
The global emission and accumulation of gases due to livestock farming is estimated to contribute to about 14.5% of the global warming effect due to greenhouse gases (GHG). Pig farming represents 9% of global livestock GHG emissions, without considering other activities of pork production process, such as feed production. Most of information about pig farms GHG emissions is based on theoretical calculations with not too much accuracy. Hence, there is a critical need to study the best sampling and analytical techniques (portable or not) that can be used to map their contribution to GHG emissions. The selection of the best analytical detection method becomes important for public policies on climate change, and in order to evaluate animal and manure handling practices to reduce GHG and to combat global warming. In this article, different techniques, which could be used to measure the emissions of GHG from livestock, are reviewed, showing the advantages and disadvantages of each technique, with special emphasis on those already used in studies about GHG from pig farms and those that allow the simultaneous determination of several species of gases. Open chambers equipped with photoacoustic multi-gas monitor have been the techniques most employed in intensive pig farms studies. Gas Chromatography coupled to different detectors has been only widely used in pig farms to monitor simultaneously several GHG species using previous sampling devices. However, there are no studies in the literature based on extensive pig farms. In these systems, micrometeorological techniques could be a promising strategy.
Cervical total disc replacement (TDR) aims to maintain normal cervical kinematics after surgery. This study investigates the relation between shifted location of centre of rotation (COR) and subsequent surgical outcomes after multilevel cervical TDR (MCTDR) and identifies radiological parameter that corresponded to this change of COR after MCTDR.

The study included a consecutive 24 patients treated with MCTDR following the diagnosis of multilevel cervical disc herniation or stenosis. Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), range of motion (ROM) at both C2-7 segment and TDR implanted levels, and location of COR at TDR level were evaluated at pre- and post-MCTDR. These parameters were compared between patients who experienced successful and unsuccessful pain relief.

The inherent CORs relatively at ventro-cranial coordinates have demonstrated significant migrations to dorso-caudal location, more prominent shifts for the successful group, after MCTDR switch. The unsuccessful group showed markedly reduced C2-7 ROM and reduced angular improvement at C2-7 as well as MCTDR level in comparison with the successful group. Postoperative C2-7 ROM was related to postoperative COR along the X axis.

The determinant for clinical success after MCTDR, other than mere preservation of the ROM both at C2-7 and TDR levels, was restoration of COR from ventro-cranial location close to normal coordinates by posterior and inferior shifts. The position of COR along the X axis after MCTDR was important factor to determine maintenance of C2-7 ROM.
The determinant for clinical success after MCTDR, other than mere preservation of the ROM both at C2-7 and TDR levels, was restoration of COR from ventro-cranial location close to normal coordinates by posterior and inferior shifts. The position of COR along the X axis after MCTDR was important factor to determine maintenance of C2-7 ROM.Microtubules (MTs), as transport tracks, play important roles in hyphal-tip growth in filamentous fungi, but MT-associated proteins involved in polarized growth remain unknown. Here, we found that one novel zinc finger protein, FgChy1, is required for MT morphology and polarized growth in Fusarium graminearum. The Fgchy1 mutant presented curved and directionless growth of hyphae. Importantly, the conidia and germ tubes of the Fgchy1 mutant exhibited badly damaged and less-organized beta-tubulin cytoskeletons. Compared with the wild type, the Fgchy1 mutant lost the ability to maintain polarity and was also more sensitive to the anti-MT drugs carbendazim and nocodazole, likely due to the impaired MT cytoskeleton. Indeed, the hyphae of the wild type treated with nocodazole exhibited a morphology consistent with that of the Fgchy1 mutant. Interestingly, the disruption of FgChy1 resulted in the off-center localization of actin patches and the polarity-related polarisome protein FgSpa2 from the hyphal-tip axis. A similar defect in FgSpa2 localization was also observed in the nocodazole-treated wild-type strain. In addition, FgChy1 is also required for conidiogenesis, septation, sexual reproduction, pathogenicity, and deoxynivalenol production. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/epacadostat-incb024360.html Overall, this study provides the first demonstrations of the functions of the novel zinc finger protein FgChy1 in polarized growth, development, and virulence in filamentous fungi.[Formula see text] Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.Here, we present the first complete chromosome-level genome assembly of the smut fungus strain Sporisorium panici-leucophaei SPL10A, the causal agent of the sourgrass (Digitaria insularis) smut disease. Combining Illumina paired-end and Nanopore long reads, we generated a final assembly composed of 23 chromosomes (22 nuclear and one mitochondrial) with 18,915,934 bp. Gene prediction accomplished using extrinsic evidence from the sugarcane smut fungus Sporisorium scitamineum originated a total of 6,402 protein-encoding genes. The secretome (388 proteins) and the effectorome repertoires (68 candidates) were also predicted, given their crucial roles in plant-pathogen interactions. The complete telomere-to-telomere chromosome sequences of this poorly studied fungus will provide a valuable resource for future comparative genomic studies among smuts to unravel their underlying pathogenicity mechanisms.[Formula see text] Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
To address the data gap on efforts to assess use of assistive technology among children with disability in sub-Saharan Africa. Contribute towards efforts examining access to assistive technologies in sub-Saharan Africa.

The paper uses data from the 2017 survey on Living conditions among persons with disabilities in Malawi and the 2015-16 Malawi Demographic and Health survey to address the objective of the study. The two datasets were statistically matched through random hot deck technique, by integrating the two datasets using randomly selected units from a subset of all available data donors.

Results indicate that statistical matching technique produces a composite dataset with an uncertainty value of 2.2%. An accuracy assessment test of the technique also indicates that the marginal distribution of use of assistive technology in the composite dataset is similar to that of the donor dataset with an Overlap index value of close to 1 (Overlap = 0.997).

The statistical matching procedure does enable generation of good data in data constrained contexts.