sustained LRRK2 kinase inhibition. Treating mice with MLi-2 in-diet for up to 6 months resulted in type II pneumocyte vacuolation that progressed only modestly over time and was fully reversible after withdrawal of MLi-2. Immunohistochemical analysis of lung revealed a significant increase in prosurfactant protein C staining within type II pneumocytes. In the present study, we demonstrated the kinetics for onset, progression, and rapid reversibility of chronic LRRK2 kinase inhibitor effects on lung histomorphology in rodents and provide further evidence for the derisking of safety and tolerability concerns for chronic LRRK2 kinase inhibition in PD. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT We have defined a mouse model by which the on-target lung effects of leucine-rich kinase 2 (LRRK2) kinase inhibition can be monitored, whereas previous in vivo testing relied solely on nonhuman primates. Data serve to derisk long-term treatment with LRRK2 kinase inhibitors, as all lung changes were mild and readily reversible.Acute stridor is often an airway emergency. We present a valuable experience handling an elderly woman who was initially treated as COVID-19 positive during the pandemic in November 2020. She needed an urgent tracheostomy due to nasopharyngeal (NP) diffuse large B-cell lymphoma causing acute airway obstruction. Fortunately, 1 hour later, her NP swab real-time PCR test result returned as SARS-CoV-2 negative. This interesting article depicts the importance of adequate preparations when handling potentially infectious patients with anticipated difficult airway and the perioperative issues associated with it.


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14 hrs ago

A forprofit vállalkozások részesedése az egészségbiztosítási forrásokból a 2010. évi 29,0%-ról 2018-ban 10,6%-ra csökkent, míg az állami intézmények részesedése a 2010. évi 27,1%-ról 2018-ban 78,7%-ra nőtt. Következtetés A laboratóriumi aktivitás az elmúlt években stabilizálódott. A szakmai szabályok esetlegesen még szükséges pontosításával, a kódok karbantartásával a laboratóriumi ellátásokra fordított összegek tovább növelhetők a most már zömében köztulajdonban lévő laboratóriumi szolgáltatók irányában. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(12) 468– English, Hungarian Absztrakt A kinureninek manapság intenzív érdeklődés tárgyát képezik, mivel számos fiziológiás és patológiás folyamatban részt vesznek. Az esszenciális aminosav triptofán elsősorban a kinurenin-útvonalon keresztül metabolizálódik. A lebomlás során kinurenin-aminotranszferázok segítségével keletkezik az egyik fontos termék, a kinurénsav. A kinurénsav excitatorikus receptorok ligandja, neuroprotektív tulajdonságú. A kinurénsav szintjének abnormális csökkenése vagy növekedése a neurotranszmitter-rendszerek egyensúlyának felborulásához vezethet, és ez számos neurodegeneratív és neuropszichiátriai betegségben megfigyelhető. A kinurénsav a poláros szerkezete miatt nehezen jut át a vér–agy-gáton, emiatt közvetlenül nem alkalmas terápiás célokra. Ezért kutatásunk célja olyan kinurénsav-analógok előállítása és farmakológiai tesztelése volt, melyek a vér–agy-gáton könnyebben átjutnak. Az újonnan szintetizált kinurénsav-analógok hatékonynak bizonyultak több idegrendszeri betegség (migrén, Huntington-kór) modelljében. A kinurénsav-származékokkal kapott eredmények szerint e vegyületek új terápiás célpontot jelenthetnek a neurodegeneratív betegségek kezelésében. Kutatási eredményeink alapján számos szabadalmi bejelentést benyújtottunk. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(12) 443– English, Hungarian Absztrakt Bevezetés A laparoszkópos colontumor-sebészet létjogosultságát több I/a szintű evidencia támasztja alá. A sigmatumorok és felső harmadi rectumtumorok esetén is kiváló korai és késői eredményekről számoltak be a laparoszkópos sebészet javára. A kemoirradiált rectumtumorok sebészetében kevés az ilyen szintű irodalmi állásfoglalás. Anyag és módszer 2006. 01. 01. és 2011. 12. 31. között 196 beteg kapott neoadjuváns kezelést alsó és középső harmadi rectumtumor miatt a BAZ Megyei Kórház Sebészeti Osztályán. A 196 beteg közül 12 beteg nem volt követhető, így 184 beteg adatait elemeztük. Laparoszkóposan operáltunk 67 beteget, ebből 15 esetben konverzió történt. Nyitott műtétet végeztünk 117 betegnél. Eredmények A Dukes-stádiumok hasonlóak voltak, az ASA-stádium szintén. A betegek BMI tekintetében sem mutattak jelentős különbséget. Az eltávolított specimenek hossza és a tumorméret is hasonló volt. A betegség kiújulását meghatározó faktor a körkörös reszekciós szél (CRM) érintettsége, a TME komplett kivitelezése, mely saját anyagunkban a laparoszkópos technikánál is megfelelő volt, nem találtunk szignifikáns eltérést (khí-négyzet teszt, p = 0,94). A műtéti idők a laparoszkópos, konvertált és nyitott csoportban hasonlóak voltak, nem volt szignifikáns különbség. Az ápolási idő a laparoszkópos csoportban volt a legrövidebb, de a Mann–Whitney-teszt nem mutatott szignifikáns különbséget. Jelentős különbség mutatkozott a laparoszkópos és nyitott csoport transzfúzióigényében. A két csoport között a nyitott hátrányára szignifikáns eltérés mutatkozik (khí-négyzet teszt, p = 0,04). Betegeink utánkövetése során sem a betegség kiújulásában, sem a túlélésben nem találtunk szignifikáns különbséget. Konklúzió A laparoszkópos műtét rövid távú előnyei mellett onkológiailag is biztonságos a rectum kemoirradiált tumorainak megoldásá English, Hungarian Absztrakt Bevezetés Hohenberger 2009-ben a totális mezorectális excízió (TME) elvét átültette a kolonsebészetbe, és az új műtétet komplett mezokólikus excíziónak nevezte el (CME). A CME lényege az érintett kolonszakasz eltávolítása a viszcerális peritoneum sérülése nélkül az ellátó erek centrális lekötésével a viszcerális és parietális fascia közötti embrionális rétegben preparálva. Ez nyitottan és laparoszkóppal is végezhető. Célkitűzés Válogatás nélküli beteganyagon meggyőződni arról, hogy elvégezhető-e a CME laparoszkóppal hasonló eredménnyel, mint nyílt műtét során. Eredmények 2016. 09. 01. és 2019. 06. 30. között 156 műtét történt jobb oldali malignus vastagbéldaganat miatt. 143 esetben végeztünk kuratív reszekciót, 63 férfi és 80 nőbetegnél. Az átlagéletkor férfiaknál 71,5 évnek, míg nőknél 73 évnek bizonyult. 84 műtétet laparoszkóppal, 59 műtétet nyitottan végeztünk. Konvencionális műtét 56 esetben, míg CME 87 esetben történt. Az átlagos kolonhossz konvencionális műtétnél 22,34 cm, míg CME esetén 24,97 cm volt (p = 0,18). A nyirokcsomók átlagos száma a hagyományos műtétnél 15,4, míg CME esetén 16,9 volt (p = 0,24). Az átlagos műtéti idő nyitott műtétnél 111, míg laparoszkópos műtétnél 136 perc volt (p = 0,0014), az átlagos ápolási idő pedig a szövődményes esetek nélkül a nyitott csoportban 7,47, míg a laparoszkópos csoportban 5,65 napnak bizonyult (p = 0,0004). Megbeszélés A korai eredmények alapján az mondható, hogy laparoszkóppal is elvégezhető a műtét hasonló eredményekkel, valamivel rövidebb ápolási idő English, Hungarian Absztrakt Bevezetés Az őrszemnyirokcsomó-biopszia (SNB) bevezetésével a hónalji blokkdissectiók (ABD) aránya jelentősen csökkent. Az extracapsularis terjedés (ECT) jelenléte az őrszemnyirokcsomókban azonban bizonytalan jelentőségű. Módszer Retrospektív vizsgálatunkban 635 T1-T2N0M0 klinikai stádiumú emlőrákos beteg adatait elemeztük, akiknél SNB-t végeztünk 2014 és 2018 között. Az esetek 25%-ában (158 beteg) igazolódott őrszemnyirokcsomó- (SN) áttét. Az SN-áttétes betegeinket két csoportra osztottuk aszerint, hogy igazolódott-e az SN-ben ECT, vagy nem. Vizsgálatunk fő célja az volt, hogy elemezzük a masszív (>3) nyirokcsomóáttét arányát az ECT-negatív és -pozitív betegeknél, akiknél ABD történt. Eredmények Az ECT-negatív csoportba 91/158 beteg (58%), míg az ECT-pozitívba 67/158 beteg (42%) került. Az ECT-negatív betegek 42%-ánál, az ECT-pozitívok 69%-ánál történt ABD. Nem találtunk szignifikáns különbséget a következő változókban életkor, tumorméret, szövettani típus, grade és lymphovascularis invázió jelenléte, valamint a hormon- és HER2-receptorok arányai között.

