

International Public Notice: Essential Claims and Knowledges
By Anna Von Reitz

We have described the hidden European-based Caste System that has been secretly imposed on people by the Roman Catholic Church and its Secular British Overlords, whereby we are classed as men, humans, or slaves.

Each caste classification has different systems of law and jurisdictions attached. Men stand under one form of law on the land and soil, humans under law of the sea, and slaves labor under commercial law.

Secretive registration processes resulting in unconscionable contracts have been used to mischaracterize and unlawfully convert the natural political status of millions of Americans into that of British Subjects denigrated as "Federal Dual Citizens" ----presumed to be operating as British Territorial U.S. Citizens (humans under peonage) and/or Municipal Corporation Franchises (slaves).

These are crimes of personage and illegal latching aimed at identity theft on a national level, motivated by criminal intent to access assets and credit belonging to Americans for the benefit of foreign, mostly European banks and affiliated Municipal Corporations acting as governmental services monopolies.

These acts of self-interested fraud and misrepresentation also serve to evade the obligations of the Holy See and the British Monarch owed to these same Americans under both The Constitution of the United States and The Constitution of the United States of America.

Absent actual evidence of Federal Employment the Federal Courts themselves have declared that Federal Dual Citizenship cannot be presumed (See bey AFROYIM v Dean RUSK), yet abusive practices continue and are chronic in this country, such that people of color are routinely treated as slaves and mischaracterized as Municipal citizens of the United States.

Having long abused some Americans on the basis of race, the Perpetrators of these international crimes have since thought it expedient to expand upon this theme and to enslave everyone equally, by declaring everyone to be Municipal citizens of the United States and arbitrarily conferring the corresponding Third Class citizenship obligations of slaves upon them, without disclosure or agreement.

So long as this impersonation stands, the American victims are denied the protections owed to them under The Constitution of the United States, and are considered both debtors and slaves in their own country, when in fact these same people are the Preferential Creditors of the Hired Help responsible for this madness.

The Municipal Schemers hope to get away with it and not be held liable because of an earlier transgression by the British Crown which allows them to claim that they didn't do any of this to Americans at all. They will claim that they only presumed against British Territorial U.S. Citizens, who were already classed as foreigners and as mere humans.

This is because the British Territorial United States Government has engaged in a purposeful effort to unlawfully convert and misrepresent the natural political status of Americans while those Americans are still in their cradles.

It seems to be their entire cowardly and despicable custom to attack babies, murder babies, steal from babies, and harm babies with phony poisonous injections, polluted water, unsafe food, and incompetent, even evil, educational institutions designed to cripple and limit their intellectual and creative capacities.

The undeclared British Territorial Agents, Medical Doctors owing their licenses to this regime, and defined as "Uniformed Offices" under their Federal Code, latch upon the American babies by presenting undisclosed and patently deceptive registration paperwork to the Mothers, allowing the Perpetrators to attach British Territorial U.S. Citizenship to the babies without anyone's knowing consent.

These completely unconscionable contracts are created and once the victim has been tallied as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, the British Crown takes copyright to their Given Name, and the new "human" property asset is further registered as a Municipal Corporation franchise -- where the second, Municipal part of "Federal Dual Citizenship" is constructed as discussed and described above.

Despite this intricate effort to defraud Americans of their identity and natural political status, we remain men and women nonetheless, owed all benefit of our own American Common Law and our contracts with these foreign Principals, known as The Constitution of the United States and The Constitution of the United States of America.

So now we come to the Law we are owed, and we will use this convenient and well-organized summation sent to me by a reader earlier this week:

Quote: "The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the Land; the code, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are “not the law”, Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261.

Legislated statutes enforced upon the people in the name of law is Fraud.

It has no authority and is without mercy; justice without mercy is Godless and therefore repugnant to our United States Constitution.

Lawmakers were given authority by the people to legislate codes, rules, regulations, and statutes which are policies, procedures, and “law” to control behavior of bureaucrats, elected and appointed officials, municipalities and agencies, but were never given authority to control the behavior of the people as we read in a U.S. Supreme Court decision:

“All codes, rules, and regulations are for government authorities only, not Human/Creators in
accordance with God’s laws. All codes, rules, and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking
due process…” Rodriques v. Ray Donovan (U.S. Department of Labor) 769 F. 2d 1344, 1348,

And again “all laws, rules and practices which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” [Marbury v. Madison, 5 th U.S. (Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)." -- Unquote.

Thus we see that from 1803 to 1985, nothing has changed, except the unlawful, undisclosed, and unconscionable conversion of our own political status imposed via acts of legislation and legal presumptions that should never have been applied to us at all.

Codes, rules, regulations, mandates, ordinances, and statutes apply to humans -- British Territorial U.S. Citizens accepting titles, such as Mister, Missus, Captain, Professor, Doctor, Congressman, Judge, and so on.

American Common Law and the Law of the Land are the inheritance of the men and women born on our soil.

Unable to overcome the strength of their venerable service contracts, our erstwhile Subcontractors have undertaken to undermine our individual identities in such a way as to redefine us as humans and as slaves, foreigners in our own country, and thereby to evade their own obligations owed to us under the Constitutions.

This entire operating plan put in place by acts of legislation such as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, Sheppard Towner Act of 1921 and Buck Act of 1940 have been deliberately misapplied to Americans who are owed good faith service from all public employees, foreign or domestic.

The effort to defraud America and Americans under color of law and the collusive conspiracy of foreign interests backing it is memorialized as The Declaration of Interdependence of The Governments in The United States issued in 1937. (Copies available upon request.)

Our States represented by our State Citizens are the American Principals party to both The Constitution of the United States and The Constitution of the United States of America. Our State Assemblies and their members are all properly provenanced, declared, recorded, and published -- and in Session.

Our courts have and claim concurrent General Jurisdiction over all Americans and American Assets. Our address where we may sue and be sued has been established and manned at General Delivery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania since 1802.

Newer addresses have been added and made available over the course of our history, and there can be no doubt that the American Government continues to exist in tandem with and is superior to any United States Government aka Federal Government derived from or dependent upon our delegated mutual powers and service contracts.

