It is reasonable to believe that pain control by the staff at San Camillo is better, even though both hospitals are equally important regional institutions.
San Camillo Hospital presents data showing reduced pain prevalence, and describing pain even in patients unable to self-report. It is reasonable to believe that pain control by the staff at San Camillo is better, even though both hospitals are equally important regional institutions.
This study aimed to investigate differences in mater-nal and perinatal outcomes between dichorionic-diamniotic (DCDA) twin pregnancies between those conceived spontaneously and those conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF)/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
This study was a single-center, retrospective cohort study. All women with DCDA twin pregnancies were considered for inclusion. Monochorionic twins and higher-order multiple pre-gnancies were excluded. All data related to maternal and perinatal outcomes were extracted from the hospital database and compared between spontaneously conceived DCDA twin pregnancies and those conceived by IVF/ICSI. Multivariable logistic regression was used to adjust for confounders to determine factors associated with maternal and perinatal outcomes.
Of 739 identified DCDA twin pregnancies, 483 (65.4%) were conceived through IVF/ICSI treatment (IVF/ICSI group), and 256 (34.6%) were spontaneously conceived (SC group). Women in the IVF/ICSI group were older ands.
Our study demonstrated that women with DCDA twin pregnancies conceived through IVF/ICSI experienced more complications than those with SC DCDA twin pregnancies. Newborns in the IVF/ICSI group had a slightly lower mean birth weight and required respiratory support more frequently, but no other significant differences in perinatal outcomes or perinatal mortality were observed between the two groups.
Proximal femur fractures (PFF) usually occur in ge-riatric patients and lead to high mortality and disability. This study aims to analyze the mortality rate at 30 days in over-65 -years hospitalized patients with proximal femur fractures, comparing the data collected from three public hospitals in Lazio Region, focusing on early surgery outcomes.
They were gathered data from the Regional Program for the Evaluation of the Outcomes of Health Interventions (P.Re.Val.E.) dated 2019, managed by the Department of Epidemiology of the Regional Health Service of Lazio (DEP), concerning femur fractures' treatment and outcome in elderly patients. Three hospitals were selected (called A, B, or C), belonging to a specific Local He-alth Authority in Rome, and for each of them were identified some indicators (total number of hospitalizations, origin of the admissions, destination of patients, surgery within 48 hours or two days, 30-day mortality, number of hospitalizations).
In Hospital A, the mortality rate at 30 dayemoral fractures in over-65-years patients, the results of surgical treatment in 48 hours and the morta-lity rate at 30 days represent a reproducible index of quality of the healthcare system. However, other variables need to be considered in future studies, taking into account different features of various hospitals, even if they belong to the same Local Health Authority. v.
The aim of the study is to provide scientific evidence on the possibility of using the Corneal point a skin point for measu-rements that can be made on both standard and three-dimensional photographs. Also, we want to demonstrate the stability of corneal point during the growth, to use it as a reference point.
A sample of 105 radiographs was reached. A descriptive and longitudinal statistical analysis was performed.
By data analysis we obtained more variability inter-subject of the millimetrically value of the SC plan. For this reason, we consi-dered the relationship between the SN and SC values and not a single value. In the cross-sectional study the T- test analysis did not show a different significant result of variations between SC and SN in both sexes; therefore, we considered these as unique sample.
Longitudinal study has a major importance for to esta-blishing the age-related changes. By cross-selection and longitudinal analysis we obtained an overlapping trend of the SN and SC plan. As the SN plan has always been used as a reference plan for cephalometric measurements, although its variations in growth, it can be concluded that the SC plan can be considered equally a reference plan.
Longitudinal study has a major importance for to esta-blishing the age-related changes. By cross-selection and longitudinal analysis we obtained an overlapping trend of the SN and SC plan. As the SN plan has always been used as a reference plan for cephalometric measurements, although its variations in growth, it can be concluded that the SC plan can be considered equally a reference plan.
To investigate the risk and pattern of tumors in italian neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) patients.
A retrospective single institution case review of 711 patients (seen between March 1992 and February 2018) with NF1 was conducted to identify individuals with diagnoses of both NF1 and neoplasm. NF1-associated tumors have been collected and analyzed.
We identified 221 tumors in 191 subjects with a percentage of 26.9%, diagnosed at a median age of 32.5 years (range, 0.6-70.1 years); 111 of these patients were females (58%) and all were fol-lowed up for a median of 5.3 years. The cumulative risks for tumor in patients with NF1 by the ages of 30 and 60 years were 10% and 42.5%, respectively. In our patients with tumor, overall survival at 70 years was significantly shorter than in those without it (50% vs 95%, P<0.0001). We found an unequivocally increased incidence for breast cancer in females (33 cases observed).
