
Sorry, no results were found.


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We bring these results together in a phase diagram involving colloid-colloid repulsive interactions and fluid velocity.Nanophotonics based on high refractive index dielectrics relies on appreciable contrast between the indices of designed nanostructures and their immediate surrounding, which can be achieved by the growth of thin films on low-index substrates. Here we propose the use of high index amorphous gallium phosphide (a-GaP), fabricated by radio-frequency sputter deposition, on top of a low refractive index glass substrate and thoroughly examine its nanophotonic properties. Spectral ellipsometry of the amorphous material demonstrates the optical properties to be considerably close to crystalline gallium phosphide (c-GaP), with low-loss transparency for wavelengths longer than 650 nm. When nanostructured into nanopatches, the second harmonic (SH) response of an individual a-GaP patch is characterized to be more than two orders of magnitude larger than the as-deposited unstructured film, with an anapole-like resonant behavior. Numerical simulations are in good agreement with the experimental results over a large spectral and geometrical range. Furthermore, by studying individual a-GaP nanopatches through non-degenerate pump-probe spectroscopy with sub-10 fs pulses, we find a more than 5% ultrafast modulation of the reflectivity that is accompanied by a slower decaying free carrier contribution, caused by absorption. Our investigations reveal a potential for a-GaP as an adequate inexpensive and CMOS-compatible material for nonlinear nanophotonic applications as well as for photocatalysis.A phytochemical investigation of Aleurites moluccanus yielded one novel dinor-diterpenoid, aleuritin (1), along with a rare diterpenoid, aleuritone (2). Compound 1 has an unprecedented skeleton with a 6/6/5-fused tricyclic ring system. Compound 2 possesses a rare 6/6/5/3-fused tetracyclic skeleton, which is probably an artifact formed photochemically by the Norrish reaction. The structures of 1 and 2 were determined by spectroscopic methods (ECD, IR, mass, and NMR) and confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses. A plausible biogenetic pathway of 1 is proposed. Pharmacological study showed that these two compounds possessed mild in vitro anti-lymphangiogenic activity, which suppressed tube formation with IC50 values of 48.1 ± 1.8 and 34.2 ± 0.8 μg mL-1, respectively.Bottom-up approaches exploiting on-surface synthesis reactions allow atomic-scale precision in the fabrication of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs); this is essential for their technological applications since their unique electronic and optical properties are largely controlled by the specific edge structure. By means of a combined experimental-theoretical investigation of some prototype GNRs, we show here that high-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy (HREELS) can be successfully employed to fingerprint the details of the GNR edge structure. In particular, we demonstrate how the features of HREEL vibrational spectra - mainly dictated by edge CH out-of-plane modes - are unambiguously related to the GNR edge structure. Moreover, we single out those modes which are localized at the GNR termini and show how their relative intensity can be related to the average GNR length.The design of Earth-abundant and cost-effective electrocatalysts for highly active and stable electrochemical water splitting in practical production is the primary demand. Herein, bimetallic oxides anchored to three-dimensional (3D) porous conductive nickel foam (NF) are constructed using a simple in situ hydrothermal method for efficient overall water splitting. The vertically aligned Mn3O4/Fe2O3 heterojunction nanosheets have synergy between hierarchical metal oxides and heterogeneous interface, and show excellent performance toward the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in an alkaline environment. By adjusting the molar ratio of Fe  Mn, the morphology, composition and electronic structure of MnFeO-NF-x composites (x represents the ratio of Fe  Mn) can be adjusted to exhibit diverse catalytic activities. In particular, MnFeO-NF-0.4 (0.4 indicates the Fe  Mn ratio of 0.4  1) and MnFeO-NF-0.8 display outstanding performance with ultralow overpotentials of 157 mV for the OER and 64 mV for the HER to achieve a current density of 10 mA cm-2, respectively. Furthermore, MnFeO-NF-0.4 and MnFeO-NF-0.8 are assembled into a water splitting electrolyzer, which can reach a current density of 10 mA cm-2 with a low voltage of 1.59 V. Interestingly, Mn-M (M = Co, Ni, and Mo) products can be obtained easily by using different metal salts, indicating the universality of the current one-pot hydrothermal method.Intriguing nanostructuring anomalies have been recently observed in imidazolium ionic liquids (ILs) near their glass transition points, where local density around a nanocaged solute progressively grows up with temperature. Herewith, we for the first time demonstrate experimentally and theoretically, that these anomalies are governed by alkyl chains of cations and crucially depend on their length. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy on a series of ILs [Cnmim]BF4 (n = 0-12) shows that only the chains with n = 3-10 favor anomaly. Moreover, remarkable even vs. odd n peculiarities were systematically observed. Finally, similar anomaly was for the first time observed for a non-IL glass of dibutyl phthalate, which structurally mimics cations of imidazolium ILs. Therefore, such anomalous density behavior in a glassy state nanocage goes far beyond ILs and proves to be a more general phenomenon, which can be structurally tuned and rationally adjusted for various potential applications in nanoscale materials.Metallothioneins (MTs) are a group of cysteine-rich, universal, low molecular weight proteins distributed widely in almost all major taxonomic groups ranging from tiny microbes to highly organized vertebrates. The primary function of this protein is storage, transportation and binding of metals, which enable microorganisms to detoxify heavy metals. In the microbial world, these peptides were first identified in a cyanobacterium Synechococcus as the SmtA protein which exhibits high affinity towards rising level of zinc and cadmium to preserve metal homeostasis in a cell. In yeast, MTs aid in reserving copper and confer protection against copper toxicity by chelating excess copper ions in a cell. Two MTs, CUP1 and Crs5, originating from Saccharomyces cerevisiae predominantly bind to copper though are capable of binding with zinc and cadmium ions. MT superfamily 7 is found in ciliated protozoa which show high affinity towards copper and cadmium. Several tools and techniques, such as western blot, capillary electrophoresis, inductively coupled plasma, atomic emission spectroscopy and high performance liquid chromatography, have been extensively utilized for the detection and quantification of microbial MTs which are utilized for the efficient remediation and sequestration of heavy metals from a contaminated environment.


Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disease that stomach contents continually refluxing into esophagus causes symptoms and/or complications. The study was working to find natural plant extracts with good effects and small side effects to treat reflux esophagitis (RE). The anti-inflammatory effects of hexane extract of Magnolia sieboldii (MsHE) were conducted on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophage cells. The ameliorative effects of MsHE on esophageal damage in rats induced by gastric acid reflux was explored in vivo. The results showed that MsHE decreased the production of nitric oxide (NO) and expression levels of iNOS, COX-2 and TNF-α on LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells and MsHE treatment ameliorated the rats' esophageal tissue damage induced by gastric acid and inhibited the increase of inflammatory mediators and pro-inflammatory cytokines by regulating NF-κB signaling pathway. In addition, MsHE protected the function of barrier of epithelial cells against inflammatory conditions through increasing the expression of tight junctions. Furthermore, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis was used for determine the active ingredients contained in MsHE. The results show that MsHE can alleviate experimental rat RE by regulating NF-κB signaling pathway. In summary, MsHE may be used as a source material of drug candidate for the treatment of RE. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Developing efficient electrocatalysts for nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR) at ambient conditions is crucial for NH 3 synthesis. In this manuscript, the NRR performance of the transition metal anchored MoS 2 monolayer with 1T atomic structure (1T-MoS 2 ) is systematically evaluated by density functional theory computations. Our results reveal that the V decorated 1T-MoS 2 exhibits the outstanding catalytic activity toward NRR via distal mechanism where the corresponding onset potential is 0.66 eV, being superior to the commercial Ru material. Furthermore, the powerful binding energy between the V atom and the 1T-MoS 2 provides the good resistance against clustering of the V dopant, indicating its stability. Overall, this work provides a potential alternative for the application of NH 3 synthesis. © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.This qualitative study explored how counsellors who work with women currently or formerly involved in sex work perceive these women's future. From May to July 2016, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 21 counsellors providing psychosocial services in Canadian agencies with recognized mandates to support such women. The interview protocol was based on the Possible Selves Mapping Interview, adapted to explore the counsellors' hopes and fears for these clients. We subjected the interview transcripts to an interpretive descriptive analysis. Our findings centred on three themes the counsellors' hopes for their clients' future, in light of their personal and social resources; the counsellors' fears about the cumulative devastating effects that their clients' work environment might have on them; and the counsellors' fears that these women would lose hope for the future. This study clearly demonstrates the importance of addressing the safety and well-being of women involved in sex work and of recognizing the impacts of social inequalities and structural barriers on these women's life paths. The implications of these findings for policies and practices are discussed at the end of this paper. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.AIM To explain how nurses care for patients with stroke in the acute setting, when working within constraints. BACKGROUND Internationally, health care environments are experiencing constraints such as reduced staffing levels, and lack of time and resources. In such circumstances, patient care is often of poorer quality or missed entirely. METHOD(S) Classic grounded theory methodology was used to explain how care is provided within the acute care setting for patients following stroke. Data were collected using unstructured interviews with 32 nurses. RESULTS Care accommodation, a typology of caring, was generated consisting of functional caring, assisted self-caring and ideal caring. Depending on the degree of constraint, nurses consciously or subconsciously prioritize care, potentially leading to missed care. CONCLUSION(S) Care accommodation elucidates what happens to care delivery with limited resources. Missed care may result from engaging with care accommodation, a factor that nurses and managers need to consider in care delivery. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT Care accommodation provides new insight and understanding for management of the daily challenges nurses face, thus informing nursing management that supports nurses advocating at higher levels for resources to provide necessary environments and strategies to reduce missed care. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Hybridization can generate novel phenotypes distinct from those of parental lineages, a phenomenon known as transgressive trait variation. Transgressive phenotypes might negatively or positively affect hybrid fitness, and increase available variation. Closely related species of Heliconius butterflies regularly produce hybrids in nature and hybridization is thought to play a role in the diversification of novel wing colour patterns despite strong stabilizing selection due to interspecific mimicry. Here, we studied wing phenotypes in first and second generation hybrids produced by controlled crosses between either two co-mimetic species of Heliconius or between two non-mimetic species. We quantified wing size, shape and colour pattern variation and asked whether hybrids displayed transgressive wing phenotypes. Discrete traits underlain by major-effect loci, such as the presence or absence of colour patches, generate novel phenotypes. For quantitative traits, such as wing shape or subtle colour pattern characters, hybrids only exceed the parental range in specific dimensions of the morphological space. Overall, our study addresses some of the challenges in defining and measuring phenotypic transgression for multivariate traits and our data suggest that the extent to which transgressive trait variation in hybrids contributes to phenotypic diversity depends on the complexity and the genetic architecture of the traits. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