14 hrs ago

Simeprevir (SMV), Paritaprevir (PTV) and Grazoprevir (GZR) were the common leads identified which show higher binding affinity to both nsp13 helicase and nsp14 as compared to the control inhibitors and therefore, they might be potential dual-target inhibitors. The leads also establish a network of hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions with the key residues lining the active site pockets. The present findings suggest that these FDA approved antiviral drugs can be subjected to repurposing against SARS-CoV-2 infection after verifying the in silico results through in vitro and in vivo studies.
To report a case of conjunctival plaque infected from
, which was possible transmitted from a cat.

A case of Thai woman presented with chronic painless ulcerated conjunctiva with white plaque. The lesion was not healed for one month after excision. She became concerned of getting infection from her cat because it developed chronic and multiple skin lesions on its legs. Identification of
by PCR method was confirmed in the tissues from her conjunctiva and cat's skin.

The diagnosis of Sporothrix infection should be suspected in atypical conjunctival lesion in patient who had closed contact with infected cat. This brought awareness to doctors and cat owners, even though it was uncommon.
The diagnosis of Sporothrix infection should be suspected in atypical conjunctival lesion in patient who had closed contact with infected cat. This brought awareness to doctors and cat owners, even though it was uncommon.
We report an unusual case of a thirty-three-year-old woman who presented with acute unilateral vision loss following pregnancy and was ultimately discovered to have a pilocytic astrocytoma of the optic nerve.

A thirty-three-year-old previously healthy female presented one month following Caesarean section with unilateral vision loss. She was found to have significantly decreased visual acuity, an afferent pupil deficit, proptosis, optic nerve edema and choroidal folds. Imaging revealed a large lesion of the optic nerve. Biopsy was performed and pathologic analysis revealed a pilocytic astrocytoma, WHO grade 1. The patient opted for close observation without further management and demonstrated mild improvement in visual function.

Optic pathway gliomas (OPG) most commonly present in the pediatric patient population with painless proptosis, slowly progressive vision loss, and clinical findings of chronic optic neuropathy.( Farazdaghi et al., 2019 Sep) 1 Acute presentations of this disease in adulthood are rare. This case demonstrates a rare case of acute optic nerve glioma presentation during the post-partum period.
Optic pathway gliomas (OPG) most commonly present in the pediatric patient population with painless proptosis, slowly progressive vision loss, and clinical findings of chronic optic neuropathy.( Farazdaghi et al., 2019 Sep) 1 Acute presentations of this disease in adulthood are rare. This case demonstrates a rare case of acute optic nerve glioma presentation during the post-partum period.
Nuclear medicine imaging can provide a noninvasive means of distinguishing inflammatory mass lesions from oncologic intraocular tumors.

