
Turn to God and put your faith in His power, not your own.

You are strong. You are resilient. You are capable of anything you set your mind to—but that's only because He gave you the tools to do it.

He is the one who gave you the ability to think critically and logically, and the knowledge to use those skills well. He is the one who gave you the ability to love deeply and truly, and the strength to put others before yourself in service of that love. And He is the one who gave you a unique purpose here on earth: To be a light unto others, as He shines His light through you.

So when things get tough? Take a moment to turn inward, take a breath, and remind yourself of all these things—and then turn back around again with renewed strength and purpose.

For more info about Fifth Principle Learning Cooperative and how you can join, visit www.thefifthprinciple.coop or email me at cheryl@thefifthprinciple.coop!

✍️ Take Action! Learn more about our constitution. Sign up here for our Constitution Alive! course starting January 9, 2023, at 7:00 pm: https://bit.ly/3BRkgfn

Contact us:
🌐 www.readwritetechnology.com
🌐 www.thefifthprinciple.coop
📧 cheryl@thefifthprinciple.coop

How can you increase the power of faith in your life? Read Cheryl's inspiring journey to Faith: The Power Within. Order it here: https://www.thefifthprinciple.coop/faith.html
Join us in our hands-on Ambition Quotient workshop where you can learn how to inspire and motivate those around you to take action. Learn More: www.smartlearningforbusinesssuccess.com

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