In contrast, disrupting normal circadian rhythm reduces fly longevity. Short-sleep SIP flies moreover show slight metabolic differences to long-sleep lines, and to flies with disrupted circadian rhythm. These data suggest that the inbred SIP lines engage sleep mechanisms that are distinct from the circadian clock system.
Osteoarthritis is a leading cause of immobility and joint replacement, two strong risk factors for venous thromboembolism (VTE). We aimed to examine the relation of knee, hip and hand osteoarthritis to the risk of VTE and investigate joint replacement as a potential mediator.

We conducted three cohort studies using data from The Health Improvement Network. Up to five individuals without osteoarthritis were matched to each case of incident knee (n=20 696), hip (n=10 411) or hand (n=6329) osteoarthritis by age, sex, entry time and body mass index. We examined the relation of osteoarthritis to VTE (pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis) using a multivariable Cox proportional hazard model.

VTE developed in 327 individuals with knee osteoarthritis and 951 individuals without osteoarthritis (2.7 vs 2.0 per 1000 person-years), with multivariable-adjusted HR being 1.38 (95% CI 1.23 to 1.56). The indirect effect (HR) of knee osteoarthritis on VTE through knee replacement was 1.07 (95% CI 1.01 to 1.15), expe or hip replacement.Subjective tinnitus is the conscious perception of sound in the absence of any acoustic source. The literature suggests various tinnitus mechanisms, most of which invoke changes in spontaneous firing rates of central auditory neurons resulting from modification of neural gain. Here, we present an alternative model based on evidence that tinnitus is (1) rare in people who are congenitally deaf, (2) common in people with acquired deafness, and (3) potentially suppressed by active cochlear implants used for hearing restoration. We propose that tinnitus can only develop after fast auditory fiber activity has stimulated the synapse formation between fast-spiking parvalbumin positive (PV+) interneurons and projecting neurons in the ascending auditory path and coactivated frontostriatal networks after hearing onset. Thereafter, fast auditory fiber activity promotes feedforward and feedback inhibition mediated by PV+ interneuron activity in auditory-specific circuits. This inhibitory network enables enhanced stimulus resolution, attention-driven contrast improvement, and augmentation of auditory responses in central auditory pathways (neural gain) after damage of slow auditory fibers. When fast auditory fiber activity is lost, tonic PV+ interneuron activity is diminished, resulting in the prolonged response latencies, sudden hyperexcitability, enhanced cortical synchrony, elevated spontaneous γ oscillations, and impaired attention/stress-control that have been described in previous tinnitus models. Moreover, because fast processing is gained through sensory experience, tinnitus would not exist in congenital deafness. Electrical cochlear stimulation may have the potential to reestablish tonic inhibitory networks and thus suppress tinnitus. The proposed framework unites many ideas of tinnitus pathophysiology and may catalyze cooperative efforts to develop tinnitus therapies.
To investigate whether opportunistic screening in primary care increases the detection of atrial fibrillation compared with usual care.

Cluster randomised controlled trial.

47 intention-to-screen and 49 usual care primary care practices in the Netherlands, not blinded for allocation; the study was carried out from September 2015 to August 2018.

In each practice, a fixed sample of 200 eligible patients, aged 65 or older, with no known history of atrial fibrillation in the electronic medical record system, were randomly selected. In the intention-to-screen group, 9218 patients eligible for screening were included, 55.0% women, mean age 75.2 years. In the usual care group, 9526 patients were eligible for screening, 54.3% women, mean age 75.0 years.

Opportunistic screening (that is, screening in patients visiting their general practice) consisted of three index tests pulse palpation, electronic blood pressure measurement with an atrial fibrillation algorithm, and electrocardiography (ECG) with a handhelon in 26 patients (0.63%). In the 266 patients who continued with Holter monitoring, four more diagnoses of atrial fibrillation were found.

Opportunistic screening for atrial fibrillation in primary care patients, aged 65 and over, did not increase the detection rate of atrial fibrillation, which implies that opportunistic screening for atrial fibrillation is not useful in this setting.

Netherlands Trial Register No NL4776 (old NTR4914).
Netherlands Trial Register No NL4776 (old NTR4914).
To report the clinical outcomes of autologous minor salivary gland transplantation (MSGT) for the treatment of severe dry eye disease caused by cicatrising conjunctivitis.

