
015 and .029) and 4/1 (P = .002 and .047). The 4/2 protocol elicited higher relative tV˙O2max (47.7% [26.9%]) and t95V˙O2max (23.5% [22.7%]) than 4/1 (P = .015 and .028) and 8/2 (P < .01). Session 4/2 (275 [23] W) elicited greater mean power output (P < .01) than 4/1 (261 [27] W), 8/4 (250 [25] W), and 8/2 (234 [23] W).

Self-paced interval training composed of 4-minute and 8-minute work periods efficiently elicit tV˙O2max, but protocols with a work-recovery ratio of 21 (ie,4/2 and 8/4) could be prioritized to maximize tV˙O2max.
Self-paced interval training composed of 4-minute and 8-minute work periods efficiently elicit tV˙O2max, but protocols with a work-recovery ratio of 21 (ie, 4/2 and 8/4) could be prioritized to maximize tV˙O2max.
To determine whether elite female rugby sevens players are exposed to core temperatures (Tc) during training in the heat that replicate the temperate match demands previously reported and to investigate whether additional clothing worn during a hot training session meaningfully increases the heat load experienced.

A randomized parallel-group study design was employed, with all players completing the same approximately 70-minute training session (27.5°C-34.8°C wet bulb globe temperature) and wearing a standardized training ensemble (synthetic rugby shorts and training tee [control (CON); n = 8]) or additional clothing (standardized training ensemble plus compression garments and full tracksuit [additional clothing (AC); n = 6]). Groupwise differences in Tc, sweat rate, GPS-measured external locomotive output, rating of perceived exertion, and perceptual thermal load were compared.

Mean (P = .006, ηp2=.88) and peak (P < .001, ηp2=.97) Tc were higher in AC compared with CON during the training session. There were no differences in external load (F4,9 = 0.155, P = .956, Wilks Λ = 0.935, ηp2=.06) or sweat rate (P = .054, Cohen d = 1.09). A higher rating of perceived exertion (P = .016, Cohen d = 1.49) was observed in AC compared with CON. No exertional-heat-illness symptomology was reported in either group.

Player Tc is similar between training performed in hot environments and match play in temperate conditions when involved for >6minutes. Additional clothing is a viable and effective method to increase heat strain in female rugby sevens players without compromising training specificity or external locomotive capacity.
6 minutes. Additional clothing is a viable and effective method to increase heat strain in female rugby sevens players without compromising training specificity or external locomotive capacity.
Automated metabolic analyzers are frequently utilized to measure maximal oxygen consumption (V˙O2max). However, in portable devices, the results may be influenced by the analyzer's technological approach, being either breath-by-breath (BBB) or dynamic micro mixing chamber mode (DMC). The portable metabolic analyzer K5 (COSMED, Rome, Italy) provides both technologies within one device, and the authors aimed to evaluate differences in V˙O2max between modes in endurance athletes.

Sixteen trained male participants performed an incremental test to voluntary exhaustion on a cycle ergometer, while ventilation and gas exchange were measured by 2 structurally identical COSMED K5 metabolic analyzers synchronously, one operating in BBB and the other in DMC mode. Except for the flow signal, which was measured by 1 sensor and transmitted to both devices, the devices operated independently. V˙O2max was defined as the highest 30-second average.

V˙O2max and V˙CO2@V˙O2max were significantly lower in BBB compared with DMC mode (-4.44% and -2.71%), with effect sizes being large to moderate (ES, Cohen d = 0.82 and 1.87). Small differences were obtained for respiratory frequency (0.94%, ES = 0.36), minute ventilation (0.29%, ES = 0.20), and respiratory exchange ratio (1.74%, ES = 0.57).

V˙O2max was substantially lower in BBB than in DMC mode. Considering previous studies that also indicated lower V˙O2 values in BBB at high intensities and a superior validity of the K5 in DMC mode, the authors conclude that the DMC mode should be selected to measure V˙O2max in athletes.
V˙O2max was substantially lower in BBB than in DMC mode. Considering previous studies that also indicated lower V˙O2 values in BBB at high intensities and a superior validity of the K5 in DMC mode, the authors conclude that the DMC mode should be selected to measure V˙O2max in athletes.
Management of patients with stable ischemic heart disease remains challenging, in part due to the inability of non-invasive testing to accurately identify those who may benefit from coronary revascularization. For decades, use of functional testing, such as nuclear perfusion imaging, stress echocardiography, and exercise electrocardiography, has remained a pivotal component of algorithms designed to evaluate anginal pain. Over the past several years, however, a growing body of evidence has developed to support anatomical imaging, with special attention given to coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) as the more diagnostically and prognostically accurate non-invasive testing modality. The results of several large randomized controlled trials, as well as their subsequent post hoc analyses, have led to the escalation of CCTA as the first-line test in international guidelines for the evaluation of stable chest pain in patients with low-to-intermediate risk of coronary artery disease. Moreover, recognit of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines for stable ischemic heart disease should position CCTA as the first-line test in qualifying patients. Here, we review current literature evaluating anatomical and functional imaging, and formulate a discussion on clinical implementation, limitations of currently available data, and direction for CCTA-based future research.
Acute right ventricular (RV) failure is challenging to treat and mechanical circulatory support devices are limited. The TandemHeart ProtekDuo (THPD; TandemLife) is a novel percutaneous RV assist device that can provide 4.0 liters per minute of blood flow through venovenous extracorporeal life support. It allows venous drainage from the right atrium and reinfusion of blood into the main pulmonary artery via internal jugular vein access. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/crenolanib-cp-868596.html We aim to provide real-world insight into disease characteristics resulting in the use of THPD for mechanical support and enhance knowledge of best practice regarding clinical management weaning and removal/exit strategies.

We retrospectively collected data of consecutive patients who received a THPD device at our center for acute RV failure between August 2015 and February 2018.

Eleven patients were diagnosed with acute RV failure and required placement of THPD. The hospital length of stay ranged from 12 to 223 days. The average length of support ranged from 11 to 154 days.