These foreign incorporated entities acting as our Federal Subcontractors have been unlawfully and illegally transgressing against our States and People and have also transgressed against dozens if not hundreds of other lawful governments throughout the world.

They have disgraced our good name and the Title IV flag that we set apart for their use when exercising delegated powers, by operating in bad faith, by lying, cheating, stealing, murdering, misrepresenting, and misdirecting our soldiers as mercenaries.

For these crimes against us and against humanity, these incorporated entities deserve to be bankrupted and dissolved or forfeited to us under new management such that we can bring forward our peaceable American government and the world can clearly see that we have been impersonated by foreign subcontractors and misrepresented by them. They have used our whole country as a resource dump and storefront while pillaging and plundering both here and abroad.

This lawlessness has got to end, and it will take the determination of many people in many lands to make sure that it does -- to say no to the payola, the meddling, the leveraging, the threats, the CIA, the bribes of "foreign aid" and all the rest of it -- in order to put an end to the Colonialist rampages of the Holy Roman Empire and the British Empire and the Empire of the Cities, too.

All men who hold fast to human dignity and decency, all women who share a dream of peace and security, everyone who is worth their salt -- needs to stand up against the onslaught of Corporate Feudalism which is seeking to forever denigrate mankind to the level of a commercial product owned under patent by DARPA and licensed to Microsoft, Inc.

We must kill these corporations before they quite literally kill us. We are witnessing what happens when things we have created, mere inventions of the mind, are allowed to prey upon those who have created them and allowed them to exist. We cannot allow them to exist any longer.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


International Public Notice -- It Was Not a Mistake
By Anna Von Reitz

The reasons are made obvious:

Please note the video clips of the bizarre stadium pageant staged at the London Olympics years before the pandemic --- with sexy nurses carrying needles and patients using hospital beds as trampolines and trying to escape assassins and all the rest of it.

That was years before the democide.

We let JFK's murder stand under a manure pile of government secrecy and obvious Warren Commission lies.

We accepted the same snow jobs with RFK, MLK, Princess Diana, Vince Foster, and so many other people who depended on us for justice.

We turned our backs on Randy Weaver's wife, baby, and young son. We didn't look at what went on in Waco and the massacre of the Branch Davidians.

We were horrified but did nothing about LaVoy Finicum.

Nothing about the Colorado Nine.

Nothing about Russell Means, Don Benson, Steve Curry and thousands of other Americans who have suffered and died under the bootheels of lawless piratical foreign corporations acting as "government services providers" and phony judges acting as bill collectors taking a cut on commission.

Congressman Louis T. MacFadden? Charles Lindburgh's baby? General George Patton?

The dumb clucks among us still shrug and think, "Well, it's our government, and our government wouldn't do anything wrong...."

But now you know for sure that it's not our government doing these things.

It's foreign Municipal Corporation Subcontractors and their Agencies staging all these murders and violence, not only abroad, but increasingly in this country, too.

Remember September 11th? How about Paradise, California. How about Lahaina? Sandyhook? The Boston Marathon? Pearl Harbor?

The concert in Las Vegas? January 6? Building Seven? Fukushima?

Thanks to the worthless bought off, co-opted, gagged, dumbed down, clueless media, we haven't heard even a tenth of what goes on in the world.

We didn't hear about the slaughter of the elected Ukrainian government.

Out of 22 hot wars going on in the world this Christmas, we heard about two.

People, we've been looking the other way for far too long, so now, look at this one from World War II:

Bayer is still around; in fact, it recently picked up Monsanto --- another Corporate Bad Boy that needs to go down the toilet.


How about the "State of Israel, Inc." incorporated a year ago in February of 2023 as a new business entity by the Companies House, London, with its address given as the Israeli Embassy at Kensington Palace, and the Beneficial Owner listed as the Israeli Knesset.

Benghazi? The Nordstream Pipeline bombings? The "Emergency" Withdrawal from Afghanistan? The Helicopter Money to Iran?

Joe Biden bragging -- on television -- about how he leveraged his then-office as Vice President to get a Ukrainian Prosecutor fired for investigating Hunter Biden's influence peddling?

Are you finally awake? Are you sick of it? And sick of looking the other way?

The Swiss Government giving diplomatic immunity to all these murderers who planned and promoted the democide, protecting them so that they can't even be prosecuted?

The U.S. Congress giving similar immunity to Big Pharma so that they don't have to care what they shove in our arms as long as it is labeled "vaccine"?

It could be rat poison, but they are doing that already and calling it "Warfarin". Or it could be "Luciferase".

The Uniform Commercial Code being deliberately altered after-the-fact to provide a loophole for the big banks to come in and pretend to be the Secured Party Creditors against your homes and land for debt owed in fact by these same foreign banks?

Your borders being left open to every security risk on Earth? Our gold being transported to the Philippines by the U.S. Navy for "safekeeping"?

G.W. Bush thinking that he had the right and authority to erase our borders with Canada and Mexico?

Your silver dollars being stolen in inequitable exchange for unpaid I.O.U.s without a "certain date payable"? The fiat currency being inflated into oblivion?

Your gold stolen to bankroll the World Bank and IBRD? And the Federal Reserve?

Where's the 20,000 Metric Tons of gold those useless pieces of corporate corruption owe us by FDR's own admission?

Hillary Clinton's computer? Did you know that she was an Irish Dual Citizen while operating as Secretary of State?

Your good name stolen and copyrighted by the British Crown? Your natural political status denigrated to the level of an animal or worse?

And who was playing God that day in 1940, when the British Territorial U.S. Congress thought it good to pass the Buck Act?

Or when they founded Hamas? Isis? And Hezbollah?

Germans working for the Pope pretending to sit on the English Throne and to be Protestant Monarchs?

Placentas being passed off as stillborn fraternal twins and then this ruse being used to create infant decedent estate interests for these criminal hypocrites to pillage and plunder?

Millions of missing children?