This was a retrospective case series of patients undergoing MSGT at four different centres from 2016 to 2018. The technical modifications included en bloc harvesting of a 20 mm×15 mm mucosa-gland-muscle complex and fixation of the glands to the superior bulbar surface anchored to the superior rectus muscle. The primary outcome measure was improvement in best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA). Secondary outcome measures were change in Schirmer test scores and grades of conjunctival and corneal fluorescein staining, grades of corneal neovascularisation, opacification and keratinisation.

21 eyes of 19 patients underwent MSGT, with a median follow-up duration of 3years. The median BCVA improved from a baseline value of 20/500 to 20/125 at 1 year (p=0.0004) and 20/80 at 3years (p=0.0002) after surgery. The proportion of cases with BCVA ≥20/200 improved from 38% at baseline to 67% at 1 year (p=0.0294), 78% at 2 years (p=0.0227) and 93% at 3years (p=0.0015) after surgery. There was a significant improvement (p<0.0036) in Schirmer scores, conjunctival and corneal staining scores as well as grades of corneal neovascularisation and opacification after surgery. There were no serious sight-threatening complications in the transplanted eyes or at the donor site.

Long-term improvement in the visual acuity, ocular surface environment, and keratopathy was noted after MSGT performed in severely dry eyes using a modified technique.
Long-term improvement in the visual acuity, ocular surface environment, and keratopathy was noted after MSGT performed in severely dry eyes using a modified technique.


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Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



We bring these results together in a phase diagram involving colloid-colloid repulsive interactions and fluid velocity.Nanophotonics based on high refractive index dielectrics relies on appreciable contrast between the indices of designed nanostructures and their immediate surrounding, which can be achieved by the growth of thin films on low-index substrates. Here we propose the use of high index amorphous gallium phosphide (a-GaP), fabricated by radio-frequency sputter deposition, on top of a low refractive index glass substrate and thoroughly examine its nanophotonic properties. Spectral ellipsometry of the amorphous material demonstrates the optical properties to be considerably close to crystalline gallium phosphide (c-GaP), with low-loss transparency for wavelengths longer than 650 nm. When nanostructured into nanopatches, the second harmonic (SH) response of an individual a-GaP patch is characterized to be more than two orders of magnitude larger than the as-deposited unstructured film, with an anapole-like resonant behavior. Numerical simulations are in good agreement with the experimental results over a large spectral and geometrical range. Furthermore, by studying individual a-GaP nanopatches through non-degenerate pump-probe spectroscopy with sub-10 fs pulses, we find a more than 5% ultrafast modulation of the reflectivity that is accompanied by a slower decaying free carrier contribution, caused by absorption. Our investigations reveal a potential for a-GaP as an adequate inexpensive and CMOS-compatible material for nonlinear nanophotonic applications as well as for photocatalysis.A phytochemical investigation of Aleurites moluccanus yielded one novel dinor-diterpenoid, aleuritin (1), along with a rare diterpenoid, aleuritone (2). Compound 1 has an unprecedented skeleton with a 6/6/5-fused tricyclic ring system. Compound 2 possesses a rare 6/6/5/3-fused tetracyclic skeleton, which is probably an artifact formed photochemically by the Norrish reaction. The structures of 1 and 2 were determined by spectroscopic methods (ECD, IR, mass, and NMR) and confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses. A plausible biogenetic pathway of 1 is proposed. Pharmacological study showed that these two compounds possessed mild in vitro anti-lymphangiogenic activity, which suppressed tube formation with IC50 values of 48.1 ± 1.8 and 34.2 ± 0.8 μg mL-1, respectively.Bottom-up approaches exploiting on-surface synthesis reactions allow atomic-scale precision in the fabrication of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs); this is essential for their technological applications since their unique electronic and optical properties are largely controlled by the specific edge structure. By means of a combined experimental-theoretical investigation of some prototype GNRs, we show here that high-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy (HREELS) can be successfully employed to fingerprint the details of the GNR edge structure. In particular, we demonstrate how the features of HREEL vibrational spectra - mainly dictated by edge CH out-of-plane modes - are unambiguously related to the GNR edge structure. Moreover, we single out those modes which are localized at the GNR termini and show how their relative intensity can be related to the average GNR length.The design of Earth-abundant and cost-effective electrocatalysts for highly active and stable electrochemical water splitting in practical production is the primary demand. Herein, bimetallic oxides anchored to three-dimensional (3D) porous conductive nickel foam (NF) are constructed using a simple in situ hydrothermal method for efficient overall water splitting. The vertically aligned Mn3O4/Fe2O3 heterojunction nanosheets have synergy between hierarchical metal oxides and heterogeneous interface, and show excellent performance toward the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in an alkaline environment. By adjusting the molar ratio of Fe  Mn, the morphology, composition and electronic structure of MnFeO-NF-x composites (x represents the ratio of Fe  Mn) can be adjusted to exhibit diverse catalytic activities. In particular, MnFeO-NF-0.4 (0.4 indicates the Fe  Mn ratio of 0.4  1) and MnFeO-NF-0.8 display outstanding performance with ultralow overpotentials of 157 mV for the OER and 64 mV for the HER to achieve a current density of 10 mA cm-2, respectively. Furthermore, MnFeO-NF-0.4 and MnFeO-NF-0.8 are assembled into a water splitting electrolyzer, which can reach a current density of 10 mA cm-2 with a low voltage of 1.59 V. Interestingly, Mn-M (M = Co, Ni, and Mo) products can be obtained easily by using different metal salts, indicating the universality of the current one-pot hydrothermal method.Intriguing nanostructuring anomalies have been recently observed in imidazolium ionic liquids (ILs) near their glass transition points, where local density around a nanocaged solute progressively grows up with temperature. Herewith, we for the first time demonstrate experimentally and theoretically, that these anomalies are governed by alkyl chains of cations and crucially depend on their length. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy on a series of ILs [Cnmim]BF4 (n = 0-12) shows that only the chains with n = 3-10 favor anomaly. Moreover, remarkable even vs. odd n peculiarities were systematically observed. Finally, similar anomaly was for the first time observed for a non-IL glass of dibutyl phthalate, which structurally mimics cations of imidazolium ILs. Therefore, such anomalous density behavior in a glassy state nanocage goes far beyond ILs and proves to be a more general phenomenon, which can be structurally tuned and rationally adjusted for various potential applications in nanoscale materials.Metallothioneins (MTs) are a group of cysteine-rich, universal, low molecular weight proteins distributed widely in almost all major taxonomic groups ranging from tiny microbes to highly organized vertebrates. The primary function of this protein is storage, transportation and binding of metals, which enable microorganisms to detoxify heavy metals. In the microbial world, these peptides were first identified in a cyanobacterium Synechococcus as the SmtA protein which exhibits high affinity towards rising level of zinc and cadmium to preserve metal homeostasis in a cell. In yeast, MTs aid in reserving copper and confer protection against copper toxicity by chelating excess copper ions in a cell. Two MTs, CUP1 and Crs5, originating from Saccharomyces cerevisiae predominantly bind to copper though are capable of binding with zinc and cadmium ions. MT superfamily 7 is found in ciliated protozoa which show high affinity towards copper and cadmium. Several tools and techniques, such as western blot, capillary electrophoresis, inductively coupled plasma, atomic emission spectroscopy and high performance liquid chromatography, have been extensively utilized for the detection and quantification of microbial MTs which are utilized for the efficient remediation and sequestration of heavy metals from a contaminated environment.


Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disease that stomach contents continually refluxing into esophagus causes symptoms and/or complications. The study was working to find natural plant extracts with good effects and small side effects to treat reflux esophagitis (RE). The anti-inflammatory effects of hexane extract of Magnolia sieboldii (MsHE) were conducted on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophage cells. The ameliorative effects of MsHE on esophageal damage in rats induced by gastric acid reflux was explored in vivo. The results showed that MsHE decreased the production of nitric oxide (NO) and expression levels of iNOS, COX-2 and TNF-α on LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells and MsHE treatment ameliorated the rats' esophageal tissue damage induced by gastric acid and inhibited the increase of inflammatory mediators and pro-inflammatory cytokines by regulating NF-κB signaling pathway. In addition, MsHE protected the function of barrier of epithelial cells against inflammatory conditions through increasing the expression of tight junctions. Furthermore, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis was used for determine the active ingredients contained in MsHE. The results show that MsHE can alleviate experimental rat RE by regulating NF-κB signaling pathway. In summary, MsHE may be used as a source material of drug candidate for the treatment of RE. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Developing efficient electrocatalysts for nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR) at ambient conditions is crucial for NH 3 synthesis. In this manuscript, the NRR performance of the transition metal anchored MoS 2 monolayer with 1T atomic structure (1T-MoS 2 ) is systematically evaluated by density functional theory computations. Our results reveal that the V decorated 1T-MoS 2 exhibits the outstanding catalytic activity toward NRR via distal mechanism where the corresponding onset potential is 0.66 eV, being superior to the commercial Ru material. Furthermore, the powerful binding energy between the V atom and the 1T-MoS 2 provides the good resistance against clustering of the V dopant, indicating its stability. Overall, this work provides a potential alternative for the application of NH 3 synthesis. © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.This qualitative study explored how counsellors who work with women currently or formerly involved in sex work perceive these women's future. From May to July 2016, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 21 counsellors providing psychosocial services in Canadian agencies with recognized mandates to support such women. The interview protocol was based on the Possible Selves Mapping Interview, adapted to explore the counsellors' hopes and fears for these clients. We subjected the interview transcripts to an interpretive descriptive analysis. Our findings centred on three themes the counsellors' hopes for their clients' future, in light of their personal and social resources; the counsellors' fears about the cumulative devastating effects that their clients' work environment might have on them; and the counsellors' fears that these women would lose hope for the future. This study clearly demonstrates the importance of addressing the safety and well-being of women involved in sex work and of recognizing the impacts of social inequalities and structural barriers on these women's life paths. The implications of these findings for policies and practices are discussed at the end of this paper. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.AIM To explain how nurses care for patients with stroke in the acute setting, when working within constraints. BACKGROUND Internationally, health care environments are experiencing constraints such as reduced staffing levels, and lack of time and resources. In such circumstances, patient care is often of poorer quality or missed entirely. METHOD(S) Classic grounded theory methodology was used to explain how care is provided within the acute care setting for patients following stroke. Data were collected using unstructured interviews with 32 nurses. RESULTS Care accommodation, a typology of caring, was generated consisting of functional caring, assisted self-caring and ideal caring. Depending on the degree of constraint, nurses consciously or subconsciously prioritize care, potentially leading to missed care. CONCLUSION(S) Care accommodation elucidates what happens to care delivery with limited resources. Missed care may result from engaging with care accommodation, a factor that nurses and managers need to consider in care delivery. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT Care accommodation provides new insight and understanding for management of the daily challenges nurses face, thus informing nursing management that supports nurses advocating at higher levels for resources to provide necessary environments and strategies to reduce missed care. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Hybridization can generate novel phenotypes distinct from those of parental lineages, a phenomenon known as transgressive trait variation. Transgressive phenotypes might negatively or positively affect hybrid fitness, and increase available variation. Closely related species of Heliconius butterflies regularly produce hybrids in nature and hybridization is thought to play a role in the diversification of novel wing colour patterns despite strong stabilizing selection due to interspecific mimicry. Here, we studied wing phenotypes in first and second generation hybrids produced by controlled crosses between either two co-mimetic species of Heliconius or between two non-mimetic species. We quantified wing size, shape and colour pattern variation and asked whether hybrids displayed transgressive wing phenotypes. Discrete traits underlain by major-effect loci, such as the presence or absence of colour patches, generate novel phenotypes. For quantitative traits, such as wing shape or subtle colour pattern characters, hybrids only exceed the parental range in specific dimensions of the morphological space. Overall, our study addresses some of the challenges in defining and measuring phenotypic transgression for multivariate traits and our data suggest that the extent to which transgressive trait variation in hybrids contributes to phenotypic diversity depends on the complexity and the genetic architecture of the traits. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


