
Spam!? On Mises.org? No, this is not spam.

It is an excerpt of Jefferson Davis' speech when he resigned from the Senate.

The truth will be marked as spam on the Mises Institute ... the truth must remain hidden.

The U.S. Constitution promotes self-governing individual freedom. Virtual anarchy. The USA was the first anti-slavery self-government in the history of the world. Self-government elected officials are the only ones duty bound by oath to the constitution. Self-rule which we lost with the 14th amendment which gave power to the Supreme Court, just after they killed Lincoln, are now the 'rulers' with their decisions and the President's expanded powers. "The people" are now "subject to" their rule and debt.


Lincoln warned us in his first inaugural address about that before they killed him.

In this discussion on the Mises Institute 'historicus' made the claim that Lincoln waged war on the South and that Jefferson Davis never mentioned the word 'slavery' in his inaugural address to the Confederacy.

"Read Jefferson Davis' inaugural and see if you can find the word slavery." - historicus

I suspect historicus is right about that particular speech. Jefferson Davis repeatedly denied the fact that slavery was the cause of the war, but earlier in his resignation from the Senate in January 1861 he made it clear that slavery was the issue. So I posted a portion of that speech and the Mises Institute marked it as spam... twice!. See below. The truth shall not be told.

If you still believe that Lincoln invaded the South to keep them from seceding from the Union, you have been fooled. Liars are good at fooling fools. Liars hide truth with Hegelian dialectic because it is the truth that sets us free.

What is true is that Lincoln did not surrender the USA to the slave owner's CSA. Nobody wanted war yet the Southern Confederacy would not agree to the Corwin Amendment and could not get slavery expanded into the territories without war; so the Confederate government waged war on "the free people" to keep their slaves in their new government which nationalized slavery.

Lincoln defended "the free people" in America and kept his oath. Freedom lovers lost when the bankers killed Lincoln because he had more truth to tell... but they silenced him forever.


Then, in 1922 Skull & Bones class of 1878 President William Howard Taft set President Lincoln on a throne dedicated by the then Chief Justice Taft of the Supreme Court and called Lincoln "a ruler whose word became law over a continent" ... which is a lie. U.S. Presidents are duty bound to "enforce the law" ... not rule over "the people."

Teddy Roosevelt expanded the role of the President.

Teddy Roosevelt — "I did not usurp power, but I did greatly broaden the use of executive power."

Then they put Lincoln on a throne and called him a "RULER", nine years after passing the Federal Reserve Act ... right after WWI … because that was THEIR intention… to "Rule the World" which they do to this day with their 'elastic' currency. The Fed is the GreatKaan.com

Lincoln was no ruler... he gave his life defending individual freedom.

This was inscribed on Lincoln's Memorial by Skull & Bones to fool "the people" into believing that the U.S. President is a ruler. It works. A lot of people believe it to this day.

“A child born to poverty on the edge of the wilderness; a ruler whose word became law over a continent, wide as the Atlantic; a martyr whose name is a talisman in remotest corners of the earth.”

End the Chaos - Shun the Liars & Hiders of Truth

Defend the "American System" - Liberty, Peace & Prosperity for You.