We've been looking the other way for so long, we've forgotten how to look; but, this rampage of corporate criminality and the abuses of commercial law are coming to an end, because we will make it so.

Because this time we won't look the other way while they are bombing Yemen or believe their lies at all. This time we are going to pull our ostrich heads out of our butts and we are going to look, and see, and call this horror show what it is.

This entire planet has been turned into a crime scene because of a couple dozen banks that have been funding and benefiting from the war-mongering and the destruction and corruption.

Issued by:

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


Here are the visitors to Jeffrey Epstein's island who were confirmed:
Adam Perry Lang
Lawrence M. Krauss
Linda Pinto
Lisa Summers
Prince Charles
Quentin Tarantino
Rachel Maddow
Rainn Wilson
Ralph Ellison
Ray Barzana (pilot)
Ricardo Legorreta Vilchis
Rita Wilson
Rob Reiner
Robert DeNiro
Robert Downey Jr.
Rodney E. Slater
Ronald Burkle
Rudy Gobert
Sander Burger
Sarah Kellen (assistant)
Sarah Silverman
Seth Green
Shelley Harrison
Shelley Lewis
Sophie Biddle-Hakim
Sophie Trudeau
Stephen Collins
Stephen Colbert
Steven Spielberg
Steven Tyler
Svetlana Glazunova
Teala Davies
Tiffany Gramza
Tom Hanks
Tom Pritzker
Tyler Grasham (deceased)
Victor Salva
Wanda Sykes
Whoopi Goldberg
Join Ezra A. Cohen
Lynn Forester de Rothchild
Mandy Ellison (assistant)
Mare Collins-Rector
Marina Abramovic
Mark Epstein
Mark Lloyd
Melinda Luntz
Meryl Streep
Michelle Obama
Michelle Wolf
Mikel Arteta
Miley Cyrus
Nadine Dorries
Naomi Campbell
Naomi Watts
Natalie Blachon de Perrier
Nicole Junkermann
Olga Kurylenko
Oliver Sacks
Orlando Bloom
Paris Hilton
Patton Oswatt
Paul Mellon
Paula Epstein (deceased)
Paula Hala
Peter P. Marino
Pharrell Williams
Prince Andrew
Prince Charles
Quentin Tarantino
Rachel Maddow
Rainn Wilson
Ralph Ellison
Ray Barzana (pilot)
Ricardo Legorreta Vilchis
Rita Wilson
Rob Reiner
Robert DeNiro
Robert Downey Jr.
Rodney E. Slater
Ronald Burkle
Rudy Gobert
Sander Burger
Sarah Kellen (assistant)
Sarah Silverman
Seth Green
Shelley Harrison
Shelley Lewis
Sophie Biddle-Hakim
Sophie Trudeau
Stephen Collins
Stephen Colbert
Steven Spielberg
Steven Tyler
Svetlana Glazunova
Teala Davies
Tiffany Gramza
Tom Hanks
Tom Pritzker
Tyler Grasham (deceased)
Victor Salva
Wanda Sykes
Whoopi Goldberg
Join Ezra A. Cohen
Al Gore
Alan Dershowitz
Albert Pinto
Alee Baldwin
Allison Mack
Alyssa Rogers
Anderson Cooper
Andrea Mitrovich
Andres Pastrana
Angelina Jolie
Anthony Kiedis
Anthony Weiner
Barack Obama
Ben Affleck
Bernie Sanders
Bill Clinton
Bill Gates
Bob Saget (deceased)
Bruce Willis
Casey Wasserman
Callum Hudson-Odoi
Celine Dion
Charles Barkley
Charlie Sheen
Charlize Theron
Chelsea Handler
Chris Tucker
Chris Wagner
Chrissy Teigen
Cyndi Lauper
Claire Hazel
Courteney Cox
Courtney Love
Demi Moore
Dan Schneider
David Koch
David Spade
David Yarovesk
Dolores Zorreguieta
Donovan Mitchell
Doug Band
Drew Barrymore
Ed Buck
Ed Tuttle
Ehud Barak
Ellen DeGeneres
Ellen Spencer
Emmy Tayler
Fleur Perry Lang
Francis X. Suarez
Freya Wissing
Gary Roxburgh (pilot)
George Clooney
Ghislaine Maxwell
Glenn Dubin
Greg Holbert (deceased)
Gwen Stefani
Gwendolyn Beck
Hank Coller (pilot)
Heather Mann
Heidi Klum
Henry Rosovsky
Hillary Clinton
James Franco
James Gunn
Jean-Luc Brunel (deceased)
Jean-Michel Gathy
Jeffrey Jones (deceased)
Jim Carrey
Jimmy Kimmel
Joe Biden
Joe Pagano
John Cusack
John Legend
John Podesta
John Travolta
Joy Behar
Juan Pablo Molyneux
Juliette Bryant
Justin Roiland
Justin Trudeau
Kathy Griffin
Katy Perry
Kelly Spam
Kevin Spacey
Kirsten Gillibrand
Kristy Rogers (deceased)
Lady Gaga
Larry Summers
Larry Visoski (pilot)
Laura Z. Wasserman
Lawrence M. Krauss
Linda Pinto
Lisa Summers
Lynn Forester de Rothchild
Mandy Ellison (assistant)
Mare Collins-Rector
Marina Abramovic
Mark Epstein
Mark Lloyd
Melinda Luntz
Meryl Streep
Michelle Obama
Michelle Wolf
Mikel Arteta
Miley Cyrus
Nadine Dorries
Naomi Campbell
Naomi Watts
Natalie Blachon de Perrier
Nicole Junkermann
Olga Kurylenko
Oliver Sacks
Orlando Bloom
Paris Hilton
Patton Oswatt
Paul Mellon
Paula Epstein (deceased)
Paula Hala
Peter P. Marino
Pharrell Williams
Prince Andrew
Prince Charles
Quentin Tarantino
Rachel Maddow
Rainn Wilson
Ralph Ellison
Ray Barzana (pilot)
Ricardo Legorreta Vilchis
Rita Wilson
Rob Reiner
Robert DeNiro
Robert Downey Jr.
Rodney E. Slater
Ronald Burkle
Rudy Gobert
Sander Burger
Sarah Kellen (assistant)
Sarah Silverman
Seth Green
Shelley Harrison
Shelley Lewis
Sophie Biddle-Hakim
Sophie Trudeau
Stephen Collins
Stephen Colbert
Steven Spielberg
Steven Tyler
Svetlana Glazunova
Teala Davies
Tiffany Gramza
Tom Hanks
Tom Pritzker
Tyler Grasham (deceased)
Victor Salva
Wanda Sykes
Whoopi Goldberg
Join Ezra A. Cohen


