Conclusions Derogation from the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights in the context of introduction of measures to combat the СOVID-19 pandemic is a common problem for European countries, which requires emergency measures introduction by the governments of these countries; the measures introduced should be legal, necessary, non-discriminatory, with a certain specific focus and duration; ensuring respect for human rights and freedoms requires deliberate, timely and effective legal, organizational forms and methods of states' activities and international cooperation.
The aim Theoretical and methodological substantiation of the impact of COVID-19 on the implementation of state policy on the protection of human right to health in terms of improving the legal framework in the field of demographic security.
Materials and methods The main research materials are the norms of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Conventions for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the legal framework of the countries that have adopted temporary quarantine measures. This research is based on empiricaland analytical data from WHO, Bloomberg's financial information provider. During the research, the following methods have been used statistical, system-structural analysis, content-analysis, comparison, grouping and forecasting.
Conclusions Under the conditions of pandemic, attention should be paid to strengthening both administrative and criminal liability for violating quarantine, which will serve as a prerequisite for improving the legal mechanism of combating threats to the country's demographic security. The protection of the right to health requires the state to create conditions to prevent the risk of occupational diseases among health care workers and others involved in the response to COVID-19.
Conclusions Under the conditions of pandemic, attention should be paid to strengthening both administrative and criminal liability for violating quarantine, which will serve as a prerequisite for improving the legal mechanism of combating threats to the country's demographic security. The protection of the right to health requires the state to create conditions to prevent the risk of occupational diseases among health care workers and others involved in the response to COVID-19.
The aim To reveal the features of the epidemic safety and security legal regulation in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Poland, Russia and Ukraine during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Materials and methods This study is based on Belarusian, Kazakh, Moldavian, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian regulatory acts as well as national court judgments. Such methods as dialectical, comparative, analytic, synthetic, comprehensive, statistical and generalization approaches have been used in the article.
Conclusions the study confirmed that the direct impact on the spread and dynamics of morbidity during the COVID-19 pandemic in the countries to be analyzed is determined by the presence of government agencies and special institutions involved in combating, preventing and monitoring the spread of infectious diseases and their readiness for effective measures in emergency situations caused, in particular, by epidemics; timeliness and duration of quarantine restrictions, their severity and scope; observance of these restrictions by the population; effectiveness of law enforcement responses to violations. The strengthening of administrative and/or criminal liability had no significant impact on the morbidity situation in the country.
Conclusions the study confirmed that the direct impact on the spread and dynamics of morbidity during the COVID-19 pandemic in the countries to be analyzed is determined by the presence of government agencies and special institutions involved in combating, preventing and monitoring the spread of infectious diseases and their readiness for effective measures in emergency situations caused, in particular, by epidemics; timeliness and duration of quarantine restrictions, their severity and scope; observance of these restrictions by the population; effectiveness of law enforcement responses to violations. The strengthening of administrative and/or criminal liability had no significant impact on the morbidity situation in the country.
The aim of the article is to stimulate discussions about the necessity to improve the legal regulations that guarantee a proper public health policy, as well as to determine the balance between the level of restrictions that may be imposed by State in order to protect both, the public interest of health and the economic development.
Materials and methods National legislation of Ukraine, United Kingdom and France on public health and health policy, case law of these countries, including high court decisions were used for dialectical, comparative, synthetic and systemic analyses.
Conclusions As the legality of government officials' actions principle is a fundamental constitutional principle in most European countries, states must establish such legal provisions to avoid short-term and long-term conflicts when the rights of individuals and legal entities are being restricted. At the legislative level, it is necessary to adopt transparent rules to attract private funding to the health sector. Development of the e-health and telemedicine systems could be boosted through the use of public-private partnership tools.
Conclusions As the legality of government officials' actions principle is a fundamental constitutional principle in most European countries, states must establish such legal provisions to avoid short-term and long-term conflicts when the rights of individuals and legal entities are being restricted. At the legislative level, it is necessary to adopt transparent rules to attract private funding to the health sector. Development of the e-health and telemedicine systems could be boosted through the use of public-private partnership tools.
The aim This article aims to analyze the rates of suicide as an indicator of public mental health, to consider the suicidal map of the territory of Ukraine (including to check the manifestation of such a territorial characteristic as the Albanian paradox); calculate the price of suicide for the socio-economic development of the Ukrainian state, consider the risks of suicide that have arisen as social and criminological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Materials and methods The study is based on the analytical materials of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the WHO; the information and analytical data of the GeneralProsecutor's Office of Ukraine, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and sectoral statistics for the period of 2015-2019, etc. The article is based on dialectical, analytical, synthetic, comparative, statistical, cartographic, and sociological methods of research and the method of potential demography. The theoretical basis of the article is specialized literature on medicine, suicidology, law, sociology, and cartography.