In contrast, disrupting normal circadian rhythm reduces fly longevity. Short-sleep SIP flies moreover show slight metabolic differences to long-sleep lines, and to flies with disrupted circadian rhythm. These data suggest that the inbred SIP lines engage sleep mechanisms that are distinct from the circadian clock system.
Osteoarthritis is a leading cause of immobility and joint replacement, two strong risk factors for venous thromboembolism (VTE). We aimed to examine the relation of knee, hip and hand osteoarthritis to the risk of VTE and investigate joint replacement as a potential mediator.

We conducted three cohort studies using data from The Health Improvement Network. Up to five individuals without osteoarthritis were matched to each case of incident knee (n=20 696), hip (n=10 411) or hand (n=6329) osteoarthritis by age, sex, entry time and body mass index. We examined the relation of osteoarthritis to VTE (pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis) using a multivariable Cox proportional hazard model.

VTE developed in 327 individuals with knee osteoarthritis and 951 individuals without osteoarthritis (2.7 vs 2.0 per 1000 person-years), with multivariable-adjusted HR being 1.38 (95% CI 1.23 to 1.56). The indirect effect (HR) of knee osteoarthritis on VTE through knee replacement was 1.07 (95% CI 1.01 to 1.15), expe or hip replacement.Subjective tinnitus is the conscious perception of sound in the absence of any acoustic source. The literature suggests various tinnitus mechanisms, most of which invoke changes in spontaneous firing rates of central auditory neurons resulting from modification of neural gain. Here, we present an alternative model based on evidence that tinnitus is (1) rare in people who are congenitally deaf, (2) common in people with acquired deafness, and (3) potentially suppressed by active cochlear implants used for hearing restoration. We propose that tinnitus can only develop after fast auditory fiber activity has stimulated the synapse formation between fast-spiking parvalbumin positive (PV+) interneurons and projecting neurons in the ascending auditory path and coactivated frontostriatal networks after hearing onset. Thereafter, fast auditory fiber activity promotes feedforward and feedback inhibition mediated by PV+ interneuron activity in auditory-specific circuits. This inhibitory network enables enhanced stimulus resolution, attention-driven contrast improvement, and augmentation of auditory responses in central auditory pathways (neural gain) after damage of slow auditory fibers. When fast auditory fiber activity is lost, tonic PV+ interneuron activity is diminished, resulting in the prolonged response latencies, sudden hyperexcitability, enhanced cortical synchrony, elevated spontaneous γ oscillations, and impaired attention/stress-control that have been described in previous tinnitus models. Moreover, because fast processing is gained through sensory experience, tinnitus would not exist in congenital deafness. Electrical cochlear stimulation may have the potential to reestablish tonic inhibitory networks and thus suppress tinnitus. The proposed framework unites many ideas of tinnitus pathophysiology and may catalyze cooperative efforts to develop tinnitus therapies.
To investigate whether opportunistic screening in primary care increases the detection of atrial fibrillation compared with usual care.

Cluster randomised controlled trial.

47 intention-to-screen and 49 usual care primary care practices in the Netherlands, not blinded for allocation; the study was carried out from September 2015 to August 2018.