With today’s technology, you can achieve the Instagram face or body you have always wished for; but at what price? On this episode of The Cost of Everything, we take a look at how much bang for their buck patients are getting by traveling across the globe for cosmetic surgery. Host Christy Ai speaks with facial plastic surgeon Dr. William Lindsey about the pros and cons of medical tourism. Do patients want to come to the US and Western nations and pay more for higher quality surgeries? Or are people from the West going to traditionally poorer countries to receive services? And which nations are up and coming in terms of the quality and safety of the procedures they offer?

On this episode of The Cost of Everything we take a closer look at the military spending of countries as global conflicts are developing, especially in the Middle East with the current Israel-Hamas conflict. Host Christy Ai spoke with founder of Food not Bombs Keith McHenry about how military budgets vary between countries and how they define their geopolitical status like Israel with their fast response to the Hamas attack considered one of the fastest and almost impossible to match mobilizations. Furthermore, which countries get the most bang for their buck on their military spending and which ones tend to waste large amounts of their budgets on useless or obsolete weaponry.


Thank you so much for tuning in for another episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. This episode we welcome back Crrow777 to the show to discuss his research in the long game of control through chaos of the Elites. Thank you for your support.

Want To See Sam Tripoli Live? Grab Your Tickets at
Sept 8th-10th: Plano, Texas- Sam Tripoli Headlines the Plano House Of Comedy

Sept 14th: Comedy Chaos Live At The Comedy Store 8 &10:30pm

Sept 30th- Sam Tripoli and Howie Dewey Live At Putnam Place in Saratoga

Please check out Crrow777s Internet:

Please check out for all things Sam Tripoli.

Nuked.Social: Please check out Nuked.Social and join our decentralized social media that allows you to connect with telegram and the discord.

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With today’s technology, you can achieve the Instagram face or body you have always wished for; but at what price? On this episode of The Cost of Everything, we take a look at how much bang for their buck patients are getting by traveling across the globe for cosmetic surgery. Host Christy Ai speaks with facial plastic surgeon Dr. William Lindsey about the pros and cons of medical tourism. Do patients want to come to the US and Western nations and pay more for higher quality surgeries? Or are people from the West going to traditionally poorer countries to receive services? And which nations are up and coming in terms of the quality and safety of the procedures they offer?

On this episode of The Cost of Everything we take a closer look at the military spending of countries as global conflicts are developing, especially in the Middle East with the current Israel-Hamas conflict. Host Christy Ai spoke with founder of Food not Bombs Keith McHenry about how military budgets vary between countries and how they define their geopolitical status like Israel with their fast response to the Hamas attack considered one of the fastest and almost impossible to match mobilizations. Furthermore, which countries get the most bang for their buck on their military spending and which ones tend to waste large amounts of their budgets on useless or obsolete weaponry.


Thank you so much for tuning in for another episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. This episode we welcome back Crrow777 to the show to discuss his research in the long game of control through chaos of the Elites. Thank you for your support.

Want To See Sam Tripoli Live? Grab Your Tickets at
Sept 8th-10th: Plano, Texas- Sam Tripoli Headlines the Plano House Of Comedy

Sept 14th: Comedy Chaos Live At The Comedy Store 8 &10:30pm

Sept 30th- Sam Tripoli and Howie Dewey Live At Putnam Place in Saratoga

Please check out Crrow777s Internet:

Please check out for all things Sam Tripoli.

Nuked.Social: Please check out Nuked.Social and join our decentralized social media that allows you to connect with telegram and the discord.

Check out all of our premium content on  
Tin Foil Hat Premium:
Conspiracy Social Club:
Broken Simulation:
Cash Daddies:

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International Public Notice: Essential Claims and Knowledges
By Anna Von Reitz

We have described the hidden European-based Caste System that has been secretly imposed on people by the Roman Catholic Church and its Secular British Overlords, whereby we are classed as men, humans, or slaves.

Each caste classification has different systems of law and jurisdictions attached. Men stand under one form of law on the land and soil, humans under law of the sea, and slaves labor under commercial law.

Secretive registration processes resulting in unconscionable contracts have been used to mischaracterize and unlawfully convert the natural political status of millions of Americans into that of British Subjects denigrated as "Federal Dual Citizens" ----presumed to be operating as British Territorial U.S. Citizens (humans under peonage) and/or Municipal Corporation Franchises (slaves).

These are crimes of personage and illegal latching aimed at identity theft on a national level, motivated by criminal intent to access assets and credit belonging to Americans for the benefit of foreign, mostly European banks and affiliated Municipal Corporations acting as governmental services monopolies.

These acts of self-interested fraud and misrepresentation also serve to evade the obligations of the Holy See and the British Monarch owed to these same Americans under both The Constitution of the United States and The Constitution of the United States of America.

Absent actual evidence of Federal Employment the Federal Courts themselves have declared that Federal Dual Citizenship cannot be presumed (See bey AFROYIM v Dean RUSK), yet abusive practices continue and are chronic in this country, such that people of color are routinely treated as slaves and mischaracterized as Municipal citizens of the United States.

Having long abused some Americans on the basis of race, the Perpetrators of these international crimes have since thought it expedient to expand upon this theme and to enslave everyone equally, by declaring everyone to be Municipal citizens of the United States and arbitrarily conferring the corresponding Third Class citizenship obligations of slaves upon them, without disclosure or agreement.

