
Prior uptake of cervical cancer screening was associated with number of live births (p=0.001) and area of residence (p=0.04). And Willingness to screen was significantly associated with age groups (p=0.03) and the number of live births (p=0.03). Moreover, we found that younger age and urban residence was positively associated with awareness and uptake of cervical cancer screening. Willingness was found to decrease as age increased.

The study found that despite older women's higher risk of cervical cancer, those who indicated willingness to screen were younger. Additional education, health promotion, and integration of cervical cancer screening services is needed to improve cervical cancer awareness and screening uptake at the HIV clinic.<br />.
The study was to investigate anti-migration and invasion effects of astaxanthin (ATX), a natural carotenoid derivative distributed in marine environments, against A172 human glioblastoma cells.

Cell viability after ATX treatment was measured by MTT assays. Tumor cell migration and invasion were observed by scratch and Boyden chamber assays, respectively. Expression of MMP-2 and activity of MMP-9 were observed by immunoblotting and gelatin zymography, respectively.

ATX up to 150 µM was not toxic to A172 cells at 48 h post-treatment. In contrast, ATX at 50 and 100 µM significantly decreased migration and invasion of A172 cells at 24 and 48 h post-treatment. Metastatic-reducing effect of ATX is associated with the reduction of MMP-2 and MMP-9 expressions in a dose-dependent manner.

This finding indicated that ATX has anti-migration and invasion effects against human glioblastoma cells and might be applicable for the protection against metastasis of glioblastoma.
This finding indicated that ATX has anti-migration and invasion effects against human glioblastoma cells and might be applicable for the protection against metastasis of glioblastoma.
Cervical cancer is preventable. In Malaysia, women are found to have good awareness of the disease and yet, the Pap smear uptake is still poor. Measuring health literacy level could explain this discrepancy. This study aims to determine the relationship between health literacy, level of knowledge of cervical cancer and Pap smear with attitude towards Pap smear among women attending pre-marital course.

A cross sectional study was performed in three randomly selected centres that organised pre-marital courses. All Malay Muslim women participants aged 18 to 40 years old were recruited while non-Malaysian, illiterate, and had hysterectomy were excluded. Validated self-administered questionnaires used were European Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q16 Malay) and Knowledge and attitude towards Cervical Cancer and Pap Smear Questionnaire. The mean percentage score (mean± SD) was calculated, with higher scores showed better outcomes. Multiple linear regression was used to measure the relationship of independf Pap smear improves the attitude towards Pap smear. Pre-marital course is an opportunistic platform to disseminate information to improve health literacy and knowledge of cervical cancer and Pap smear screening.
We investigated human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and detected anal squamous intraepithelial lesions by modified liquid-based cytology (LBC) and p16/Ki67 dual-staining.

Anal swabs (n=393) were collected from patients with HIV infection. Anal cells were kept in 95% ethyl alcohol for modified LBC. DNA was extracted from cells for HPV detection and genotyping using real-time PCR and reverse line blot hybridization.

Nine samples (2.3%) were unsatisfactory specimens, 74.8% (294/393) were negative for intraepithelial malignancies (NILM) and 22.9% (90/393) exhibited squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL). In the latter category, 13.7% of samples (54/393) contained atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS), 6.9% (27/393) were classified as low-grade SIL (LSIL) and 2.3% (9/393) as high-grade SIL (HSIL). A total of 331 from 393 swab samples were suitable for detection of HPV infection. Among these, 34.1% (113/331) were positive. HPV 58 (15.9%) was the most common genotype, followed by HPV 18 (14.2%) and HPV 16 (11.5%). The severity of abnormal cells was significantly associated with HPV infection. Dual staining with p16/Ki-67 was performed on 130 samples in 30.8% (40/130) of samples positive staining was significantly associated with severity of abnormal cells. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Acadesine.html Agreement between cytology, p16/Ki67 dual-staining and high-risk HPV detection was 100% in HSIL samples. Interestingly, eight apparently NIML cases might have contained abnormal cells, since they were positive by both p16/Ki67 dual-staining and high-risk HPV detection.

Anal specimens screened using modified LBC with 95% ethyl alcohol solution as the fixative are suitable for screening anal precancerous lesions by cytology, HPV testing and p16/Ki-67 dual staining.
Anal specimens screened using modified LBC with 95% ethyl alcohol solution as the fixative are suitable for screening anal precancerous lesions by cytology, HPV testing and p16/Ki-67 dual staining.
The genetic hallmark of CML is known as the appearance of t(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2) (BCR-ABL1) which is present in more than 95% of cases. Here, we demonstrated practical laboratory tools for monitoring of BCR-ABL1 transcripts in chronic myeloid leukemia patients undergoing TK inhibitor therapy.

Real time quantitative PCR and direct sequencing were performed for monitoring of BCR-ABL1 transcripts in 245 treated CML.

At month 3 after first time point of monitoring, we found that 89% (218/245), 2% (5/245), and 9% (22/245) of patients are determined as optimal, warning, and failure response, respectively. The responses to TKI were slightly decreased at months 6 as following 73% optimal (180/245), 18% warning (43/245), and 9% failure response (22/245). Additionally, responses to TKI were gradually decreased at month 12 after first time point of monitoring as following 65% optimal (160/245), 13% warning (31/245), and 22% failure (54/245). We could detect 20% (49/245) of patients positive for BCR-ABL1 TKD mutations.