Divine Economy Theory founded by @brucekoerber

VISION: a network of people who spread the knowledge of the divine economy theory MISSION: build a network of people who spread the knowledge of the divine economy theory
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BRACE YOURSELF but more importantly build for the future.


The Cycle
The journey is part of our evolution and it is part of our maturity. What we discover during the journey is both the old and the new. From our vantage point it is the past that gives us footing, and it is the new reaches we make that take us towards the summit. But this perspective— the recognition that we are at a vantage point—is a sign of the times. We are at a special point in the cycle of human affairs.
The fact that the divine economy theory is now discovered is evidence that we are in a new cycle. At the same time this new cycle has a nature about it that requires a new theory. Reciprocally then, the discovery of the divine economy theory and the need for the divine economy theory are both important in this cycle, in this particular era of human history.


The militant Marxists want inflation because it is an attack on capital.
The other interventionists are simply fooled by the mirage of counterfeiting.


You have the right to object to tyranny!


Where else in the economic literature can you find a picture of active entrepreneurship?