We report a case of paraneoplastic ocular sarcoidosis with choroidal mass lesions that was initially concerning for choroidal metastasis of a primary carcinoid tumor. PET CT was utilized with two different tracers to characterize the choroidal mass as being FDG-avid, consistent with a sarcoid-like lesion, and lacking the Gallium (Ga-68) DOTATAE uptake of carcinoid tumor metastases.

Functional imaging is valuable to distinguish clinically similar inflammatory verses oncologic intraocular pathology.
Functional imaging is valuable to distinguish clinically similar inflammatory verses oncologic intraocular pathology.
Sporotrichosis is the most common subcutaneous mycosis in the world and it is presented usually in the lymphocutaneous form. When the eye is involved, it typically includes the conjunctival and periorbital tissues or even the intraocular tissues.

We present a case of a 13-year-old girl complaining about nodules in the left malar region and in both the outer nasal corner and the lower eyelid of the left eye, which had appeared one month earlier.

and significance Sporotrichosis is a hyperendemic disease in Brazil and its diagnosis is based on clinical aspects, epidemiological history, and culture. Ophthalmologists and other professionals should be aware of this condition.
and significance Sporotrichosis is a hyperendemic disease in Brazil and its diagnosis is based on clinical aspects, epidemiological history, and culture. Ophthalmologists and other professionals should be aware of this condition.
To describe the clinical course of a patient with refractory pseudophakic cystoid macular edema treated with interleukin-6 receptor antagonist tocilizumab.

An 80-year-old Caucasian man with past ocular history significant for glaucoma (right eye) and iritis presented with cystoid macular edema (CME) in the right eye (OD). His ocular surgery history was significant for cataract extraction with posterior chamber intraocular lenses in 1999 and YAG laser capsulotomy in 2014 in both eyes (OU). His medications at time of presentation included latanoprost and dorzolamide-timolol in OD for glaucoma, as well as prednisolone in OD for iritis. Upon examination, his visual acuity was 20/250 in OD and 20/20 in the left eye (OS). Intraocular pressure was 20mmHg in OD and 10mmHg in OS. Slit-lamp examination revealed no cells or flare in OU. Dilated fundus exam showed CME and a cup-to-disk ratio of 0.9 in OD and normal findings in OS. Initial spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) demonstrated intraretinalour with complete resolution of CME.

IL-6 inhibition with tocilizumab may be a safe and effective treatment for refractory CME. Further studies are needed to elucidate the nature and extent of therapeutic IL-6 inhibition in CME.
IL-6 inhibition with tocilizumab may be a safe and effective treatment for refractory CME. Further studies are needed to elucidate the nature and extent of therapeutic IL-6 inhibition in CME.
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is established as a promising technology for assessing the optic nerve atrophy progression after trauma. However, reports on the effectiveness and sensitivity of ganglion cell layer (GCL) and Bruch's membrane opening-minimum rim width (BMO-MRW) for studying this damage course over time are still lacking.

A 53-year-old man with severe optic nerve trauma had repeated OCT scans of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), GCL and BMO-MRW during 12 months after the injury. There was gradual damage in all measurements. Interestingly, BMO-MRW was the first analysis affected whilst GCL showed the greatest damage over time.

Our outcomes suggest that OCT might be able to assess axonal loss after traumatic optic neuropathy. BMO-MRW measurement might be more sensitive than other analyses in the first two weeks after trauma and GCL might better monitor belated damage. Thus, it might be possible to combine all these sets of measurements to increase diagnostic sensitivity an specificity.
Our outcomes suggest that OCT might be able to assess axonal loss after traumatic optic neuropathy. BMO-MRW measurement might be more sensitive than other analyses in the first two weeks after trauma and GCL might better monitor belated damage. Thus, it might be possible to combine all these sets of measurements to increase diagnostic sensitivity an specificity.
We describe a patient with secondary open-angle glaucoma and serous macular detachment associated with pulmonary hypertension.

A 59 year-old male with pulmonary hypertension presented with vision loss and was noted to have bilateral engorged epibulbar vessels, blood in Schlemm's canal, elevated intraocular pressure, retinal venous tortuosity and serous retinal detachments. Enhanced depth optical coherence tomography (ED-OCT) showed bilateral serous macular detachments with marked choroidal thickening. Fluorescein angiography and indocyanine green angiography revealed choroidal vascular congestion and engorgement. Improvement of subretinal fluid was achieved with systemic control of his venous hypertension, and the intraocular pressure responded to medical anti-glaucoma therapy.

Pulmonary hypertension may be associated with secondary open-angle glaucoma, choroidal engorgement and serous macular detachment, and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of elevated episcleral venous pressure. Management of ocular complications is challenging and requires a multi-disciplinary approach.
Pulmonary hypertension may be associated with secondary open-angle glaucoma, choroidal engorgement and serous macular detachment, and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of elevated episcleral venous pressure. Management of ocular complications is challenging and requires a multi-disciplinary approach.
To report use of ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) and anterior segment ocular coherence tomography (AS-OCT) in a case of pseudophakic glaucoma in a patient with an anterior chamber intraocular lens.

UBM and AS-OCT were critical in determining a non-drug related etiology of angle closure. Images indicated anterior obstruction of the pupil secondary to anterior chamber intraocular lens, but also posterior obstruction of the pupil secondary to the anterior hyaloid face.

