Long Lasting Insecticidal Net (LLIN) is an effective malaria prevention mechanism. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/act001-dmamcl.html However, ownership of LLIN does not imply its use among households. The availability of enough sleeping space is a natural prerequisite to install and use LLINs. The objective of this study was to explore the effect of sleeping space and other socio-demographic factors of households' heads on LLINs usage among households. A cross-sectional household-based study was conducted using a quantitative approach. Data was collected exclusively from households that received LLINs at no direct financial cost to them in a mass malaria campaign conducted in the study area using a structured questionnaire. A total of 383 households sampled for the study received 1,181 LLINs with a range of 1 to 15 LLINs per household. Less than 16% of households that received more than 2 LLINs installed all the LLINs they received during the distribution. Among households that received LLINs, 45% of them did not use them at all and 36% of them used them every night including the night before data collection. The number of bedrooms, children and members per household, and the number of occupants per bedroom were also found statistically associated with the use of LLINs among households. The study used a quantitative approach to investigate sleeping space in relation to LLINs usage and malaria control, an area and topic that has not been adequately covered in the literature.Spinal cord tumors are a challenge for patients and neurosurgeons because of the high risk of neurologic deficits from the disease process and surgical interventions. Spinal cord tumors are uncommon, and approximately 2%-3% of primary intra-axial tumors of the central nervous system occur in the spinal cord. Primary intra-axial tumors are usually derived from neuroepithelial tissue, especially glial cells. This often leads to a classic intramedullary mass differential diagnosis of ependymoma or astrocytoma, which together constitute up to 70% of spinal cord tumors. For example, ependymomas occur predominantly in adults, and astrocytomas (specifically pilocytic astrocytomas) occur predominantly in children. While that is an excellent starting point, in order to refine the differential diagnosis, the authors review the radiologic-pathologic features of specific neoplastic categories and entities recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the 2016 WHO Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System and a few additional congenital-developmental entities. Radiologists can add value by providing a reasonable preoperative differential diagnosis for the patient and neurosurgeon, in many cases by favoring the most common conditions, and in other cases by identifying radiologic features that may point toward a less common entity. Some of the less common entities include intramedullary myxopapillary ependymoma, spinal subependymoma, and spinal hemangioblastoma. Whenever possible, the characteristic imaging features and locations of these tumors are explained or traced back to the underlying cell of origin and findings seen at histopathologic examination.See discussion on this article by Buch.Medical errors are a substantial cause of morbidity and mortality and the third leading cause of death in the United States. Errors resulting in missed breast cancer are the most common reason for medical malpractice lawsuits against all physicians. Missed breast cancers are breast malignancies that are detectable at retrospective review of a previously obtained mammogram that was prospectively reported as showing negative, benign, or probably benign findings. Investigators in prior studies have found that up to 35% of both interval cancers and screen-detected cancers could be classified as missed. As such, in conjunction with having awareness of the most common misleading appearances of breast cancer, it is important to understand the cognitive processes and unconscious biases that can impact image interpretation, thereby helping to decrease the number of missed breast cancers. The various cognitive processes that lead to unconscious bias in breast imaging, such as satisfaction of search, inattention blindness, hindsight, anchoring, premature closing, and satisfaction of reporting, are outlined in this pictorial review of missed breast cancers. In addition, strategies for reducing the rates of these missed cancers are highlighted. The most commonly missed and misinterpreted lesions, including stable lesions, benign-appearing masses, one-view findings, developing asymmetries, subtle calcifications, and architectural distortion, also are reviewed. This information will help illustrate why and how breast cancers are missed and aid in the development of appropriate minimization strategies in breast imaging. ©RSNA, 2020.Background and purpose Since the onset of the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, doctors and public authorities have demonstrated concern about the reduction in quality of care for other health conditions due to social restrictions and lack of resources. Using a population-based stroke registry, we investigated the impact of the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in stroke admissions in Joinville, Brazil. Methods Patients admitted after the onset of COVID-19 restrictions in the city (defined as March 17, 2020) were compared with those admitted in 2019. We analyzed differences between stroke incidence, types, severity, reperfusion therapies, and time from stroke onset to admission. Statistical tests were also performed to compare the 30 days before and after COVID-19 to the same period in 2019. Results We observed a decrease in total stroke admissions from an average of 12.9/100 000 per month in 2019 to 8.3 after COVID-19 (P=0.0029). When compared with the same period in 2019, there was a 36.4% reduction in stroke admissions. There was no difference in admissions for severe stroke (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score >8), intraparenchymal hemorrhage, and subarachnoid hemorrhage. Conclusions The onset of COVID-19 was correlated with a reduction in admissions for transient, mild, and moderate strokes. Given the need to prevent the worsening of symptoms and the occurrence of medical complications in these groups, a reorganization of the stroke-care networks is necessary to reduce collateral damage caused by COVID-19.