Learn The Law
Gianna Miceli🇺🇸
What is the law? Not what you think it is!
Not statues and codes!
I'm going to Mar-A-Lago on Saturday to the John Eastman documentary premiere where the alleged most brilliant LEGAL minds will be gathering...
And I hope to have the chance to ask them...
"Why are you entering a court that lacks subject matter jurisdiction and not demanding your 7th Amendment right to an Article III Common Law jury?
The ONLY thing standing between your rights and the tyranny, IS the Supreme Court (Article III)
1. Hale v Henkel the Constitution must be interpreted in light of the law as it existed at the time it was adopted.
2. Judge Gorsuch issued a scathing Supreme Court ruing in the SEC v Jarkesy, that the British attempted to evade American cries by siphoning adjudication to jury-less admiralty, vice admiralty, and chancery courts.
These are administrative and require a contract that compels you to perform.
That contract happens upon you hiring BAR CARD re-presentation.
3. Simmons v United States the state cannot convert a right into a privilege, charge a license fee for it and criminals the actions of anyone who doesn’t acquire the license.
Driver’s license
All license requirements from the state are unlawful
4. The Supreme Court in Jarkesy reaffirmed that actions involving private rights, such as common-law fraud, must be heard by an Article III court: "Congress cannot 'conjure away the Seventh Amendment by mandating that traditional legal claims be... taken to an administrative tribunal." SEC v. Jarkesy, 603 U.S. (2024)
Only men and women have private rights.
5. The Bruen case: If the government wants to enforce something they have to prove it was in alignment with our nations’s history.
“When the Second Amendment’s plain text covers an individual’s conduct, the Constitution presumptively protects that conduct. The government must then justify its regulation by demonstrating that it is consistent with the Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.”
In matters of private rights, you have a right to LAWFUL due process, not statutory where the state made themselves a victim to steal your money, but under the common law.
No court subscribes to that.
Therefore the ambiguity favors the accused.
Mic drop bitches!🎤
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