When evaluating a patient with suspected angle closure, it is important to perform a full ophthalmologic examination, including gonioscopy, as well as a thorough review of past medical history and medications so as not to miss systemic-related etiologies. Imaging with B-scan, UBM, and, more recently in the last decade, AS-OCT is a key component of evaluation of a patient in angle closure, especially one with a complex medical and ocular history.
When evaluating a patient with suspected angle closure, it is important to perform a full ophthalmologic examination, including gonioscopy, as well as a thorough review of past medical history and medications so as not to miss systemic-related etiologies. Imaging with B-scan, UBM, and, more recently in the last decade, AS-OCT is a key component of evaluation of a patient in angle closure, especially one with a complex medical and ocular history.
Presentation of a rare lesion a case of upper eyelid lipoma.

A 76-year-old otherwise healthy woman presented with a right upper eyelid swelling. Her medical history was recorded. On ophthalmologic examination a soft, non-ulcerated and not well-circumscribed mass was evident. An ultrasonography examination was carried out showing a hyperechoic non capsulated mass situated between the superior orbital margin and the orbicularis oculi muscle.

Eyelid lipomas must be differentiated from herniated orbital fat, cystic lesions, tumours, and the lacrimal gland.A pre-operative differential diagnosis of eyelid lipoma can be done through medical history, ophthalmologic, and ultrasonography examinations. Nevertheless, in case of doubt a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) should be performed to assess a possible orbital involvement and to plan for the right surgical procedure to be performed.
Eyelid lipomas must be differentiated from herniated orbital fat, cystic lesions, tumours, and the lacrimal gland.A pre-operative differential diagnosis of eyelid lipoma can be done through medical history, ophthalmologic, and ultrasonography examinations.


An integrated fluid-chemical style to acting the particular thrombus enhancement in an idealized label of aortic dissection.
Aftereffect of hyperthermia along with proton order radiation as being a novel tactic throughout chordoma cellular material demise and its medical implication to deal with chordoma.
The fungal Tpt1s utilized nicotinamide hypoxanthine dinucleotide as a substrate in lieu of NAD+, albeit with much lower affinity, whereas nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide was ineffective. Fungal Tpt1s efficiently removed an internal ribonucleotide 2'-phosphate from an otherwise all-DNA substrate. Replacement of an RNA ribose-2'-PO4 nucleotide with arabinose-2'-PO4 diminished enzyme specific activity by ≥2000-fold and selectively slowed step 2 of the reaction pathway, resulting in transient accumulation of an ara-2'-phospho-ADP-ribosylated intermediate.'>'>'> Our results implicate the 2'-PO4 ribonucleotide as the principal determinant of fungal Tpt1 nucleic acid substrate specificity.ObjectivesOur large-scale cluster randomised controlled trial aimed to investigate the effects on health knowledge and enjoyment of an 11 week 'health education through football' programme for children aged 10-12 years old.Methods3127 Danish school children (49% girls) aged 10-12 years from a total of 154 schools located in 63% of the Danish municipalities (69 of 98) took part in the analysis. A 51 cluster randomisation was performed at school level for the intervention group (IG) or the control group (CG). The twice-weekly 45 min intervention was the '11 for Health in Denmark' programme, which includes health education, football drills and small-sided games. The health education element focused on hygiene, nutrition, physical activity and well-being. Outcomes The participants completed a 34-item multiple-choice computer-based health knowledge questionnaire preintervention and postintervention. IG also evaluated whether the programme was enjoyable.ResultsBetween-group differences (p less then 0.05) were observed in overall health knowledge in favour of IG (+7.2% points, 95% CI 6.1% to 8.4%, effect size, ES0.59), with similar effects for girls (+7.4% points, 95% CI 5.9% to 9.0%, ES0.57) and for boys (+7.0% points, 95% CI 5.3% to 8.7%, p less then 0.05, ES0.51). Marked between-group differences were observed in favour of IG, for health knowledge related to hygiene (IG vs CG+13.9% points, 95% CI 11.1% to 16.7%, ES0.53), nutrition (+10.3% points, 95% CI 8.5% to 12.1%, ES0.53), physical activity (+5.9% points, 95% CI 4.1% to 7.7%, ES0.36) and well-being (+4.4% points, 95% CI 2.7% to 6.1%, ES0.28). Both girls and boys gave the programme moderate to high scores for enjoyment (3.6±1.0 and 3.7±1.1, respectively).ConclusionHealth education through sport, using the '11 for Health' model, was enjoyable for girls and boys aged 10-12 years old, and improved health knowledge related to hygiene, nutrition, physical activity and well-being.Topics for DTB review articles are selected by DTB's editorial board to provide concise overviews of medicines and other treatments to help patients get the best care. Articles include a summary of key points and a brief overview for patients. Articles may also have a series of multiple choice CME questions.Ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCCC) is a rare, chemo-resistant subtype of ovarian cancer.'>'>'> To identify novel therapeutic targets and combination therapies for OCCC, we subjected a set of patient-derived ovarian cancer cell lines to arrayed high-throughput siRNA and drug screening. link2 The results indicated OCCC cells are vulnerable to knockdown of epigenetic gene targets such as bromodomain and extra-terminal domain (BET) proteins BRD2 and BRD3. Subsequent RNA interference assays, as well as BET inhibitor treatments, validated these BET proteins as potential therapeutic targets. Because development of resistance to single targeted agents is common, we next performed sensitizer drug screens to identify potential combination therapies with the BET inhibitor CPI0610.'>'>'> Several PI3K or AKT inhibitors were among the top drug combinations identified and subsequent work showed CPI0610 synergized with alpelisib or MK2206 by inducing p53-independent apoptosis. We further verified synergy between CPI0610 and PI3K-AKT pathway inhibitors alpelisib, MK2206, or ipatasertib in tumor organoids obtained directly from patients with OCCC. These findings indicate further preclinical evaluation of BET inhibitors, alone or in combination with PI3K-AKT inhibitors for OCCC, is warranted.
Evidence on the relationship between ambient temperature and morbidity of different stroke subtypes in China is limited. link3 This study aimed to assess the influence of ambient temperature on stroke risk in Shenzhen, China.