Tumors that develop in patients with NF1 are heterogeneous, our data are consistent with other reports suggesting an increase in some cancers risk among these individuals, therefore systematic medical follow-up in people with NF1 is important.
Tumors that develop in patients with NF1 are heterogeneous, our data are consistent with other reports suggesting an increase in some cancers risk among these individuals, therefore systematic medical follow-up in people with NF1 is important.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the relia-bility and validity of the lifestyle (Miller-Smith) and life expectancy (Schneider) questionnaires in the Italian setting in order to make this instrument available for the determination of lifestyle and hope level in the different domains of everyday life.
Before testing their psychometric properties, the original versions of the two questionnaires, lifestyle (Miller-Smith) and life expectancy (Schneider), were translated into the Italian language. We tested the instrument's psychometric properties on a sample of 18 patients over 60 years old with Alzheimer's disease in the Sapienza University of Rome teaching hospital, policlinico Umberto 1. Internal consistency was considered to assess the reliability of the results across items within the adopted scale by using Cronbach's α coefficient. Using Kolmogorov-Smirnov's test, the normality distribution was evaluated to guarantee the applicability of a parametric or non-parametric test. The software used tharacteristics of factorial validity for future epidemiological studies aimed at evaluating lifestyle and lifestyle expectancy in the Italian population and can as well be used in clinical practice and research.
The use of anthracyclines in metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is limited by cumulative dose-dependent cardiotoxicity mostly in elderly women with comorbidities. The aim of this observational retrospective study was to evaluate the efficacy of non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (Myocet®) and cyclophosphamide in elderly women as HER2 negative first-line MBC treatment.
84 elderly women >70 years of age (median age 78 years) with MBC HER2 negative were enrolled. Performance Status in 58 patients was ECOG-0 and in 26 patients was ECOG-1.
The drug was well tolerated, with overall response rates were >40%, median overall survival was 16.2 months (95%CI14.6-18.8) and median progression free survival was 5.8 months (95%CI4.4-8.6). Hematologic toxicity with neutropenia was the most frequent adverse event, but the treatment was well tolerated maintained a manageable cardiotoxicity.
Non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin may represent a valid therapeutic option in first-line for elderly patients with HER/2 negative MBC improving survival, anti-tumor response rate and de-creases cardiotoxicity.
Non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin may represent a valid therapeutic option in first-line for elderly patients with HER/2 negative MBC improving survival, anti-tumor response rate and de-creases cardiotoxicity.
Recent trials and reviews have raised question about the safety of total parenteral nutrition (TPN), due to the increased rate of TPN related complications. Diabetic patients are vulnerable to hyperglycaemia, and poor studies have investigated hospital out-comes of diabetic patients requiring TPN. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of in-hospital mortality, prolonged length of stay and transfer to long-term care facilities among diabetic patients with TPN.
The study considered all hospital admissions of diabetic patients over 65 years of age performed between 2006 and 2015 in Abruzzo Region, Italy. To compare the outcomes of TPN and non-TPN patients, a propensity score matching procedure was performed.
A total of 140,556 admissions were analyzed. After matching, 1947 patients were included into the analyses 649 patients with TPN and 1298 controls. TPN was significantly associated to in-hospital mortality (OR=7.15; 95%CI 5.54-9.22), prolonged LOS (OR=2.78; 95%CI 2.28-3.38) and transfer to LTCF (OR=2.16; 95%CI 1.64-2.85).
TPN is associated with poor outcomes among elderly diabetic patients in the Italian setting. Being aware of the risk factors among diabetic patients with TPN can be used to anticipate the patients' needs during the admission and the immediate post-discharge period.
TPN is associated with poor outcomes among elderly diabetic patients in the Italian setting. Being aware of the risk factors among diabetic patients with TPN can be used to anticipate the patients' needs during the admission and the immediate post-discharge period.
For patients with acute large vessel occlusion (ALVO) in the anterior circulation who are able to undergo mechani-cal thrombectomy (MTB) within 4.5 hours, the need for intravenous thrombolysis prior to the intervention remains unclear.
Patients who were eligible for intravenous thrombolysis, who presented with ALVO in the anterior circulation, and who started MTB within 4.5 hours were matched at a 11 ratio to a thrombectomy alone group or to a bridging therapy group. Patients in the bridging therapy group were administered intravenous alteplase at a standard dose of 0.9 mg/kg. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of the throm-bectomy alone group compared with the bridging therapy group.
From December 2020 to September 2021, 60 patients were recruited in the study and completed the trial. The baseline para-meters of patients were similar between the two groups. At the 90-day follow-up, 18 patients (60%) in the thrombectomy alone group versus 18 patients (60%) in the bridging therapy group achieved functional independence (odds ratio [OR] 1, 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.