
In this review, we propose to analyze in particular the new developments in multiplexed approaches to miRNA detection. The main aspects of these methods (including sensitivity and specificity) will be analyzed, with a particular focus on the demonstrated multiplexing capability and potential of each of these methods.Carbohydrate response element-binding protein (ChREBP) is critical in the regulation of fatty acid and triglyceride synthesis in the liver. Interestingly, Chrebp-/- mice show reduced levels of plasma cholesterol, which is critical for steroid hormone synthesis in adrenal glands. Furthermore, Chrebp mRNA expression was previously reported in human adrenal glands. Thus, it remains to be investigated whether ChREBP plays a role directly or indirectly in steroid hormone synthesis and release in adrenal glands. In the present study, we find that Chrebp mRNA is expressed in mouse adrenal glands and that ChREBP binds to carbohydrate response elements. Histological analysis of Chrebp-/- mice shows no adrenal hyperplasia and less oil red O staining compared with that in WT mice. In adrenal glands of Chrebp-/- mice, expression of Fasn and Scd1, two enzymes critical for fatty acid synthesis, was substantially lower and triglyceride content was reduced. Expression of Srebf2, a key transcription factor controlling synthesis and uptake of cholesterol and the target genes, was upregulated, while cholesterol content was not significantly altered in the adrenal glands of Chrebp-/- mice. Adrenal corticosterone content and plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone and corticosterone levels were not significantly altered in Chrebp-/- mice. Consistently, expression of genes related to steroid hormone synthesis was not altered. Corticosterone secretion in response to two different stimuli, namely 24-h starvation and cosyntropin administration, was also not altered in Chrebp-/- mice. Taking these results together, corticosterone synthesis and release were not affected in Chrebp-/- mice despite reduced plasma cholesterol levels.
Mobile health (mHealth) apps play an important role in delivering education, providing advice on treatment, and monitoring patients' health. Good usability of mHealth apps is essential to achieve the objectives of mHealth apps efficiently. To date, there are questionnaires available to assess the general system usability but not explicitly tailored to precisely assess the usability of mHealth apps. Hence, the mHealth App Usability Questionnaire (MAUQ) was developed with 4 versions according to the type of app (interactive or standalone) and according to the target user (patient or provider). Standalone MAUQ for patients comprises 3 subscales, which are ease of use, interface and satisfaction, and usefulness.

This study aimed to translate and validate the English version of MAUQ (standalone for patients) into a Malay version of MAUQ (M-MAUQ) for mHealth app research and usage in future in Malaysia.

Forward and backward translation and harmonization of M-MAUQ were conducted by Malay native speakers who alin the future.
Urinary incontinence (UI) and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are commonly experienced by adult patients in hospitals (inpatients). Although peak bodies recommend that health services have systems for optimal UI and LUTS care, they are often not delivered. For example, results from the 2017 Australian National Stroke Audit Acute Services indicated that of the one-third of acute stroke inpatients with UI, only 18% received a management plan. In the 2018 Australian National Stroke Audit Rehabilitation Services, half of the 41% of patients with UI received a management plan. There is little reporting of effective inpatient interventions to systematically deliver optimal UI/LUTS care.

This study aims to determine whether our UI/LUTS practice-change package is feasible and effective for delivering optimal UI/LUTS care in an inpatient setting. The package includes our intervention that has been synthesized from the best-available evidence on UI/LUTS care and a theoretically informed implementation strategy ation and are undertaking postimplementation data collection (T

Our practice-change package is designed to reduce the current inpatient UI/LUTS evidence-based practice gap, such as those identified through national stroke audits. This study has been designed to provide clinicians, managers, and policy makers with the evidence needed to assess the potential benefit of further wide-scale implementation of our practice-change package.

Due to the rapid digitalization of health care, leadership is becoming more complex. Leadership in digital health services is a term that has been used in the literature with various meanings. Conceptualization of leadership in digital health services is needed to deliver higher quality digital health services, update existing leadership practices, and advance research.

The aim of this study is to outline a concept analysis that aims to clarify and define the concept of leadership in digital health services.

The concept analysis will be performed using the Walker and Avant model, which involves eight steps concept selection, determination of aims, identification of uses, determination of defining attributes, construction of a model case, construction of additional cases, identification of antecedents and consequences, and definition of empirical referents. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/SB-203580.html A scoping literature search will be performed following the search protocol for scoping reviews by the Joanna Briggs Institute to identify all relevaRR1-10.2196/25495.
Health-enabling technologies (HETs) are information and communication technologies that promote individual health and well-being. An important application of HETs is telerehabilitation for patients with musculoskeletal shoulder disorders. Currently, there is no overview of HETs that assist patients with musculoskeletal shoulder disorders when exercising at home.

This scoping review provides a broad overview of HETs that assist patients with musculoskeletal shoulder disorders when exercising at home. It focuses on concepts and components of HETs, exercise program strategies, development phases, and reported outcomes.

The search strategy used Medical Subject Headings and text words related to the terms upper extremity, exercises, and information and communication technologies. The MEDLINE, Embase, IEEE Xplore, CINAHL, PEDro, and Scopus databases were searched. Two reviewers independently screened titles and abstracts and then full texts against predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. A systematic narrative synthesis was performed.