From 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2014, 114 552 stroke cases in Shenzhen were collected. link2 A generalised additive model with quasi-Poisson regression combined with a distributed lag non-linear model was applied to evaluate the temperature effects on stroke subtypes. Furthermore, this study explored the variability of the effects across sex, age and education.

The immediate heat effects on ischaemic stroke (IS) and the persistent effects of ambient temperature on intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) were significant. link2 Overall, the cold-related relative risks (RRs) of IS, ICH and subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) were 1.02 (0.97-1.07), 1.16 (1.04-1.30) and 1.12 (0.61-2.04), whereas the heat-related RRs were 1.00 (0.97-1.04), 0.80 (0.73-0.88) and 1.05 (0.63-1.78), respectively. link3 For IS, a weakly beneficial cold effect was found among men while a detrimental heat effect among both men and women, the elderly and higher-educated population at lag0. However, regarding ICH, the temperature effects in men, the young and higher-educated population are stronger at lag0-4, lag0-7 as cold reveals threat and heat reveals protection.

Responses of diverse stroke subtypes to ambient temperature varied. Effective measures should be taken to increase public awareness about the effects of ambient temperature on stroke attack and to educate the public about self-protection.
Responses of diverse stroke subtypes to ambient temperature varied. Effective measures should be taken to increase public awareness about the effects of ambient temperature on stroke attack and to educate the public about self-protection.It is generally presumed that uptake transport mechanisms are of limited significance in hepatic clearance for lipophilic or high passive-permeability drugs. In this study, we evaluated the mechanistic role of the hepato-selective organic anion-transporting polypeptides (OATPs) 1B1/1B3 in the pharmacokinetics of compounds representing large lipophilic acid space. Intravenous pharmacokinetics of 16 compounds with molecular mass ∼400-730 Da, logP ∼3.5-8, and acid pKa 6.5), which generally showed high nonspecific binding in hepatocyte incubations. In vitro uptake clearance and fraction transported by OATP1B1/1B3 (ft,OATP1B) were found to be similar in monkey and human hepatocytes. Finally, for compounds with logP ≤6.5, good agreement was noted between in vitro ft,OATP1B and clearance ratio (as well as VDss ratio) in cynomolgus monkey. In conclusion, this study provides mechanistic evidence for the pivotal role of OATP1B-mediated hepatic uptake in the pharmacokinetics across a wide, large lipophilic acid space. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT This study provides mechanistic insight into the pharmacokinetics of a broad range of large lipophilic acids. Organic anion-transporting polypeptides 1B1/1B3-mediated hepatic uptake is of key importance in the pharmacokinetics and drug-drug interactions of almost all drugs and new molecular entities in this space. Diligent in vitro and in vivo transport characterization is needed to avoid the false negatives often noted because of general limitations in the in vitro assays while handling compounds with such physicochemical attributes.Insulin resistance (IR) is the common basis of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, and its development is closely associated with lipid metabolism disorder. Flavonoids have definite chemical defense effects, including anti-inflammatory effects, anticancer effects, and antimutation effects. However, the function and mechanism of apigenin (AP, a kind of flavonoid) in IR are still unclear. link3 In our study, intracellular fat accumulation model cells and high-fat diet (HFD)-fed model mice were established using palmitate (PA) and HFD. Mechanistically, we first demonstrated that AP could notably downregulate sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (SREBP-1c), sterol regulatory element-binding protein 2 (SREBP-2), fatty acid synthase, stearyl-CoA desaturase 1, and 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase in PA-induced hyperlipidemic cells and mice. Functionally, we verified that AP could markedly reduce lipid accumulation in PA-induced hyperlipidemic cells and decrease the body weight, visceral fat weight, IR, e in diet-induced obesity. This study might provide translational insight into the prevention and treatment of apigenin in hyperlipidemia-related diseases.Gain-of-function mutations in leucine-rich kinase 2 (LRRK2) are associated with increased incidence of Parkinson disease (PD); thus, pharmacological inhibition of LRRK2 kinase activity is postulated as a disease-modifying treatment of PD. Histomorphological changes in lungs of nonhuman primates (NHPs) treated with small-molecule LRRK2 kinase inhibitors have brought the safety of this treatment approach into question. Although it remains unclear how LRRK2 kinase inhibition affects the lung, continued studies in NHPs prove to be both cost- and resource-prohibitive. To develop a tractable alternative animal model platform, we dosed male mice in-diet with the potent, highly selective LRRK2 kinase inhibitor MLi-2 and induced histomorphological changes in lung within 1 week. Oral bolus dosing of MLi-2 at a frequency modeled to provide steady-state exposure equivalent to that achieved with in-diet dosing induced type II pneumocyte vacuolation, suggesting pulmonary changes require sustained LRRK2 kinase inhibition. Treating mice with MLi-2 in-diet for up to 6 months resulted in type II pneumocyte vacuolation that progressed only modestly over time and was fully reversible after withdrawal of MLi-2. Immunohistochemical analysis of lung revealed a significant increase in prosurfactant protein C staining within type II pneumocytes. In the present study, we demonstrated the kinetics for onset, progression, and rapid reversibility of chronic LRRK2 kinase inhibitor effects on lung histomorphology in rodents and provide further evidence for the derisking of safety and tolerability concerns for chronic LRRK2 kinase inhibition in PD. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT We have defined a mouse model by which the on-target lung effects of leucine-rich kinase 2 (LRRK2) kinase inhibition can be monitored, whereas previous in vivo testing relied solely on nonhuman primates. Data serve to derisk long-term treatment with LRRK2 kinase inhibitors, as all lung changes were mild and readily reversible.Acute stridor is often an airway emergency. We present a valuable experience handling an elderly woman who was initially treated as COVID-19 positive during the pandemic in November 2020. She needed an urgent tracheostomy due to nasopharyngeal (NP) diffuse large B-cell lymphoma causing acute airway obstruction. Fortunately, 1 hour later, her NP swab real-time PCR test result returned as SARS-CoV-2 negative. This interesting article depicts the importance of adequate preparations when handling potentially infectious patients with anticipated difficult airway and the perioperative issues associated with it.


