The rate of patients with an intelligence impairment (total IQ less then 70) was higher for GE (40%) than for IGE/GGE (14%) and for IFE (7%) patients (p = 0.033). There were no significant differences between groups for behavior scores and behavioral problems. This study shows that the current ILAE classification of epilepsies with genetic etiology creates a heterogeneous group of patients with respect to cognitive performance but not behavior. These findings may help in further delineating epilepsies as regards cognitive performance, notwithstanding their closely related etiological classification.An electrosynthesis is presented to transform CO2 into an unusual nano and micron dimensioned morphology of carbon, termed Carbon Nano-Scaffold (CNS) with wide a range of high surface area graphene potential usages including batteries, supercapacitors, compression devices, electromagnetic wave shielding and sensors. Current CNS value is over $323 per milligram. The morphology consists of a series of asymmetric 20 to 100 nm thick flat multilayer graphene platelets 2 to 20 µm long orthogonally oriented in a 3D neoplasticism-like geometry, and appears distinct from the honeycomb, foam, or balsa wood cell structures previously attributed to carbon scaffolds. The CNS synthesis splits CO2 by electrolysis in molten carbonate and has a carbon negative footprint. It is observed that transition metal nucleated, high yield growth of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is inhibited in electrolytes containing over 50 wt% of sodium or 30 wt% of potassium carbonate, or at electrolysis temperatures less than 700 °C. Here, it is found that a lower temperature of synthesis, lower concentrations of lithium carbonate, and higher current density promotes CNS growth while suppressing CNT growth. Electrolyte conditions of 50 wt% sodium carbonate relative to lithium carbonate at an electrolysis temperature of 670 °C produced over 80% of the CNS desired product at 85% faradaic efficiency with a Muntz brass cathode and an Inconel anode.Numerous spine Finite Element (FE) models have been developed to assess spinal tolerances, spinal loadings and low back pain-related issues. However, justified simplifications, in terms of tissue decomposition and inclusion, for such a complex system may overlook crucial information. Thus, the purpose of this research was to develop and validate a comprehensive and representative spine FE model inclusive of an accurate representation of all major torso elements. A comprehensive model comprised of 273 tissues was developed via a novel FE meshing method to enhance computational feasibility. A comprehensive set of indirect validation tests were carried out to validate every aspect of the model. Under an increasing angular displacement of 24°-41°, the lumbar spine recorded an increasing moment from 5.5 to 9.3 Nm with an increase in IVD pressures from 0.41 to 0.66 MPa. Under forward flexion, vertical vertebral displacements simulated a 6% and 13% maximum discrepancy for intra-abdominal and intramuscular pressure results, all closely resembling previously documented in silico measured values. The developed state-of-the-art model includes most physiological tissues known to contribute to spinal loadings. Given the simulation's accuracy, confirmed by its validation tests, the developed model may serve as a reliable spinal assessment tool.Potentially neuroprotective effects of CI use were studied in 22 children with single sided deafness (SSD). Auditory-evoked EEG confirmed strengthened representation of the intact ear in the ipsilateral auditory cortex at initial CI activation in children with early-onset SSD (n = 15) and late-onset SSD occurring suddenly in later childhood/adolescence (n = 7). In early-onset SSD, representation of the hearing ear decreased with chronic CI experience and expected lateralization to the contralateral auditory cortex from the CI increased with longer daily CI use. In late-onset SSD, abnormally high activity from the intact ear in the ipsilateral cortex reduced, but responses from the deaf ear weakened despite CI use. Results suggest that (1) cortical reorganization driven by unilateral hearing can occur throughout childhood; (2) chronic and consistent CI use can partially reverse these effects; and (3) CI use may not protect children with late-onset SSD from ongoing deterioration of pathways from the deaf ear.The current outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a global crisis due to its quick and wide spread over the world. A good understanding of the dynamic of the disease would greatly enhance the control and prevention of COVID19. However, to the best of our knowledge, the unique features of the outbreak have limited the applications of all existing dynamic models. In this paper, a novel stochastic model was proposed aiming to account for the unique transmission dynamics of COVID-19 and capture the effects of intervention measures implemented in Mainland China. We found that (1) instead of aberration, there was a remarkable amount of asymptomatic virus carriers, (2) a virus carrier with symptoms was approximately twice more likely to pass the disease to others than that of an asymptomatic virus carrier, (3) the transmission rate reduced significantly since the implementation of control measures in Mainland China, and (4) it was expected that the epidemic outbreak would be contained by early March in the selected provinces and cities in China.The introduction of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery is an alternative approach to conventional cataract surgery. Our study aimed to determine the effectiveness of femtosecond laser-assisted capsulotomy in the presence of different ophthalmic viscoelastic devices (OVDs) in the anterior chamber. Fresh porcine eyes (n = 96) underwent LDV Z8-assisted anterior capsulotomy, either in the presence of an OVD (Viscoat, Provisc, Healon, Healon GV or HPMC) or without, using 90% and 150% energies respectively. Following that, the capsule circularity, tag's arc-length, tag-length, tag-area and rupture strength (mN) of the residual capsular bag were evaluated. We found that increasing energy from 90 to 150% across the OVD sub-groups improved the studied capsulotomy parameters. Amongst the 90% energy sub-groups, the circularity and tag-parameters were worse with Viscoat and Healon GV, which have higher refractive index and viscosity compared to the aqueous humour. Using 150% energy, Healon GV showed a significantly worse total arc-length (p = 0.