In each practice, a fixed sample of 200 eligible patients, aged 65 or older, with no known history of atrial fibrillation in the electronic medical record system, were randomly selected. In the intention-to-screen group, 9218 patients eligible for screening were included, 55.0% women, mean age 75.2 years. In the usual care group, 9526 patients were eligible for screening, 54.3% women, mean age 75.0 years.

Opportunistic screening (that is, screening in patients visiting their general practice) consisted of three index tests pulse palpation, electronic blood pressure measurement with an atrial fibrillation algorithm, and electrocardiography (ECG) with a handhelon in 26 patients (0.63%). In the 266 patients who continued with Holter monitoring, four more diagnoses of atrial fibrillation were found.

Opportunistic screening for atrial fibrillation in primary care patients, aged 65 and over, did not increase the detection rate of atrial fibrillation, which implies that opportunistic screening for atrial fibrillation is not useful in this setting.

Netherlands Trial Register No NL4776 (old NTR4914).
Netherlands Trial Register No NL4776 (old NTR4914).
To report the clinical outcomes of autologous minor salivary gland transplantation (MSGT) for the treatment of severe dry eye disease caused by cicatrising conjunctivitis.

This was a retrospective case series of patients undergoing MSGT at four different centres from 2016 to 2018. The technical modifications included en bloc harvesting of a 20 mm×15 mm mucosa-gland-muscle complex and fixation of the glands to the superior bulbar surface anchored to the superior rectus muscle. The primary outcome measure was improvement in best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA). Secondary outcome measures were change in Schirmer test scores and grades of conjunctival and corneal fluorescein staining, grades of corneal neovascularisation, opacification and keratinisation.

21 eyes of 19 patients underwent MSGT, with a median follow-up duration of 3years. The median BCVA improved from a baseline value of 20/500 to 20/125 at 1 year (p=0.0004) and 20/80 at 3years (p=0.0002) after surgery. The proportion of cases with BCVA ≥20/200 improved from 38% at baseline to 67% at 1 year (p=0.0294), 78% at 2 years (p=0.0227) and 93% at 3years (p=0.0015) after surgery. There was a significant improvement (p<0.0036) in Schirmer scores, conjunctival and corneal staining scores as well as grades of corneal neovascularisation and opacification after surgery. There were no serious sight-threatening complications in the transplanted eyes or at the donor site.

Long-term improvement in the visual acuity, ocular surface environment, and keratopathy was noted after MSGT performed in severely dry eyes using a modified technique.
Long-term improvement in the visual acuity, ocular surface environment, and keratopathy was noted after MSGT performed in severely dry eyes using a modified technique.



In the ever-evolving digital landscape, understanding and applying optimization techniques is vital to success. Whether aiming to enhance your SEO efforts, create engaging content, or reach your desired demographic, the power of keywords cannot be underestimated. This resource breaks down what you ought to consider about leveraging keywords for greater visibility.

Section 1: Why Are Keywords Essential?

Search terms are the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. These specific words and phrases help users find the information they’re looking for while enabling websites to engage with their users. Here's why they’re indispensable:

Improving Visibility: Search engines rank content that matches user searches.

Driving Traffic: Optimized keywords can boost clicks to your website, blog, or platform.

Understanding Trends: Keyword research can reveal market demands.

Example: If you're running a business that sells organic skincare products, targeting keywords like “natural face moisturizer” will make your site more visible.

Section 2: How to Identify the Perfect Keywords

Finding the ideal keywords is an art and a science. Follow these actionable tips to discover them:

Use Available Resources: Platforms like Google Keyword Planner help identify effective search terms.

Understand Your Market: What problems are your users looking to solve?

Analyze Industry Trends: Review how others in your niche are using targeted keywords successfully.

Focus on Long-Tail Keywords: Instead of broad phrases, use detailed phrases like “best vegan recipes for beginners” to attract niche audiences.

Section 3: Effectively Incorporating Keywords in Your Content

Once you’ve identified the right keywords, it’s time to effectively utilize them. Here are key techniques:

Craft Keyword-Optimized Titles: Your headlines should organically feature your chosen keywords.

Use Keywords in Headers: Use headings like H1 through H3 to improve structure while embedding relevant phrases.

Avoid Overstuffing: Never exaggerate keywords; a density of 1-2% should suffice.

Leverage Internal Linking: Interlinking your pages using anchored keywords will enhance user experience.

Optimize Meta and Image Tags: Don’t forget to include keywords in your meta tags, alt texts, and descriptions.

Section 4: Common Mistakes to Avoid

Many experienced individuals can fall into challenges when handling keywords. Avoid these issues:

Keyword Stuffing: This can reduce readability.

Choosing Irrelevant Terms: Misaligned keywords won’t resonate with your audience.

Ignoring Analytics: Regularly analyze performance metrics to adjust strategies.


Understanding keyword application is a journey that requires patience. By following these expert recommendations, you can enhance your reach effectively. Keep in mind, the key to success lies in adapting to trends while leveraging the power of strategic phrases.

Start exploring today to achieve your content dreams!