To evaluate the diagnostic value of spectral detector computed tomography (SDCT)-derived iodine overlay maps and low-energy virtual mono-energetic images (VMI) for the initial locoregional assessment of primary, therapy-naive head and neck cancer.

Fifty-six patients with histologically confirmed untreated squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck who underwent SDCT of the neck for staging purposes were included in this retrospective study. Attenuation, image noise as well as signal- and contrast-to-noise ratios (S-/CNR) in VMI
were obtained from region of interest (ROI)-based measurements in the tumour and important anatomical landmarks (sternocleidomastoid muscle, subcutaneous fat, thyroid gland, submandibular gland, carotid artery, and jugular vein). Tumour conspicuity and delineation, as well as subjective image quality, were rated for conventional images, VMI
, and iodine overlay maps using five-point Likert scales.

The CNR of the tumour versus the floor of the mouth and the CNR of the tumour versus the sternocleidomastoid muscle was significantly higher in VMI
in comparison to conventional images (10.0±7.3 versus 3.8±3.3 and 11.3±7.6 versus 3.6±2.8; p<0.05 each). This was supported by qualitative results, as tumour conspicuity and delineation received superior ratings in iodine overlay maps and VMI
compared to conventional images (5 [3-5] and 5 [4-5] versus 3 [2-5]; 5 [2-5] and 5 [3-5] versus 3 [2-4], respectively, all p<0.05). VMI
yielded the highest score among all included image reconstructions for overall image quality (p<0.05 all).

Iodine overlay maps and low-energy VMI derived from SDCT improve initial assessment of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck compared to conventional images.
Iodine overlay maps and low-energy VMI derived from SDCT improve initial assessment of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck compared to conventional images.
A typical pathway for treatment of choledocholithiasis (CD) in emergency general surgery patients involves same admission laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) with either preoperative or postoperative endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). The goal of this study was to describe our initial experience at a safety net hospital with acute care surgeon-performed laparoscopic common bile duct exploration (LCBDE) when CD is confirmed at the time of LC. We hypothesized that this strategy would result in reduced length of stay, and lower charges compared to ERCP.

This was a retrospective case control study over a 2 year period matching LCBDE to ERCP (13) among a cohort of patients with CD confirmed at first procedure. Data is reported as median (interquartile range). Statistical analysis used the Kruskal-Wallis and Chi-squared tests with 95% confidence interval.

Demographics, preoperative WBC, and bilirubin were similar between the LCBDE (n=14) and ERCP (n=37) groups. Success rate for LCBDE was 11/14 (79%), and the remaining three subjects successfully underwent post-operative ERCP. Overall complication rate for the LCBDE group was 1/14 (7%) and the readmission rate was 0/14 (0%). Length of stay for LCBDE vs ERCP was 2.5 (1-3) vs 5 (3-5) days (p<0.01). Charges during initial hospitalization was $35858 ($26587-$49570) vs $48662 ($36018-$57106) (p=0.05).