So long as this impersonation stands, the American victims are denied the protections owed to them under The Constitution of the United States, and are considered both debtors and slaves in their own country, when in fact these same people are the Preferential Creditors of the Hired Help responsible for this madness.

The Municipal Schemers hope to get away with it and not be held liable because of an earlier transgression by the British Crown which allows them to claim that they didn't do any of this to Americans at all. They will claim that they only presumed against British Territorial U.S. Citizens, who were already classed as foreigners and as mere humans.

This is because the British Territorial United States Government has engaged in a purposeful effort to unlawfully convert and misrepresent the natural political status of Americans while those Americans are still in their cradles.

It seems to be their entire cowardly and despicable custom to attack babies, murder babies, steal from babies, and harm babies with phony poisonous injections, polluted water, unsafe food, and incompetent, even evil, educational institutions designed to cripple and limit their intellectual and creative capacities.

The undeclared British Territorial Agents, Medical Doctors owing their licenses to this regime, and defined as "Uniformed Offices" under their Federal Code, latch upon the American babies by presenting undisclosed and patently deceptive registration paperwork to the Mothers, allowing the Perpetrators to attach British Territorial U.S. Citizenship to the babies without anyone's knowing consent.

These completely unconscionable contracts are created and once the victim has been tallied as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, the British Crown takes copyright to their Given Name, and the new "human" property asset is further registered as a Municipal Corporation franchise -- where the second, Municipal part of "Federal Dual Citizenship" is constructed as discussed and described above.

Despite this intricate effort to defraud Americans of their identity and natural political status, we remain men and women nonetheless, owed all benefit of our own American Common Law and our contracts with these foreign Principals, known as The Constitution of the United States and The Constitution of the United States of America.

So now we come to the Law we are owed, and we will use this convenient and well-organized summation sent to me by a reader earlier this week:

Quote: "The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the Land; the code, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are “not the law”, Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261.

Legislated statutes enforced upon the people in the name of law is Fraud.

It has no authority and is without mercy; justice without mercy is Godless and therefore repugnant to our United States Constitution.

Lawmakers were given authority by the people to legislate codes, rules, regulations, and statutes which are policies, procedures, and “law” to control behavior of bureaucrats, elected and appointed officials, municipalities and agencies, but were never given authority to control the behavior of the people as we read in a U.S. Supreme Court decision:

“All codes, rules, and regulations are for government authorities only, not Human/Creators in
accordance with God’s laws. All codes, rules, and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking
due process…” Rodriques v. Ray Donovan (U.S. Department of Labor) 769 F. 2d 1344, 1348,

And again “all laws, rules and practices which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” [Marbury v. Madison, 5 th U.S. (Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)." -- Unquote.

Thus we see that from 1803 to 1985, nothing has changed, except the unlawful, undisclosed, and unconscionable conversion of our own political status imposed via acts of legislation and legal presumptions that should never have been applied to us at all.

Codes, rules, regulations, mandates, ordinances, and statutes apply to humans -- British Territorial U.S. Citizens accepting titles, such as Mister, Missus, Captain, Professor, Doctor, Congressman, Judge, and so on.

American Common Law and the Law of the Land are the inheritance of the men and women born on our soil.

Unable to overcome the strength of their venerable service contracts, our erstwhile Subcontractors have undertaken to undermine our individual identities in such a way as to redefine us as humans and as slaves, foreigners in our own country, and thereby to evade their own obligations owed to us under the Constitutions.

This entire operating plan put in place by acts of legislation such as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, Sheppard Towner Act of 1921 and Buck Act of 1940 have been deliberately misapplied to Americans who are owed good faith service from all public employees, foreign or domestic.

The effort to defraud America and Americans under color of law and the collusive conspiracy of foreign interests backing it is memorialized as The Declaration of Interdependence of The Governments in The United States issued in 1937. (Copies available upon request.)

Our States represented by our State Citizens are the American Principals party to both The Constitution of the United States and The Constitution of the United States of America. Our State Assemblies and their members are all properly provenanced, declared, recorded, and published -- and in Session.

Our courts have and claim concurrent General Jurisdiction over all Americans and American Assets. Our address where we may sue and be sued has been established and manned at General Delivery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania since 1802.

Newer addresses have been added and made available over the course of our history, and there can be no doubt that the American Government continues to exist in tandem with and is superior to any United States Government aka Federal Government derived from or dependent upon our delegated mutual powers and service contracts.

These foreign incorporated entities acting as our Federal Subcontractors have been unlawfully and illegally transgressing against our States and People and have also transgressed against dozens if not hundreds of other lawful governments throughout the world.

They have disgraced our good name and the Title IV flag that we set apart for their use when exercising delegated powers, by operating in bad faith, by lying, cheating, stealing, murdering, misrepresenting, and misdirecting our soldiers as mercenaries.

For these crimes against us and against humanity, these incorporated entities deserve to be bankrupted and dissolved or forfeited to us under new management such that we can bring forward our peaceable American government and the world can clearly see that we have been impersonated by foreign subcontractors and misrepresented by them. They have used our whole country as a resource dump and storefront while pillaging and plundering both here and abroad.

This lawlessness has got to end, and it will take the determination of many people in many lands to make sure that it does -- to say no to the payola, the meddling, the leveraging, the threats, the CIA, the bribes of "foreign aid" and all the rest of it -- in order to put an end to the Colonialist rampages of the Holy Roman Empire and the British Empire and the Empire of the Cities, too.

All men who hold fast to human dignity and decency, all women who share a dream of peace and security, everyone who is worth their salt -- needs to stand up against the onslaught of Corporate Feudalism which is seeking to forever denigrate mankind to the level of a commercial product owned under patent by DARPA and licensed to Microsoft, Inc.

We must kill these corporations before they quite literally kill us. We are witnessing what happens when things we have created, mere inventions of the mind, are allowed to prey upon those who have created them and allowed them to exist. We cannot allow them to exist any longer.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


International Public Notice -- It Was Not a Mistake
By Anna Von Reitz

The reasons are made obvious:

Please note the video clips of the bizarre stadium pageant staged at the London Olympics years before the pandemic --- with sexy nurses carrying needles and patients using hospital beds as trampolines and trying to escape assassins and all the rest of it.

