👀✨ #Declaring His #Generation #Isaiahs #Prophetic Book Pt166 on Battle Lines

Declaring His Generation was left to the #Apostles after the #Lord was #crucified, #dead, and #buried. The group has several days to figure out what happened. The Lord had told them all these things to come. Including his #resurrection, yet the shock of events had to grip them. When he appeared to the group of Apostles, I can imagine the relief and joy they had. It had to be unbelievable to have #witnessed all that happened to the #LordJesusChrist through the #cross and its sufferings. Yet, it brought #redemption to man, #healing, and reunion to our #GreatGod and Father. #JesusChrist triumphed over all #principalities and powers. Today we can also rejoice that in Jesus’ name we are more than conqueror's. | #DeclaringHisGeneration, #ChristJesus, #Gospel, #sufferingservant, #greatsonofdavid, #YeshuaHaMassiach, #Hehasredeemed#, #ThyWatchmen, #KingdomofGod
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Declaring His Generation Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt166 on Battle Isaiah brings the entire story to light in this glorious section found in Isaiah chapter 53.