LCBDE by acute care surgeons at the time of LC was associated with lower charges, reduced hospital length of stay, low rates of post-operative complications, and no readmissions.
LCBDE by acute care surgeons at the time of LC was associated with lower charges, reduced hospital length of stay, low rates of post-operative complications, and no readmissions.The use of valve-in-valve transcatheter aortic valve implantation (ViV-TAVI) is increasing, but studies evaluating clinical outcomes in these patients are scarce. Also, there are limited data to guide the choice of valve type in ViV-TAVI. Therefore, this CENTER-study evaluated clinical outcomes in patients with ViV-TAVI compared to patients with native valve TAVI (NV-TAVI). In addition, we compared outcomes in patients with ViV-TAVI treated with self-expandable versus balloon-expandable valves. A total of 256 patients with ViV-TAVI and 11333 patients with NV-TAVI were matched 12 using propensity score matching, resulting in 256 patients with ViV-TAVI and 512 patients with NV-TAVI. Mean age was 81±7 years, 58% were female, and the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Predicted Risk of Mortality was 6.3% (4.0% to 12.8%). Mortality rates were comparable between ViV-TAVI and NV-TAVI patients at 30 days (4.1% vs 5.9%, p = 0.30) and 1 year (14.2% vs 17.3%, p = 0.34). Stroke rates were also similar at 30 days (2.8% vs 1.8%, p = 0.38) and 1 year (4.9% vs 4.3%, p = 0.74). Permanent pacemakers were less frequently implanted in patients with ViV-TAVI (8.8% vs 15.0%, relative risk 0.59, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.37 to 0.92, p = 0.02). Patients with ViV-TAVI were treated with self-expandable valves (n = 162) and balloon-expandable valves (n = 94). Thirty-day major bleeding was less frequent in patients with self-expandable valves (3% vs 13%, odds ratio 5.12, 95% CI 1.42 to 18.52, p = 0.01). Thirty-day mortality was numerically lower in patients with self-expandable valves (3% vs 7%, odds ratio 3.35, 95% CI 0.77 to 14.51, p = 0.11). In conclusion, ViV-TAVI seems a safe and effective treatment for failing bioprosthetic valves with low mortality and stroke rates comparable to NV-TAVI for both valve types.Ventricular septal myectomy (SM) and alcohol septal ablation (ASA), 2 septal reduction therapies (SRTs), are recommended in symptomatic obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) despite maximum tolerated medical therapy. Contradictory results between the outcomes of these 2 types of therapies persist to this day. The objective of this study was to compare in-hospital and mid-term outcomes of SM versus ASA, at a nationwide level in France. We collected information on patients who underwent SRT for HCM using the French nationwide Programme de Médicalisation des Systèmes d'Information database between 2010 and 2019. A total of 1,574 patients were identified in the database, including 340 patients in the SM arm and 1,234 patients in the ASA arm. No difference during the median follow-up of 1.3 years between the 2 groups was noted in terms of mortality (adjusted incidence rate ratio 0.687, 95% confidence interval 0.361 to 1.309, p = 0.25). However, there was a significantly lower risk of all-cause stroke (adjusted incidence rate ratio 0.180, 95% confidence interval 0.058 to 0.554, p = 0.003) in the ASA group. In conclusion, in our "real-life" data from France, mortality after SRT in patients with HCM was similar after ASA or SM. Moreover, ASA was more widely used than SM despite European Society of Cardiology guidelines recommendations.The Mehran classification is used to determine the presence of in-stent restenosis (ISR) and characterization of its subtypes in invasive coronary angiography (ICA). The utility of computed tomography angiography (CTA) for the assessment of Mehran classification is unknown. We aimed to compare the agreement and reproducibility of Mehran classification between ICA and CTA and evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of both imaging methods. Consecutive patients who had ISR on ICA preceded with CTA before intervention were enrolled in our study. Modified Mehran's classification was employed by CTA and ICA to classify ISR into 4 subtypes focal (type I [A, B, C]), intra-stent (type II [A, B, C]), proliferative (type III [A, B, C]), and total occlusion (type IV). Agreement between ISR classification and main vessel lesion length, reference vessel diameter, and bifurcation angles were compared. A total of 405 patients with 431 bifurcation percutaneous coronary interventions with ISR were included in this investigation. The total agreement between CTA and ICA for assessment of Mehran class was poor (kappa = 0.168). Proliferative ISR (25% vs 10%, p = 0.012) and total occlusions (24% vs 5%, p less then 0.001) were reclassified more often between ICA and CTA, respectively. CTA assessment of lesion length was significantly longer than that of ICA measurements in all subtypes of ISR (32.15 ± 5.23 vs 27.41 ± 3.63, p = 0.004). Receiver operating characteristic curve expressed CTA to be more sensitive and specific than ICA in diagnosing ISR. In conclusion, Mehran classification was significantly affected by imaging modality, and CTA results were more reproducible than ICA. Therefore, CTA evaluation of ISR may facilitate treatment options and generate a sound plan before the procedure.Environmental exposure could be an important modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). In this study, we investigated the relation between lead exposure, measured as blood lead levels (BLLs) and CVD mortality in a national cohort. A total of 15,036 adults aged ≥19 who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1988 to 1994) as the baseline examination were followed up through December 31, 2010. Adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) derived from Cox proportional hazard regressions were used to estimate the risk of dying from CVD in association with BLLs. Cardiovascular mortality was 3.76, 8.11, and 14.77 per 1,000 person-years for patients in low, moderate, and high BLLs, respectively. After adjusting for potential confounders, patients in the high lead level had a significantly increased risk of death from all CVD (HR 1.35, 95% confidence interval 1.03 to 1.77), compared with those with low level. Participants in both moderate and high lead levels showed a significantly increased risk of death from heart disease, with an HR of 1.37 (1.04 to 1.81) and 1.60 (1.21 to 2.13), respectively. A significant linear association with all CVD and heart disease deaths was also seen with an HR of 1.08 (1.00 to 1.16) and 1.09 (1.02 to 1.16), respectively, per 1-unit increase in BLLs. In conclusion, the study demonstrates that increasing BLLs were associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular deaths, especially from heart disease. This further supports the possible cardiovascular effects that lead poses on patients at low levels of exposure and the importance of further reducing lead exposure in the general population.Approximately 5% of all colorectal cancers develop within a hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome. Patients and families with these syndromes have an increased risk of colorectal and extracolonic cancers that develop at an early age. Recognition and diagnosis of these conditions are crucial to management and risk reduction. Surgeons must be aware of the unique aspects of the timing and extent of surgery (both therapeutic and prophylactic) within these syndromes, particularly for the most common syndromes, Lynch syndrome and familial adenomatous polyposis.Curative-intent surgical resection of colon cancer involves optimal approaches to the peri-tumoral tissue, the mesocolon, and the draining lymph nodes. The key corresponding concepts that will be discussed are complete mesocolic excision (CME), central vascular ligation (CVL) or D3 dissection, and circumferential resection margin (CRM). We aim to describe these techniques and delineate evidence surrounding their technical feasibility, pathologic detail, as well as long-term oncologic impact. CME with CVL and D3 dissection are overlapping concepts both emphasizing anatomy-based resection of tumor and regional lymph nodes that does not breach the embryonic visceral fascia and ensures complete lymph node dissection up to the mesenteric root. Completeness of the mesocolic plane, number of harvested nodes, and CRM are surgical pathologic parameters that impact oncologic outcome. Attention to these details has been associated with improved outcomes in retrospective observational trials and the choice of open or minimally invasive approaches must be determined by surgeon's technical experiences.


The clinical success rate was 93%. Of the groups, the best French bleeding score decrease was obtained in the 900-1,200 μm group. There were improvements in the quality of life score and visual analogue scale score after the SRAE procedure, although not in the Goligher score. No recurrent disease was observed.

