
Welcome to the Support Catholic Schools Movement
Thank you for joining the fight to stand with parents and their rights to send their children to the schools of their choice. Now is a critical time to stand with Catholic schools, and you can be a part of this mission by supporting school choice.

As a part of this movement, you will get the opportunity to share your story, take action, and make a real difference in education. You’ll also be the first to hear about the lives you’re helping change.

Catholic education recognizes the fundamental human dignity of each person. It provides options for children who may otherwise have no way out of generational poverty or dysfunction.

Across America, Catholic schools are facing unprecedented challenges, struggling to stay open while providing desperately needed services. School choice programs can help them weather these storms.

There is a solution and together we can expand opportunity for children.

All my best,

Rebekah Bydlak | American Federation for Children