antidotale favours lower water movement through the leaf and stomata that provides an additional advantage for greater leaf carbon uptake relative to water loss with increasing leaf temperature than in the C3 species P. bisulcatum.
Dental professionals are well placed to help their patients stop using tobacco products. Large proportions of the population visit the dentist regularly. In addition, the adverse effects of tobacco use on oral health provide a context that dental professionals can use to motivate a quit attempt.
To assess the effectiveness, adverse events and oral health effects of tobacco cessation interventions offered by dental professionals.
We searched the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group's Specialised Register up to February 2020.
We included randomised and quasi-randomised clinical trials assessing tobacco cessation interventions conducted by dental professionals in the dental practice or community setting, with at least six months of follow-up.
Two review authors independently reviewed abstracts for potential inclusion and extracted data from included trials. We resolved disagreements by consensus. The primary outcome was abstinence from all tobacco use (e.g. cigarettes, smokeless tobacco) at the longest fol was insufficient evidence that interventions affected oral health.
There is very low-certainty evidence that quit rates increase when dental professionals offer behavioural support to promote tobacco cessation. There is moderate-certainty evidence that tobacco abstinence rates increase in cigarette smokers if dental professionals offer behavioural support combined with pharmacotherapy. Further evidence is required to be certain of the size of the benefit and whether adding pharmacological interventions is more effective than behavioural support alone. Future studies should use biochemical validation of abstinence so as to preclude the risk of detection bias. There is insufficient evidence on whether these interventions lead to adverse effects, but no reasons to suspect that these effects would be specific to interventions delivered by dental professionals. There was insufficient evidence that interventions affected oral health.
Recent studies have examined the factor structure and associated correlates of three neurofunctional domains, executive function, incentive salience, and negative emotionality in the development and maintenance of alcohol use disorders in clinical samples. The current study sought to replicate and extend prior work by testing this 3-factor model, utilizing both exact and similar phenotypic measures, as well as novel measures, in a non-treatment-seeking sample.
Self-report measures of alcohol addiction, impulsivity, behavior, and exposure to early-life stress were collected as part of baseline assessments for alcohol imaging and pharmacotherapy studies in 335 individuals. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to examine model structure and fit. A multiple indicators, multiple causes (MIMIC) model identified predictors of latent factors identified by CFA.
Results supported an intercorrelated model with three factors executive function, incentive salience, and emotionality. All factors were associateter addiction development.Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is characterized by the presence of serum anti-mitochondrial autoantibodies (AMAs). To date, four antigens among the 2-oxo-acid dehydrogenase complex family, which commonly have lipoyl domains as an epitope, have been identified as AMA-corresponding antigens (AMA-antigens). It has recently been reported that AMAs react more strongly with certain chemically modified mimics than with the native lipoyl domains in AMA-antigens. Moreover, high concentrations of circulating immune complexes (ICs) in PBC patients have been reported. However, the existence of ICs formed by AMAs and their antigens has not been reported to date. We hypothesized that AMAs and their antigens formed ICs in PBC sera, and analyzed sera of PBC and four autoimmune diseases (Sjögren's syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic scleroderma, and rheumatoid arthritis) using immune complexome analysis, in which ICs are separated from serum and are identified by nano-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. To correctly assign MS/MS spectra to peptide sequences, we used a protein-search algorithm that including lipoylation and certain xenobiotic modifications. We found three AMA-antigens, the E2 subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC-E2), the E2 subunit of the 2-oxo-glutarate dehydrogenase complex (OGDC-E2) and dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase binding protein (E3BP), by detecting peptides containing lipoylation and xenobiotic modifications from PBC sera. Although the lipoylated sites of these peptides were different from the well-known sites, abnormal lipoylation and xenobiotic modification may lead to production of AMAs and the formation ICs. Further investigation of the lipoylated sites, xenobiotic modifications, and IC formation will lead to deepen our understanding of PBC pathogenesis.Adequate nasal breathing is indispensable for athletes, and nasal symptoms have been shown to interfere with their subjective feeling of comfortable breathing and quality of life. Nasal symptoms are caused by either structural abnormalities or mucosal pathology. Structural pathologies are managed differently from mucosal disease, and therefore, adequate diagnosis is of utmost importance in athletes in order to choose the correct treatment option for the individual. Literature suggests that nasal symptoms are more prevalent in athletes compared to the general population and certain sports environments might even trigger the development of symptoms. Given the high demands of respiratory function in athletes, insight into triggering factors is of high importance for disease prevention. Also, it has been suggested that athletes are more neglectful to their symptoms and hence remain undertreated, meaning that special attention should be paid to education of athletes and their caregivers. This review aims at giving an overview of nasal physiology in exercise as well as the possible types of nasal pathology. Additionally, diagnostic and treatment options are discussed and we focus on unmet needs for the management and prevention of these symptoms in athletes within the concept of precision medicine.