SRAE with tris-acryl gelatin microspheres for symptomatic HD is a safe and efficient treatment, with results favoring the use of larger microspheres.
SRAE with tris-acryl gelatin microspheres for symptomatic HD is a safe and efficient treatment, with results favoring the use of larger microspheres.Cutaneous photobiology studies have focused primarily on the ultraviolet portion of the solar spectrum. Visible light (VL), which comprises 50% of the electromagnetic radiation that reaches the Earth's surface and, as discussed in Part I of this CME, has cutaneous biologic effects, such as pigment darkening and erythema. Photoprotection against VL includes avoiding the sun, seeking shade, and using photoprotective clothing. The organic and inorganic ultraviolet filters used in sunscreens do not protect against VL, only tinted sunscreens do. In the United States, these filters are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration as an over-the-counter drug and are subject to more stringent regulations than in Europe, Asia, and Australia. There are no established guidelines regarding VL photoprotection. Alternative measures to confer VL photoprotection are being explored. These novel methods include topical, oral, and subcutaneous agents. Further development should focus on better protection in the ultraviolet A1 (340-400 nm) and VL ranges while enhancing the cosmesis of the final products.Approximately 50% of the sunlight reaching the Earth's surface is visible light (400-700 nm). Other sources of visible light include lasers, light-emitting diodes, and flash lamps. Photons from visible light are absorbed by photoreceptive chromophores (e.g., melanin, heme, and opsins), altering skin function by activating and imparting energy to chromophores. Additionally, visible light can penetrate the full thickness of the skin and induce pigmentation and erythema. Clinically, lasers and light devices are used to treat skin conditions by utilizing specific wavelengths and treatment parameters. Red and blue light from light-emitting diodes and intense pulsed light have been studied as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory treatments for acne. Pulsed dye lasers are used to treat vascular lesions in adults and infants. Further research is necessary to determine the functional significance of visible light on skin health without confounding the influence of ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths.The purpose of present study was to develop a long-acting drug-in-adhesive patch of rivastigmine (RVS) to achieve controlled release under high drug loading. Formulation factors including ion-pair, pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA), drug-loading and permeation enhancers were investigated through in vitro skin permeation experiments. Optimized patch was evaluated by pharmacokinetic study. The mechanism of controlled release was studied by FTIR, Raman, DSC, rheology study and molecular modeling. The optimized patch composed of RVS-SA (equal to 30% RVS), 15% POCC as permeation enhancer and AAOH as PSA matrix. The RVS in optimized patch was basically permeated at a uniform rate, and the ratio of the skin permeation amount (2803.38 ± 153.85 μg/cm2) in 72 hours to that of the control group (1000.89 ± 62.45 μg/cm2) was 2.8. The plasma concentration of RVS was stable for 72 hours in vivo (AUCoptimized = 5721.30 ± 1994.87 h ng/mL, MRT0-t = 29.55 ± 2.49 h), and Cmax was significantly controlled. The results of the study on the controlled release mechanism showed that the addition of counter ion formed hydrogen bonds with RVS and PSA respectively, which reduced the fluidity and molecular mobility of PSA, and enhanced the interaction between RVS and PSA, thus achieving the purpose of long-acting effect. In conclusion, long-acting drug-in-adhesive patch of RVS was developed, and provided a new idea for the long term drug delivery of Alzheimer's disease.Hyaluronan (HA) is a negatively charged linear polysaccharide that can interact with cluster determinant 44 (CD44) overexpressed cancers. However, HA can also bind to excess substrates in the human body leading to the lower specificity of tumor targeting. Conjugation of other targeting group to HA could enhance the uptake by cancer cell comparing to that of native HA. In this study, we develop the multi-functionalized HA (177Lu-DOTA/Alexa647-HA100-N) for malignant tumor targeting. An asparagine-glycine-arginine (NGR) based peptide was selected for HA functionalization. The peptide is known to target CD13 receptor that is overexpressed in malignant tumors with abundant blood vessels, such as lung cancer. Furthermore, the fluorescent probe Alexa Fluor 647 for ex vivo/in vivo tracking and the radionuclide 177Lu for radioactive therapy were both labeled on the material. The functionalized HA could be bound by lung cancer cells and breast cancer cells. In vivo fluorescent imaging showed that the material could accumulate in the tumor site for more than 96 h. The 177Lu labeling of functionalized HA was stable for more 48 h at physiological conditions. The accumulation of 177Lu-DOTA/Alexa647-HA100-N in the tumor of lung cancer (NCI-H292) bearing mice was 1.91±0.97%ID/g, and it was about 17 times higher than the value in blood. Conclusion The multimodality labeled functional HA was successfully prepared and could be fluorescent trackable ex vivo and in vivo. It showed high potential to be used for malignant cancer radiotherapy for its specific targeting property to tumors and radiotoxicity from the labeled 177Lu radionuclide.The aim of this study is to improve in vitro and in vivo properties of an antihypertensive poorly soluble drug Telmisartan (TEL) by co-amorphization with a pharmacologically relevant drug Hydrochlorothiazide (HCT), and to improve the stability of single amorphous drugs. Herein, TEL-HCT co-amorphous systems (CAMs) (11, 23, 12, 13) were prepared by solvent evaporation. The apparent solubility and the dissolution of TEL in the TEL-HCT CAM (13) were increased by 79 times and 10 times compared to crystalline TEL, which showed the optimal properties. Cmax and AUC0-48h value of TEL-HCT CAM (13) were 10-fold and 3-fold as the crystalline state. Moreover, TEL-HCT CAM (13) remained stable in 60 °C, 0 % RH (30 days), 40 °C, 75 % RH (90 days) and 25 °C, 0 % RH (180 days). Positive ΔTgs were observed in all CAMs, suggesting the existence of potential intermolecular force. Fourier Transform-Infrared and Raman spectra were used to further prove the drug-drug interaction and predict potential mechanisms. Therefore, in the strategy of combined medication, CAM provides a promising way to transfer drugs with poor properties into systems with enhanced dissolution, greater bioavailability, and stabilized amorphous state, which has been proven in this study.