The main and more frequent problem in face lift is recurrence of platysma bands, and of skin excess at the bitterness and naso-jugal folds. To improve face lift stability, a new aging analysis is proposed. The visible sign of face aging is skin excess. SMAS retraction is a much less visible sign. Nevertheless, botulinum toxin injections elongate muscles of the SMAS and rejuvenate the face. In the Face Recurve Concept, MRI studies prove the mimic muscles retraction that comes with aging. Face lift techniques that are used today include SMAS plication, traction or excision, which increases discrepancy between the envelop, the skin and the core, the SMAS. As skin excision is poorly efficient because performed posteriorly, far from the anterior skin excess located at the medial neck or at the bitterness fold, the association to SMAS retraction exacerbates the gradient difference between envelop and core. This analysis shows first of all that it is paramount to preserve the SMAS. Secondly, that the sub-skin dissection has to be executed moving beyond the paramedian folds. Then permanent tensor threads anchored in the malar, parotid and mastoid aponeurosis with a U pass flatten the folds and reposition sub cutaneous tissue excess backward to the SMAS. No action is performed on the SMAS, only an horizontal section of the platysma at the hyoid level will avoid platysma band recurrence. Botulinum toxin injections performed just after block muscle regeneration. 35 patients have been operated on a one year period. Results are a lot more stable and swelling is lowered down to the minimum.
Point-of-care tests (POCTs) are innovative services that are increasingly offered in community pharmacies. Assessments of these services should consider their financial sustainability in addition to their effectiveness if they are to be successful over time in a competitive environment.

The aim of this research was to review and evaluate the POCT practice innovations literature through the lens of the resource-based theory (RBT) of competitive advantage.

Articles describing POCT services were identified systematically through PubMed, exclusively.

All POCT articles in the review met the following inclusion criteria (1) articles were published after 1999; (2) interventions were pharmacist-led innovations within a community pharmacy; (3) articles described research studies with results; and (4) articles were published in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

The RBT was operationalized using a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats matrix and a business model canvas, which were employed to extract ansts seem to do a good job in describing how to provide POCT but fall short in explaining how these services are sustainable over time.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the third leading cause of death globally and a common cause of hospital readmissions in the United States. While best practices exist in COPD management, incorporation of such approaches into routine clinical care remains a challenge.

This evaluation applied principles from the field of dissemination and implementation (D&I) science to design a training package integrating best practice for COPD management. The D&I field promotes evidence-based implementation strategies, frameworks, and assessment approaches that can be considered by clinicians to promote adoption of best practices.

This prospective mixed-methods evaluation applied a D&I science model to develop, implement, and evaluate an interprofessional training program for COPD management originally piloted in 2016. The authors provide a contextual example of how a guiding D&I framework, replicating effective programs, was applied to design and implement a Web-based training program fnees to spread a promising best practice. Clinicians can consider similar applications of D&I science to enhance training and spread novel services across health systems.
This evaluation provides a case-study example of how D&I science can be used to design, implement, and evaluate a training package for trainees to spread a promising best practice. Clinicians can consider similar applications of D&I science to enhance training and spread novel services across health systems.Hoarding disorder (HD), characterized by difficulty parting with possessions and functionally impairing clutter, affects 2-6% of the population. Originally considered part of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), HD became a distinct diagnostic entity in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) in 2013. While sleep impacts OCD, little is known about sleep in HD. As HD patients often report poor sleep in clinical settings, understanding global subjective sleep quality and disturbances may lead to novel therapeutic targets. To address this gap, the authors used a sample of convenience an existing data set designed to screen research study eligibility and explore the psychopathology and phenomenology of OCD and HD. The data set included information collected from individuals with HD (n = 38), OCD (n = 26), and healthy participants (n = 22) about insomnia, sleep quality, and mood using interviews and structured instruments including the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS). In this data set, HD and OCD groups reported significantly greater insomnia symptoms and poorer sleep quality compared with healthy controls while controlling for depression, age, and gender. A sizable minority of HD and OCD individuals met criteria for comorbid sleep disorders. OCD and HD groups differed in delayed sleep phase prevalence. To our knowledge, this is the first study examining subjective sleep quality and insomnia in HD as compared to healthy individuals and those with OCD, while controlling for relevant clinical characteristics. Given that there are evidence-based treatments for insomnia and other sleep disorders, our study raises the possibility that treatment interventions targeting sleep may improve HD outcomes.
The summary presented herein represents Part I of the two-part series dedicated to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Infertility in Men AUA/ASRM Guideline. Part I outlines the appropriate evaluation of the male in an infertile couple. Recommendations proceed from obtaining an appropriate history and physical exam (Appendix I), as well as diagnostic testing, where indicated.

The Emergency Care Research Institute Evidence-based Practice Center team searched PubMed®, Embase®, and Medline from January, 2000 through May, 2019. When sufficient evidence existed, the body of evidence was assigned a strength rating of A (high), B (moderate), or C (low) for support of Strong, Moderate, or Conditional Recommendations. In the absence of sufficient evidence, additional information is provided as Clinical Principles and Expert Opinions. (Table1) This summary is being simultaneously published in Fertility and Sterility and The Journal of Urology.

This Guideline provides updated, evidence-based recommendations regarding evaluation of male infertility as well as the association of male infertility with other important health conditions.