That was years before the democide.

We let JFK's murder stand under a manure pile of government secrecy and obvious Warren Commission lies.

We accepted the same snow jobs with RFK, MLK, Princess Diana, Vince Foster, and so many other people who depended on us for justice.

We turned our backs on Randy Weaver's wife, baby, and young son. We didn't look at what went on in Waco and the massacre of the Branch Davidians.

We were horrified but did nothing about LaVoy Finicum.

Nothing about the Colorado Nine.

Nothing about Russell Means, Don Benson, Steve Curry and thousands of other Americans who have suffered and died under the bootheels of lawless piratical foreign corporations acting as "government services providers" and phony judges acting as bill collectors taking a cut on commission.

Congressman Louis T. MacFadden? Charles Lindburgh's baby? General George Patton?

The dumb clucks among us still shrug and think, "Well, it's our government, and our government wouldn't do anything wrong...."

But now you know for sure that it's not our government doing these things.

It's foreign Municipal Corporation Subcontractors and their Agencies staging all these murders and violence, not only abroad, but increasingly in this country, too.

Remember September 11th? How about Paradise, California. How about Lahaina? Sandyhook? The Boston Marathon? Pearl Harbor?

The concert in Las Vegas? January 6? Building Seven? Fukushima?

Thanks to the worthless bought off, co-opted, gagged, dumbed down, clueless media, we haven't heard even a tenth of what goes on in the world.

We didn't hear about the slaughter of the elected Ukrainian government.

Out of 22 hot wars going on in the world this Christmas, we heard about two.

People, we've been looking the other way for far too long, so now, look at this one from World War II:

Bayer is still around; in fact, it recently picked up Monsanto --- another Corporate Bad Boy that needs to go down the toilet.


How about the "State of Israel, Inc." incorporated a year ago in February of 2023 as a new business entity by the Companies House, London, with its address given as the Israeli Embassy at Kensington Palace, and the Beneficial Owner listed as the Israeli Knesset.

Benghazi? The Nordstream Pipeline bombings? The "Emergency" Withdrawal from Afghanistan? The Helicopter Money to Iran?

Joe Biden bragging -- on television -- about how he leveraged his then-office as Vice President to get a Ukrainian Prosecutor fired for investigating Hunter Biden's influence peddling?

Are you finally awake? Are you sick of it? And sick of looking the other way?

The Swiss Government giving diplomatic immunity to all these murderers who planned and promoted the democide, protecting them so that they can't even be prosecuted?

The U.S. Congress giving similar immunity to Big Pharma so that they don't have to care what they shove in our arms as long as it is labeled "vaccine"?

It could be rat poison, but they are doing that already and calling it "Warfarin". Or it could be "Luciferase".

The Uniform Commercial Code being deliberately altered after-the-fact to provide a loophole for the big banks to come in and pretend to be the Secured Party Creditors against your homes and land for debt owed in fact by these same foreign banks?

Your borders being left open to every security risk on Earth? Our gold being transported to the Philippines by the U.S. Navy for "safekeeping"?

G.W. Bush thinking that he had the right and authority to erase our borders with Canada and Mexico?

Your silver dollars being stolen in inequitable exchange for unpaid I.O.U.s without a "certain date payable"? The fiat currency being inflated into oblivion?

Your gold stolen to bankroll the World Bank and IBRD? And the Federal Reserve?

Where's the 20,000 Metric Tons of gold those useless pieces of corporate corruption owe us by FDR's own admission?

Hillary Clinton's computer? Did you know that she was an Irish Dual Citizen while operating as Secretary of State?

Your good name stolen and copyrighted by the British Crown? Your natural political status denigrated to the level of an animal or worse?

And who was playing God that day in 1940, when the British Territorial U.S. Congress thought it good to pass the Buck Act?

Or when they founded Hamas? Isis? And Hezbollah?

Germans working for the Pope pretending to sit on the English Throne and to be Protestant Monarchs?

Placentas being passed off as stillborn fraternal twins and then this ruse being used to create infant decedent estate interests for these criminal hypocrites to pillage and plunder?

Millions of missing children?

We've been looking the other way for so long, we've forgotten how to look; but, this rampage of corporate criminality and the abuses of commercial law are coming to an end, because we will make it so.

Because this time we won't look the other way while they are bombing Yemen or believe their lies at all. This time we are going to pull our ostrich heads out of our butts and we are going to look, and see, and call this horror show what it is.

This entire planet has been turned into a crime scene because of a couple dozen banks that have been funding and benefiting from the war-mongering and the destruction and corruption.

Issued by:

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


Here are the visitors to Jeffrey Epstein's island who were confirmed:
Adam Perry Lang
Lawrence M. Krauss
Linda Pinto
Lisa Summers
Prince Charles
Quentin Tarantino
Rachel Maddow
Rainn Wilson
Ralph Ellison
Ray Barzana (pilot)
Ricardo Legorreta Vilchis
Rita Wilson
Rob Reiner
Robert DeNiro
Robert Downey Jr.
Rodney E. Slater
Ronald Burkle
Rudy Gobert
Sander Burger
Sarah Kellen (assistant)
Sarah Silverman
Seth Green
Shelley Harrison
Shelley Lewis
Sophie Biddle-Hakim
Sophie Trudeau
Stephen Collins
Stephen Colbert
Steven Spielberg
Steven Tyler
Svetlana Glazunova
Teala Davies
Tiffany Gramza
Tom Hanks
Tom Pritzker
Tyler Grasham (deceased)
Victor Salva
Wanda Sykes
Whoopi Goldberg
Join Ezra A. Cohen
Lynn Forester de Rothchild
Mandy Ellison (assistant)
Mare Collins-Rector
Marina Abramovic
Mark Epstein
Mark Lloyd
Melinda Luntz
Meryl Streep
Michelle Obama
Michelle Wolf
Mikel Arteta
Miley Cyrus
Nadine Dorries
Naomi Campbell
Naomi Watts
Natalie Blachon de Perrier
Nicole Junkermann
Olga Kurylenko
Oliver Sacks
Orlando Bloom
Paris Hilton
Patton Oswatt
Paul Mellon
Paula Epstein (deceased)
Paula Hala
Peter P. Marino
Pharrell Williams
Prince Andrew
Prince Charles
Quentin Tarantino
Rachel Maddow
Rainn Wilson
Ralph Ellison
Ray Barzana (pilot)
Ricardo Legorreta Vilchis
Rita Wilson
Rob Reiner
Robert DeNiro
Robert Downey Jr.
Rodney E. Slater
Ronald Burkle
Rudy Gobert
Sander Burger
Sarah Kellen (assistant)
Sarah Silverman
Seth Green
Shelley Harrison
Shelley Lewis
Sophie Biddle-Hakim
Sophie Trudeau
Stephen Collins
Stephen Colbert
Steven Spielberg
Steven Tyler
Svetlana Glazunova
Teala Davies
Tiffany Gramza
Tom Hanks
Tom Pritzker
Tyler Grasham (deceased)
Victor Salva
Wanda Sykes
Whoopi Goldberg
Join Ezra A. Cohen
Al Gore
Alan Dershowitz
Albert Pinto
Alee Baldwin
Allison Mack
Alyssa Rogers
Anderson Cooper
Andrea Mitrovich
Andres Pastrana
Angelina Jolie
Anthony Kiedis
Anthony Weiner
Barack Obama
Ben Affleck
Bernie Sanders
Bill Clinton
Bill Gates
Bob Saget (deceased)
Bruce Willis
Casey Wasserman
Callum Hudson-Odoi
Celine Dion
Charles Barkley
Charlie Sheen
Charlize Theron
Chelsea Handler
Chris Tucker
Chris Wagner
Chrissy Teigen
Cyndi Lauper
Claire Hazel
Courteney Cox
Courtney Love
Demi Moore
Dan Schneider
David Koch
David Spade
David Yarovesk
Dolores Zorreguieta
Donovan Mitchell
Doug Band
Drew Barrymore
Ed Buck
Ed Tuttle
Ehud Barak
Ellen DeGeneres
Ellen Spencer
Emmy Tayler
Fleur Perry Lang
Francis X. Suarez
Freya Wissing
Gary Roxburgh (pilot)
George Clooney
Ghislaine Maxwell
Glenn Dubin
Greg Holbert (deceased)
Gwen Stefani
Gwendolyn Beck
Hank Coller (pilot)
Heather Mann
Heidi Klum
Henry Rosovsky
Hillary Clinton
James Franco
James Gunn
Jean-Luc Brunel (deceased)
Jean-Michel Gathy
Jeffrey Jones (deceased)
Jim Carrey
Jimmy Kimmel
Joe Biden
Joe Pagano
John Cusack
John Legend
John Podesta
John Travolta
Joy Behar
Juan Pablo Molyneux
Juliette Bryant
Justin Roiland
Justin Trudeau
Kathy Griffin
Katy Perry
Kelly Spam
Kevin Spacey
Kirsten Gillibrand
Kristy Rogers (deceased)
Lady Gaga
Larry Summers
Larry Visoski (pilot)
Laura Z. Wasserman
Lawrence M. Krauss
Linda Pinto
Lisa Summers
Lynn Forester de Rothchild
Mandy Ellison (assistant)
Mare Collins-Rector
Marina Abramovic
Mark Epstein
Mark Lloyd
Melinda Luntz
Meryl Streep
Michelle Obama
Michelle Wolf
Mikel Arteta
Miley Cyrus
Nadine Dorries
Naomi Campbell
Naomi Watts
Natalie Blachon de Perrier
Nicole Junkermann
Olga Kurylenko
Oliver Sacks
Orlando Bloom
Paris Hilton
Patton Oswatt
Paul Mellon
Paula Epstein (deceased)
Paula Hala
Peter P. Marino
Pharrell Williams
Prince Andrew
Prince Charles
Quentin Tarantino
Rachel Maddow
Rainn Wilson
Ralph Ellison
Ray Barzana (pilot)
Ricardo Legorreta Vilchis
Rita Wilson
Rob Reiner
Robert DeNiro
Robert Downey Jr.
Rodney E. Slater
Ronald Burkle
Rudy Gobert
Sander Burger
Sarah Kellen (assistant)
Sarah Silverman
Seth Green
Shelley Harrison
Shelley Lewis
Sophie Biddle-Hakim
Sophie Trudeau
Stephen Collins
Stephen Colbert
Steven Spielberg
Steven Tyler
Svetlana Glazunova
Teala Davies
Tiffany Gramza
Tom Hanks
Tom Pritzker
Tyler Grasham (deceased)
Victor Salva
Wanda Sykes
Whoopi Goldberg
Join Ezra A. Cohen


Here are the visitors to Jeffrey Epstein's island who were confirmed:

