
Geopolitical update


The Luciferian death cult, desperately trying to 'buy themselves more time' to avoid their looming exposure as the completely criminal mafia that they are.

[uncky Tobes] the white rabbit and leader of 'The Family Cult' Adelaide [South Australia] is a microcosm of the macro.

'They' look to him, follow the white rabbit for instructions on how to keep their fraud in place. Hence the whole 'Covid is a con job'. Which was controlled opposition to keep people trapped fighting among themselves about the common cold and flu re-branded and given a multi billion dollar mainstream media and corporate controlled marketing/ propaganda campaign.

Satan is a sales man 🐍

What's [uncky Tobes] got left in his evil bag of witchcraft tricks?

I guess we're in the process of finding out...

He wants people to remain trapped in the death cult / pedo empire war, debt and tax slavery system of human herd control. That's where all his stolen power comes from.

"You have livestock and you have dead stock"

is a popular statement repeated often by [uncky Tobes]

who not only has zero respect for the sanctity of life. He is in reality a torturer who enjoys inflicting sadistic suffering on his victims.

He feeds off the pain he is able to inflict by stealth using witchcraft, while maintaining a false facade of legitimacy as an upstanding and trustworthy family man.

The sooner [uncky Tobes] is exposed for the extremely sick and dangerous criminal that he is.

The sooner the truth will become reality and we all of good faith and good conscience will be genuinely real world free to live in peace and focus our collective energy and consciousness on Co-creating healing pathways to heal, regenerate, promote and expand natural wellbeing for humanity and our living earth . #HeavenOnEarth #SafeHappyKids #EcoHarmoniousLife 👣🌏🕊🌿☀️