▪️Adam Perry Lang
▪️Al Gore
▪️Alan Dershowitz
▪️Albert Pinto
▪️Alee Baldwin
▪️Allison Mack
▪️Alyssa Rogers
▪️Anderson Cooper
▪️Andrea Mitrovich
▪️Andres Pastrana
▪️Angelina Jolie
▪️Anthony Kiedis
▪️Anthony Weiner
▪️Barack Obama
▪️Ben Affleck
▪️Bernie Sanders
▪️Bill Clinton
▪️Bill Gates
▪️Bob Saget (deceased)
▪️Bruce Willis
▪️Casey Wasserman
▪️Callum Hudson-Odoi
▪️Celine Dion
▪️Charles Barkley
▪️Charlie Sheen
▪️Charlize Theron
▪️Chelsea Handler
▪️Chris Tucker
▪️Chris Wagner
▪️Chrissy Teigen
▪️Cyndi Lauper
▪️Claire Hazel
▪️Courteney Cox
▪️Courtney Love
▪️Demi Moore
▪️Dan Schneider
▪️David Koch
▪️David Spade
▪️David Yarovesky
▪️Dolores Zorreguieta
▪️Donovan Mitchell
▪️Doug Band
▪️Drew Barrymore
▪️Ed Buck
▪️Ed Tuttle
▪️Ehud Barak
▪️Ellen DeGeneres
▪️Ellen Spencer
▪️Emmy Tayler
▪️Fleur Perry Lang
▪️Francis X. Suarez
▪️Freya Wissing
▪️Gary Roxburgh (pilot)
▪️George Clooney
▪️Ghislaine Maxwell
▪️Glenn Dubin
▪️Greg Holbert (deceased)
▪️Gwen Stefani
▪️Gwendolyn Beck
▪️Hank Coller (pilot)
▪️Heather Mann
▪️Heidi Klum
▪️Henry Rosovsky
▪️Hillary Clinton
▪️James Franco
▪️James Gunn
▪️Jean-Luc Brunel (deceased)
▪️Jean-Michel Gathy
▪️Jeffrey Jones (deceased)
▪️Jim Carrey
▪️Jimmy Kimmel
▪️Joe Biden
▪️Joe Pagano
▪️John Cusack
▪️John Legend
▪️John Podesta
▪️John Travolta
▪️Joy Behar
▪️Juan Pablo Molyneux
▪️Juliette Bryant
▪️Justin Roiland
▪️Justin Trudeau
▪️Kathy Griffin
▪️Katy Perry
▪️Kelly Spam
▪️Kevin Spacey
▪️Kirsten Gillibrand
▪️Kristy Rogers (deceased)
▪️Lady Gaga
▪️Larry Summers
▪️Larry Visoski (pilot)
▪️Laura Z. Wasserman
▪️Lawrence M. Krauss
▪️Linda Pinto
▪️Lisa Summers
▪️Lynn Forester de Rothchild
▪️Mandy Ellison (assistant)
▪️Mare Collins-Rector
▪️Marina Abramovic
▪️Mark Epstein
▪️Mark Lloyd
▪️Melinda Luntz
▪️Meryl Streep
▪️Michelle Obama
▪️Michelle Wolf
▪️Mikel Arteta
▪️Miley Cyrus
▪️Nadine Dorries
▪️Naomi Campbell
▪️Naomi Watts
▪️Natalie Blachon de Perrier
▪️Nicole Junkermann
▪️Olga Kurylenko
▪️Oliver Sacks
▪️Orlando Bloom
▪️Paris Hilton
▪️Patton Oswatt
▪️Paul Mellon
▪️Paula Epstein (deceased)
▪️Paula Hala
▪️Peter P. Marino
▪️Pharrell Williams
▪️Prince Andrew
▪️Prince Charles
▪️Quentin Tarantino
▪️Rachel Maddow
▪️Rainn Wilson
▪️Ralph Ellison
▪️Ray Barzana (pilot)
▪️Ricardo Legorreta Vilchis
▪️Rita Wilson
▪️Rob Reiner
▪️Robert DeNiro
▪️Robert Downey Jr.
▪️Rodney E. Slater
▪️Ronald Burkle
▪️Rudy Gobert
▪️Sander Burger
▪️Sarah Kellen (assistant)
▪️Sarah Silverman
▪️Seth Green
▪️Shelley Harrison
▪️Shelley Lewis
▪️Sophie Biddle-Hakim
▪️Sophie Trudeau
▪️Stephen Collins
▪️Stephen Colbert
▪️Steven Spielberg
▪️Steven Tyler
▪️Svetlana Glazunova
▪️Teala Davies
▪️Tiffany Gramza
▪️Tom Hanks
▪️Tom Pritzker
▪️Tyler Grasham (deceased)
▪️Victor Salva
▪️Wanda Sykes
▪️Whoopi Goldberg

Join Ezra A. Cohen



A secret political coup in 1860 is followed by an equally secretive military coup in 1865. This is followed by the sly substitution of public slavery for private slavery which was abolished; from now on, only the "government" could own slaves, and America, the Land of the Free, was secretively and unlawfully converted into the Land of the Slaves by the hateful Southern Democrats who collaborated with the Popes and the Brits to ensure the downfall of "the Yankees and the Ni**ers", their words.

THE "United States" is not a country! It is a for profit, FEDERAL CORPORATION. 28 USC ss 3002

- “A Citizen of the United States” is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and Co-beneficiary of the (Public Charitable Trust) the constructive, cestui que trust of the U.S. Inc. under the 14th amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc.” Congressional Record, June 13th 1967, P.P. 15641-15646

"US Citizens" are Federal Employees or Dependents by definition. The condition of "US Citizenship" arises from Article 1, Section 2, Clause 2 and Article 1, Section 3, Clause 3 of the Federal Constitutions. A very complete discussion of these issues appears in the United States Supreme Court Case Hooven and Allison v. Evatt”

Most Americans do not realize that they have been kidnapped on paper into a foreign jurisdiction and misidentified as either “United States Citizens” or “Citizens of the United States” or “US CITIZENS” almost from birth.

More proof of their insidious legalese, you are HU-MAN CHATTEL Executive Order 13037; Humans (legal persons) are "human capital", also read the 1940 Buck Act.


Come back home to The United States of America. Take back YOUR birthright, YOUR American inheritance, YOUR sovereignty and OUR Republic.

Only WE the people can do this as Unique Divine Spiritual BE-ings, one at a time, then coming together as an American State Assembly.

Do not take your constitutional guarantees for granted. Claim them by declaring and recording your correct political status. Failure to do so will result in a legal presumption that you have "waived" all guarantees and don't stand under the protections of the Federal Constitutions.

Only We the People can RECONSTRUCT OUR STATES!!! Only the People can return & reclaim THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL COUNTY, again!! That is where it all stated. “The American States Assembly” is the way back to the Land & Soil jurisdiction of America

The actual American State Assemblies are in Session now and The United States of America is fully populated by declared and recorded Americans.

EVERY American is wealthy!!! They just don't know about the GREAT FRAUD!

You have a choice.